
Nietzsche Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"Nietzsche... he would have been appalled by what the Nazis did."
"Nietzsche opens up paths for a deeper reflection."
"The foundation of Nietzsche's philosophy is what we would call anti-foundationalism. That is to say, that there is no foundation to human experience, there are no absolutes."
"He who has a why can bear any how." - Nietzsche
"If you want to evolve, you need to let go." - "The philosopher Nietzsche says, 'The snake that cannot shed its skin must perish.'"
"It’s sort of like if you take the Nietzsche quote, if you research the abyss long enough, the abyss starts studying you."
"The philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche truly has changed the way people live in the 21st Century."
"He believed that rules of society were developed to keep people down, and maintain the status quo."
"We will have a special appreciation for Friederick Nietzsche's 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra' we will discuss what he meant by the assertion that God is dead..."
"All great things must first be terrifying in monstrous masks in order to inscribe themselves on the hearts of humanity." - Nietzsche
"Seeing this strong woman stand up on the house floor and make a strong statement, that's true." - Commentator
"If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into you."
"Reading Nietzsche, for example, is... a very destructive act... but the purpose... is not to destroy, it's to remove d'etre so that something new can spring forth."
"To regard extremes of suffering as an evil, as something to be abolished, wrote Friedrich Nietzsche, is a supreme idiocy."
"If you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."
"Without music, life would be a mistake." - Nietzsche
"Nietzsche was one adventurer willing to endure the risks that accompany a descent into the depths of the mind and his explorations yielded remarkable discoveries."
"Nietzsche developed more penetrating knowledge of himself than any other man who ever lived, or is likely to live."
"Nietzsche saw himself as the only one truly able to tackle the significance of existence."
"Nietzsche had the overall structure of his picture of human beings, of the relatively small role that consciousness plays in human life."
"If you line up three paradigms of moral psychology... Nietzsche's are the most plausible hands-down."
"Let us love the earth, let us be true to the earth. Forget are the world's Christians, Nietzsche wants to say."
"The ubermensch is always suggesting something transcendent."
"Nietzsche's insights about suppressing certain human parts are intriguing."
"Nietzsche's insights about morality are thought-provoking."
"That which does not kill us makes us stronger." - Friedrich Nietzsche
"He who cannot obey himself will be commanded." - Friedrich Nietzsche
"Nietzsche believed very much in affirming life."
"'I teach you the Superman. Man is something to be surpassed. What have you done to surpass man?' - Friedrich Nietzsche"
"The Superman is the man who lives all that the will to power will secure for him, lives it to the full."
"...we have to carry it through to the end now. Nietzsche writes in the preface to Genealogy of Morality quote 'We are strangers to ourselves, we men of knowledge.'"
"Nietzsche thought that this slave revolt was an actual historical event."
"Nietzsche dismisses utilitarianism because the quest to eliminate suffering is also a quest to eliminate happiness."
"Nietzsche regarded time as a human construct that shapes our understanding of reality."
"It is instead personal excellence. This is what Nietzsche refers to as Noble morality or Master morality."
"Nietzsche had been in a constant process of departure from the beliefs and thoughts and values of those around him ever since he was a young man, when he had left the religion of his Lutheran pastor father and horrified his mother and sister by refusing to take communion."
"I just think my favorite philosopher, I like a bit of Nietzsche."
"Nietzsche in a way invites you to a new human dance."
"Nietzsche's attempt to overcome the dreary systematic nature of traditional philosophy, to be edifying and playful instead of ponderous."
"The eternal return, even though it's one of the most famous ideas of Nietzsche's, it's not really a philosophical idea."
"Nietzsche is a moral philosopher engaged with the questions surrounding human values and the revaluation of all values."
"Nietzsche attacks religion by calling into question all metaphysical beliefs and finds instead psychological or physiological justifications for religious beliefs."
"If any type is life affirmative, if any type says yes yes to life, if any type naturally represents the vitality, fearlessness, energy, strength of heart and mind, and the fullness of life involved in Nietzsche's amor fati, it is the ESFP."
"The world, to Nietzsche, is a monster of energy without beginning or end, a totality ruled by transformations."
"Nietzsche's world is a play of forces and waves, eternally changing yet eternally returning to joy."
"The belief in causality is synonymous with the belief in the will as efficient, according to Nietzsche."
"Nietzsche's complex views on causality complicate his understanding of will to power as a natural or physical principle."
"The Ubermensch is often characterized as just a very strong guy or a kind of alpha type who sits at the top of our current societal hierarchy."
"Nietzsche always styled himself as an artist philosopher."
"Underlying these sorts of reactions against enlightenment, Nietzsche is first of all a voluntarist."
"A deep education causes what Nietzsche would call a transvaluation of values."
"Frederick Nietzsche stands as a colossus in the landscape of philosophical thought, casting long shadows over notions of strength, struggle, and the indomitable will."
"Nietzsche's concept challenges us to rethink our approach to life's trials and tribulations, viewing them not as burdens but as catalysts for growth and self-discovery."
"When Nietzsche is discussing morality, he's discussing it from a perspective that is beyond good and evil."
"Much has been made of Nietzsche's criticisms of liberal democracy and egalitarianism and Christianity and so on, but I think we have to understand many of these things within the context of a broader critique of modernity and of the direction of modern culture."
"Nietzsche said that all learning or knowledge is perspective."
"Live Nietzsche says as though the day were here. It is not society that is to guide and save the creative hero, but precisely the reverse."
"For Nietzsche, ethics become aesthetics. In other words, they become a matter of taste, they become a matter of perspective, they become a matter of opinion. They are ultimately not decided by any externality, any rational grounding, any divine law."
