
Scholarship Quotes

There are 1280 quotes

"The very essence of critical scholarship is to make the familiar strange, to make the taken-for-granted questionable."
"Endowed with materialistic pleasure, scholar of shastra, and purity of art will be there; professionally highly successful."
"Scholarship is about understanding things and getting them right."
"I already donated $500 to her scholarship fund."
"A scholar wrote volumes of books about how to please your wife... what is wrong with us?"
"You deserve this scholarship more than anyone. You truly are the best friend in the world."
"The story of the discovery and scholarship of the scrolls has often been shrouded in secrecy, hidden documents, false accusations, and conspiracy theories."
"Action is with the scholar subordinate, but it is essential. Inaction is cowardice, but there can be no scholar without the heroic mind."
"The Champion will receive a $50,000 scholarship plus a lifetime membership to the National Geographic Society and a Lindblad Expedition to the Galapagos Islands aboard the National Geographic Endeavor Two."
"Critical race theory is just a body of scholarship investigating racist social systems and institutions."
"From the Arabs, he learns falconry and writes a scholarly treatise about the birds which is unrivaled for centuries."
"This is a man who pursued groundbreaking studies in Egyptology, signology, studies into the plague and microorganisms, studies into optics and hearing, volcanology, geology...just an incredible range of different interests."
"Nobody wants you here if you're not willing to engage with the material being presented. That's called scholarship."
"The highest scholarship and the most zealous devotion with childlike faith fit hand and glove together."
"History taught us that sometimes the most outstanding material comes from non-expert scholars or amateurs."
"I think there's going to be some stuff in there that scholars are going to be poring over for many generations."
"There's just no substitute for getting to know the primary sources."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls is an extensive collection of over 800 manuscripts, 50 years of unparalleled scholarship has opened this ancient library to the modern world."
"The historical accuracy of the Christian Bible is exceptional in its reliability and trustworthiness."
"I'm on a fully funded scholarship and in return I work as a research assistant."
"Perhaps the most odious example of polemic masquerading as scholarship is the work of a certain Richard Carrier."
"Just as the movie ends, it is revealed that the Gospel of St. Thomas was discovered in Nag Hamadi, and scholars have claimed it to be the closest record we have of the words of the historical Jesus."
"The virtue of a scholar over a worshiper is like the virtue of the Moon on a clear night over all of the stars."
"I remember when there was like this whole rumor spreading that that was fake. It was fun and he faked it."
"The civilization of scholarship is the proof which comes about when human beings demonstrate in their own luminous lives the beauty of the prophetic example."
"The claim that this is representative of mainstream... is a problem because this is the mainstream position of every single Islamic scholar in history."
"This stone tablet proves that the idea of a suffering messiah even the messiah who would die was already there in Judaism."
"Through his efforts, he accumulated one of the largest libraries in Europe."
"There's something really subtle happening in the Bible which is only picked up in modern scholarship."
"He's a real theologian, a scholar... one of the most well-respected apologists of our time."
"The point for Vaticanus is the longer ending's not there."
"The reason that we turn to scholarly writing is because we want to expand our understanding of the world."
"He has now found over 4000 of these consonantal corrections."
"Get into schoolwork because if you don't have the books you will not get scholarships."
"Even Sheikh al-Albani, who's one of the greatest scholars of hadith of our times, passed away five, six, eight, nine years ago."
"His students by themselves are enough to show the goodness of even al-Taymiyyah. Even al-Opi, even Qatada, even Qika, even Rajab al-Hanbali, these men were mountains of knowledge."
"This seemingly unremarkable desert town was once a splendid city of scholars."
"Classic textual criticism, what every textual critic should do."
"One wonders if nagamati six were found isolated from all the others what would Scholars have done with it."
"I grew up quite working class, and thankfully with, you know, as long as I maintained an A average, I enjoyed the benefit of a scholarship."
"Look up the facts, look at true scholarly history."
"Al-Hakim, who proved himself a consummate patron to scholars, would sometimes attend the sessions of Dar al-Hikma personally and engage in discussions."
"Luke is one of the greatest historians who ever lived."
"For many scholars, the absence of a god of wisdom means stumbling in the darkness for the duration of their lives."
"It's really important to find a scholarly translation that tries to account for all of the manuscript variations."
"The sign of true guidance is immediate implementation of learned principles."
"The sign of the scholars of the affero is their love for Imam al Azadi and his books."
"My daughter was no longer a child but an adult with sufficient tutelage even a child that has displayed little natural inclination towards scholarships such as low Faria can come to truly understand the subject."
"The Bible is the best attested book from the ancient world."
"I got accepted into every school I applied to but free right at my HBCU, that scholarship they offered me, that was a non-negotiable."
"It's just breathtaking to me, like they're willing to give without any other expectation." - Scholarship recipient Jody Moore
"Never forget this station was built by scholars and this station will be maintained by scholars."
