
Taiwan Quotes

There are 348 quotes

"If China decided to abandon diplomacy and invade Taiwan, it would be no doubt met by U.S.-armed Taiwanese forces."
"Every time we do a war game involving a conflict with China over Taiwan, we lose."
"Taiwan produces around 50 percent of the world's semiconductors... semiconductors are important for every single gadget in your life."
"Securing Taiwan is not just important for the ever intensifying global clash between authoritarianism and democracy but also for very important political and economic reasons."
"American President Joe Biden promising that the U.S would come to Taiwan's aid, World War III is looking more likely, and it won't be starting in Europe."
"For the Chinese Communist Party, Taiwan represents an existential threat."
"Losing Taiwan will be seen all over Asia as the end of American predominance. It would cause a run on the dollar. It would be the American Suez."
"The people of Taiwan do not want to be dominated and over time, that sentiment has only increased. People identify increasingly as Taiwanese first, Chinese second."
"Taiwan has started doing face mask diplomacy... they have big signs on that say Taiwan can help."
"Taiwan has had you know great success over the last couple years."
"Taiwan's diplomacy is cat warrior diplomacy instead of wolf warrior diplomacy because cats are flexible and they have agility."
"Taiwan is responsible for nearly all advanced semiconductors on planet Earth."
"Taiwan is an independent nation. It is not governed by the Chinese government, nor should it be."
"Do not attempt to take Taiwan by force because you will not be successful, and there will be serious casualties."
"Strategic ambiguity... we don't say whether we'll defend Taiwan; it depends on the circumstances."
"China's massive military and nuclear weapons buildup, aimed at conquering Taiwan by any means necessary, poses a major threat to global stability."
"We will not abandon our commitment to Taiwan, and we're proud of our enduring friendship."
"John Cena put up a speech, yeah, having to say that, apologizing for Taiwan, saying 'Taiwanese.' The funny thing is, he groveled an apology, but he didn't mention what he was apologizing for because you're not actually allowed to say anything about Taiwan."
"The reason that Taiwan is necessary for the United States to protect and defend is not just because it is a democracy, it is because we have a very real interest, a military interest, in making sure that our military superiority remains over threats to the world like China."
"If China takes Taiwan, China becomes a superpower."
"Oh, and also, just so we're all clear, Taiwan is, in fact, a country."
"We're continuing to push very hard for Taiwan to have meaningful participation in the WHO."
"Taiwan is about 50 times harder to invade than Ukraine."
"If chips are the new oil, Taiwan is the new Middle East."
"Taiwan seeks international support after Chinese incursions. Taiwan will ensure regional peace and stability and seek to work with other like-minded democracies."
"Taiwan's geostrategic significance: Taiwan is an important element, not a pawn, in the game of competition with China."
"Washington's credibility in Asia, and thus its ability to muster a coalition to stop China's domineering ambitions, would be gravely damaged by failing to effectively defend Taiwan."
"For these reasons, Taiwan not only can be defended, it should be."
"If Taiwan falls, the Communist Party of China could become the leading power in the world and trigger the decline of US global influence."
"Taiwan is by far the biggest manufacturer of chips, accounting for more than 60% of the global market."
"If you can't defend it, it's not yours. Protecting Taiwan, protecting our home is our own responsibility."
"Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen has spent her morning assessing the damage caused by China’s sneak attack."
"Taiwan is de facto an independent nation in every material sense."
"Taiwan is different from a couple things. One, it's a country where we have drawn a line as the U.S. and said this is an ally."
"Honestly, if I had the most concern for any nation right now, it would be Taiwan."
"We have to talk from strength, from what Taiwan has been so good about."
"Taiwan is a self-governing prosperous country that is not part of communist China. It's a rebuke in China's face."
"The CCP is threatening war against Taiwan... will the United States step in to defend Taiwan if it comes down to it?"
"Here's the choice you have: you can shrug your shoulders and give up on doing anything that helps Taiwan better defend itself."
"If it's supposed to terrify and intimidate Taiwan, again it seems to me more likely that it ends up being counterproductive."
"...Taiwan is a touchstone for whether the Chinese people are capable of democracy after all."
"The U.S needs to show China that it can protect Taiwan."
"US won't back down in selling arms to Taiwan."
"Keep your hands off of Taiwan. We're here. We're going to do what it takes to defend democracy in Taiwan."
"The U.S. is pushing forward with the sale of as many as seven major weapons systems to Taiwan."
