
Trade Quotes

There are 2074 quotes

"The galactic trade organization is now about to pass. The GTO will serve as a galactic regulatory body that enforces trade standards and resolves disputes."
"Vikings... were also explorers, traders, and even imperial guards in the heart of one of history's most powerful empires."
"Every exchange of goods and services, whether it's taking place at the real economy or at the service economy, ultimately needed to be measured in the same way that the farmer's activity is measured."
"That when goods and services don't cross borders, soldiers will."
"Our priority is not to get access for Goldman Sachs in China; our priority is to make sure that we are dealing with China's trade abuses."
"Capitalism is a system that arose over the course of centuries to allow people to keep the fruits of their own labors and then freely trade the fruits of their own labors."
"Markets should be free because the more that people are allowed to trade freely with one another, the more they can specialize and count on others to specialize to deliver all of the goods that they need."
"The European Union is this attempt which sort of belief that grows out of trade negotiations that says these European nations which have been fighting each other for many centuries maybe need to come together."
"Rapid advancements in transportation have totally transformed the state of trade, turning merchants into economic juggernauts."
"Ancient trade: Several archaeological finds have revealed that the world of the past was surprisingly much more interconnected."
"Commodification is the transformation of goods, services, and ideas into objects of trade."
"If the baker and the carpenter were to come together and decide to trade one loaf of bread for one chair...everyone walks away with more value than they had before."
"Everybody is a financial trader by trading time for money, which is the worst trade."
"Britain was at the edge of a vast trade network driven by Constantinople."
"Every single business creates something of value for other people. If you're not creating something of value, you have nothing to trade and therefore you don't have a business."
"A more or less similar culture held sway, and now, Egypt was no longer going it alone, one piece of a vast interconnected trade system."
"We need to make sure we're exporting products, not jobs."
"Trade is probably going to be the true cornerstone of any interstellar civilization, be it with your own colonies or alien empires."
"Great Zimbabwe and Kilwa...were two ends of a trading network that stretched all the way up the East African coast and traded with the Middle East and even China."
"The blockchain is a radically transparent platform that allows people to trade with each other in a way that bypasses the need for traditional contracts and intermediaries."
"At the end of the war, we told everyone that we would patrol the global ocean so that anyone could send any cargo ship anywhere to trade in any product with any partner. That's what made globalization work."
"Anytime anybody buys or sells anything with anybody, both people are better off after the trade."
"Frankly, I think if there are not trade barriers established, they will pretty much demolish most other car companies in the world."
"The main message behind Brexit was to be able to trade and open up routes to the rest of the world."
"Globalization is almost dead and free trade is almost dead and they are unlikely to come back."
"For the first time since the fall of Rome, goods and merchants traveled the entirety of Europe once more."
"Kwale is the best merchant in all of Minecraft."
"Those engaging in trade with each other do not shoot at one another." - Helmut Schmidt, former West Germany Chancellor.
"The activity of blockading the Strait of Hormuz, Suez Canal, and Bab el-Mandeb will actually, in the long term, hurt Russia and China more because they depend more on that kind of trade in Asia."
"What money really is, is a way to facilitate trade. It is that improvement on barter." - Peter Schiff
"You're cutting them deals, now unrestricted wheat imports and trade gas, oil, all this stuff that you're not supposed to do because the rest of the world is sanctioning Russia."
"As I've indicated, trade and supply will continue because it's critical to our health and safety and it will facilitate our economic recovery."
"The new news is that everything from sausages to liquid egg is now going to be requiring paperwork to come into this country."
"A good trade isn't just about the shoes; it's about the connection."
"The reasons why the two separate kingdoms of Gondor and Arnor had a similar if not shared currency was self-evident: for trade."
"It is in the benefit, obviously, of the United States to have military alliances, to have trade, to have economic relations."
"Mexico has surpassed China as America's top trading partner, signaling a changing dynamic within the global economy."
"Vietnam alone has taken up over half of the U.S. imports that shifted from China to other nations."
"We need to have as many links to each other as possible. The more trade we have with other countries, the less likely we are to engage in conflict."
"We want to have as many links to each other as possible. The more trade we have with other countries, the less likely we are to engage in conflict."
"The agreement will govern nearly 1.2 trillion in trade, which makes it the biggest trade deal in United States history."
"The Land of Punt: a vibrant land that even the great Egyptian civilization respected."
