
Client Relationships Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"Every client that I had was basically you plant a seed and then you watch the seed grow into a tree that provides fruit."
"Do you care if I'm dead because I cannot sign your checks if I am your client?"
"I love being able to work with the main creative person behind their brand. Small makers are my dream clients."
"And like I said before, this doesn't just work for me, it actually has worked for my clients that I work with."
"Clients will pay you anywhere from one thousand to ten thousand dollars per month to bring them new customers."
"I love what I do and I have a great relationship with my clients."
"A broker's job is to sell his clients' dreams, while stuffing actual cash in his own pockets."
"Every client interaction you have is just like you would be making a friend or meeting a future boyfriend or a girlfriend."
"There are many different ways in getting a client to trust you."
"You get lost unless you're able to build... this little client base."
"Nobody likes dealing with clients that they aren't having a good time with."
"We're not meant to serve all people, we have our style and philosophy."
"This is a partnership... keeping your advisor informed about your life expectations."
"Veterinarians are unique because we rely on feelings of altruism in our clients."
"Love your clients, charge them as much money as possible, and deliver the very best service on the quality product you can."
"Her clients were treated as though they were her children, her loved ones."
"The foundation of a successful business is understanding your clients' problems, serving them in the most efficient and best way at the highest levels." - Bam 530
"The moment you can fire clients, that's when you're winning."
"We know we all have those clients that love a good contrast."
"It's a complete robotic way and now what works posts covid in small businesses is that you will have to form very personal relationships with your clients."
"We're in a situation where a lot of our work is custom, our solutions are custom, a client comes to us, we assess what they need, you know we play the doctor, we prescribe, and we share a proposal." - Greg Hickman
"Every person is different. Clients connect with their therapists and so it doesn't matter."
"The mindset you want to be in is that you're on their side working with them to put together a solution that's going to help them reach their goals."
"I love my clients so much, they feel like my children."
"You're forcing your clients, your new clients, to buy your thinking first."
"I've been a hairdresser for over 30 years... she was one of my favorite clients."
"I try to build trust with the client and if I discover that a client has not been telling me the truth, I don't go off on them."
"Because of this, it makes it a lot easier when your client understands exactly what they can expect and goes into it pretty prepared."
"They have genuine empathy for their clients, that is so important."
"I am effective, and my client believes that I am effective."
"If your client is hiring you, then more than likely they find value in you."
"The more happy clients we have the more our business will grow."
"...your clients are coming to you because they know that you have something important to offer them."
"You should be delivering at least twice the value you charge your clients."
"Don't take your past client relationships for granted."
"A client will turn into a friend a lot quicker than a friend will turn into a client, let me tell you that much."
"The hassle of having to follow up and bother clients about paying your invoice cripples relationships."
"Getting genuine connections with your ideal clients will always lead to potential sales."
"Not everyone is your client, and you always have to know that and stand firm on your ground."
"I want to thank you all for years and years of laughter, visits, and peace."
"I've been really blessed with an amazing clientele."
"The thing that you do while you're creating these kind of articles and people are clicking through your website is create trust with your clients."
"You'll only make as much money as your clients do."
"If you want to develop your own business, your clients have to love you."
"As a freelancer, you're able to earn much more money per customer and you don't need a huge audience before you can start selling."
"Most of the projects that we do for love is because we want the relationship; we want to keep the relationship."
"High paying clients want to work with specialists, not generalists."
"The way you build trust with clients when you are first starting out is by going all in on your niche."
"...the notion of loving your clients... should love be a component of that?"
"...I truly love most of my clients and it's just a different kind of attachment... it's its own brand of Love."
"You're a business owner; you should own your clients."
"We don't just throw money at our clients. What we do, we try to build something called a relationship."
"If it wouldn't be for my client, I wouldn't have a company."
"Most of my clients do not have any tattoos on them; I get so much trust from people."
"Counselors need to know how to adapt a relationship to different clients and their needs."
"You build a good customer base, good clients, and you can make a good living."
"A good client can be really great and it could be a great reference for you later, but a bad client can cause you a lot of harm."
"If you do really good work, it attracts clients that want good work."
"Just because you have positive feelings for a client doesn't mean that something isn't wrong."
"I love what I do and I love the clients I have that respect me and respect my time."
"If you want your client to care about you, care about the client first."
"I see my clients as family, and they see me as family as well."
"Most of my clients convert from free trial to pay because I was just so good at building relationships with them."
"The car business is a long game, you develop a client base, you figure out a specialty."
"We become more successful when our clients become successful."
"The work that they trust us, the more that they're going to trust our clients."
"Be a professional, do the right thing, strengthen and develop your relationships with your clients, and you know what? The sky's the limit."
"It's great when your clients are your friends."
"Those are the clients I want, they're created and valued, trusted, listened to because they're going to get the best from me when that happens."
"My clients trusted me and felt that I genuinely helped them."
"I miss doing hair, I do, I miss my clients."
"I just love what I do, I love my clients, I love the vibe, I love the freedom of what I do."
"Sometimes you outgrow your clients, and that's fine."
"Exceptional client service is not simply working globally across offices and across the world; it's about creating a meaningful connection and relationship with our clients and our teammates."
"Our focus is really on long-term partnerships with our clients."
"You are able to ask for and receive greater amounts of money for your work because you're able to find the client that best fits you."