"We know that China is prepared right now to take Taiwan." - Video Narrator
"Taiwan has humiliated the Chinese Communist Party."
"The Taiwanese understand all too well that the political, social, economic and democratic measures they have taken over the years on the island have created a great divide between it and mainland China."
"We have nothing to do with China, we are Taiwan and we do not intend to rule over anyone other than ourselves, nor allow anyone to rule over us."
"There is no question that the most important thing we can do with regards to Taiwan is to strengthen their deterrence."
"It's much more likely that he will continue his political efforts to bring political control to Taiwan."
"Even with odds against them, don't underestimate Taiwan's ability to defend itself with devastating losses."
"From a colony of a militaristic Empire to a thriving democracy and from a backwards agrarian society to a technological superpower, this is a remarkable story of Taiwan."
"Protests and Free Press were no longer forbidden, and in 1987 martial law was finally lifted after almost four decades."
"The United States would protect Taiwan against China."
"Media reports are now flooded with news of how typhoon kanu was substantially assisted in refilling Taiwan's reservoirs."
"The general public in Taiwan has since become firm and clear in the rejection of the Chinese Communist Party."
"Should the U.S make it clear it would defend Taiwan in the case of a Chinese invasion?"
"You've got this big love and all these amazing emotions that you want to share."
"Taiwan is a very significant and strategic democracy in Asia that we need to protect and defend."
"Taiwan is definitely the country that we need to diplomatically recognize."
"Land reforms supercharged agricultural output and set the stage for Taiwan's industrialization."
"Taiwan's GDP grew by about 19% each decade from 1911 to 1941, outclassing China's performance."
"The Biden administration approves its first arms sale to Taiwan, valued at 750 million dollars."
"U.S. Health Secretary Alex Azar offering President Trump's strong support for Taiwan."
"Taiwan Foreign Ministry spokeswoman O Tiangan declared that the CCP has never ruled Taiwan for a single day."
"Taiwan needs to build up its Western Alliance and its military capabilities."
"Democrats will continue to support a peaceful resolution and defend Taiwan from an attack by the CCP."
"Taiwan is the most important and sensitive issue between China and the US."
"Taiwan today is the second richest major economy in Asia following only just behind Japan."
"Taiwan's story of transitioning from an agrarian economy to a low-cost manufacturing center and then finally on to becoming an advanced Center of world leading Industries is not unique."
"Taiwan is setting up a new office in Lithuania, the office will be named the Taiwanese representative office, the first office in Europe to be called such."
"The Taiwanese have become more and more determined to maintain their de facto sovereignty."
"I think our support for Taiwan is a righteous support."
"Taiwan, viewed as the world model for combating the CCP virus."
"China's plan to Annex Taiwan... they want this war."
"Remember, the United States has a one China policy... but President Biden said, 'by any means necessary to defend Taiwan.'"
"China claims self-governed Taiwan as its own and has not renounced the use of force."
"The American Military could not prevent the People's Republic of China from enslaving 23 million free people on Taiwan."
"The concentration of the semiconductor sector in Taiwan is not a risk but is the key to the reorganization of the global semiconductor industry." - President Tai England
"No one can control TSMC by force." - Taiwan Legislator Wang Ding Yu
"Taiwan's international integration will defuse potential conflict with China."
"China slowly wears down Taiwan without crossing the line to war."
"Taiwan is a critical cog in international trade, producing over 90 percent of the most advanced semiconductors."
"If the CCP wants to take Taiwan, it's not just Taiwan they'll be fighting."
"Taiwan has some advice for the regime: double down on realizing democracy."
"Taiwan is also taking note of China's moves here."
"The US likes Taiwan so much they’re trying to put a ring on it. A military ring!"
"There won't be like, you know what, we will die to get Taiwan back because it's deep, it's in the DNA, it's the pride, it's so much."
"Taiwan has handled this pandemic really well."
"Taiwan has been a successful vibrant democracy since the end of the military dictatorship there."
"The defense of Taiwan is in our own hands and we are absolutely committed to that."
"Taiwan is really on the front lines of the cyber warfare with China."
"Taiwan's defense ministry is warning China of strong countermeasures if its forces get too close to the island."
"Taiwan is a wholly independent nation, and has acted as such ever since Chang Kai-shek led his Kuomintang government to Taiwan in 1949."
"I believe Taiwan has a right to autonomy and self-governance."
