
Gentrification Quotes

There are 146 quotes

"Gentrification as a form of slow racial violence."
"This movie explores that aspect of the Candyman lore much more deeply and it adds in issues like... gentrification and its effects on the neighborhood."
"You can't buy gentrification if you don't understand economics."
"You see all these tech bro 30-year-olds prancing around town in their expensive hip clothes and fancy cars."
"It seems like every small town I visit is either crumbling away into dust or getting ruined by growth and wealth."
"Gentrification without making way for the people who used to live in an area is absolutely catastrophic."
"Gentrification raises property values but can push out long-time residents, altering the community fabric."
"Due to Rising rents and the gentrification of urban spaces..."
"They're gentrifying us in the schools the jobs we work at."
"America has been gentrified, not just New York or LA."
"It's not about gentrifying their neighborhood, it's about giving them opportunities."
"For me gentrification is about people with access to Capital investing in land in property."
"Gentrification is a form of violence and displacement."
"Gentrification is a human rights issue, a climate issue, a global issue."
"Gentrification progresses as middle to upper class people move down the ladder."
"It looks like any other gentrified block: there's a Starbucks, there's an upscale grocery store, there's a lot of metal panel facades."
"I've saved three lives, but I've never delivered a baby."
"The idea of taking an authentic expression of someone's interests, lifestyle, passions... and turning it into this kind of gentrified activity... you've got every right to be annoyed about that."
"Gentrification is when higher income people move into a lower income area and invest and live in that area, displacing the lower income people."
"This dude's been lying ever since he was a kid."
"We can't keep bitching about gentrification if we're not going to buy the land."
"There's tons of abandoned or decaying buildings and then suddenly you'll see a fancy millennial bookstore or a West Coast coffee shop."
"Capitalism can fuel gentrification and displacement, but neither of these strategies actually help the people in those communities live in the kind of neighborhoods that we all deserve."
"This lowers the quality of living in those areas and then squeezes out the wealthier people in that area."
"It's gentrification in cartoon form."
"It's about how to, you know, they're buying all of these black communities up and that's what the movie's about."
"Some of them houses that you were selling crack out of cost half a million dollars now, that's 15 years later."
"I grew up in a neighborhood with old houses, watched one by one as each house lost its personality to a million dollar price tag."
"This neighborhood's on the up and up, it really is."
"Drake is basically gentrifying rap. He is gentrifying the hell out of it."
"It's being kind of rediscovered and unfortunately it's becoming a bit gentrified."
"I'm big on preventing gentrification and I'm big on um Community projects and allowing um people that come from situations such as myself lowincome Section 8 you know affordable housing subsidy I'm big on catering to that audience."
"I think there might be one in West Seattle now... they've all turned into condos."
"I liked how this movie touched on how ruthless gentrification can be."
"It's always more detriment than it is helpful because most sometimes those businesses that come in they're more to prop up like newcomers or more or less like visitors to the cities and such instead of like the people who live there."
"Move out really [__] waiting for this regentrification to happen. Get the [__] about that [__]! If you get any kind of money, leave!"
"They're trying to make something there where previously only just people who don't matter live."
"Gentrification as we know it today is impossible without the history of redlining."
"So, if you want to live in a more integrated community, how do you do that without also contributing to gentrification and displacement? Do those go hand in hand? Like, if a white family wants to move into a more diverse community, are you contributing to that?"
"That just used to be where white trash lives, now people have friends there."
"You're basically going to create economic sinkholes in predominantly black lower-income areas, which I thought is the thing that we're supposed to be trying to help."
"...mixed income housing was merely a euphemism for the removal of poor people..."
"Being on the forefront of the real estate boom in the capital as a Kingstonian cannot proceed is to see how the real estate development is bringing a re-gentrification to areas that it seemed like nothing else could do."
"Gentrification is awesome in retail industrial areas... residential, I'll give that to you."
"Gentrification... it's awesome in retail industrial areas... anything that causes jobs and things to do to keep people out of trouble."
"I think gentrification's kind of tight... making shitty places better... sorry, your grandma's gotta sell tamales next to Whole Foods now."
"When it is the top tier of something that we do in a broke way, that is what gets gentrified."
"Gentrification: it's time to scare off all these rich old boring ass Caucasians."
"Let's not make it an excuse for why we do nothing now. We cannot afford to sit around while they give Sacramento to the migrants and the gentrifiers and wait for reparations. That is a damn trap."
"...the price of living in this community has just gone really high up."
"...the absence of access to food and the only access to food is, like, this high-priced, gentrified establishment."
"It's not too late to make the next gentrification cycle better. And if we don't, it'll be a shame. At the heart of it is how do we control costs that go up in an environment where people see Portland as an investment opportunity."
"Gentrification is full of contradictions. Nikki showed how you could have a house and still lose a home. And while so many can get displaced, others can get a chance to chase a dream."
"I still think that UChicago is essentially gentrifying the area... there are just some things that like they do because they're like a for-profit institution that I just don't agree with."
"...a cautionary tale against gentrification..."
"...the themes of gentrification's effect on the black and brown lives they uproot for the sake of the white and rich that I hoped they'd explore more in relation to the whole impact Candyman had on the previous community were simply made talking points."
