
Racial Issues Quotes

There are 1472 quotes

"Gentrification as a form of slow racial violence."
"I don't think there is a single group of people in the history of this country who have been more overly represented in media and the entertainment industry while simultaneously having no accurate representation than black people."
"I love what Emmanuel Acho has done with his 'Conversations with a Black Man.' It's like these kind of uncomfortable conversations. How can we just put these things out there and be open-minded to it, not be so judgmental or critical?"
"Being black in America should not be a death sentence."
"The major problem that the black man faces all over the world is a problem of economic exploitation."
"We need to do something about cop-on-black violence."
"The dream team made up of Johnny Cochran, Robert Shapiro, and Robert Kardashian made the case about police misconduct, racism, and brutality—key features of black life and experiences with police."
"Being a black American male is to live in a condition of suppressed rage all the time."
"Reparations have existed in this country, and it seems like literally everybody else is able to get reparations but whenever it comes to Black folks, all of a sudden white people start getting really scared about it."
"The war on drugs was really about. The Nixon campaign in 1968 and the Nixon White House after that had two enemies: the anti-war left and Black people."
"In America, you can sometimes convince yourself that the nation's legacy of trauma and racial violence is some far-off memory, a grainy black and white past long forgotten."
"There's a lot of white suburban... there's a lot of white people who don't realize this stuff has been happening for a really long time."
"Why do people not care about black communities, poor black communities? It's tribalism that guides everything."
"Black excellence is not taught in the system the way it should be."
"Black people will have a type of sovereignty where we can take a Black child and have that child educated by Black people, employed by Black people, and empowered by Black people."
"If the Negro is to be eliminated, he must be eliminated slowly so as not to hurt any living individual Negroes."
"The only way possible of decreasing Negro population is by means of controlling fertility."
"The most dangerous place for an African-American to be is in the womb of their African-American mother."
"Hip-hop has never been respected by the Grammys. Black music has never been respected by the Grammys."
"Stop being so afraid of criticism. Black folks want white approval, I really wish y'all get off of this looking for white approval thing."
"The Grammys and music at large do actually have a race problem. That's word to Tyler, the Creator."
"Dave Chappelle's special, in many ways, is incredibly smart, insightful, and depthfully aware of how Black folks are marginalized."
"I do not see how we will ever solve the turbulent problem of race confronting our nation until there is an honest confrontation with it and a willingness to admit the truth when we discover it."
"We have known that for a long time now, the system has treated racialized, Black, and Indigenous Canadians differently."
"As long as we deny the lethal limits that are imposed upon Black American folk or Black folk more broadly as a result of the very identities we speak about, then those identities have to be taken into account."
"If we don't change... then black people will suffer for the next 200 years."
"It remains a shocking failure that many African Americans, especially young African American men, are harassed and threatened in their own country."
"The media shows that they have a bias towards certain players that come from certain backgrounds, especially Black players."
"Being anti-black is bad for business...we're gonna boycott you."
"Slavery was never based on race, and so nowhere in the Bible does it condone enslaving a race of people."
"It's entirely possible that black people commit more crime, per capita. I agree with that. But it's also possible that black people also experience a lot of unfairness in the criminal justice system. Those two things are not mutually exclusive."
"Mainstream conservatives are extraordinarily upset about white supremacism."
"The problem is the reaction at the moment is emphasizing racial difference, so we're actually doing exactly what the anti-racists fought against for all those years."
"There are societal inequities where black people clearly are behind for reasons that you can't blame on black people themselves."
"You want people to be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin."
"Mixed people get told that they're not white enough to hang with the white kids and not black enough to hang with the black kids."
"Black men have to be superheroes just to get basic respect."
"We need to talk about undo incarceration of black and brown bodies, we do need to talk about harsher sentencing, we do need to talk about over-policed communities."
"By virtually every measure, there's racial inequality in this country and by many measures, it's increasing, not decreasing."
"It's much deeper than a tan or an accent, this opens a huge conversation about how certain races are being glorified because they're seen as more exotic and desirable."
"We're doing all this work to combat white supremacy, but we still haven't arrived at disentangling it from the way we love each other."
"Lawmakers in the South took no time to quickly take advantage of the loophole made clearly available in the 13th Amendment."
