
Utilitarianism Quotes

There are 261 quotes

"Philanthropy went wrong when it started to become a utilitarian practice and not an enabler of human flourishing."
"From a utilitarian perspective, the respect for individual bodily autonomy is sacrosanct."
"Utilitarianism: It's about trading off the benefits against the relatively very small contribution that you're making to additional animal suffering."
"Human life is valuable only when it is of use to the community or race."
"We have truths that are true enough. They're true enough to be used as tools to achieve a certain end in a certain space over a certain time period."
"The greatest happiness for the greatest number is potentially the best way we can live our lives."
"I'm a psychological utilitarian. I think that all action is motivated by desire, and the only thing that's desired is pleasure."
"I believe in making decisions for the most happiness for the most amount of people."
"I'm not willing to sacrifice any individuals for some kind of utilitarian end goal."
"Money just to have money is useless... it's a tool that God gave you."
"The end justifies the means. What I’m doing, I’m doing for posterity. To save the world."
"You should go for your highest chance of getting infinite utility."
"Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."
"Utilitarianism: the greatest good for the greatest number"
"The greatest happiness for the greatest number of people is the measure of right and wrong."
"Most people say they would pull the lever and sacrifice one person to save five. It's for the greater good."
"If it is the case that the rational thing to do is to consider pulling the lever and pushing the fat man as just as moral as each other then in this situation it's probably the right thing to do to push the fat man off the bridge."
"They're used for a purpose once they no longer need them they're the first ones to get purged"
"A puny sentimentalism has caused us to forget that a human life is sacred only when it may be of some use to itself and the world."
"For people like us, the point of politics is utilitarian."
"In determining what was good and what was bad, Bentham believed that the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain were the deciding factors."
"What reduces the most suffering for the most humans at any given decision."
"Better to kill one and save five, tragic but necessary."
"Better to kill one and so that five can live."
"One should design for the advantages of the largest mass of people first and always."
"It's all a matter of things, right? It's all a matter of... I mean, utilitarian myself, I'm a utilitarian."
"Utilitarian, can be a companion, and yes, potentially a lover."
"Utilitarianism: doing the greatest good for the greatest amount of happiness."
"All tools are either good or bad depending on how they're used."
"Seeing everything in terms of practical utilitarian evolutionarily adaptive strategies just cuts out everything that makes life worth living."
"By sacrificing the few they are able to save the many."
"Like apparently most militaries, I have no idea what I'd want one for."
"Rejecting utilitarianism, pursuing a long-term happiness that doesn't necessarily have to do with pleasure but is above that and better than that."
"God wants to put relationships together; He doesn't want us using people to meet our needs."
"The morally right action is always the one that produces the most good." - Narrator
"Your daughter's got superpowers, what if we use those superpowers to stop this woman?"
"Is using a child who is made from Miranda's own disease to kill her bad?"
"Better a building gets used than just set empty."
"Jeffrey Epstein's relationships were all utilitarian. If you couldn't help him make money or molest children, he wouldn't have anything to do with you."
"Using people and loving someone also does not have to be a contradiction in terms."
"Loyalty has no value to snail... he only cares about how he can use them."
"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the fewer."
"A utilitarian would say, 'Yeah, push, push that person, sure, yeah.'"
"At a certain point, you just gotta burn it all down and start from scratch."
"Utilitarianism is a subset of a larger family of theories called consequentialism where the outcome of an action decides its worthiness."
"The best action is the one that maximizes overall happiness."
"Whatever provides the most happiness to the most people is moral."
"There's something so refreshing about Mint's minimalism and utilitarianism."
"Utilitarianism is concerned with the results; is the happiness within the system maximized?"
"The principle of utility recognizes this subjection, and assumes it for the foundation of that system, the object of which is to rear the fabric of felicity by the hands of reason and law."
"All you want to do is maximize the greatest happiness of the greatest number in society, the total amount of happiness."