"Setting up trade deals is very important for improving relationships with other countries and getting supplies."
"Trade incentivizes states to follow through on their alliance commitments."
"Now is the time to start focusing on getting some new trade routes."
"The presence of purple dye from the Mediterranean deep in the Israeli desert is proof of a more complicated social and trading system here than historians had previously accepted."
"The world has never given more in exchange for less."
"President Trump created a lot of trade chaos and then when the trade cast is temporarily postponed the stock market jumped which is exactly what you're seeing today."
"We do not seek membership of the single market; instead, we seek the greatest possible access to it through a new comprehensive free trade agreement."
"If China invades Taiwan, it's gonna destroy World Trade... that's obvious."
"Global trade halted: Suez Canal blockage costing millions."
"If you open the 38th parallel and have a free movement of products trade money people, it would be a very exciting place."
"Blockchain is a new network and it's going to help us decentralize trade, allowing us to do a lot of our transactions much more peer-to-peer directly and lower our use of intermediaries like companies or banks."
"The trade on the East Coast was the main ingredient that contributed to the rise of Mapungubwe."
"Trump hammered Democrats on trade, and it mattered."
"The Viking warlords dominated this Baltic trading place, turning it into a military base to supply traders and warriors on their expeditions."
"Trade and immigration are two sides of the same coin. All bad trade deals result in unfair competition of labor in lower cost countries against your labor."
"A testament to the vast trade networks that existed in a world that to us seems much smaller."
"Teotihuacan was an economic juggernaut that managed long-distance trade with distant areas, spreading its cultural influence all over Mesoamerica."
"Now I'll be fair, I think Trump's trade policy stuff was correct."
"Let's be on the same wavelength, let's promote it, let's increase trade."
"It's a good idea to have European collaboration and partnership when it comes to deepening markets and trade."
"Australia's nationwide natural gas export ban was lifted."
"The Romans achieved a competitive edge in foreign trade as their steel rivaled prized blades of India and the Near East."
"You don't need to violently take the food and resources you need, you can trade for them."
"It's the ultimate trade, ladies and gentlemen."
"My attitude toward China is not friendly... But they have gone into orders that are extremely large."
"Exports grew 450 percent, the trade deficit was closed, and GDP per capita more than doubled in just 10 years after reforms."
"America is the leader of the free world, and every time we take a step back from being involved in these large multinational trade agreements, somebody else is filling that vacuum."
"Bitcoin could become the currency of choice for international trade. Huge."
"Free trade is always better for the economy."
"Trade is the lifeblood of humanity, it’s how we’ve exchanged ideas and even bloodlines for untold centuries."
"I'm all for economic integration... let's remove barriers to trade."
"The European Union will remain a very important trading partner of the United Kingdom."
"Fail to deliver means you either didn't have the money or you didn't have the goods."
"Trade shifts production possibilities curves outward."
"If they can get any money for him at this point they're probably going to take it."
"China is offering trade, their agreements, and they're not just coming and using threats and saying you have to toe the line."
"The message for Africans is that we must increase intra-African trade."
"It's our biggest trading partner... if Europe's on fire they're not prosperous."
"China's transformation in trade partnerships is reshaping global economic dynamics."
"I really wanted to make this video in the first place because I found it just fascinating how this continent would create an alternate trade triangle."
"Bitcoin lowers the barrier to trade and will be really good for global trade."
"Largest store of value by a large margin and we are the largest trade currency by a large margin as long as that is the case the United States has the exorbitant privilege."
"Trading is the basis of modern-day civilization."
"We're not just mining this planet, we're opening trade to bring prosperity and income."
"The Belt and Road Initiative is aimed at developing global trade infrastructure, investing in the development of economies all over the world."
"If you can't trade on an equitable basis, don't trade."
"Cryptocurrency allows people to trade with each other without having to resort to currencies that can be inflated by centralized government."
"I did it! I did it! A three-team trade has gone down. Let's go!"
"Phoenicians: creators of the alphabet, masters of trade."
"International Trade had broken down completely."
"By simply redirecting your merchants to steer trade to your capital, this money multiplies exponentially."
"You should be dominating trade in the Mediterranean in no time."
"Lots of level three centers of trade to go around."
"The volume of this trade increased significantly with the establishment of Roman Egypt."
"The golden trade of the Moors made gold a very important item of trade."