"As a black man, as a black athlete, as someone with power and a platform, when we do something wrong or something that people don't agree with, it's on every single tabloid, every single news coverage."
"You get a chance to see the balance between the racial hate and the love at the same time too."
"YouTube, you guys either play favorites, you are racist or it's a mix of the two. These are the three options YouTube, which one is it?" - Corey Kenshin
"There is a history of mistreatment of black people from the medical industry."
"We don't mind you killing an ordinary Negro, but not Colin Powell."
"Demonizing an entire group of white teenage boys just makes it worse."
"A dead black person has more value than alive."
"Policing is deeply racist, but if you even want to complexify the data and look at it by other metrics not just race alone, you would reveal a huge nationwide class problem with policing."
"Every one of them has happened to a white person."
"The racial disparity is associated with these practices are egregious, they're ugly, they're indefensible, they're inhumane."
"If you are a woman and/or a person of color in the US, you may well have a very different relationship to a healthcare system than a white man."
"We are literally disbelieving black women to death and that is appalling."
"Being Pro black does not necessarily mean that you're anti white."
"I realized the world literally had to stop before the world cared about black people."
"Mass incarceration falls on the shoulders of the black woman, period."
"america's absolutely a racist country my angel america is absolutely a racist country."
"There's a serious problem with the relationship between the Republican Party and black people."
"There comes a time when you are black and you're tired of accommodating whiteness."
"There are very few things that make me more frustrated than when people who know better act like someone invoking the idea that race could play a part in things means they are calling giant swaths of people racist."
"It was quite evident from Meghan and Harry's interview yesterday that the color of her skin made a difference to how, not only she was treated, but how Harry was treated, too."
"Every day we have seen this nation get more racist than anybody thought perhaps would be at this point in time."
"Britain is the least racist country is still racist."
"Why don't I get to live life like a white person with my educational background and my accent? Why can't I live like that?"
"The biggest threat facing the United States is white supremacy."
"There's a huge spiritual psychological cost to the lies and the myths of white supremacy."
"I get hate letters every day from white brothers and sisters who are mad I'm teaching their children."
"A leftist TV host calls presidential debates a threat to black life."
"Critical race theory has become the boogeyman for all issues dealing with race and education."
"If it's a black shooter, the media never covers it. That's just how it is."
"In a system of white supremacy, they can murder me with impunity."
"Fair washing... we built the racism machine."
"This is about the most emasculating disposition that a black man can ever take."
"Black people, we unfortunately will follow anything the white supremacists do, but the thing is, they will do things but it won't be a detriment to their society like it's a detriment to ours."
"Social media is the new media now because whenever stuff goes down with news stories especially with black people there's a media blackout they will not tell you certain things that's happening live."
"We are the most successful black people in the entire world."
"Labels have been placed on us since the beginning of time especially black and Indigenous people. It is up to you who you were what you respond to when it comes to those labels."
"How'd we get here? We've been carpet-bombed with racial propaganda."
"I appreciate the fact that he was the first black man since Michael Jackson to speak truth to power."
"Racism is precisely a failure of colorblindness... it is not colorblindness is the antidote to racism..."
"We are going to be the generation that dismantles systemic racism once and for all. Now and forever."
"Your life has not been made harder by the color of your skin."
"Black folks have always done that, and this is also an issue that can garner support from other people to stand with us."
"Whiteness is not skin color, whiteness is a system of oppression."
"It's recognizing the fear that black people live with every day."
"It's clear black lives don't matter to some of our current elected officials."
"It's either keep the shows the way that they've been structured or start with authentic relationships within different races and communities."
"You have to start seeing the signs or if you don't want to see the signs you have to start believing the black people who are telling you about the signs."
"Because they tried to liken it to real-world stereotypes and real-world racial tensions in a way that I think many people feel insulting and patronizing."
"No life is worth more than another simply because of the color of their skin."
"The white moderate being a stumbling block against the emancipation of African-Americans."
"Our country should be more fearful of white men across our country because they are actually causing most of the deaths within this country."
"The media malfeasance should stop because it's damaging to black Americans and the entire body politic."
"No more than we should demonize somebody for the color of their skin..."
"I never felt like, 'Oh this person's racist.'"
"When you're missing a white woman, oh, it'll get reported like crazy. But if you're black and missing, it takes protests, a lot of yelling, and screaming."
