
Disaster Quotes

There are 1518 quotes

"The scale of the destruction is unfathomable, and the loss of life is simply heartbreaking."
"Contributing to the loss of life was the vessel’s movement astern, which likely accelerated the flooding and caused the liferafts to swing out of reach of many crewmembers."
"The USS San Francisco, a nuclear submarine, was on a high-speed port run from Guam to Australia when disaster struck."
"This wasn't just bad, this was a complete disaster."
"A horrifying scene in Baltimore this morning: the Francis Scott Key Bridge struck by a cargo ship and collapsing overnight."
"It's the biggest disaster in more than 80 years according to Turkey's president, with devastation along a major fault line."
"At 4:17 am, we experience the worst disaster of the century since the 1939 Erzincan earthquake."
"This is the danger when you're trying to harness the power of Mother Nature. When it goes wrong, it goes very, very wrong."
"In the beginning of 2024, the most devastating disaster in Chinese history suddenly struck the stock market."
"It's the most beautiful disaster... it just doesn't look real."
"By this point, there would have been massive panic and chaos inside the building and perhaps people were frightened to leave."
"The place was destroyed; there's blood on the tent."
"The end of globalization is going to be a disaster for most of the world."
"It was an accident that had many, many warnings that there was something wrong, and that it might sooner or later go off, and the warnings were disregarded."
"Thousands and thousands of people have lost their homes."
"Disaster brings rethinking, and rethinking then creates the possibility of a better tomorrow."
"Despite the horror of airplane disasters, they're still extremely rare, especially given how often passenger planes take off and land."
"Visible over a mound of tangled debris, there's blue sky where the airplane roof used to be."
"Investigators have concluded that this disaster was chiefly characterized by a premature geobiological consumption event caused by the catastrophic failure of critical park infrastructure to constrain and limit the gastric, motor, and neurological actions of the Permian Basin Superorganism."
"Disasters and their consequences remain alive, immortalized in stories and fables."
"It's a heartbreaking day without a doubt. What we've seen today has been catastrophic."
"We are seeing loss of life here...and we will continue to see loss of life."
"This historic town has been completely destroyed. We do know that repair efforts will cost billions of dollars. Rebuilding will take a long time."
"Incredibly, flames now 20 feet into the air, the fire called The Smokehouse Creek fire quadrupling in size in 24 hours."
"The apocalyptic scene there, the orange sky, thick smoke, dozens of homes damaged or destroyed already."
"This is a mass casualty event...a catastrophe."
"This certainly did make a dent in our community in more ways than just the physical structure in these homes and houses."
"This is a catastrophe of immense proportion, and it's difficult to get your head around exactly what happened and what the consequences of it may ultimately be."
"We always make a disaster when we're left alone. That's why we need God."
"This collapse at Rana Plaza was a tipping point in many ways."
"Millions of people in Texas lost power, and it was deadly."
"It was a catastrophe, a catastrophe that affected millions and millions of people all around the world."
"After Chernobyl, there was 12,500 square kilometers... nothing but, you know, animals and birds, abandoned villages, abandoned towns, doors swinging open in the wind."
"Bureaucratic managed economies always lead to disaster."
"At some point one or more of these super volcanoes are bound to explode and we don't know how humanity will cope with the brunt of such a deadly event."
"Chernobyl: one of the largest nuclear disasters in history."
"California wildfires: 40 dead, $1 billion in losses."
"Fire tornado: Firefighters sucked in, hose melted."
"It's the most disaster disaster wedding ever."
"Arcadia Bay is gonna be destroyed... there has to be a way to stop this."
"When the planet’s life support systems are turned into a commodity, environmental disaster isn’t far behind."
"Everything after the COVID pandemic is just a disaster."
"The disaster might play a role in genetic diseases or abnormalities found in future generations."
"President Biden said the damage there is likely to rank among the worst in the nation's history."
"I literally watched my house disappear with everything in it."
"Indonesia tsunami wave crashes into concert by local pop band."
"The largest humanitarian disaster in the world."
"The devastation that I witnessed today is the likes of which I've never seen."
"I think it's a train wreck I think it's coming and it's coming hard."
"Libya is a disaster, Iraq is a disaster, Syria is a disaster."
"People describe the concert as being hell on Earth and I think that's exactly what he was trying to do."
"Complete concentration of power leads to disaster."
"Just look at the consequences. They're disastrous."
"It's really a miracle that over four thousand people survived the wreck."
"The Quebec Bridge disaster was a wake-up call for the engineering profession, gravely illustrating the dangers of technical incompetence and unethical behavior."
"The lost soul death of an advisor was disastrous to the fortunes of a house."
"An accident of enormous proportions, and it might happen to our home quite soon."
"When the White House and the Capitol are obliterated, the Avengers' communication network is taken down."
"No one should be able to avoid a catastrophe if anyone helped him break through both the one who helped and the one who helped breakthrough would suffer from Calamity there was not even a single Alma you could do it."