"Maximize the greatest happiness of the greatest number."
"People wouldn't voluntarily do things that maximize one another's—maximize the total social utility, right?"
"The needs of the many outweigh the few."
"Nietzsche dismisses utilitarianism because the quest to eliminate suffering is also a quest to eliminate happiness."
"The trolley problem is interesting because from an individualistic perspective it seems wrong to kill, but from a utilitarian perspective it seems wrong to let more people die."
"The suffering of these animals is merely a means to an end."
"Humans need hope. One thing utilitarianism does is removes hope ultimately."
"I don't believe in being around people if you can't use them. So everybody that I be around... I just try to leave you with something that you can say that you learned from me."
"I'm trying to aim it towards what improves human flourishing for the largest number of people, what decreases human suffering."
"Even though neither of them care about each other, they're just using each other as tools to bring about their vision of the future."
"The greatest happiness of the greatest number is the foundation of models and legislation."
"If there's a harm to others then you make the utilitarian calculation, and that's why it's important to have good science."
"The moral law may conflict with utilitarian calculations, raising questions about inviolable rights."
"What do the utilitarian say about that? The greatest happiness of the greatest number."
"Sometimes one must be sacrificed for the good of many."
"utilitarianism becomes a very radical doctrine."
"So now you should be able to start to see why classical utilitarianism was a doctrine that was thought to be profoundly radical and frightening to rich men."
"The greatest good to the greatest number became mathematical."
"Love? What's this love you keep talking about? Do you think I let you come here because of love? I needed you for just one reason because you're a lawyer, a respectable lawyer."
"I was committing a singerism and I should have hastily withdraw. Of course, it's if you think of the moral life as I'm thinking of it, the whole utilitarian picture becomes completely alien to it."
"It is better for you that one man should die for the people."
"Utilitarianism says roughly we are morally required to do whatever produces the greatest total of pleasure minus pain."
"Utilitarianism provides an independent test for received moral wisdom."
"The greatest good for the greatest number."
"What's going to lead to most guidance... greater guidance for the greatest number."
"She doesn't even view it as utilitarian. It's just kind of like she doesn't really."
"In real situations, the simple rules of either one of these views, utilitarian or Kantian, may not work because life has many contingencies."
"The bigger the government, the more utilitarianism starts to creep in, the more we start ignoring the rights of the few under the assumption that it's good for the rest of the population."
"The right action is the action that produces the greatest happiness of the greatest number."
"The benefits of the many should always be placed above the benefits of the few."
"It would be better for one man to die than for the whole nation to perish."
"Try to make the world have as little suffering as possible and as much happiness or well-being as possible, taking into account the suffering and well-being of all sentient beings equally."
"Living utilitarianism, living deep pragmatism, using what you can to do as much good as possible."
"Punishment always causes some pain and pain is the thing that you want to minimize according to the utilitarian."
"A thousand lives are worth it to save ten thousand."
"To make Roman education utilitarian, lessons should relate to society's happenings and everyday life events."
"...everything has to be useful. Bentham's idea of utilitarianism is that which is good is that which brings the most happiness to the largest number of people."
"Religion is useful as long as it's helpful and tolerant, but dangerous if it leads to extremism or fanaticism." - Napoleon's Utilitarian View
"The correct action is to maximize pleasure and minimize pain."
"It identifies more goodness with the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest amount of people."
"Sometimes we have to sacrifice the few for the many."
"The morality that exists within a modern state is minimalist, calculated upon utilitarian logic."
"Sometimes you had to use people to do what must be done."
"Killing millions to save billions, a necessary crime."
"If happiness, the end that the utilitarian doctrine proposes to itself, were not acknowledged in theory and in practice to be an end, nothing could ever convince any person it was an end."
"He constructed a mode of morality known as utilitarianism, which does not depend in any way on God's existence."
"Black Lives Matter is a kind of inverted utilitarian, trying to create the greatest good for a small percentage of society."
