
Nazism Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Nietzsche... he would have been appalled by what the Nazis did."
"Video games are not normalizing Nazism; Nazism is universally portrayed in all media everywhere as a terrible thing."
"Just because the Nazis call themselves socialist doesn't mean they're socialists."
"The crisis only seemed to end when Hitler appointed himself the official head of both the SA and SS, which appeared to bring the former back into line."
"Hitler cakes, Hitler roses, cafes, shops, restaurants being named after Hitler."
"The first victims Adolf Hitler and the Nazis rounded up for extermination were disabled children."
"A war of revenge to reverse the outcome of the First World War was always a central aim of the Nazis."
"You cannot be both far right and a Nazi because the beliefs that you hold that would classify you as a right winger directly contradict the beliefs that would classify you as a Nazi."
"It's difficult to imagine German history taking the disastrous and appalling turn that it took in the direction of Nazism and of the Holocaust without the Titanic pressures brought to bear on German podrían society."
"Was Edward plotting to return as King of Britain in a Nazi-dominated Europe?"
"Nazism is not just some people meeting in a basement with a confederate flag. Nazis ran a country and almost took over the world."
"Hitler and his nazi hierarchy were incandescent with rage at heydrich's assassination and ordered severe and brutal reprisals to be carried out as revenge for his death."
"Nazism wouldn't exist in this timeline at least not in the way it did in our timeline."
"The Nazis led one of the most brutal regimes in human history."
"The Nazis may be the all-time champions in general crimes against humanity."
"Nazism didn't place economics as a crucially important thing, Hitler saw economic policy as simply a way to fuel the eventual war effort and sustain it."
"Let's uncover the secrets of the Nazis and the occult."
"He wanted the SS to become a kind of cult, or Aryan aristocracy."
"In Hitler's eyes, Christianity was a religion fit only for slaves."
"The Nazis were hypocrites who refused to play by the rules."
"The Nazis were actively hostile towards the occult."
"If you leave these thinking that paganism or Satanism or astrology were what motivated the evils under the Nazi regime, then what do you think the human race has to learn from this?"
"For that reason, they haven't focused nearly as much attention on the horrific actions of communists as they have on the horrific actions of the Nazis."
"Reason number four: Germans have thoroughly exposed the evils of Nazism..."
"Everyone will not be Nazis anymore I mean kind of worked in a way I mean definitely there's not Nazi rule in Germany anymore."
"They're chanting Nazi slogans and wearing Nazi iconography and waving Nazi flags, praising Hitler, talking about gassing Jewish people, throwing Hitler salutes and shouting Sieg Heil. These people here are neo-nazis, I think we can all agree."
"Rather than Hitler dictating his decisions from above, many policies were implemented from below as his henchman, such as Himmler and Martin Bormann, fought turf wars amongst themselves."
"the nazis justified the jews subjugation on the grounds that they saw them as an essentially degenerate race responsible for centuries of historical oppression"
"He decided the party needed a makeover so he renamed it to the national socialist german workers party or nazi for short."
"He is absolutely the focus of Nazism, he is the embodiment of Nazism."
"The Nazis really believed they were national socialists."
"The two greatest stories of the 20th century are the evil of the Nazis and the appearance of UFOs."
"The Nazis were socialists, folks, the Nazis were socialists."
"But in a sense what the Nazis had been able to do was to create a kind of world of moral inversion."
"Understanding the contemporary sociopolitical and other factors that led to the rise of Nazism as it's happening concurrently is important."
"The Nazis borrowed so much from American history for their horrific ideology."
"If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and Sieg Heil like a frickin Nazi, it's a frickin Nazi."
"Nazism absolutely must be emphatically condemned."
"If your whole thing can be in any way shape or form associated with the nazi party... probably not the side of history you want to be on."
"Nazism is totalitarian, that really means they wanted total control of all aspects of life."
"The joke is predicated on the notion that there is nothing worse than a Nazi."
"The Nazis have a unique place in our demonology because the annihilation of other human beings was such a core part of their project."
"The only thing anyone knows about history is the Nazis and they know that Hitler was bad and therefore don't be Hitler but unfortunately even that is not a strong enough historical it's not a strong enough moral lesson."
"The stab in the back myth, the foundational conspiracy theory of Nazism."
"We have to teach all generations that the descent into Nazism and the Holocaust must never ever be repeated anywhere on this planet."
"Vaught rejects racism and Nazism unequivocally."
"Freisler's mastery of legal texts, mental agility, dramatic courtroom verbal dexterity and verbal force, in combination with his zealous conversion to Nazi ideology, made him the most feared judge in Nazi Germany."