"Black lives matter is something that needs desperately to be said in this culture and in this country."
"Maybe you secretly are racists that you look at them and go well Jesus Christ look at those brown people we'd better treat them differently you."
"It's just not fair being a black person in America."
"Nobody and to be honest white people ain't worried about you."
"It's all inequity, so I want to charge white people not in the sense that I believe that every white person I've encountered is racist."
"A strong black man leading his family in his community is a threat to the status quo."
"The only black people that they gave to were themselves and their family."
"Racial cohesion is about addressing historical grievances."
"What we need to stop is we need to stop the very uneven arrests of people of color for marijuana."
"They don't need to go to jail because if you jailed them you're considered racist."
"We all know exactly what can happen when a black man or woman's encounter with police goes wrong... Every black person in this country understands the anger, the grief."
"Candace Owens... a piece of [ __ ] who feeds on the racial disparities in this country and profits from the suffering."
"This is a response; it's a reaction. We have historically put so much onus on the black community."
"America is a racist state that doesn't have equality and justice for all if Derek Chauvin isn't found guilty."
"Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity."
"The truth has been presented. Racial tensions exposed."
"There's not a single era in US history in which the police were not a force of violence against black people."
"That is not something I'm willing to do as a free American who has not sinned against black people." - Ben Shapiro
"Some of them need to come down because they represent not just a historic moment they represent white supremacy and segregation."
"It's more than just about race. People are struggling, people are hurting."
"Kanye cracked the French code. French never [expletive] with black people before he made it."
"The media wrote article after article attacking me... simply because I was black."
"Keep that [ __ ] by my hand 'cause they don't understand what it's like to be a black man."
"It's a time where at least some people in this country, of all races, are open to looking at our history, however painful it is."
"I feel like there's been nothing but a dialogue these last like let's start a dialogue I'm going where have I been everything's been about race it's everything I totally agree"
"Race relations is something that needs to be talked about, it needs to be addressed, it has held this country back and held my people back for far too long."
"Nobody cares when black people kill each other, it's normal, right? Unfortunately, that's the way that everybody sees it subconsciously."
"People weren't cheering OJ Simpson per se, but they were cheering that one time it seemed that the system balanced in favor of a black man."
"Don't boot lick so hard that that they calling you out and trust me the white supremacist they don't trust y'all when y'all do that."
"All disparities in racial statistics must be due to racism."
"White supremacy was never going to make a secure place for you to hell just look at history itself."
"If a black man running down the street is a crime, then this country is in trouble."
"There is no way to overstate the terror that lives in the hearts of black mothers all over the country."
"Oh we need some Conan up here you understand but this girl treasurer talking all this greasy shit about black people and that they allowed they allowed her to get on TV to talk real crazy about black folks."
"Smoking weed makes you go crazy and smoking weed makes you violent is directly anti-black and anti-brown white supremacist propaganda."
"Whenever Whites ask what they do to help the black community, they should tell us what other white people say about us when we're not around."
"Most black people shouldn't [have an issue with it] because when you think that he's simply being racist then you allow them to paint the picture that it was only black people in the streets acting like idiots."
"Racism is the problem white people are the problem."
"He was a titan... He lost a very close election where race was used to divide... And in the midst of all of that, he still was focusing on healing everybody and creating unity."
"Black Americans can face different forms of discrimination and still be living in the best place in the world for someone of their skin color."
"Democrats have confused the issue of diversity and power. Diversity means you got some people of color around the table. Power means that those people of color actually have the ability to influence."
"Racial segregation and demonization are wrong and dangerous no matter what its victims look like."
"Everybody should be treated as an individual without regard to race."
"You cannot do that because you're separating people based off race, that's literally racism literally."
"If they're a friend worth having, even if they're a little racist, there's some hope."
"Anti-Asian is always rooted in white supremacy, but a person of any race can be influenced by white supremacy."
"There's not a spate of black people killing five-year-old white children, so that really should not be a national news story either."
"Being black in this country means serving time one way or the other, and that's a sad fact."
"Most black people have figured out that they've been lied to and manipulated."
"If you never right those racial wrongs, then of course more people are going to feel the need to express their desires in this way."
"Issues of race are best dealt with by being honest about racialized experiences while still working towards shared goals and a common vision."