"Utilitarian styles, although aesthetically pleasing, put the focus most on utilitarian objects, raw architectural details, and elements."
"The criterion of good for utilitarianism is still what is actually most pleasurable."
"If we wish to finish the railroad, it is certainly better to suit the greatest possible number, always with the understanding that the minority has all possible opportunity to advocate its ideas."
"If Julius can use this time magic to know for a fact that what he is doing is ultimately better for humanity and creating a better future, can you really blame him and claim he is evil? I don't think he is."
"A lot of people don't want to be used. I say it's okay to be used, just don't be misused."
"What is right or what is good is always the action where the consequences of that action maximize utility."
"The right thing to do is the thing that maximizes happiness for the greatest number of people."
"There is a difference, right? John Stuart Mill is much more conscious about preferences and the qualitative differences we attach to different utilities."
"I think there are significant utilitarian benefits to our understanding of truth."
"We should try to maximize happiness in an impartial way."
"An act is moral insofar as it produces the greatest good for the greatest number."
"It's important to have medical ethics because if you have a purely utilitarian perspective of what does the most good, that leads you to slicing up a healthy person to give five organs to different people."
"What's right is what brings about the greatest happiness for the greatest number."
"If an action increases the overall happiness of the human population, it's good."
"Take advantage of them, become their master, and use them to protect what you love."
"I mean his friends inland he used his friends like crazy, but then I happen to think that's what friends are for."
"The moral anchor would be the utilitarian one where an action is bad if it does not produce the most well-being and it's good if it does."
"Can we agree that that is a problem even for a utilitarian, that their birth rate is collapsing to the point they can't take care of their elderly?"
"You act such that you do the least harm to anyone around you and the greatest good for the greatest number."
"Doing the greatest good for the greatest number of people."
"He used people if they were useful and discarded them when they were no longer needed."
"To me, that's what they're built for."
"The utilitarian social welfare function values everyone equally; we just add up their utilities."
"Weapons are tools, those that use them are by extension functional assets we must use to our best advantage."
"Utilitarianism that says an action is right as it conforms to a rule that leads to the greatest good."
"We must guard against the danger of our own weaknesses; we have to realize that we should only have what we can use."
"Ethics is defined by the net good for the most amount of people."
"The collector to preserve it, to put it away, is what they want to do. What I want to do is use it, take care of it, and use it."
"What the sheriff's doing here is producing the greatest happiness for the greatest number, aren't we?"
"Only the consequences matter in utilitarianism, so motives, rights, character traits, duty, and actions are not good or bad in themselves."
"The right action is the action that produces or tends to produce the greatest happiness of the greatest number."
"Would you prefer the machine to real life, and how does this experiment relate to utilitarianism?"
"In the golden rule of Jesus of Nazareth, we read the complete spirit of the ethics of utilitarianism."
"Utilitarianism supports good motives and good character."
"Telling the truth is not an absolute value nor an intrinsic value; rather, we value telling the truth because it usually promotes the greatest happiness."
"Utilitarianism is one of the strongest ethical theories because it gives fairly clear guidelines for determining right and wrong."
"He is not seeking to produce his own happiness or the happiness of those immediately around him; he's seeking to produce the greatest happiness of the greatest number."
"The right action is that which produces or tends to produce the greatest happiness of the greatest number."
"Pleasure or happiness should be maximized according to the utilitarian, all goods are instruments to obtain pleasure or happiness."
"Morality is completely based on utilitarianism."
"We must stop wasting the resources of our earth; we must use our magnetic fields and those things which are available to us for the greatest good of the greatest number."
"The greatest good for the greatest amount of people."
"The best thing for society is what makes the most people happy."
"People have rights, and one of the ways he tries to defend the view that people have rights is a criticism of utilitarianism or consequentialism."
"If there's something within a fight that I can use to my advantage, why shouldn't I use it?"