"The real problem is that Nietzsche doesn't think most people have the capacity to will themselves to make those kinds of sacrifices when they're not compelled."
"The übermensch is misunderstood if it's thought to be about domination. It's about self-expression and living what one is capable of."
"Both Marx the hero of Communism and Nietzsche the hero of fascism were spiritually small and shouting and bullying and threatening. They were examples of Machiavelli's philosophy that it is better to be feared than to be loved."
"Nietzsche's political program was to leave all political programs basically, which makes him a bit of an anarchist."
"God is dead but you must become the meaning of the earth."
"Nietzsche’s criticism was this: he said, 'For the most part, people are like sheep, and they just follow uncritically and without any courage whatever is expected from them in their contemporary situation.'"
"Nietzsche's most popular belief... is his theory of God's death."
"Nietzsche is this figure in philosophy who marks the dawn of counterculture. The way that Nietzsche asks us to think is in a way that decodes and continues to keep decoding."
"The full Nietzsche Superman is somebody who basically lives Master morality fully."
"He lived as he died, and he did so without apology. Jesus can count on Nietzsche's admiration for that fact alone."
"Nietzsche's ideal readers were not members of the herd."
"N was acutely aware of his own self-creation."
"Freud said about N that he knew more about himself than any man who ever lived or was ever likely to live."
"Nietzsche saw the beginning of the 20th century before it even happened in many ways he saw the world we still live in today before it even happened."
"If there is one piece of advice Nietzsche consistently gives us so important that he made it the subtitle to his autobiography, it is to become who we are."
"I'm thinking of Nietzsche, out of chaos is born the dancing star, so there should be a whole galaxy born out of this."
"If you look long enough into the void, the void begins to look back through you."
"Throughout his career, Nietzsche always scribbled things down, kept lots of notebooks, and wrote down ideas."
"Nietzsche's puzzle: why have we placed such an inestimable high value on truth when it's not always good for us?"
"What then is truth?" Nietzsche asks, describing it as "a movable host of metaphors, metonymies, and anthropomorphisms."
"If you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."
"All gods are dead, now we want the overman to live."
"Nietzsche breaks with the philosophical tradition of pessimism and argues for an affirmative mode of existence."
"Twilight of the Idols stands as a sort of summary of Nietzsche's entire philosophy."
"Nietzsche's entire morality, if it can be called immorality, can be summarized with this rule of thumb: if it celebrates the instincts, it is good; if it vilifies the instincts, it is bad."
"Above all, Nietzsche wants us to celebrate strength."
"Ringo's ideas of a true man's world are very similar to the concept of Frederick Nietzsche's Übermensch."
"Men who would pen their own stories in blood, they are Übermensch."
"He evolved past societal morals and created his own; he has become the Übermensch."
"Nietzsche's philosophy is fundamental to understanding intellectual life in the 20th century."
"What word entered the language in the late 19th century as a translation of a German term used by Nietzsche in Thus Spoke Zarathustra?"
"The Overman is not a perfect person; it's actually the person who's perpetually trying to self-overcome."
"Nietzsche's entire philosophy is a rejection or even an attempted destruction of Schopenhauer's philosophy."
"I think it's important to have a kind of Nietzschean critique of moralism in the left."
"Nietzsche was such a witty and brilliant and incisive analyst of other people's philosophy, of literary developments, of political developments."
"When you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."
"Nietzsche wants no followers. As he says, 'Be a man and follow me not. I found my path, you find yours.'"
"No philosopher has had a greater influence in the 20th century than Friedrich Nietzsche."
"How if some day or night a demon were to sneak after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: 'This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more'."
"We are still on track to explore beyond good and evil, understand the philosophy of Nietzsche, and use it to our best interest to improve ourselves as men, as human beings, and as individuals."
"Many people don't get Nietzsche because they don't read him properly."
"Not only did Nietzsche not hate God or religion, he saw a reason for its existence."
"The most influential figure in the development of contemporary nihilism is that of Friedrich Nietzsche."
"Understanding the relationship between Nietzsche and religion is so important because it's the basis of Nietzschean philosophy."
"Nietzsche says that you should see all of these negative emotional states as opportunities for growth."
"Thus Spoke Zarathustra is a mysterious book but it is a masterpiece."
"The Genealogy of Morals is probably the most accessible work of Nietzsche's."
"Gaze into the abyss, and the abyss gazes back at you."
"Nietzsche wants to constantly question it: why are we doing things, is it working, is it beneficial?"
"It's always better to prefer what Nietzsche calls an uncertain something, something with substance that is tough to grasp, rather than a sure nothing which is nihilism."
"Nietzsche, I like the challenging and the discourse analysis that Nietzsche brought to the table."
"Nietzsche has remained for me somebody who I think is centrally important."
"By the time that Nietzsche dies, there's only a little bit of the world that hasn't been colonized by the European powers."
"Nietzsche's going to draw a lot of his insights from his philological studies."
"The Genealogy of Morals... I actually consider his greatest work."
"We're talking about Friedrich Nietzsche, the apex of the West and the threat of nihilism."
"Tonight we're going to talk about the totality of Nietzsche's works."
"The Genealogy of Morals, many people would disagree with me and say other texts by Nietzsche are more important, but I think that's actually the best one."
"Master morality: good, life-affirming; bad, just not up to snuff."
"If Nietzsche were around today, he would hate American Idol."
"Nietzsche is kind of a prophet for criticizing that sort of stuff."
"Ultimately, the leftist position is rooted in what Nietzsche called ressentiment, the resentment that others have what you haven't and that your desire to take that away."
"If you gaze for too long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."
"I'm talking about the hope in Nietzsche."