"Taiwan or Taiwanese companies produce an estimated half of the world's semiconductors."
"It is in Taiwan's interest to maintain its current dominance in terms of semiconductors."
"A free Taiwan strengthens Japan's security and denies China of the option of directly attacking American Allies"
"The Taiwanese priority: Strengthening security against China"
"French senators are expected to visit Taiwan this autumn."
"China's military superiority over the United States close to Taiwan island is overwhelming."
"Will the United States hang Taiwan out to dry?"
"Taiwan I've just done so good and I would love to know why"
"Taiwan's GDP per capita is higher than even the richest city in China."
"The loss of Taiwan would break that geopolitical chain that is the fulcrum for U.S Global defense."
"The U.S is challenging China's claim to Taiwan as being an integral part of the Chinese State."
"Moves like this could be a sign they don't care what our response is because they know there will be a worse response if they actually try to invade and seize Taiwan."
"If you rip away Taiwan you're gonna really just put a noose around China's neck economically."
"If anyone criticizing China invading Taiwan gets censored, what do we do?"
"Taiwan shows the entire world that there is a better path that can be taken."
"Taiwan is the only democracy on the planet that faces a credible threat of invasion."
"Will there be an independent Taiwan in 25 years? Yes."
"China's desperate right now that's why they will invade Taiwan before the end of the year."
"How many months is that? 202 days with no local community transmission." - Information about Taiwan
"If China is going to launch a war against Taiwan, we will fight to the end, and that is our commitment."
"We believe that democracy at the end is going to prevail and Taiwan is going to prevail."
"China will have to think far ahead because we are not going to stop tensions regarding Taiwan."
"The security of Taiwan is crucially important."
"China says the exercises were carried out near a major Taiwanese air base."
"If China were to take control of Taiwan, it would spell the end of a liberal democracy and have a chilling effect on democracies around the world."
"For us, the continued sovereignty of Taiwan is an absolute American imperative."
"Our business interests with China are significantly bigger than our business interests with Taiwan."
"This is major news, considering the world has been holding its breath to see what would happen between China and Taiwan."
"Taiwan is incredibly accepting. Citizens, yes, five years."
"This is very important not just for the people of Taiwan but also for U.S power and preeminence in the world."
"If China takes Taiwan, Japan believes they're next."
"We will continue to deepen exchanges with all countries and stride out into the world." - Taiwan President
"We will not stay quiet." - Taiwan Foreign Minister
"Taiwan absolutely brilliant well done excellent couldn't be better you've aborted the epidemic you've stopped the whole thing from coming in the first place good."
"We are committed to defend Taiwan against Chinese aggression as we should be."
"America's solidarity with the 23 million people of Taiwan is more important to now today than ever as the world faces a choice between autocracy and democracy."
"It also is about our shared values of democracy and freedom and how Taiwan has been an example to the world in that regard."
"Taiwan's success in protecting the island nation from the pandemic has caught the world's attention."
"The timing of Pelosi's visit to Taiwan is crucial."
"Taiwan deserves a seat at the World Health Assembly."
"America will always believe that Taiwan's embrace of democracy shows a better path for all the Chinese people."
"Taiwan boasts seven national parks, high-end international shopping, world-famous cuisine, and a rich sense of culture."
"Welcome to Taiwan, or as Portuguese sailors originally christened it, Ilha Formosa—the beautiful island located in the western Pacific off the coast of mainland China."
"Taiwan isn't China, I mean it's literally got a different name with a different city and it's on an island and you know, so on and so forth."
"China's air force is patrolling Taiwan again, this time with its largest fleet per day ever, amid growing tensions."
"Pursuing dreams of grandeur, Xi Jinping vowed to reunify Taiwan with mainland China."
"The best reason to defend Taiwan against an invasion is you have 23 million wonderful people who share our values, largely believe in freedom and democracy."
"Is Taiwan important for the Democratic World? Experts say yes."
"Taiwan senses the support of the United States."
"Taiwan just became the first country in East Asia to legalize same-sex marriage."
"If you care about Taiwan, if you want it to be able to defend itself, you want to kind of turn it into what's called like a porcupine."
"US public support for direct involvement in contingency in Taiwan rose to 56 percent."
"A Chinese invasion of Taiwan is a real and dangerous possibility."
"Taiwan, a champion of democracy, has become a shining example."
"The striking difference between Taiwan's freedom and democracy and the CCP's authoritarian rule is undeniable."