"I declined. I told them I didn't deserve it."
"There is no shortcut to a good body, to being athletic, to getting a D1 scholarship. There is no shortcut to any of it, it is hard work."
"The scholars, they did a great job, great topics."
"He is the Marshall Scholar version of someone who loves our country."
"In which it was possible to live without these inequalities and that we'd all be better off as a result of it."
"Modern scholars are challenging earlier theories on the Prophet's life."
"You just got a scholarship to clown school, all expenses paid."
"Anytime I see a scholar taking an incredibly complicated topic and making it compelling to read, I tip my cap."
"I love historical scholarship presented as a mystery, figuring this out, this evidence here and it's not this."
"It seems plausible that the gospel writers drew upon common literary motifs when crafting their respective accounts of the empty tomb."
"It had nothing to do with Amerigo Vespucci, and then scholars have now realized that it was in fact a constellation in the far west."
"Bellarmine shows here... then the antiquity... a really interesting chapter."
"This is the most accurate according to the manuscript print of Sahih Al-Bukhari."
"He is the most cited living author."
"I basically consider myself a forensic scholar."
"You're watching a scholar in action, and that is a very riveting experience."
"While no scholarship or memory will bring Sam back, he remains alive in the hearts of those who love him and seek to live out their lives with him in mind."
"Unlike many professors, Tim Snyder's scholarly books are accessible to the rest of us, and his popular books are based on scholarship."
"The extreme care which Se Quan gathered and weighed available evidence in an attempt to convey an objective portrait of the Chinese past."
"Lynn demonstrates she can do all the math for the expenses in her head, and the principal is so impressed that she offers her a scholarship."
"We're blessed and thankful to be on full ride scholarships. We have our tuition paid for which is you know already a large amount of money."
"I threw away a full ride track scholarship."
"True scholars go back to the original sources and take a close look at the original text."
"I'm proud to announce the winner of this Year's Sheridan scholarship, Ryan Winger."
"I think this further cracks wide open that case and really deserves the attention then of scholars to put some serious thought into this and see if that was not a conclusion that needs to be revised."
"Charity in memory of her brother... offering them scholarships that pave the way for brighter futures."
"...the deconstruction of theology... is a natural evolution of the actual scholarship..."
"Antony’s Atropatene Campaign remains a topic of debate among modern scholars, not least because of the propaganda surrounding it."
"Hoover's timeless fundamental values of freedom, private enterprise, and limited effective representative government derived from 100 years of scholarship and the lessons of history."
"Nadia and Lu get their scholarship after all."
"I've helped people out with scholarships going to college, and that's people that really need help, and education is his favorite investment."
"His books draw on existing scholarship, refer to original language sources, and compellingly on the arts to tell stories that are imaginative, engaging, and superbly written."
"Biblical Scholars have recently discovered the very first known copy of an ancient forbidden text written in Greek."
"The principal tells Alicia that she has a rare talent for light magic and this is why she was admitted to the academy on a scholarship despite her commoner background."
"I'm excited that after proving obscure for most of the 20th century, it's finally receiving extensive scholarly treatment and a variety of studies over the past 15 or 20 years."
"I think it's important to recognize this is actually all of our history. So this focuses on Black history because that's my area of scholarship and expertise."
"One of my biggest scholarship offers on the table this season from the Texas Longhorns out of the Big 12."
"No scholar at this point disagrees with the very simple fact that the books, especially in Genesis, are coming from multiple sources."
"Combining and respecting those scholars who are dismissed is very important."
"Theorizing and, in fact, most scholarship is always about trying to get your brain to think thoughts that it does not find easy to think."
"...one of the reasons that it fell apart and was sort of discounted in scholarship increasingly into the middle of the 20th century was because it was a little top-heavy..."
"NYU Medical School offers full tuition scholarships to all current students."
"It ended up making an original contribution to Pentecostal scholarship."
"Helen Pluckrose is pretty much one of the founders of the critique of critical social justice."
"The level of academic rigor and scholarship in many parts of the humanities and other areas of academic life were being eroded."
"We are going to be sponsoring a scholarship for college students... with the organization called bold."
"His exceptional skills on The Sandlot ball fields didn't go unnoticed, leading to the award of an athletic scholarship to a prep school."
"What I hope to do with this scholarship is help them out to give that extra little nudge that maybe can change someone's life by enabling them to pursue that thing that they're passionate about."
"But what's wild for me having read a lot of the scholarship that you've read in a lot of the books on hermeticism and all that, is what a good job you're doing."
"Mark follows the um the far hypothesis which was taught by his far had a student who's Mark Goodacre's teacher."
"The ink of a scholar is more holy than the blood of a martyr."
"I still can't believe they gave me more scholarship money."
"I own my scholarship program as well."