"Every disaster movie begins with a person in power ignoring the warnings of a scientist."
"We are headed towards an utter disaster... moments away from realizing holy crap."
"If we were hit by a 426 feet wide asteroid it would have packed a punch equivalent to 30 atomic bombs."
"Video footage shows the moment that a 91-year-old dam partially collapses at Lake Dunlap."
"At least 14 people have died in New York and New Jersey as record rainfall from Hurricane Ida pummeled the region."
"Texas was seconds and minutes away from catastrophic months-long blackouts."
"Chernobyl shows three volunteers offered to dive into radioactive water to open the tank valves."
"We don't think we're overstating it to say that the Chernobyl disaster was, well, a disaster."
"In what world is that you know 9/11 happens immediately as soon as the rubble is cleared, no not even."
"Pripyat was abandoned exactly 36 hours after the explosion."
"This is a meteor hitting the earth for reasons not having to do with the excesses or corrections or people's activities."
"This is a once in a hundred year type event."
"California made the headlines because of a horrific public health disaster."
"This has been a disaster for the Democrats." - President Trump
"If the Great Fire reaches the Tower, it's going to go up in one vast, terrifying explosion."
"Unfortunately, the story of Deepwater Horizon was also a towering inferno of human greed."
"The comet exploded shower and ghost matter across the entire galaxy, killing the entire nomai civilization instantly."
"Then you saw for the first time how timber and rubble swirled into the air."
"Ah, it looks like something very bad has happened."
"Challenger was a big deal, NASA learned a lot from it."
"They spot a huge meteorite heading towards Earth."
"They don't care if we perish, then we could be part of the disaster that pushes The Narrative along."
"Authorities responded to a disaster not with openness, but with obfuscation."
"The sinking of Sewol ferry led to the death of 304 people, most of them being high school children."
"Every human being experiences some type of disaster, catastrophe, calamity."
"An event so intensely damaging that it might as well have been an active industrial Espionage."
"A Hawaii fire survivor and a first-hand witness spoke out, saying this was not a natural disaster."
"When disaster strikes, they become the killers of ordinary people."
"I remember the look of terror on people's faces around me. I just remember bodies everywhere."
"The people who think that that is not the eye are the ones who are going to die, you're the ones that go outside and get blown away."
"Is it ever okay for the government to just destroy our homes without notice in the name of public good?"
"An avalanche starts with a snowflake and ends up burying a village."
"How could a mission to collect breadfruit trees in the South Pacific go so horribly wrong?"
"I just need Professor Knox to start doing anything. I need it."
"Let there be carnage. Bring on the disaster. I want to laugh, and laugh I did."
"Monday the 14th of September 1987, a day that would go down as one of the worst days in Biloxi, Mississippi history."
"How could one problem turn what was a simple happy cruise to the moon to the prospect of everyone being dead within about 10 hours?"
"The amazing thing is you can actually listen to the audio from this disaster and see the progression."
"The unthinkable happened: one of their oxygen tanks blew up."
"Some say that this is potentially one of the worst land-based environmental disasters in recent U.S history."
"When you go toe-to-toe with mother nature, sometimes it can end really, really badly."
"It's getting weirder and more intense. 2017 has been a crazy year for a lot of people—hurricanes, earthquakes, fires that just change the laws of physics."
"We are heading for a massive disaster in this country."
"Almost 150 crashed of which 50%. The crashes were fatal. Disaster in every sense of the word."
"There's a submerged ancient city in the waters just off of Yoneguni Yima in Japan it's believed that this city was submerged about two thousand years ago when an earthquake struck the area and sunk the city."
"Taiwanese independence can only lead Taiwan to grave disaster."
"When men lack a sense of awe, there will be disaster."
"If it occurred now, a storm the size of the Carrington events might bring about an internet apocalypse, taking many people and businesses offline."
"The partial collapse of a condo in Florida has left 24 people perished."
"Despite the destruction, no one was reported missing or injured, phew!"
"There’s also mention of a Ferris Wheel disaster."
"The scene in taban city was reminiscent of the destruction caused by the 2004 tsunami."
"On the one-year anniversary of the disaster, a passing train dropped 85 roses on the spot, one for each victim of the crash."
"The biological attack killed countless people."
"Yellowstone super volcano: It would kill 5 billion people if it erupted."
"Chernobyl...to this day that zone is a no-go...will stay highly radioactive for another 20,000 Years."
"I saw an earthquake and I saw people hurting."
"Ultimately, someone had to pay for the calamity."
"Wow, like I'm a miracle. I mean, my body, my everything about my life, my existence is miraculous if I really stop to consider that for a moment."
"The Pearl Fire cost between 30 and 50 million dollars including the lost cargo and the lost ship."
"This coffin of steel at the bottom of the Barents Sea is a tragedy for the entire nation."
"For all the tragedy, suffering, and loss, the Blizzard of '49 also had a lighter side."
"The Blizzard of '49 broke down social barriers and leveled the playing field."
