
Media Industry Quotes

There are 195 quotes

"It is simply astounding that a media company can go from having a huge presence online to seemingly insignificant overnight."
"Media has become a volume game, not a quality game."
"Joe Rogan's just done the biggest deal in Independent Media history."
"Disney officially became the largest media company in the world; passing Time Warner."
"Our networks are Emmy award-nominated and Emmy award-winning, but I have to be able to sue you to show the judge that."
"The industry has changed in such a way...with TikTok and all the opportunities...what a reporter was and what a TV host was, and what a broadcaster was, is no more."
"The media industry has been taken over by a few massive conglomerates that have preferential access to the stream of global information."
"Sports Illustrated lays off most of its staff after AI scandal and money troubles."
"The only company capable of a fat bundle right now in terms of media is Disney."
"That is the tragic yet kind of fittingly dark and Grim story of the cancelled cuphead show."
"It's just more people into the machines for ongoing content."
"NBC fired Lauer after a review of his behavior."
"Netflix will spend $100 million on organizations that help underrepresented groups find jobs in the media business."
"The mainstream media bubble is going to pop soon."
"We have to start crossing lines with each other and connecting and mergers and acquisitions so that we can survive because there's really no way we're going to be able to push the envelope on issues like reparations if all black media is defunded."
"CNN would do well to clean house... and start rebuilding the network from scratch."
"I remember when I was working for revolt with Puff."
"The pandemic ought to force some changes on media organizations."
"The ad world is in for rude awakening... I think it's the same way Hollywood network companies were when they had Netflix."
"It's a reaction to Disney Plus and HBO Max coming through and honestly dominating the content game..."
"Whoever wins, we lose. The streaming wars seem really exciting... but the truth is that those who are poised to be the winners are set up to win using the exact same tactics that cable companies have used since the very first TV service started."
"Streaming services live or die by their content library."
"It's one of the reasons we're fighting back, it's one of the reasons we here at Daily Wire Plus have signed Jordan Peterson to a multi-year deal."
"Winning is what's going to create other opportunities. If The Breakfast Club wasn't The Breakfast Club, the stuff that's happening for y'all wouldn't happen for y'all."
"Apparently a subscription model to ease their dependence on ad revenue is something they've been considering for years but one that's become a greater priority given the current global pandemic and pressure from investors to accelerate growth."
"It's a very, very weird, wonderful, strange, depressing, concerning industry."
"Landline has been a huge part of my life for a very long time."
"Why don't they do that? That's what Netflix does but Disney's not doing good and their streaming service has been successful."
"Disney's lineup of streaming services will contain Disney Plus, ESPN Plus, and Hulu."
"My life to me my life was over for about a year and yet I fought to get it out of bankruptcy everybody said I never would Netflix was trying to keep it in bankruptcy because they didn't want my deal to be renewed because it was too good for them."
"Advertisers pay the bills. Pay the bills in the content business."
"Chris was finished with YouTube. There couldn't have been a better smoking gun than his channel being online available for someone to buy."
"Gemini rules media, writing, communications. So, in general, when it comes to industries, you might find yourself in a media-based career."
"Definitely, Virgo rising will find themselves in an industry that is related to media, especially social media in the coming years."
"We need to send a message to Hollywood that we're an audience that deserves to be considered."
"It's really about the production of the movie."
"I like Kotaku a lot... Kotaku is a place where a lot of young journalists... go to kind of like get their feet wet."
"When I was at Fox it was like anybody came along they wanted me to do something now I've been at ESPN for so short a time that I wouldn't want some sort of contractual violation to end my time."
"ESPN was no longer just a television network, it was a brand that encompassed media as a whole."
"Streaming is so... They don't know what to pay you."
"Everybody is struggling right now, ad Revenue has gone down for everyone."
"I've worked in Broadcast News with some of the biggest names for 25 years and haven't come across someone as articulate as you."
"This industry now is all about clicks and who can get the first clicks."
"Donald Trump saying that he's going to break up the toxic censorship industry. Well, all right."
"Christina Miller was named the new president of Cartoon Network."
"Cartoon Network is now in a much better place."
"Our news is at least as bad as the news you're getting already and it has been an absolute pleasure providing you the news for the last four years."
"If you keep giving the machine what it wants, you will get jobs I guess, you will be successful in media and everything else."
"I think that Viacom CBS got is that the streaming biz may have a lot of value to it."
"There needs to be more women writing in media, directing in media."
"Whoever owns HBO Max is the clear and singular number one overnight."
"You're making all the other people money, and a lot of these people in New York, the money is coming from them writing articles about Brad Pitt's junk."
"Okay, we're gonna leave the scene in and I want you to remember that it was Miramax who left it alone."
"How do we make it more secure for creators writers and producers? Share the awesome [__]."
"It seems very obvious that we are going to be in the end game for more than one of these streaming services in the next, I would estimate three to five years."
"One thing that everyone tends to overlook when they first start a streaming service is that you need a steady flow of content to make it work, to keep people hooked on the platform."
