
Emotional Honesty Quotes

There are 164 quotes

"A major component of our experience of authenticity is emotional honesty, feeling and sharing genuine emotions, or what's also called realness."
"Be honest with your feelings and with your expectations to avoid disappointment."
"You're not emotionally where you want to be and not being honest with yourself about the choices you need to make to be happy."
"I'm sorry I yelled. That's actually giving them that realness because without saying anything more, you're saying that thing you think happened, did happen."
"It's strength to admit actually what it is that you feel inside, even when you know people are going to condemn you because it's not politically correct."
"I'm tired of like faking everything, hiding everything, pushing everything down."
"Bridgerton season 2 has the same emphasis; while it takes Kate and Anthony a long time to admit their feelings, the more emotionally wise people around them urge them repeatedly to be honest about what they really feel."
"There's a great limitation around emotional honesty, emotional connection, emotional disclosure, emotional harmony, emotional attunement."
"Your guardian angels are warning you to be more honest when expressing yourself instead of keeping your emotions and thoughts hidden from others."
"So much of our misery comes from just not listening... It's okay to be like I am not over this guy I know that I should be thank you Jessica I know that."
"Unlearning perfectionism. Being authentic to that moment, whatever that feels like."
"Getting real with one another about how you really feel."
"If you're not fine, you should say you're not fine."
"It's okay to just say it's difficult. You don't have to make it sunshine and unicorns."
"Being vulnerable is way easier than trying to put on a front to be something that you're not."
"I think we are at a critical cross point similar to the 1850s when Abraham Lincoln opened the scripture and said we just can't do this anymore."
"No alcohol or weed... face your own emotions."
"You are protected, be emotionally honest with yourself and others."
"Those are the best ones though, it's like just open your heart up and just tell the truth, and then someone hopefully relates to that and gets the joy that we're getting out of it."
"In the long-term future, they will tell you how they truly feel."
"Ram is like the short-term memory of the PC, it's comparatively small but much quicker to access than a hard disk."
"Honor what you truly feel, don't try to talk yourself out of it."
"Assuming the other person comes forward from a place of emotions, not strategy, not plan, authenticity."
"Can you vocalize what you truly feel internally even if it sets someone up to feel a little bit bad?"
"Page of Cups: embrace honesty, seek genuine connections."
"You have to be open and honest and transparent with everything that's going on in your heart, because if you don't, your heart is going to get broken."
"When we are the most emotional often we are also the most truthful."
"Your smile makes me melt, I want to be with you and I don't want to keep hurting you."
"This breadcrumbing is not going to work; you will express yourself fully."
"Saying how you feel or what you need is never gonna ruin a genuine connection."
"Fine isn't really an emotion, is it? How many times have you told yourself 'fine' when all you've really felt is anger or sadness?"
"You're getting ready to have a heart-to-heart conversation with them and honestly discuss your feelings."
"Be real for a minute, open up your broken heart, your hurting heart, your disappointed heart."
"Pisces: I should have been more honest with you about how I was feeling at the time."
"Communicate your feelings instead of avoiding conflict."
"Do not apologize for how you feel, do not apologize for how you speak."
"Be vulnerable with what you're going through. Don't try to fool yourself into thinking you're okay when you're clearly not."
"I'm human guys, I'm not perfect. I don't always have this happy-go-lucky attitude."
"Lead with love, do everything with love, follow your heart, but also taking a really honest, raw look at your heart."
"Street rappers aren't emotional because they do put the emotions out there as far as what they went through."
"I don't want a fanbase full of sheep I want thinking reasonable individuals capable of self thought."
"God doesn't tell us to bring our happy, perky emotions. He says bring all of you to all of me, and I'm enough."
"Emotions are not a weakness and pretending like you don't have them isn't healthy."
"Stop pretty praying stop it pray for real pray about things you actually think and feel pray about your doubts your fears your anger pray those things talk to God talk to God stop pretty praying."
"Share all sides of yourself... you can actually be vulnerable."
"I think self-awareness and honesty... if someone could just be really transparent about how they felt."
"When people tell you how they feel about you, believe them."
"Honestly, when you both just communicate how you feel about each other."