"Other governments are wary, Taiwan which has an internet infrastructure that could be vulnerable in the event of a..."
"Defending Taiwan is of critical national defense importance to the United States."
"Taiwan seamlessly blends both old and new world cultures."
"Taiwan's fate matters, and refusing to fight for Taiwan would have consequences."
"The Shandong carrier has spoiled XI Jinping's Chinese dream to reunify Taiwan by force."
"I think the entire world has something to learn from Taiwan and how they've handled this."
"China wants to take control of Taiwan administratively."
"The health of 23 million people should never be sacrificed for politics, and despite not entering the WHA for more than three years, the world has seen Taiwan's efforts."
"Taiwan's gross national product recorded an explosive growth of a staggering 360 percent from 1965 to 1986."
"The Taiwanese Miracle was a period in the late 20th century when Taiwan's economy experienced unprecedented growth."
"Taiwan's semiconductor manufacturing industry, led by TSMC, has become indispensable to the world."
"Using GDP per capita, we can very clearly and in an unbiased way state that Taiwan is far richer than China."
"I discovered there is something called milk tea, and it's actually from Taiwan."
"Taiwan is really underappreciated for its High-Speed Rail, which is world class."
"...the United States will come to the defense of Taiwan."
"China's intentions are clear: an invasion of Taiwan is coming."
"President Biden has said the quiet part out loud, and China can expect to face US forces if it attempts to invade Taiwan."
"Thousands of miles away, Taiwan begins to move their command and control functions into hardened nuclear-proof underground facilities."
"In Taiwan, he can definitely redistribute Taiwanese land. No problem there."
"Taiwan today produces 90% of the world's most advanced processor chips, the type of chips that power almost all smartphones, most PCs, data centers, cell phone towers."
"So there's a profound stake not just for us but for countries around the world in preserving peace and stability when it comes to Taiwan and the Straits."
"Taiwan is a significant contributor to the global semiconductor industry."
"Such overconfidence in their own capabilities, coupled with the false belief that Washington will allow them to deal with Taiwan without US opposition, could in turn lead China to believe an invasion could be successful."
"The culture of Taiwan is absolutely thriving."
"Whether you're a city lover or a friend of nature, the culture of Taiwan is absolutely thriving."
"Taiwan's Temple certainly impressed."
"The beautiful countryside of Taiwan has been an absolute pleasure to experience for the very first time."
"Taiwan is a lot more than just a small crowded island with electronics factories fueled by Boba."
"Taiwan and Thailand are not the same place."
"Taiwan is significantly cheaper than Japan to do the same things and have the similar experience."
"I hope you've enjoyed this video. We have. And if you like the looks of us and you want to see more of us going around Taiwan, we're going to be doing—we're here for about three and a bit weeks going around the whole country."
"It may send a signal to China that now is the time to invade Taiwan."
"We promise to support and defend the democracy that is burgeoning on Taiwan."
"Taiwan's vulnerability is obvious. The Taiwan Strait is one of the world's busiest shipping lanes and Taiwan's lifeline."
"...there was still martial law in Taiwan and the white Terror had begun."
"Taiwan is also very much interested in FIBE and they are seeking some collaboration with quad."
"It's very easy to keep the peace in Taiwan. Stick to the agreed formulas."
"Taiwan's teams were made up of players that all went to the same school which was legal according to little league but not the way Taiwan did it."
"Not a single Taiwanese team went to Williamsport without cheating."
"Taiwan has what's arguably the most efficient single-payer healthcare system in the world."
"Taiwan is Taiwan and Taiwan is own thing Taiwan got its own culture it's got its own currency language and history it doesn't have anything to do with China."
"Taiwan is the 21st century West Berlin."
"He has also launched a far more aggressive policy in pursuing claims on Taiwan."
"The more the United States can do to treat Taiwan like a valuable, respected, and legitimate diplomatic partner, the more we will be doing to undermine the interests of this deeply authoritarian regime in Beijing."
"I think agriculture is one aspect, but we have so many more opportunities including Taiwan's other industry. And the value and the benefit of integrating further with the United States economically has to be a strong argument."
"Yet it remains very much in the US interest to help the Taiwanese government defend itself, defend its democracy from Chinese interference."
"What an interesting match from Taiwan."
"We see a very powerful affirmation of democracy – something that we congratulated the people of Taiwan for and something that’s been consistent now over many years."
"It's when Beijing is publicly seen to be losing Taiwan that I think they get their most anxious."