"Making YouTube videos is a serious career for tens of thousands of people now."
"Expecting prices to go up with the new ESPN Fox Warner Brother streaming service."
"We're seeing things on a smaller scale. The Daily Wire is doing wonderful things. But at the same time, we can't do it alone. It's got to be a movement."
"Polygon is surviving on venture capital money."
"Part of our job is to help them get out to a bigger audience but also I don't like to insert myself where I'm not needed."
"I started Hollywood Unlocked in 2015. I had always had the idea that I wanted to be in the industry and didn't know where because I don't rap and sing."
"Breaking news: CNN is collapsing. Jeff Zucker resigns."
"Get woke, go broke, or in the case of Twitter and Warner Brothers, get woke, get taken over."
"Netflix aren't giving up though in addition to cracking down on password sharing Netflix are betting big on video games."
"I never work for nobody. I never was an intern celebra employee. I started Hollywood a lot from an idea and I worked my ass off until people started believing in it."
"He's got this chair again, he's got, he's the king of Disney once again."
"Dedicated to meaningful storytelling and addressing industry inequalities."
"There's absolutely an appetite for innovative, exciting content."
"The problem with this argument is that there's a lack of truly creative, innovative content."
"It's always sad when you get to start off a show talking about guys like that who have departed, but let us now celebrate the industry that guys like Jonathan Demi has helped to build." - John Campea
"The worst day in the history of ESPN: Disney once again laying people off, this time folks on TV on ESPN. The anchors getting the ax. 20 plus people laid off."
"The shocking resignation from the president of CNN."
"Show me the money! Show me as an investor in your company and somebody that might put my own money into Paramount Plus that he gets control of the Star Trek franchise for another couple more years. Show me!"
"Subscriptions saved the New York Times; their revenue is growing again."
"The fans were the ones who paid the bills all those years."
"Disney should just buy Netflix and keep the model going."
"It's official as I had tweeted in August last year... HBO Max was going to go away... HBO will be a premium tab at the very top of the streaming service starting May 23rd."
"I think it's important to have diversity not only in front of the camera but behind it." - Hill
"We're running out of money will somebody please give us a handout and then it doesn't happen uh and here's some good examples a buzzfeed news shut down."
"Mother's a radio legend she grew up in it she knows [ __ ] radio she works in radio she is very relevant in the media space now she knows how media's ran on the internet now she knows these artists she's going to ask real questions."
"Credit means dick nothing in this world of content aggregation."
"Nebula is a streaming platform that was started by creators, owned and operated by the creators themselves."
"Disney's intellectual property within its shared universe is so vast that losing one character among hundreds will not diminish it."
"Sony is no angel either, but Disney losing even the tiniest bit of power in its industry is not a bad thing."
"Let's go back to hiring the best writers, the ones with the skill set and creativity, not just the ones with the right skin color or sexual preference."
"Let's elevate new talent, let's have a pay ratio in the BBC from lowest earners to highest earners."
"Let me share with you some of the things that happen behind the scenes at almost Christmas so that you understand why Monique is unemployable in this business."
"This is very inspiring stuff to those who want to get into the industry someday."
"It's like if suddenly everybody that was you know [ __ ] had trying to be a writer on the side from their part-time job and wrote for Time Magazine's website suddenly was given out the Time Man of the Year award."
"We owe it to our black staff, black talent, black production partners, and viewers to demand change and accountability."
"Netflix is hedging out HBO Max for best platform."
"There's no crazy new announcement there, it's just, yeah, we're happy with this, we're gonna be more of it and now let's focus on the handful of new things that are changing things up."
"Thad Williams: doing a great job as the Schmoedown commissioner."
"Journalists are constantly terrified of their career if they rock the boat."
"It makes it socially exclusive; it's just another massive filter."
"Our former producers are just vindictive lying bitches who want to take us down for no reason."
"When you first start off I liked tech media and consumer because it's a part of my life."
"Disney hasn't understood how to deliver shareholder value in a rapidly shifting media ecosystem."
"You know, from my point of view Disney basically paid Rupert Murdoch to go start another Fox as a competitor."
"There's certainly a challenge that comes with being a content creator."
"Netflix takes big data transparency step releasing viewing numbers for 18,000 titles."
"They're merging streaming services; we need HBO originals."
"If you're someone who's worked in New Media then you have that as donkey gets into there is that sense of yeah well you understand how your audience think and how your audience work what they respond to."
"Vice is filing for bankruptcy... equates it to BuzzFeed... similar sort of lowbrow rubbish refuse."
"The rise and fall of Vice media... a fable about greed."
"George Soros and Fortress Investment... in talks to buy out Vice from the brink of bankruptcy."
"The very fact that we had to ask the question is, did Iger get involved? The very fact that we even had to ask that question is proof that this thing has gotten out of hand."
"A truly fair streaming residual system would require greater transparency of streaming viewership."
"Writers, editors, cameramen, they're rolling in it. Put funnel the money to the main talent, yeah."