"The engine for the world's growth has been vastly increased international trade."
"Opening up your markets to other people's subsidized goods."
"By moving our capital to Torino, it will move our primary trade location and trade port."
"It's obvious you raise trade barriers, therefore you make it harder to trade."
"Kanzak aims for free movement, free trade, and cooperation on foreign policy among member countries."
"Kanzak's combined GDP would make it the world's third-largest economy."
"A weak dollar means imports become more expensive."
"Right now, as you know, China is paying 25%. We have taken in billions and billions and billions of dollars in tariffs from China."
"Rare earth elements aren't the secret weapon China thinks they are."
"Western democracy wins if there's fair trade. If there's free trade, China wins because they cheat."
"The trade deal between them also soured; President Trump said in July a phase two trade deal with China isn't under consideration."
"The rise of NFTs has taken the world by storm, attaching a non-fungible value to a specific digital asset and now it's tradable."
"Capitalism is the freedom to trade, the freedom to sell your services."
"The buyout Market shapes up to be pretty interesting this season, and I think that's a byproduct of how busy the trade market was."
"We will enact trade deals... proudly stamped with those beautiful words 'made in the USA'."
"We're gonna have a lot left over so we will have pretty soon over a hundred billion dollars in money paid into the United States Treasury by a country that never gave us ten cents."
"We need a management system when you're importing, when you're exporting. It's important we have some regulations in place obviously so that we have healthy foods out there."
"The proof is in the pudding in every trade we did cost-benefit analysis."
"Let's be friendly with Europe, let's trade with Europe but not be governed by their institution." - Nigel Farage
"If we simply pull up the drawbridge, we would destroy jobs for everybody in this country." - Nick Clegg
"This story is not just one of slave raiding by Europeans but slave trading by Africans."
"We scored a solid franchise player, we had to give up real value for that."
"Our first real evidence of international trade."
"Roxburgh's strategic position made it desirable for trade in wool and cattle hides."
"Most trade is beneficial to both sides and to both countries but it has big impacts on the distribution of income within countries."
"He's selling all the stuff that he's found, that's really cool."
"It is shameful, disgraceful, and manifestly sinful to use trade as a weapon of war."
"Capitalism is when private individuals have the ability to trade amongst each other."
"Gold for oil deals, Yuan for oil deals, they're more symbolic than anything else."
"Money is a tool of exchange which can't exist unless there are goods produced and Men able to produce them."
"Money permits no deals except those to mutual benefit by the unforced judgment of the traders."
"When we leave the European Union, we are looking to ensure that we have trade deals that do enable our farmers to continue to be able to export their very, very important product."
"I want to be known as the most welcoming place for newcomers to the trade."
"We trade Damian Lillard to the Philadelphia 76ers."
"While early Scandinavian society became more organized and benefited from trade between the far north and the far south its appetite for wealth earned or stolen grew its ability to organize a predatory economy grew with it."
"But by then, Europeans had acquired an appetite for goods and merchandise of the Orient."
"I think NAFTA is the worst trade deal ever made."
"The phase one deal it's very interesting situation because you've been hearing the largest order of corn in history the largest order of soybeans the largest order of beef they've done more than they've ever done."
"Russia talking about halting commodities. Whoa, hang on, let's see what the news is. US stock 67 gains, Russia may halt wheat, corn, rye, barley exports March 15th, four takes bold steps."
"Why would they sacrifice relations with their largest trading partner on behalf of Washington?"
"Russia and China actually work together, are they prepared to sit round the table, negotiate, and do more business?"
"Starting off with a bang, trading Russell Wilson to Philadelphia."
"The best thing we could do realistically would probably be international trade blocks."
"There are real real issues there, there are millions of Americans who are suffering they think because of our trade policies a bunch of us haven't done a very good job explaining why the wonders of the world economy help any of them."
"China's ability to collect data on global cargo flows is worrying the U.S."
"We have weakened our naval military strength, but we will be improving our trade power substantially."
"We agreed today that as the UK leaves the European Union, we will pursue an ambitious US-UK free-trade agreement."
"We made a very fair deal on trade. We had the worst deal ever right... you know that we had the worst deal ever and it replaced that."
"Our war of words with China is already costing us billions in exports every year."
"What you can't immediately produce, you can import."
"There's a really fine balancing act here between buying Russian oil and keeping your trade going with the rest of the world."