"It's not about the race of the police officers, it's a question of blue."
"White supremacy always discards its tools when it's finished with them."
"I think a lot of what's happening here is a an effort by Republican senators simply to stop an African-American woman from making history."
"White people do this, David. Black people know we would be beaten or killed."
"It's very hard for a black woman to do a lot of the things that I do."
"A multi-racial country can only survive if it self-consciously de-emphasizes race."
"Nothing seems to ever change for black Americans."
"Why are your black royal ass features a joke?"
"We cannot wait till we see a black person on the news who has been slain."
"When your mindset is better than your misfortunes, when your actions make your intentions clear, when your strategy outperforms your setbacks... It's at that point. You'll realize that the race card provides no benefit and therefore has expired."
"If you keep calling the truth racist, ultimately the Huck Finns of this world, the Americans of this world, the true Americans are going to say, 'All right then, I'll be racist, because it's worth it to speak the bloody truth.'"
"People don't like the whole interracial thing, gotcha. That's stupid. People suck."
"It's not about information, it's about white nationalism."
"For Drake to complain that black people aren't celebrating him the same way they would another artist and insinuate that it might be because he's biracial or Canadian or light-skinned is gross."
"If this was a bunch of white people... that would be a national outrage."
"Not a single mention of like black people, their point of view, how black people feel about being enslaved being sent to [__] Texas to continue being enslaved for more years in the aftermath of slavery being officially abolished."
"The right to life, livelihood, security, and mobility of black bodies is always contested or negated."
"We want you to support us... specifically targeting African Americans."
"There's no hope in the black race. He died with no hope for the black people."
"We got a film that's breaking down their degenerate culture and white supremacy."
"Everything is about race and racism and if you want to tell a different story well you're not."
"America has always prioritized white Comfort over black survival."
"I thought you cared about black lives. You're forcing me to the conclusion that you don't give a damn about black lives. When you care about is the New York Times editorial page, that's what you care about."
"Brian Cranston put out there that if you believe in make America great again this meme because make America great again when was it great for black."
"It is the most disrespectful thing in the world to try to rewrite history as if incarcerated black people weren't the number one priority of the GOP."
"I understand there are so many pressures that would make someone want to bleach their skin... it's a consequence of like internalized anti-blackness."
"It's not about us, it's about white folks first."
"You have got to stand up and fight for black students and essentially not let these white Republicans in Texas water down and neuter a black institution."
"He's skin folk but he is not kin folk... He does not speak for all of us. This was not a tragedy; this was a murder."
"White people had affirmative action for 246 years in this country. It was called slavery."
"We're all the same race and yet the US does not subscribe to that."
"You don't have to hearken back to our ancestors; you can look at Trayvon Martin, George Floyd, Tamir Rice."
"If black folks didn't matter, they wouldn't be trying so hard to keep us from voting."
"Their commitment isn't really to addressing inequality or injustice. Their commitment is to addressing racial disparity within neoliberalism."
"If it sounds racist it's probably because it is."
"The most dangerous place for a black person's in their mother's womb."
"Guess who gets hurt? Both black people and white people."
"Foundational Black American Race Baiter: the most important book you will need to understand the mechanisms of systemic racism."
"They really try to twist everything into a race thing."
"The biggest amount of racism in the country is against white people and Asian people." - Charlie Kirk
"The story of racial caste: 'The fact that some African Americans have experienced great success in recent years does not mean that something akin to a racial caste system no longer exists.'"
"Climate change is a white problem, a capitalist problem, and a toxic male problem."
"Wouldn't it just be easier for us to engage honest-to-God black people?"
"Racial injustice is a scourge on this nation, and the black community has felt it for generations. We have an obligation to do something about it."
"Keeping felons from voting is a deliberate effort to keep black and brown people from contributing their votes."
"Even black people like these cops didn't think that black lives matter."
"If 20% of the black men in this country can abide a president... referring to a black woman as a dog, you need to have your hand examined."
"Leaders who are not seen as allies on race will have big problems."
"It's good to have anti-discrimination laws on the basis of race you know we don't want people saying no you're black you're not allowed in here."
"I need a prediction, a couple months ago I still think it's gonna happen by the end of the year, citizenship is gonna be considered whiteness."
"What black people really need is an apology."