"Real estate is a big issue, it's what the whole gentrification is about. Real estate is about rents, rent, and how the rent prices skyrocket when the area is developing and how it displaces people."
"So, to help curb gentrification, you have to be better in your development and in your settlement into this country that's foreign to you and utilize your privileges for better and not just for your personal self and your personal gain."
"Don't come here and be like, 'I want a Starbucks here.' What do you think that's gonna mean to the people?"
"Their rent is so big because of gentrification and because of greed that a lot of people are living on the streets."
"People with money moving into an older neighborhood and pricing people out is an actual thing but it doesn't mean it's always coming from Californians."
"They're choosing to gentrify themselves by going closer to the city."
"Homes are a vehicle of investment and a vehicle for wealth accumulation, but also keep in mind, when they build these constructions, they're tearing down old houses where it wouldn't make sense for someone to move in."
"When cities implement revitalization programs and urban renewal policies, it can lead to gentrification."
"...this mall went from like the cultural icon of Los Angeles, specifically the San Fernando Valley, to this sort of antiseptic, you know, mixed-use residential."
"Urban renewal policy, but gentrification could be a consequence."
"Places shrivel and die, especially when the neighborhood royalty moves out."
"Maybe they always wanted this neighborhood to eventually grow homogenized because you know what if you spoke up then and tried to do anything anything at all you would definitely be ostracized and shunned by your very own neighborhoods."
"All of this area over here with nothing... as you can see this stuff has become so much more Lamy."
"It's always the same as soon as you hear about an up-and-coming area, it's already up and come and prices have shot through the roof."
"Gentrification... why does black people look at it like oh they're gentrifying they making things too expensive for us to live when um Baltimore is like um 75% uh full of vacant housing the houses are vacant."
"And when you see them billboards yelling cash for homes, gentrify they're fixing a double your rent in a construction zone, gentrify they slick but be slicker help me welcome the hipsters."
"I think the problem is when gentrification creates cities for rich people only, like San Francisco right now."
"When the system is set up to impoverish you, when the system is set up to gentrify anyone who's not in that top percentile, then we have to stop looking at the system for solutions."
"Gentrification smells like croissants and vomit."
"Feeling like an outsider in your own neighborhood where you were born, where you grew up, it just sucks."
"I think it's so important for black people in Brooklyn, if you have the might, if you have the will, to stay in your homes."
"Cleveland has a ton of trendy areas that are really appealing to these younger demographics here."
"Hayes Valley has definitely gotten a little bit gentrified over the years... it's a little bit more of an up-and-coming trendy type neighborhood."
"These places look so modern, very nice, very modern, almost like you could see something in Brooklyn like this kind of gentrified look."
"Gentrification is a big problem in Chinatown... it's important to support the mom and pop and like preserving this unique Chinese culture."
"My whole thing about it is that I wish with all the gentrifying... they were there to hire my people that are actually living in these communities that they're gentrifying."
"Gentrification is not necessarily always bad, but it's bad when it displaces the community."
"Can you have economic development and still keep people in the neighborhood?"
"We have Black Wall Street, we had Harlem, we've been gentrified, and we ain't really been pulled together since."
"I feel both ways too because it is a sad story when a historic community can't afford to stay in the neighborhood that they created."
"Artists moved in, made the place awesome."
"If you see a neighborhood is changing, try to get into that neighborhood."
"Would you think they were going to gentrify Bed-Stuy 10 years ago? Now it's like the most expensive place to live in New York."
"Gentrification doesn't just affect poor black people, it affects poor people in general."
"Gentrification is essentially taking old low-value property and transforming it into higher-value property."
"I think all the issues that were raised in the first one are still there. New generations and the gentrification of London... young people can't even leave home anymore."
"Most people have no idea what the actual definition of gentrification is."
"The key with gentrification is you want to get in at the beginning before it even starts."
"Instead of trying to stop the redevelopment and calling it gentrification, let's participate in it, let's control the narrative."
"It talks about the gentrification of a Brooklyn neighborhood and it all starts with this medicine company that is aiming to cure people of drug addiction."
"Negative social impacts of gentrification are outweighing the positive economic impacts."
"Commercial gentrification has seen many established Londoners move out; neighbors are strangers."
"Get out, a deeper look at gentrification/displacement in previously low-income areas across America where black people live."
"The hood was getting actually becoming a better neighborhood, but people couldn't afford to live in the hood anymore because of it becoming a better neighborhood."
"It's the oldest story of time: the town becomes cheap, the artists come in, we decorate, we're weird, we're wonderful, and then the rich people come back."
"You can't move into an area that was initially pretty much a cultural hotspot and try to turn it into Evergreen Terrace."
"Gentrification always works in a cycle."
"That's one of the most expensive areas in the town to live in, and the people who initially were there are not even welcome."
"You're almost building a new city on top of the city that was already there, but it doesn't include the people that were already there."
"A truth universally acknowledged that when rich people move into the hood where it's a little bit broken and a little bit forgotten, the first thing they want to do is clean it up."
"Gentrification can be good but mostly bad, it displaces black folk, Hispanic people, and women who've been longtime residents."