
Societal Divisions Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Can't we unite? That's what makes me so frustrated."
"Trump represents a bunch of people they hate even more than they hate Trump."
"If God can kill the hostility between the Jews and the Gentiles he certainly could kill the hostility between the blacks and the whites."
"It isn't a matter of left versus right, it's top versus bottom. Class struggle is not left or right, it's class."
"Our disagreements are not anywhere near as major as people seem to make them out to be."
"I don't like Echo Chambers and regardless of you if you're on the woke side or the anti-woke side."
"We see what it is it's all a game it's basically uh these you know these kinds of people the wokes."
"Playing on people's grievances and exaggerating their differences tends to make the political system less healthy."
"You're the ones that are being used the worst because you believe this, the rest of us at least have our eyes open and we can have we have the tools to fight back but you're in the most danger Trump supporters absolutely."
"I had conversations with Trump supporters, and it was that, 'Hey man, I'm with you. I'm not one of these people that's gonna put up the [ __ ] bumper sticker 'Not My President.' I'm not gonna [ __ ] do that.'"
"It's not abortion, guns, and church closings that made coronavirus a culture war; it's the clash between people who think those things should go one way and people who think those things should go another way."
"Does the United States have the moral standing to lecture other countries about violations against human rights?"
"We too readily fall into the tribal mindset of right versus left."
"Everybody's trying to convince you their side is winning."
"The left right dynamic doesn't really make sense anymore... it's us versus the woke."
"It's going to be the haves against the have-nots."
"Gradually by selectively breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase."
"On one side you have idiots and on one side you have righteousness and what's correct."
"Our entire system is getting broken from the inside; they're dividing us."
"It looks like this white college-white non-college gap will be with us for a while and is kind of this sort of, I would argue, bad for democracy gap."
"There's always this effort to pit people against each other."
"I think shaming people does nothing but just reinforce the worst divisions."
"When we talk about divisions in America, it is important to remember this is not the most divided time in American history."
"People are voting for their interests, they're lining up behind people that they don't look like or get along with based on their interests."
"The illusions of division threaten our very existence."
"Jays actually taking action and doing something about it, and why do we have to pick a side?"
"In every element of life, there is a division between what we love, what we tolerate for the sake of our good, and what we despise."
"Unfortunately, this crisis has revealed the fault lines along race and socioeconomic status." - Tish James
"There is a divide here between college-educated, high information voters and the rest of the electorate."
"He became a symbol and was made to be by those who wanted to manipulate divisions in our society."
"The rich are living different quarantine lives than us, but they need us more than we need them."
"We're rushing to tribalism, political partisanship, and woke rage."
"This comes on, you know, the shooting of Ahmed Arbery, and you can also just see how this should be a very clear-cut thing for both sides."
"And yes I realize she said that in regards to a movie but it's basically the real problem here that when you just dismiss certain people they're only going to dismiss you in return and the gaps that separate us are only going to widen."
"It's a crisis that is laying bare the fault lines at the heart of America."
"The political divide... seems to be about people who believe in Law and Order..."
"White privilege, far from helping to combat racism, is actually stoking divisions."
"Misinformation and propaganda reinforce mistrust, deepen divisions, and increase hostility."
"There's a tremendous amount of division within whiteness."
"They're capable of anything because they believe they're morally superior."
"The confusion is all about the fact that it's one God and it's one human race. We keep dividing ourselves off and thinking, 'Oh, he's different,' but actually, there's only one God."
"One of the major divisions of the world nowadays is between those who believe and those who don't, between atheists, or agnostics, and believers."
"The people of color faced racism and discrimination. Everything was divided, even Healthcare."
"If you tell people that racial identity is the most important thing about you, you're going to get massive white identity politics."
"Politics. Us versus them. Somebody's always made to be the villain."
"The silent majority in this country is fed up... The Democrats, their plan is to tear this country down with socialism."
"The haves always create agendas to divide and conquer."
"It's just like this such a crazy experience with this like imaginary line and kind of this like worlds that are just totally separate."
"The fiction of the Kate Middleton vs Meghan Markle feud boils down to a divide between those who play the game and those who want to change it."
"I just feel like sometimes people conquer and divide and keep people separate to the do what they want those people to do you know what I mean."
"The polarity between humanity is kind of scary but it's also kind of exciting at the same time."
"Leftist whites are just massive power against us."
"I'm just saying you have to separate the have and have-nots."
"Vigilante violence is now considered awesome, fantastic in Republican circles."
"If you thought the COVID-19 pandemic divided people, you clearly haven't watched an argument between someone who believes in UFOs and someone who doesn't."
"Political communication or debate between classes is either difficult or impossible."