
Virality Quotes

There are 593 quotes

"There is no denying that BuzzFeed was an immediate juggernaut around 2016, producing some of the most viral videos."
"The talk of the town, the talk of TikTok, the clips went viral."
"Don't try to make your content go viral. Produce good content, and if it goes viral, it goes viral."
"We can make kindness go viral if every time someone does something nice for us, we do more than one nice thing for someone else."
"Shares is the fastest way to grow anything, and that's how something becomes viral."
"I remember just before I fell asleep, I checked the view count, and it was on like 3,000 views... I woke up the next day, and it was on 300,000."
"In terms of sheer scale, virality, and full-throttle insanity, we haven't really seen anything like the Brony fandom since."
"If your idea lends itself towards being contagious, it's more likely to achieve massive virality."
"A meme is a cultural phenomenon that becomes viral."
"It's a low startup cost, there's a high chance of going viral, and you just need to put more time and effort into it."
"One of Ed's most famous videos is titled 'Look at this car,' in which Ed plays a rather flamboyant and obnoxious citizen who simply can't stop gawking at a car."
"Film your friends doing scary things to become SpookTube famous."
"If one of us dies, that's good. Viral content."
"TikTok's most viral videos have turned some lucky folks into overnight millionaires."
"Once something is out on the Internet, social media will latch on to it."
"Just like with viral videos, it's incredibly difficult to predict what will make something go viral."
"Tick tock makes it far easier for any user to go viral without any prior following."
"I don't know the exact number of people that have gone viral, but we've had the majority of people who have joined YTA already have their channels in place."
"It's more of like the cadence of how you speak rather than what you're actually saying that actually makes a TikTok go viral."
"The new rule is virality. If you can create virality, you can create something out of nothing."
"You can hope and pray for luck, or you can manufacture virality."
"The internet has gone mainstream and virality, a sort of career choice."
"Nobody's stopping them from doing that, it's allowed... stuff like this goes so viral on Tik Tok."
"As long as you take something that people have a common experience with and give it a new twist, that's the first step to making something go viral."
"Have you ever wondered why some pieces of content go viral and others not so much?"
"Think again because my guest today is going to show you a scientific formula for making your ideas and your products spread like wildfire."
"He had come to know the power of virality as a celebrity."
"Friday Night Funkin' went viral as a rhythm game with an art style inspired by many flash games."
"Digital platforms can catapult ordinary individuals into global sensations."
"By 2018 and morphed into a place where artists were posting their best replicated versions of popular songs and attempts to go viral."
"It's kind of an earworm. They're kind of like, 'Oh man, I'm on the internet right now, I should make a meme of that.'"
"Misinformation is more infectious than coronavirus."
"You could literally have zero followers, post one video and get a million views."
"Super controversial things makes you go viral super fast."
"Yuri's going viral right now, bro... like 1 point something million views in 18 hours."
"I've never seen anything go quite this viral."
"Let's talk a bit about how to make a game go viral."
"Going viral tends to be the worst thing that can happen to you. If you're a regular person or a creator, going viral means you are now subjected to people who don't like you."
"Let's make this message of the kingdom go viral on social media tonight!"
"Going viral is -as the name implies- to catch and spread, like a disease."
"Virality comes from how you make them feel, the story you tell, and how you relate to them."
"Are you dude, oh she's I had it, she had it, I love you saying girl, you about to go viral."
"If you're putting out undeniably good content, it's gonna go viral."
"That [expletive] is brutal bro, they were not so anybody that hasn't followed like anything Tad was trending on Twitter and like we're talking hundreds of thousands of tweets."
"This music gets to places, it becomes viral, it gets into other people's DNA and it alters halves."
"Massive payouts that make for great two-minute clips on YouTube."
"Upon discovering they'd been meme-ed, the models and Guillem were astonished by its virality."
"The Michael Rapper Pow Snoop Dog meme: you just don't miss."
"One viral thing can set you off into famousness."
"On that cross because there were moments that went viral from that cross-examination."
"I still really loved the idea that anybody could post something to the internet and in theory they could like go viral and they could become a thing."
"This guy becomes a meme overnight, people are kind of falling in love with this guy."
"Viral doesn't mean anything if people don't stick around."
"The back rooms have completely taken the internet by storm."
"The case really started to go viral on the internet via TikTok."
"One tweet can be seen by millions in seconds."
"Slow and steady and real growth takes a lot of time unless you can like strike lightning and go viral overnight which some people do but it is very uncommon."
"All you need is one video to go viral and it'll change your life."
"This series would create a template for going viral."
"Nothing makes me laugh more than seeing something go viral and just reading comments."
"Twitter failed to take action allowing the content to be viewed over 167,000 times."
"If you want your videos to go viral, they have to be good."
"Spread this video like herpes. Push it out there, subscribe, share, like, send it off. Make it go viral like the herp."
"Step into an unsaturated product and go viral with it."
"I realized that you're always one video away from your next viral thing."
"If you can incorporate engaging music into your videos, you'll have a great possibility of going viral."
