
Questioning Norms Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"The very essence of critical scholarship is to make the familiar strange, to make the taken-for-granted questionable."
"The achiever questions the 'shoulds' of society and of one's profession, becoming a more creative and outside-the-box thinker."
"Do we have to wait 40 years to reach retirement? It just seems like such a long time."
"Who told you that life was about happiness? Who lied to you?"
"The book I decided to write was a series of questions that our culture doesn't ask, that I think are important for my son's being able to live a truly happy life and truly fulfill himself as a human being."
"All the things around me that people had told me were just the natural way things were... were things that could be changed and they were things that, more importantly, were wrong and should change."
"Are we taking this too far? You know what, I don't think we're taking this far enough."
"Why is one a fascinating question because, why if I put pork sausage on a biscuit, I call that breakfast, but if I put beef patty on a piece of bread, that's lunch?"
"It was during that project that I sort of began to question that this is how it's always been."
"Are you okay simply the way that you are? Other people may believe that. I'm not one of them."
"It's so stupid; they say things they don't expect you to question ever."
"For people like you and I, you kind of have to have, like, you have to question the norm."
"We can't even question this. Well, maybe it shouldn't be done."
"Different lights... shine on these questions... get many different shadows."
"The path to success is questioning the status quo."
"I genuinely feel like that, I think about that with every rule I ever hear, I'm just like who came up with that though?"
"You're gonna be really questioning the whole paradigm of life and really thinking like, 'Wow, we have to really change this somehow.'"
"Sometimes we're so in the cultural norms of the way that things have been done that it actually takes a lot of courage to step back and say wait does any of this make sense?"
"What if constants like the speed of light and the gravitational constant are not as constant as we think they are?"
"Every part is questioned. Nothing is just done as it is because it’s always been like that."
"They are trying to release the bondages as they are questioning their own judgments."
"Should we override our romantic conditioning?"
"Ask questions, why is it like this? Things don't need to be the way they are."
"Jokes can make us question our world and ourselves."
"It's necessary to question everything we've been taught and build a better world for us and the next generations."
"I like the fact that there's a lot of cards that make you question playing cards that are otherwise just sort of sacrosanct in a lot of decks these days."
"The allure of deep-fried delights raises a poignant question."
"Is this music effective? Suddenly it forces people to ask not just if the music is good or bad, but why."
"What's wrong with pursuing your passions and dreams?"
"We're supposed to be able to question anything."
"Everything has to be questioned, you can't take anything at face value."
"Doesn't the idea of standing in the box and watching the ball just seem ridiculous?"
"Let's stop asking people what's wrong with her and start asking why these men don't want to act right."
"If we are all the same one race, why does the system not want mixing of the races?"
"Why are you breeding buffalo? Why wouldn't I just?"
"Investigate the subject for yourself and ask questions."
"So investigate the subject for yourself and ask questions."
"I think the most effective way to be informed nowadays is to question everything."
"What's so fun about peace, love, and understanding?"
"If money is the root of all evil, then why does the church keep asking for it?"
"Remember, anything is possible, and question everything."
"It's my entire career... questioning the status quo."
"Everyone's in a trance, and no one wants to question anything."
"If it makes you happy, why the hell you got to be mad?"
"I'm taking the red pill. I'm questioning the official narrative, thinking of alternative ways to envision society and education."
"Are you a person who challenges the status quo and thinks how can this be done better?"
"What if everything we've been told is not the whole story?"
"Why does it have to be that way? Have you considered this?"
"A mind that doesn't just ask the teacher, 'Why?', but 'Why not?'"
"It's okay to question things and things are obviously happening."
"Taking care of interiors seems to be a lot more complicated than taking care of the exterior, but is it?" - Mike Spinelli
"As long as my intentions are pure, it's okay to question the norm."
"What is the threat of her having that stance? What is it? Well, how does that threaten the fabric of your life especially if you're a man?"
"Why be closed-minded here? Why be so dogmatic in opposition to this?"