"This is yes about multi-polar politics but also about multi-polar Finance about creating new avenues of trade."
"China engaged in highly predatory industrial practices, dumping products like steel into our country at below production cost."
"World governments creating sub-optimal circumstances for deals."
"Let's talk about importing beef and all of your industries."
"China needs to be increasing their commerce and trade around the world."
"By focusing more on direct trade, we are very aware of the price that we've paid for the coffee but also how much of that goes back to the producer."
"I absolutely love trade ports because they make a fair amount of money."
"I believe in free market, I believe in free trade."
"Naval trade is even more powerful than land trade is. It is brutally powerful."
"World trade continues to slide as recovery sputters."
"The Kings just came up. The Kings just got maybe the best player in the league right now for like nothing."
"I remember the day it was like Christmas 2012 when Obama officially said I'm all for the TPP... it was the most demoralizing."
"Trade goods provide unique bonuses, and the effect gets greater with a surplus."
"Never turn down a new trade route, no matter what it costs."
"This one is called Museum from Beau, the cover is actually advancing to trade as well."
"Once he was traded to the Suns he looked like a new player."
"My opponent supported the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership, which would have destroyed your automobile business. And I ended it immediately."
"The Harbor at Carthage was the gateway to the known world at that time."
"Trade brings the world together, information is passed on."
"We cannot be truly independent if we are dependent on foreign sources for manufactured goods."
"My policies are America first. We've lost hundreds of billions of dollars each year with China and many other countries."
"We've got more than a full ship load and it's delivering 23 fuel chi-ching so 85,000 for that and it's picking up a full load of fuel to be shipped off excellent."
"Historically, contracts for oil have been agreed in US dollars."
"We will not be able to buy, we will not be able to sell unless we take a mark."
"Water scarcity: a looming crisis impacting global trade and economies."
"It stood at the heart of a thriving African culture, a magnet for trade from as far away as China and a home to skilled artisans and stonemasons."
"If somebody's doing a service for you using their time and labor that has value, that's why you need to give them something of equal value in the trade."
"The ultimate net effect of this was an 8.5% reduction in trade from China to the US, and a 26.3% decline in the reverse."
"The chip industry itself is really suffering from this because it's deeply reliant on U.S.-China and China-Taiwan trade hoping to find some sort of stable rules."
"Free trade is almost always a good thing for the overall wealth and prosperity of nations."
"The only thing the British were successful in selling was opium aka drugs."
"There's still the potential here to eliminate another round of tariffs that's set to go into effect on December 15th."
"Developing nations including across southeast Asia... are rising because of industry and infrastructure driven by growing trade with a rising China."
"Leaf the lucky sailed to the Americas and engaged in trade around 500 years earlier than Columbus's Discovery."
"We will make so much money and sell it to countries that don't have Liquid Gold."
"I will revoke China's most favored nation trade status."
"It's completely right, it's unfair to have the asymmetric market advantages that that Chinese companies have had and so you have to play hardball to create a different set of rules and I think this probably gets us to that place."
"Moving oil trade out of dollars into yuan will take right now between 600 billion dollars and 800 billion dollars worth of transactions out of the dollar."
"The control of trade networks bestowed unimagined power and Prestige."
"The best way to enhance economic growth is to trade."
"Oh no, not my 37 fur pouts! How will my economy recover from this? Oh, probably using the giant pile of tobacco that we've just started shipping back from the Caribbean. Cheers for that, Spain."
"Putin has announced their Readiness to switch to the yuan in foreign trade settlements with countries in Asia, Latin America, and Africa."
"The Giants traded with the Panthers for Edge rusher Brian Burns."
"Don't buy clay from villagers... it's still not worth it."
"That would be a, you know, Trump going after China is in fact a, a smart, a smart play, it is also the morally correct play."
"He's life orb considering we traded one like one and a half Pokemon, it's actually not too bad."
"You secure your borders, you bring manufacturing back, you bolster the US economy, and then you win through trade means."
"I am a businessman, so if you can give me, let's say, six corrugated hoses, I can come out with that video a little bit faster."
"Mycenaeans quickly took their place as one of the dominant trading nations in the eastern Mediterranean."
"We will enact fair trade deals that create American jobs and grow American wages."
"LaMelo Ball, Finals MVP. The man we traded LeBron for, it's only right."
"Your bartering prowess has resulted in a successful trade."