"The most watched video I've ever made is a shitty cell phone clip with no cuts of a hole in the ground that did 100 million views in 5 days on Tik Tok."
"Now is actually the best time ever to go viral on TikTok."
"Package your message so that it creates word-of-mouth and viral attention online."
"There are tons of viral ideas that people can do that don't require money."
"Ray's understanding of YouTube's viral nature fueled his success."
"People are literally blowing up because of TikTok dances."
"It's been viewed like this trailer alone like 20 something million times across various uh social media sites and re-uploads."
"They use this platform, it's really dope, it goes viral, it gives them a moment."
"An unexpected turn: SEO Jun's videos went viral globally overnight."
"Every now and then someone makes a discovery that goes so viral it becomes headline news."
"Nobody cared about us and all of a sudden like we're like wait avast is just tweeting bring the mayhem and like we're getting impressions like what's going on here."
"Don't expect overnight success unless you go viral."
"With the power of the modern smartphone and camera, every tourist has a chance at the next viral footage or photograph."
"Sometimes you have to be really careful what you say and do when you're in public because you never know what may go viral."
"Martha Stewart is a very widely circulated meme... It's insanity. It's an insane clip."
"Don't do anything to go viral. It ain't even worth it."
"Attention and going viral is money just remember that."
"Let your shows be screenshotable. Memes drive culture."
"The Slender Man photos became like the hottest thing on the internet."
"You never know what's going to go viral, so keep hitting publish. If I had given up, we would not be sitting here."
"Y'all don't understand that hitting the like button is what makes the video go viral makes YouTube push the video out so if a give a that somebody says that then that's that person's problem I don't give a."
"Not everything that goes viral is actually good. It might just be weird and eye-catching."
"You gotta have something that's so contagious that people want to talk about on their own."
"I think it's more democratic because of the internet... anybody with a really funny idea... it can get three million views and people can just see that it's funny."
"You could go viral on something that you created online."
"The majority of videos that go viral on YouTube have a main title that is less than 55 characters."
"The most effective advertising is free."
"Now the video he filmed is gathering millions of views online."
"If you have something that makes you famous or viral or whatever, own that thing."
"They've all seen huge surges in popularity from having their songs blow up on TikTok."
"It's just so wonderfully memeable."
"You're 18 and that video's viral, so you're going to be rich, Tommy."
"We had a viral video come out for us that really took us from being not really known so well to getting on up there."
"I love that this has gone viral because the cop is so kind and patient and levelheaded."
"Many creators got their big break because they had just one great video go viral."
"This was such a great find that I'm shocked that it wasn't viral."
"There's like no Playbook to going viral."
"The more content you put out, the more likely you are to go viral or have that video do really well."
"Virality is not a business strategy."
"Something's happening very quickly; it could be a message that's going viral."
"If you can master storytelling, you can blow up and make anything viral."
"I started telling my stories... and they kind of started going viral."
"The idea is, since these videos are already going viral, people do like them, so it should be easy to get more views for them."
"I'm trying for viral content, I want to get you more bookings, that's the goal."
"That is the best recipe for getting a track to go viral because people feel like they've discovered something."
"Memes are essentially a way of betting on things that are going to go viral on the internet."
"Any single play, action, or moment can go absolutely viral in an instant."
"Yo man, we got like 12 million hits."
"This is a very viral set right now."
"Stay standing out and being unique is an even bigger Factor if you want your shorts to go viral."
"That's what happened to us, right? We just fell asleep one night with 2,000 followers, and then, wait 3 weeks, and all of a sudden we're at 300,000."
"There's a difference between virality and a strong brand."
"Virality is nothing more than acceleration. It's a suddenly where you get more in a day than you could have done in a year."
"This one's going to be a [ __ ] controversial one for sure. Yeah, this is great. Let's make this [ __ ] go [ __ ] viral."
"Anyone can really have the opportunity to go viral as long as your content is relatable and engaging."
"I was just like let me go check the let me download the app again and it had like 100,000 views and 10,000 likes and I like oh my God W okay if I can get 10,000 likes I can get 20 if I can get 20 I can get 100"
"Viral content actually spreads in decay."
"Creating super-sticky content that everyone would want to share with others."
"This is an icon, a truly viral product that deserves the attention it gets."
"Random Bibble memes will go viral or I'll just see silly Bibble edits, weird costumes, DIYs, and cosplays."
"Create short form content. Short form content is more likely to go viral. In other words, a 10-minute video is probably not going to resonate with somebody."
"Content is not about attracting everyone, it's about creating niche viral moments."
"...make it really educational entertaining or controversial and that is the formula for virality of organic content."
"This is extra magical I think it's so good I don't know how this has not gone viral yet it should it's that tasty"
"It became an overnight sensation. It went viral."
"Virality is not about the algorithm. It is about the audience. It is about leveraging human behavior for better or worse."
"If it's gonna go viral, it's gonna go viral."
"Things can go viral on YouTube, but on TikTok, it's like a bullet."
"The easier it is to share something, the more likely and more often that it'll get shared."
"That's how you get exposure, you post content, and if it's controversial then it goes viral."
