
Divine Order Quotes

There are 293 quotes

"There is a divine order to everything in life; it is for this reason that exactly where you are at any given time in life is exactly where you should be according to the divine unfolding of your consciousness and life."
"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way."
"There are no accidents or coincidences in this universe; everything is happening in divine order."
"All things shift and move in perfect divine timing, in perfect divine order."
"When God planted the garden of our passions, he set a man over it to dress it and set the man under Himself."
"I love the way that God works, that everything is in decency and in order."
"Everything isn't random. There is some sort of divine order."
"There are no accidents or coincidences; everything is happening in divine order."
"For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God." - Romans 13:1
"Until we allow God to be God and stop playing God, we will end up with the same mess that was made at Eden."
"God has appointed authorities in the earth... those that exist have been instituted by God."
"Allah is the one who created the night and the day, the sun and the moon, each one is traveling in an orbit."
"Miracles are everywhere. Remember your childlike awe. Everything is in perfect order. Broaden your perspective. Trust in Divine Harmony."
"I would argue that God had set up the world to operate in certain law-like or uniform ways."
"The Lord wants to guide all our steps. The steps of the righteous are ordered of the Lord."
"God is not the author of confusion but he is the author of peace."
"When God bring order, he comes to put everything in order."
"Truly he is lord of all the gods of heaven and underworld, the king at whose discipline the gods above and below are in mourning."
"The steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord."
"Surrender to the process; everything happens in divine order."
"Everything is happening and everything is divinely orchestrating perfectly. There is no thing wrong here."
"It is impossible to remove the divine order of God. The next event has to be trumpets, and then the next event after that has to be atonement and the next event after that has to be Tabernacles."
"It is a fundamental violation of the divine order."
"The Holy Spirit is divine order and divine intelligence."
"The steps of a good person are ordered by the Lord..."
"We must learn in this age to trust what comes to us from out of the future as coming to us with a divine order, a divine intention, a divine intelligence."
"Everything is--God has exactness. Down to exact days."
"This is God's universe and God does things his way now you may have a better way but you don't have a universe."
"These prophetic timings are ordered of the Lord... we're out of sync with His kingdom if we don't observe the Jewish feasts."
"You are going to see the fruits of your labor and you're going to see firsthand evidence that accepting that everything happens in divine order is so true."
"The steps of a righteous person are ordered."
"The real reason why we should be rejecting this is because it's rebelling against the way that God created the world."
"The only Power you have over me is given to you from above."
"For every dimension, for every form of reality that God has created, there is a system of governing."
"Worship God... and that's when things lay themselves out almost automatically in the right order."
"God uses the logos, which is truthful speech, to cast the pre-cosmogonic potential into habitable order."
"We have to keep it in perspective, the order God is a God of order, we have to keep that in perspective. Praise the LORD!"
"Everything is in divine order, and so long as you continue to accept that, you are going to continue swimming in the right direction."
"Everything happens in perfect divine order, there is no mistake."
"God's original plan for his creation is calling us back to his order."
"We decree we have entered into a god ordained season and God is bringing order into the disorder of this world."
"God is a God of detail, God is a God of order, God is not the author of confusion."
"I never thought about it preparing me for what I do now, but yeah, I believe in like divine order."
"All of life is to be lived under the lordship of Jesus Christ."
"Everything happens for a reason. Everything is divinely planned in an order."
"God's on his throne, nothing's falling apart, everything's falling together."
"God is bringing order, he's shifting things."
"Hierarchy is bad. Hierarchy is great for God."
"It's just like divine, you know what I'm saying, it's just like your steps have been ordered."
"For God is not the author of confusion but of peace."
"There is no such thing as an accident or a coincidence in the universe. Everything is happening in divine order."
"Rejoice not that the demons are subject to your name but that your names are written in heaven."
"Everything is exactly the way it's supposed to be."
"The divine order is the harmonious adjustment of all situations to the truth of God, which is perfection itself."
"He who realizes the divine order lives in peace and harmony with himself and with others."
"Living in divine order is a great blessing to be able to achieve."
"Something is unfolding in Divine timing."
"All under the blood, divine order in this chaos, that's how you get people healed, you make matter, hallelujah, Father."
"We were corrected, we were directed, and you notice that even though there was wickedness in the world, it was controlled, it was subdued."
"Nothing would ever, whether great or small, can happen to a Believer without God's ordering and his permission."
"Everything is happening in divine order."
"What have they realized about you? Patience. I accept that everything happens in divine order."