"Netflix is doing very well with a strong pack of Originals near the top."
"Netflix is really changed the game on that which I'm happy to say."
"The new office will allow us to produce content more rapidly and with greater depth."
"We're entering the era of authenticity. If you're not who you pretend to be, you have no future in media."
"Tonight was yeah I've been I've been trying to monetize my experience on this show"
"She also created the Lauren Powell Jobs Trust which is currently the largest individual shareholder in Disney."
"I buy it as well for those reasons. I mean, look because Netflix has done their model and just they're the rise of what they've been able to do."
"Netflix is really stepping up and putting their money where their mouth is."
"Showtime's going away but if you ever get a chance to work for the people who currently work at Showtime you should do that."
"Am I happy I got fired? Yeah, absolutely. Barstool Sports has been one of the best things that's ever happened to me."
"They have control forever... Disney got themselves control for like two or three hundred years."
"The streaming wars will be the catalyst adult animated cartoons need to push the envelope even further."
"Content is king, exactly. Make good content, you'll work it out."
"In an industry in which everyone is typed and tagged and labeled and pigeonholed she's Mercurial an exception to television's."
"I wasn't looking for another job. Why would they bring in Gail to try to lift the reputation and the ratings of CNN?"
"You've kept in range alive for all these years with no sponsors, no corporate overhead, just me and the content."
"I work for the biggest commercial radio group in the country, and now I work for the BBC. That's ridiculous."
"Game Theory: Will your favorite channel survive 2020? Well, that's a question that you don't answer in your video."
"The largest defamation media settlement in history."
"I suspect that fox pushed him out rather than the other way around."
"Codomoroid and Ondinaroid, the world's first Android newscasters, are proof that robots are slowly taking over the world one industry at a time."
"Life finally wasn't sucking some real big ass cheeks for our beloved arachnid man for once he had his dream job lined up, a loving girlfriend, someone to split spider duties with, and his best friend had returned."
"It's all about content. You can have the greatest streaming service in the world, but if you only got like five things or ten things on it you're not gonna last very long."
"If I'm Netflix, how do I make a huge splash? What about finally committing to One Piece?"
"Joe Rogan signed a deal with Spotify for a hundred million dollars."
"Content creator, I mean that's what you're bread and butter, right?"
"Disney has unsurprisingly exerted outsized influence in a wide variety of fields."
"Fake news has to be counted because you know this is an industry now."
"Pat's annual salary is $435,000, and his share of stock in the family channel is worth $50 million."
"You don't need to make it in their stupid business; you can make your own business."
"Netflix for a long time was simply the exhibitor, they were the people Netflix just took other people's content and then delivered it to you."
"It's easy to look at the stalwarts Funimation and Viz specifically and think that they're the only games left in town, but they are far from the only ones."
"It's all just a bunch of network executive grifters."
"My former employer and his attorney argued I could not work in media anywhere in the world and most certainly not in the United States for two years."
"I think that the news in each of the traditional networks is quite difficult, doing an excellent job, but they can't do it without the funds."
"In this industry this media industry this is the most fun I feel like because it's so much Freer too you really can say almost whatever you want."
"...this business can continue to grow and flourish and was better operated outside of the confines of a tuck Turner Time Warner..."
"Salesforce has been transformative for the viewer experience at Hulu."
"As this secular trend's playing out in media, you can see the winners and the losers."
"I've been here for over five years here at Screen Junkies, I'm lucky to be a part of this community."
"I'm honored again to speak to the founder of the TV studios."
"As long as there's money to be made, people are going to keep making content."
"I do have an optimistic answer for this, obviously I'm going a built a media company for a reason."
"India can and I think will become a media superpower."
"I just can't picture the Fox company treating its employees in such a fashion."
"We offer the public the opportunity to meet the cast, the directors, the producers, the creative teams behind the hottest new hits and the classic programs we all remember."
"I'm always fascinated by the content world and the opportunities out there."
"It's crazy to think how many things get filmed and don't see the light of day."
"As soon as you walk in that door, it's a very different world."
"We need more black people and just people of color in general behind the scenes."
"Deep fake is a big deal now as you can save the media industry hundreds and thousands of dollars."
"The media industry is a billion-dollar industry with maximum upside."
"I'm ready to conquer the television again."
"Streaming has essentially meant that there's more content being created."
"Broadcasters are under pressure to deliver as viewers switch to streaming services."
"We are working hard to evolve our company from a premium publishing company to a premium Media Company."
"A lot of the doom and gloom is predicated on the idea that it's gonna become cable again, which I'm not so sure."
"We don't need this big media conglomerate to actually be successful; we can be successful on our own."
"The Creator economy across all media becomes a bigger pie that more people can do."
"Reuters is a company probably most well known nowadays in its original role as a news agency."
"We're doing great, like when I started, what was local content? But now they're really pushing it."
"I'm really proud of being in my forties and still working in the media."
"We live in the world of constant IP; nothing dies, but does anything ever really live?"