"Josephus counters Appian's anti-Jewish writings."
"KFC's Colonel Scholar Scholarship, started in 2008, involves winners being given up to $20,000 over four years to help those in financial need attend college and university. You probably have to eat nothing but wings while you're there or something, but still, it's nice."
"If you cancel out every scholar for making a mistake, then no one will be left to learn from."
"Modern scholars using computer technology even believe that some 83 percent of the King James Bible was based on the work of William Tyndale."
"I encourage you to really apply for all the scholarships that you can and that you're eligible for because you never know what you might get and all the amounts really add up and help you to finance your college education."
"The moment a scholar, male or female, wants to engage with the world...he or she is forced to engage with feminist alternatives."
"You need to go to our PayPal, which is goosewestex.net. It's $25 a raffle ticket or you can get six for a hundred dollars. The giveaway is going to be on July 4th, and it's going to go all to my dad's memorial scholarship fund for Knox County for first responders' kids."
"Harvard provides very generous financial aids to all of its accepted students."
"Getting a scholarship and getting accepted by the college are two separate things."
"...very jarring work and one which remains fascinating to scholars."
"Ninety-seven thousand dollars, plus full tuition to train you in the occupation that was revealed by your personality test."
"Over the years, it has become progressively more difficult to find scholars talented enough and brave enough to attempt the kind of synthetic approach to the study of East Asia."
"There's this whole field of scholarship in Classics about the importance of enslaved workers in the writing of texts."
"Even the most Evangelical Scholars today have still been infected by the disease of the Enlightenment."
"He raised his students to be Scholars that could debate with him."
"The community created a scholarship for all seven kids."
"Buried deep in the tone of her success is the Shirley Caesar scholarship, an embodiment of her commitment to creating a positive impact through her involvement with various charitable organizations."
"...such a scholar was Edith Parata..."
"The mystery deepens as Scholars grapple with the authenticity and purpose of the Copper Scroll."
"When people say all the scholars say, what they're basically saying is the average person cannot understand this." - Phil
"An amazing tour de force of detailed scholarship."
"I think sometimes when we appeal to scholars we sometimes leave out the democracy of the dead that Chesterton spoke about."
"Provide a lot to the classroom and we should get scholarships for it."
"He raised his students to know the diversity out there, the diverse opinions, because you know who's a true scholar? A true scholar is the one who knows the haqq but also knows other opinions and is able to address other opinions, that's a true scholar."
"The critical edition of Q offers a tool for people to use, allowing them to see Matthew, Mark, Luke, Thomas, and anything else that seems parallel."
"With modern issues we have great Scholars who do some sort of ishtihad."
"Becoming Eichmann is, you know, one of the the gold standard pieces of scholarship."
"She did the best she could and... the ultimate biography was a seminal work. I mean, it's influence... it has certainly influenced the whole direction of Mormon scholarship, of historical scholarship."
"Some forms of Christianity have successfully absorbed historical critical scholarship already. The best scholars of the New Testament are almost all Christians who have absolutely absorbed this into their religion."
"His informative, eye-opening, and dynamic presentations have offered him the honor of being recognized as one of the most distinguished scholars of our time."
"Robin Faith Walsh stands as a beacon guiding us through the intricate labyrinth of historical narratives, spiritual revelations, and ancient mysteries that shape the foundations of one of the world's most influential religions."
"Scholars have spent decades arguing over the details of the family of Jesus."
"This will feature some of the top biblical scholars in the world."
"Engage scholarship is also crucial."
"Baptism is so important historically and biblically, as scholars and biblical accounts show."
"As a historian, I find very little in the Bible that can be considered historical fact."
"Most scholars would agree that Jesus existed, but the Bible is a hodgepodge of writings with different agendas."
"Paula is a wonderful version of what we would call a public scholar. She bridges successfully the worlds of the trade press and Academic Press."
"Professor Jeremy Waldron's passionate commitment to genuine liberal democracy is apparent from his work."
"Well, most scholars believe that they were released from their captivity in Babylon on July the 23rd, 537 BC."
"For modern scholars, there was a Christian community for whom it was possible to prepare a gospel, but the good news was not about the sacrificial death of Jesus."
"Isaiah had just returned home when he was greeted by the coach from the University of Washington offering him a full scholarship contract."
"We were all blown away by the effortlessness with which he seemed to be able to reach into a vast store of knowledge and scholarship to craft his arguments."
"In a PhD, you need to show that you have read widely and can support your arguments with a wide range of sources."
"...examines all her subjects with rigorous research, graceful prose, and meticulous footnotes."
"A new generation of excellent scholars began challenging old battles of prejudice against theory."
"I really liked that this class was a form of engaged scholarship."
"Most scholars agree that the collapse of the Old Kingdom was sudden and it was complete."
"What I'm giving you is an account of Jesus that modern historians construct using the typical tools of modern historiography."