"Nothing about my life is lucky. Nothing. A lot of grace. A lot of blessings. A lot of divine order."
"There are patterns that God has ordained for his children."
"Every boundary that God puts in place is for the purpose of order and our ultimate good."
"God is bringing order out of disorder."
"Accepting that everything happens in divine order."
"Have patience, it's all happening in divine order."
"Our God is a god of order so it would make sense that it would be cyclical."
"God separates light and darkness, day and night, land and sea, animal and human life, male and female."
"Your stops and your steps are both ordered by the Lord."
"Redemption does a lot of things for us. It reverses the inverted order of things and puts God where He belongs."
"God set up a process by which certain things happen automatically, and as a result, those things happen without Him having to do anything."
"Resurrection is the reaffirmation of the goodness of God's created order."
"The inhabitants of the sky and the earth will be joyful with justice."
"God is about to restore the divine order of your life."
"There is a blatant denial of this divine order when either the man or the woman changes himself or herself to resemble something other than their own gender."
"The byproduct of getting along with Him is God ordering your steps to meet the people you're supposed to meet, to help you with this."
"God said I am calling your life to order."
"Each one of my steps is ordered by the Lord."
"God's in his heaven and all's right with the world."
"You are safe and this situation is under perfect control of Divine Providence and Universal order."
"God established the boundaries of the Nations."
"This is the divine design and order for a marriage."
"If you are in the creative flow, you feel everything flowing together in divine order."
"But won't it be wonderful have God allowed us to take the devil on a tour and we're home free here we stand before him a glorified Temple no ruin not a spot not a wrinkle everything in divine order."
"You're not supposed to be your step to be ordered by others but by the order of God."
"Liturgical expression is not a democracy; it's God's way."
"Steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord he Delights in his way though he falls shall not be able to class down for the Lord opposing with his right hand steps are systematic and sequential patterns of movement that get us from one place to another."
"God wants this order so that you can be blessed."
"I choose the thoughts that handle my experiences with joy and ease. Each detail is taken care of in divine right order."
"The divine plan imprinted in all things."
"God has everything in perfect order."
"The steps of a good man have been ordered by the Lord."
"God's promises always precede his commands."
"Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established."
"God appoints; we don't appoint ourselves."
"God keeps everything in place. That's right."
"God is a God of order. We have to do things God's way."
"Get behind God, not ahead of Him."
"He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me."
"He has extended his Heavenly authority to you to have dominion, to manage and multiply and replenish the earth."
"There's divine order and synergy when it comes to every single thing."
"The flourishing of my people is tied to God's providential ordering of history."
"Man is a perfect idea in divine mind, and is always in his right place."
"It amazes me how many times in the Bible the animals obeyed before humans did."
"God says he's not the author of confusion."
"We know that God is on top, we don't have any were competing with him, we know that there is a creation, and we know that man in some sense or other is above the creation and below God."
"As above, so below; thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven."
"God is not the author of confusion; He's the God of peace."
"The Lord shall make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and you shall not be beneath."
"The father is always the one in authority who gives command to both Jesus and the Holy Spirit."
"The Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all."
"To him shall bow all knees in Heaven."
"The steps of a righteous person are ordered by the Lord because He delights in his ways."
"Remember that what you are doing is seeking reconciliation with God in God's created order, a repaired relationship."
"God's commandments... are to line up people according to the way that God designed life."
"The covenant between the spiritual and the material worlds is one bound by divine law."
"God's system never fails: seed, plant, harvest."
"This is the season God is about to reveal to you why He ordered your steps the way He did."
"The steps of the righteous are ordained by God."
"You are safe in this situation, you are safe and this situation is under perfect divine control."
"Music is a Divine arrangement of notes that brings melodic order out of the infinite chaos of possibilities."
"God the Father placed everything in order to redeem us from sin."
"The same God that placed that star in a precise orbit millennia before it appeared over Bethlehem...has given at least equal attention to the placement of each of us in precise human orbits."
"This authority that you see in me is because I'm under His authority."
"The good Lord does not play dice with the universe."
"Everything has an order, and even the smallest detail that we have set into your life is placed there specifically with specific intent in order to help you to move forward."
"For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all churches of the saints."
"Put God ahead of you, most importantly."
"The order is divine... the way comes before the truth and the truth comes before the life."
"He who hears you hears me, he who rejects you rejects me, and he who rejects me rejects him who sent me."
"To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven."
"As the Father has sent Me, even so I am sending you into the world."