"Speak your truth, someone's going to communicate from their heart either this is you or someone else."
"It's okay to be really real and say, 'Today, I'm so hurt.'"
"If I love you, you're gonna know that I love you. I'm not gonna withhold how I truly feel."
"They want to bare their soul to you... They want to clear their slate."
"I'm going to make absolutely no effort to protect your feelings."
"Speak your truth and do not feel bad about it."
"Someone who's ready to be vulnerable with you and actually tell you their feelings and tell you the truth about stuff and not hide stuff."
"Lullaby is an open and honest track about fatherhood."
"Future is an emotional [ __ ] like he's not this [ __ ] I think we know that I think the cat's out the bag he's not this like crazy toxic [ __ ] man [ __ ] I don't care no."
"She's kind of a badass; she showed how it's okay to be really mad at someone who's dying and still show them love."
"Heart-to-heart conversation, honestly discuss your feelings."
"We should all be having those conversations about our desires, our jealousy, you know, whatever it is."
"Allow yourself to be true to your own emotions."
"Admit to yourself your true feelings. It's okay to desire more and be honest with yourself."
"I want to be honest about what I'm feeling but also hold space for your feelings."
"We just don't allow ourselves to feel how we want to feel and we kind of mask it and just try to crack on and that actually makes it worse."
"Force positivity is ten times worse than actually just showing your feelings."
"You are not heartless for being direct about your feelings."
"Sometimes the answers aren't always what we want but we need to have open conversations."
"Stop sugarcoating your emotions; let people know the real you."
"It's okay to be disappointed with God sometimes."
"Positive mommy culture is something different. It can be both real, vulnerable, transparent, sharing in the struggles and sacrifices of motherhood but also joyful and grateful."
"It's okay to acknowledge when you're afraid. It's okay to acknowledge when you don't trust. Don't lie to yourself, don't pretend that you're okay with things. Start there."
"If you don't numb yourself after you let yourself have your feelings, as you stand by your feelings, if you defend your stance, if you allow yourself to speak up and to approach this in a calm, mature, logical way, this is it."
"This person wants to be vulnerable with you because they recognize it gets them nowhere by holding on to their emotions."
"When you're just you, there's no facade there. It's like this is what it is. These are the things I feel."
"Don't be afraid to admit your own fears to yourself."
"They're super open and honest with you about their feelings."
"When you are ready to be honest with your feelings, that's when you can begin to heal."
"I would like to say I'm okay, but I'm so fucking not."
"Vulnerability and true ability to be sick with your feelings."
"My heart belongs to you, I wasn't honest with you."
"Be authentic to who you are and how you feel."
"I'm always trying to be genuine and true to myself and unfiltered and just being my raw real emotional self."
"Just be honest with them about how you feel and how you are, and don't try and belittle yourself in any way."
"Stop pretending that this is okay because it's not okay."
"If you don't deal with the actual feelings, you'll be dealing with the, I guess, backlash or you'll be dealing with conversations that didn't even need to happen because you said everything but what you really wanted to say."
"Loneliness is a very real emotion, and don't let anyone make you feel desperate for admitting you feel it."
"I love reading for Pisces because y'all show up real honestly for better or for worse and that makes my job so much easier."
"I literally said, like, what am I gonna keep pretending I'm sad, I'm sad anymore, yeah, all this [], like I want to do different [], maybe it's so sad what everybody's like, yo, I'm finding happiness."
"Swallow my pride and say how I really felt." - Muski
"This person wants to tell the truth about how they feel, they want absolute clarity."
"I don't want anybody to be in denial about how they feel."
"You have to honor your feelings and what you do you feel."
"Be authentic, be real and true to who you are and how you feel. You do not need to be anyone else."
"Cudi's willingness to openly rap about his despair is what set him apart from other artists."
"Speaking up for ourselves, voicing how we feel, not holding back."
"Maggie Rogers is the kind of honest vulnerability in the singer's songwriter genre that so beautifully executes this 90s meets 2000s meets a Timeless feeling"
"Stop the toxic positivity... it’s okay to feel very bad no matter what your circumstances are."
"The most direct thing about the way you feel is the feeling itself, excluding anything on the outside world."