"The adversary symbolizes the spark of consciousness which questions everything, manifesting the individualistic path with accountability only to the self."
"Nobody is asking why everyone's getting sick."
"How does that happen? How do we get to this place? I worry about society, honestly."
"So what I wanted to do by asking the question was to open up the discourse a little bit so that students may see me as an example and maybe model for them that it's okay to question ideas."
"It's okay to question things. It's okay to use your instincts."
"Critical in the sense of not simply accepting everything that you're told."
"Love can only be singular? Have you ever seen a teapot with only one teacup?"
"That's encouraging aspiration. What's so care workers so is that the answer for care workers?"
"Just question everything, there's nothing wrong with what they're doing."
"Who cares? Why is it so important to everybody? I've never understood it."
"The humans who question assumptions continuously are the ones that win over time."
"All the more reason why you should question everything."
"I mean, why the [ __ ] not just be addicted to social media?"
"Efficiency doesn't rule us. It can be helpful and even good in many cases, but it is something worth questioning."
"There's always this question... everything is a little bit off, and you can spend all the time... but that's really boring too."
"I appreciate the change; I appreciate the making you question."
"Smart people are more likely to question these truths that they've just sort of been handed on a platter."
"People spend so much time wondering why the women don't leave. Where are all the people who wonder why the men are ever abusive? Isn't that where the only blame should be placed?"
"Everything that we were told and conditioned to do was with the notion of getting out. But then I asked myself, where the [ __ ] are we really going?"
"Why should meat be extremely expensive, not chickens?"
"Question assumptions, that is very powerful."
"In a lot of cases, they're questioning what a shoe can even be."
"What if the model of cancer that we believe in is actually wrong?"
"Every system is corrupt and it's kind of naive to just assume, 'Oh, you can't possibly question that.'"
"Why not? I mean, there doesn't have to be a reason for it necessarily, does there?"
"Why do you say look, young girls have to fall in love first?"
"Do you have a different possible Theory?" - Video narrator
"This is breaking protocol, but why don't they just...?"
"If something seems silly, yeah, there's a reason behind it that you don't know about."
"What is the alternative narrative that we should be giving?"
"Maybe some of the things that you take for granted are wrong."
"Why are you required to be 100% transparent with a company?"
"Trust the science is the most anti-science statement ever. Questioning science is how you do science."
"Do you really need to be drinking eight glasses of water a day?"
"Always ask the question: why? What is so important about black people and what we do on social media?"
"We're allowed to question things and say, 'Hey, this seems weird.'"
"Minimalism is for anyone who is questioning the status quo or at least being intentional."
"Speak up, because they had the courage to ask what had never been done before."
"What does it even mean, 'It's the most important meal of the day'? Like we didn't evolve all eating breakfast."
"Can I just say something after my failed action? I really need to question my gender norms."
"Wouldn't it be easier if you just went to a normal library?" - Karama
"Women aren't supposed to be up there, why not?"
"Social norms aren't always right."
"In the period of abnormal science, everything is questioned and it's allowed to come with wilder and wilder alternatives."
"Why should bearded men be employed to sell ribbon, lace, gloves, neck handkerchiefs, and the other dozen trifles to be found in a silk mercer's or haberdasher's shop?"
"Why are we not doing more unnatural things, things that are not natural to us?"
"Why should you do a job that you don't enjoy? There's an assumption there that the point of your life is to work."
"I don't really think that just because something is common, that means that something is right."
"I believe we are made to live an abundant beautiful life, and if there's anything that is telling us otherwise, it is to be questioned."
"Sometimes traditions, just because it's a tradition, doesn't make it right."
"We are entering a scenario where pretty much everything we assumed about music is questionable and can be rethought."
"If you're not doing what makes you happy, like what? Why not?"
"Challenging conventional wisdom is very important."
"There's something about any group of people saying, 'Why are we doing it the same way we've always been doing it?'"
"Instead of feeling self-conscious that you don't fit in this place, you should be questioning why doesn't this place fit you."