"I'm not trying to get viral. Just consistent."
"How do you make reasonableness viral?"
"when this video starts to go viral and all these crazy things start to happen you know we start to get reports and emails and messages from literally all sorts of people everywhere you know just saying how this has changed their lives"
"The Prime team knows how to go viral."
"for the longest time people told us that we broke the internet"
"During the next Montage, we see that the video is going viral on the internet."
"One person talks about something, it goes extremely viral, then every other person wants to try it and the snowball just gets bigger and bigger and bigger."
"The only thing worse than a bad viral meme is a bad viral meme that kills like a virus too."
"That's how you create captivating content that makes people want to like, save, and share."
"The most unexpected video will go viral. And since then, a lot has changed."
"Any subject matter can go viral. It's proven: tax accountants, insurance, real estate, finance, anything can go viral. But it comes down to the context of it."
"If we make our own short videos and then people start posting those as reaction gifs all over the place, we'll go viral like the norovirus on a cruise ship."
"This went viral on TikTok, it didn't go popular but it went viral."
"These products are so good they truly deserve to go viral."
"Viral barely exists anymore. People go viral like people have millions every day and it's just nothing, you know?"
"We uploaded it to YouTube, yeah, it went viral on YouTube. So, Desper said, 'Upload it on Facebook,' we put it on Facebook, it went viral on Facebook."
"Wow, these are all TikTok viral levels."
"Every time I post that video, it goes viral every time."
"Don't ever downplay your virality because you're a viral ass [__]. You're going crazy right now."
"But the you know it's like the it's like I'm just joking about that but the you know it's like oh someone someone catches us as the Glizzy guys eating a Glizzy in public and it's like wow wow orchestrated viral stuff yeah."
"The overconsumption, the constant virality of products that aren't viral, they've just launched. How the [ __ ] are they viral?"
"...the response would be positive and I thought it would be, um, well received, but I just didn't really understand how big it would have grown to in one day."
"Get ready, ready, we're going viral."
"Virality is unsustainable. Even if you find a way to get it, you're not going to keep it. But what can you do with the genuine interactions that you get?"
"Whether it is your question does go viral, then you're kind of in, if it's the most thought-provoking that we all agreed on, it's in."
"This could be the viral moment of the tour."
"If you want to go viral, you have to do viral [__]."
"You can't premeditate viral activity. It's just about being in tune with the frequency and being in the ecosystem of what's going on."
"I call it expectation variation so like she sets the expectation that there is going to be an outro at every single show but you don't know what the outro will be which makes it viral cuz everybody wants to be like oh this is the one from this city."
"I predict, I still think because of the truth and the value of our information that we're going to become viral."
"We ended up going viral on LinkedIn."
"I feel like this is going to be all over social media and TikTok, etc."
"I decided you know what let me just make like a little animal crossing clay pin and put it on tik tok and a couple of them went like semi-viral."
"The story of his come up is a testament to the power of virality in this digital age as he seemingly blew up overnight."
"This video went viral since it gained over 1 million views."
"My viral video is actually viral. How many views? It's in the millions. I think it has like two million or three million. That's viral."
"That video went viral for good reason."
"It's not always the smartest voices that are pushed to the top, it's the loudest voices that are pushed to the top, so virality."
"The unfortunate aspect of social media in the current existence of it is that it's not always the smartest voices that are pushed to the top, it's the loudest voices that are pushed to the top, so virality."
"I felt like I just cannot believe it didn't go more viral than than what it did."
"You more viral than you ever been, you more famous than you've ever been."
"I always say to everyone, you should focus on providing value instead of focusing on going viral. Stop."
"My goal is to make a viral video. I thought this would be so cool and do so well on social media and boy was I right but not from the right people."
"If you have a knack for understanding how to get virality or get content, then you have your own distribution. If you don't have that knack, you gotta figure out how to work with people that have that access."
"I've never had something go viral like that."
"This might go viral. This might [__] go viral."
"The best consumer companies incorporate both virality and network effect."
"How can I fail? This is real viral."
"Books with a very high shock factor are also more likely to blow up on TikTok."
"This is what viral things are made of."
"Tick tock is your best friend guys honestly a video can go viral overnight and it is the biggest plus of tick tock."
"If this doesn't go viral I don't understand the internet."
"I think my first viral thing was the 'Thought Remix'. I think that's for me, for me, that's what kind of started my first really viral thing because I was already doing City Girls and then Makeup and I had just started playing with freestyling."
"The best things go viral, it's not what the media can control."
"...Tik Tok videos go viral to the tune of tens or hundreds or even millions of views."
"Nursery rhymes are the original going viral."
"I feel like with streaming, you have more chances to go viral."
"Create an image or create a clip that immediately makes somebody want to share it."
"This video like instantly blew up."
"The virality of your product is the fastest way to ensure that you grow."
"The ultimate goal is learning how to write things that can go viral."
"Viral for the sake of viral is what, right? The real goal is learning."
"This post lit up like a wildfire."
"Not everything you do has to be viral you know it can just be [ __ ] good."