"The most masculine thing a dude can be is vulnerable and honest."
"If I'm going to show you the good days, I have to show you the bad days as well."
"It feels good to tell the truth that something here is over. It feels good to tell the truth that something here is just not working for me anymore."
"Speak your truth, put words to what it is that you're feeling."
"I want you to be happy, and I know that... I'm not able to make you happy."
"The most courageous thing you can do is admit you did love them."
"All I have to do is be honest with him about how I feel."
"They feel like they did not open up to you enough... They want to be truthful about their emotions in order to have a new beginning with you."
"It's like they know that honor your feelings and speak your truth. You're only speaking your truth."
"This person is scared that you're going to rip their heart out is what they tell their friends."
"If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once."
"...my pain is real and my pain is valid."
"We're made to keep going, we're also made to grieve and it's important to be emotionally truthful."
"It's okay to work through your own feelings and be emotionally honest and open with others."
"I'm not okay, but like in that moment, also was not okay."
"He wants you to come to him always with how you're feeling and to be raw and vulnerable."
"When you hide how you feel, you prevent the story from moving forward. Let the chips fall where they may."
"There's nothing so beautiful than real vulnerability."
"I missed you deeply," Simon confessed, his eyes revealing the truth.
"What if you actually do care? You proving that you care when you actually do care sticks you because what's true is that you care."
"I wish I could be fully honest with you and tell you that I'm having all these thoughts, but instead, I say nothing."
"People often say that they're fine when they're not. It's very sad that people are like this."
"It's a different form of confidence, being honest about how you're feeling."
"Finally, a true leader admits his or her feelings."
"Sometimes, as much as the truth hurts, it's really better to take the hurt than to just not know the truth."
"You were encouraged to open up and you did. If they didn't like hearing it, they shouldn't have tried therapy at all."
"If you love somebody, tell them today, don't wait till they're dead."
"You gotta have emotional honesty, even if it makes you feel vulnerable."
"Feel free to tell anybody to shut up who's telling you, 'Oh, you're being a baby.' No, you're not being a baby; you're saying how something is making you feel, and that is never the wrong thing to do."
"It's important to be honest with your feelings."
"That sort of emotional honesty is what it's all about."
"You don't feel like you have to walk on eggshells and you don't feel like you have to suppress your emotions or hide your emotions because of the fear that your partner might actually react badly to it."
"If it's not honest emotionally, then it's not good."
"You're hurt, and that's enough. You don't need to fight for it; you don't need to prove it, just face it and say that you're hurt."
"Being transparent about your feelings is what I want to hear."
"You don't want pretty Janáček, you want emotional honesty and if he wants it to sound gnarly, it should sound gnarly and strange."
"Be more open and honest, Capricorn, with what it is that you're feeling."
"When you're not buffering yourself, you know the truth of how you feel, you know what you're afraid of, you know what you're excited about, you know what people you want to be around."
"James doesn't pretend to be someone he's not, he refuses to fake happiness."
"I just don't want you the same way you want me. I can't give you my heart cuz it's broken."
"I'll say it with my whole chest that I love you."
"Never to run or hide her feelings again."
"Being raw and authentic with my emotions is something I'm still working on."
"Never apologize for your feelings. If it comes out, do not say I'm sorry. Someone always falls first; it's fine."
"Emotional honesty is a really important thread that's been carried over into the current text."
"We got to give each other some grace; it's already hard enough for us to be open and honest about our emotions."
"I was in pain and frustrated about lying to the man I love."
"Tell your friends how you feel, tell the group how you feel."
"Being honest with your feelings, being honest about things that happened."
"It's the moment when you feel history, biography, politics, and trauma is also the moment that interrupts all of the ways we've lied to ourselves about our emotions."
"Stop putting on a face to try to hide what you're really feeling; tell me how you really feel."
"Somebody is getting real about their emotions."
"I'm okay with being not okay all the time."
"Don't water down your pain just so the other person doesn't feel guilty; that's suppression."
"Authenticity is the name of the game, whatever comes up, I will feel it, whatever needs to be said, I will say it."
"There's a huge emphasis here on emotional honesty."
"Heart to heart conversation honestly discussing feelings."