"This day, as ever, Thy decrees stand fast. For all things serve Thee."
"God is putting some things in order."
"Your steps are ordered by the Lord; they're not chosen by you, they are ordered by the Lord."
"God saw the light was good, and God separated the light from the darkness."
"The Christian life can only work one way, and that's God's way."
"God always operates with order, and a lot of times it can look chaotic, but it is always in the divine order."
"Seek first the kingdom, everything else will sort itself out."
"God did not give man dominion over man."
"When God can again have His rightful place in us, He will lift us up."
"Allah is the owner of status, and He is the one who assigns status, not you and me."
"As soon as stars were created by God, they immediately fulfilled their God-ordained purpose to give light on the earth."
"This is God's world, and he has ordered it. When we get in line with his order, we're not going to feel oppressed."
"God says I'm commanding you to care; it's not an option."
"The Quran is the absolute Hakim; it puts everything in its place."
"God is a god of order, so there is no confusion in this space."
"Divine intervention is not just like bad Towers; it's meant to bring about some sort of order, balance, stability."
"God is not looking for every human condition to be in place and everything in order, that's how we think, but that's not how God works."
"Thy will be done in me as it is in heaven."
"The Lord said to my Lord, sit in the place of honor at my right hand."
"Angels don't make a choice, they follow instructions."
"When the Most High divided up the nations, he did so according to the number of the sons of God."
"Unless God changes the order, a man has to lead."
"God is not God of confusion; God is God of His word; God is God of order."
"Pray and let God order you... make sure this is what you really want to do."
"God is not a god of chaos or confusion."
"In the infinite wisdom of the Lord of all the earth, each event falls with exact precision into its proper place."
"Two-thirds of the angels did not rebel and still obey God and obey His command."
"Jehovah knows how to arrange matters so that everything governed by his laws has its place."
"Realize that everything's in divine order, even the things that we judge as bad, sick, and wrong."
"We fulfill the plans of the divine world order itself."
"Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands."
"Your steps have been ordered before the foundation of the world."
"No sinner can prevent God; that is, he cannot go before him, cannot anticipate him. God is always first in the matter of salvation."
"Heavenly Father, I'm asking right now that You issue over my life and my family the divine restraining order against witchcraft."
"God's little way of making sure that everything falls into place, just as it should, and just how it needs to be."
"I am subject only to the laws of God, to the laws of good, to the laws of Spirit, to the laws of love."
"Perceiving the divine order, we are reconciled to all things, and being so reconciled, we are in perfect peace."
"I believe that there are no accidents; that our lives are divinely governed and ordained."
"God brings out of it order and beauty and goodness."
"Truly, truly, I say to you, he who receives whomever I send receives Me; and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me."
"Seek first to get back into God's country, seek first to get back into God's government."
"When God brings to organize things in your life, He starts from the inside of you."
"History repeats itself, over and over we see the same patterns that God ordained, established, woven into the fabric of the universe."
"We are all of us but mortal; we cannot defy the gods."
"All things are working together for your good because you are a child of God."
"When we follow the order of God and do what God wants, He blesses it."
"God established the perfect form of government on Earth, his theocracy."
"Don't have any expectation when things are going to happen; it's all in divine order."
"Every seed would reproduce after its own kind, that's a law from God."
"God has given us a standard that measures everything, anything else and everything that does not come in alignment with God's Plum is out of order."
"God says you're the head not the tail; you're above not beneath; you're the lender not the borrower."
"God, we will not take a step until you order our steps."
"I start with what Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la started."
"God does not author confusion or another word complication."
"All things work together for those that love God."
"He's going to restore us back to the Garden of Eden days."
"God will restore people to their proper place."
"Thy will be done in this earth even as it's being done in heaven!"
"God's order and His divine will, humbly obeyed by His faithful, accomplishes this divine purpose in them without their knowledge."
"Understand my beloved child, that the universe operates under my command."
"God's universe is always in perfect adjustment, and all His ideas work together forever in perfect harmony."
"Everything God created was created to live by laws."
"I think the scientific evidence today suggests very strongly that a divine agent ordered the way the world is ordered, the structure of the world, for our existence."
"All things are created by Him and for him and he is before all things and in him all things hold together."
"God has a program of sanctifying a believer that is just as orderly and just as meticulous as His program of salvation."
"The boundaries not just of the families but of the nations of the world are determined not by their foreign policies, not by their weapons technologies, not by their financial acumen, but by the ruler of the universe, God sets those."