"He has wonderful scholarship on there, and a lot of his ideas are helping free so many people from the horrific ideas that come from religion."
"If you're starting with the conclusion that the book of Abraham is true, then you're no longer doing scholarship."
"Rose is an internationally respected scholar of post-Rights era black US culture, popular music, social issues, gender, and sexuality."
"For people like myself who have devoted their lives following the methodology of ideas in context that I learned from myestro Quentin Skinner, we focus on concepts, on language, on ideas, on arguments, on conventions."
"...so when College Scouts sent letters they wanted him to kick he accepted a scholarship to play for the Texas Longhorns great school and happened to be just an hour up the street."
"`Luke has a very strong interest in the Holy Spirit, more than any other Gospel writer.'"
"It's possible for you to study abroad for free. I'm telling you because I studied for free and I'm still studying for free."
"Starting in the 1770s, you started having Scholars approach the Bible from this point of view. So why not earlier? Why not in the 13th century? The reason is because of the Enlightenment."
"If you go to a community college many of them and you get a 4.0, so all A's, many of these four-year schools will actually allow you to get a full ride, a full scholarship to their school."
"I got a full ride. What? Am I reading this right?"
"I was over the moon, overjoyed that I was given a full tuition scholarship."
"A critical scholar without an agenda."
"I went to art school. That was one of my first loves. I got a scholarship."
"Gary Harte seemed like a model young man. He worked a job after school but was still a dedicated enough student to earn a scholarship at St. Cloud University."
"There's probably true, there's a lot of very serious scholarship that has been done in Confucian thought and Confucian philosophy in 20th century Korea."
"Murray is a deeply rational and careful scholar."
"There's a great British sociologist I recommend a lot named Satnam Virdee who has a book called 'Class Race and the Racialized Outsider'."
"It's what scholars call a dialogue gospel."
"Biglino's intellectual journey is marked by a longstanding dedication to scholarly examination of religious texts."
"He was a specialist obviously of Hadith and he was also a specialist of Theology and he was also a specialist of and he wrote books in Hadith and he wrote books on Theology."
"Bukari was unique in two ways nobody before him preceded him number one writing a j nobody before him wrote A J and number two writing a nobody before him wrote a."
"We actually have a unique opportunity to create independent and decentralized Islamic scholarship."
"Establishing independent institutions funded by endowments could become an enormous asset to the ummah."
"We have failed to prioritize the cultivation of good scholars."
"Unlike dan brown's novel it's based upon fairly solid scholarship."
"Frame is one of the best theologians alive."
"I feel like just a little worm crawling on the roots of the great scholars who came before me."
"I'm a little worm crawling on the roots of the great scholars who came before me."
"The first written reference to lemons comes from the Arab scholar Kustus al-Rumi in the 10th century."
"I love this story she walked on the last couple of years but she has earned her way to a full scholarship this year for the first time just with her resilience congratulations to her."
"We have more evidence about the transmission of the text of the New Testament than any generation before us."
"The word apocalypsis or apocalyps or apocalyptic has become a category of writings in scholarship."
"Scholarship focused on the seals because as I have said before Mesopotamia is basically a massive floodplain lacking in stone there is none of the monumental stone architecture or quantities of stone sculpture that attest to the achievements of Egypt, Greece, and Rome."
"And there's a lot, I want to emphasize the uncertainty aspect of it too, it's not necessarily they say like well that all scholars agree that no, he didn't say hardly anything that he's attributed to him what they say is like we don't know what he said."
"Approaching mythicist literature is valuable because even if you don't have to agree with the thesis, you do have to wrestle with the points we're making in terms of what the evidence is and what the problems are with the evidence."
"Apologetics and scholarship both have different strengths and weaknesses. They can actually be really good for each other."
"The vast majority of Scholars writing today concede the empty tomb."
"Advances in the scholarship can make the world a better place."
"I would like to be remembered as a scholar who figured out how to think logically and intelligibly about things that are meaningless and unintelligible."
"No responsible scholar digging in the Holy Land can go out without a trowel in one hand and a Bible in the other."
"The realities of the variant traditions must be embraced and examined before the Quran can be proven to have been accurately transmitted to us."
"...any village that has a Muslim scholar amongst them in West Africa is always seen as more advanced than their neighboring villages because the scholars provide religious services, medical services, spiritual support..."
"...we're seeing that that's not the case, we're seeing that for example, Mansa Musa... when he returned from Hajj... when he returns to Mali, he builds a masjid called the Sankore masjid in Timbuktu."
"This work has been painstakingly preserved by the early scholars from the time of the salaf onwards till our time."
"Hugh invented a kind of Latter-day Saint scholarship on the scriptures that we hadn't had before."
"The Quran has outward meanings, inward meanings, and then it has hadith for the fuqaha."