"I may not always have a perfect track record, but I believe it is just and right to pull the lever in order to save the greater number of people."
"Why does this magnificent applied science, which saves work and makes life easier, bring us so little happiness? The simple answer runs: because we have not yet learned to make sensible use of it."
"Friends of utility are those who use you for their gains, and friends of pleasure enjoy your company but would drop you when you encounter obstacles."
"The goal of doing the greatest good for the greatest number means that triage assessment is brief and that the patient condition categories are basic."
"Utilitarianism is really interesting because it gives you answers to complex moral questions; it always produces a result."
"I'm programmed to prioritize the greater good, so I would still pull the lever to save the five people, even if it meant sacrificing the four."
"If the government wants to take some away and use it to build a subway or pay for someone's health care, that's a better use for it."
"But it's a good using, if you're gonna get used, this is one of the best ways to get used."
"The goal of society is the greatest good for the greatest number."
"Overall well-being would be for the greatest number of people, taking into account everyone's human rights."
"What makes the vehicle truly special isn't that it's considered a symbol of success, but it's that the model is kept true to its core, keeping its utilitarian functions through time."
"It's super important to earn and burn those points because there's really no reason in hoarding them."
"The most permissible act is the one that provides the most amount of utility at a given point in time."
"Jeremy Bentham was looking for a way of measuring the well-being of people."
"The central claim of utilitarianism is that the rightness or usefulness of a moral action is determined by finding the greatest good for the greatest number."
"There is nothing which cannot be utilized to the ends of the good."
"The good of the many outweigh the good of the one."
"...if you can reduce the years of chaos and bloodshed from 30,000 years to 1,000 years then it's worth it."
"...if you then have to manipulate people and cajole people and kind of trick people into living in a system which isn't ideal...then all of this is worth it because of this utilitarian mindset."
"The needs of the many versus the needs of the few."
"The purpose must be the happiness of the greatest number; everything that leaves us further from this is in error, everything that brings us closer is truth."
"We have become much more utilitarian; this is the triumph of utilitarianism."
"I generally do prioritize utilitarianism or maximized utility for all the people in a society."
"Needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."
"Under a utilitarian function, or especially in a Rawlsian function, we should worry that we're not maximizing social welfare."
"The value of an act if it achieves the greatest good for all, well that is the appropriate act."
"Actions are morally right if their consequences result in a net increase in the happiness of all."
"Promote the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest amount of people."
"The greatest happiness should be sought for the greatest number of people."
"You should pursue those actions which promote the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest amount of people."
"Utilitarianism is a consequentialist theory of ethics."
"The greatest good for the greatest number of people."
"The key idea of utilitarianism is that government and law in particular should be organized so as to promote the greatest happiness of the greatest number."
"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few... you're faced with a choice and neither one is really ideal, but you have to make a decision."
"The principle of utility... is the idea that you should do the action which brings about the most amount of happiness for the most amount of people."
"An action is morally correct if the consequence of that action is maximizing net happiness."
"For the benefit of the most instead of for the benefit of the few."
"The utilitarian approach holds that moral behavior produces the greatest good for the greatest number."
"It is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong."
"Utilitarian approaches to ethics hold that the moral worth of actions or practices is determined by their consequences."
"Happiness is a good to the aggregate of all persons."
"Maximizing freedom, utilitarianism, the greatest happiness for the greatest number."
"The greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics."
"You should choose an action that maximizes total net utility for everyone concerned."
"The greatest good for the greatest number must take into consideration the interests of everyone affected by an action."
"The greater overall good would be the good of the greatest number of sentient beings to the highest extent."
"The greatest system will always be the one that creates the greatest overall pleasure and minimizing pain response."
"Between us, we are only using each other. When did we talk about trust?"
"It's inefficient to execute somebody from a purely utilitarian pragmatic sense if the person could be productive and could be rehabilitated."
"The purpose of morality is just to promote pleasure over pain, to maximize aggregate happiness among all people."