"Debris from TWA Flight 800 litters the water nearly 75 miles east of Manhattan."
"Nobody could foresee that a 15 meter high monstrosity of a wave would hit them that day."
"Flight 708 is the deadliest air accident to have ever occurred involving the MD80."
"It's not a natural disaster but a man-made one."
"In every disaster, there is immense opportunity."
"I've never seen anything like this, it was awful."
"Both companies are equally culpable for this disaster."
"The Goodall Institute burned down more than almost anything else in the city."
"500 years ago, a great catastrophe befell Inazuma, everything was engulfed in a pitch-black fog and monsters ravaged the land."
"Witness the accuracy of quicksand, lunar ash, a flaming meteor attack, and the Earth being frozen over like it's a Roland Emmerich movie."
"I wish that it was much easier because it's usually a disaster."
"The inferno's intensity led to widespread concern for Public Safety and disruptions to daily life."
"Be careful what you wish for. If it's an apocalyptic event, I know exactly what direction I'm gonna go in."
"We're stranded here, that tsunami wiped out our entire house."
"It's great to see the stereotypes you might associate with an old property being replaced by something more inclusive, unexpected, and radical."
"But it's a I mean this is a disaster in the making the bottom line and every time I start talking foreign policy or international relations I can't help but then"
"If you're on the Titanic and you don't know what's thinking and you see no deck terrors you're like something's wrong."
"It's the largest fire disaster, single fire disaster in a single building in the US at that point, the largest disaster in New York City until 9/11."
"Tonight, the historic deadly storms that hit the nation on Christmas Eve."
"Wouldn't that be a terrible thing if the world got sent back to the Stone Age and then all of those terrible things started happening?"
"This whole situation is headed for disaster."
"Perhaps this was the epicenter of some disaster which forced their collective hand."
"Those rocks are absolutely massive. They could easily wipe out the entire human race if enough of them fell on them."
"Climate engineering has been ongoing for over 75 years, catastrophe is already the result."
"Fortnite is being struck by earthquakes over and over again, tearing the island to pieces."
"The death is the immediate, because you get vaporized."
"The next eruption could not only be explosive, it could be devastating."
"Windows, glass all on the ground, truck gone, everything is gone."
"This is now the deadliest wildfire in modern U.S. history."
"If you have silver stored in your house and your whole house burns down did you lose your silver no the silver did not burn."
"This is has been a disaster of the first order."
"And we're back, as I told you, it is a terrible disaster."
"The tension, the build-up, the nuclear plant being destroyed – it's a great lead-in."
"The disaster caught the residents by surprise, apocalyptic scenes saw them leave their houses running through smoke and flames."
"Earth-shaking fire from the center of the earth."
"The Great Chicago Fire of 1871... cost about 200 million dollars in property damage."
"It's going to stop the certain kind of little disaster that could have happened."
"2021 truly was an extraordinary year of disaster upon disaster."
"Breaking news tonight on multiple fronts: the devastating earthquake in Haiti. Entire buildings destroyed, hundreds already confirmed dead, hospitals flooded."
"Wow this is already a disaster at what five trains were halfway there is this good this is gonna be terrible once we get to ten trains this is way more accident prone than I was expecting."
"The mount erebus disaster is not only one of the worst disasters to ever occur in aviation but is also considered to be a monumental loss of life to the country of new zealand."
"No amount of warning can change one fact, a killer hurricane will one day hit New York City."
"Marianne had been around boats her whole life and it didn't take her long to feel like there was something off about the Eastland."
"When catastrophe strikes the bond between an animal and their human companion can mean the difference between life and death."
"Over half a million people were killed in the initial explosion."
"When you watch two trains crash, you just can't pull your eyes away."
"Imagine if they were meteors, earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons... oh, it would be amazing and dangerous."
"Our buildings are destroyed, my church is destroyed, our downtown churches are destroyed."
"The jewel of the empire had become hell on earth."
"Comparing what is a bigger disaster: the Lakers or the Nets."
"The Black Death ranks as one of the greatest disasters of the Middle Ages and affected much of the Afro-Eurasian world."
"You play it like a virus, you know? It's like if we had a zombie apocalypse, Walking Dead-style, then aliens invaded. We got softened up so hard."
"The vessel immediately began spilling oil, creating a trail almost 15 miles long and a half a mile wide."
"Two planes have collided and fallen from the sky over San Diego. The city is in shock, but the full scope of the tragedy is only beginning to emerge."
"The simulations are conclusive: losing just one leading edge along the horizontal stabilizer will send the plane into a catastrophic nosedive."
"1100 people lost their lives in this disaster."
"Almost everyone on board lost their lives in just four minutes."
"No one is quite sure how many people lost their lives."
"Chernobyl disaster: flaws in the design of a reactor, personnel who had been inadequately trained, cold war isolation, and a lack of safety culture."
"It's one of the strangest train wrecks I think I've seen."
"A mysterious geomagnetic storm has brought your plane crashing down into the northern Canadian wilderness. How long can you survive?"
"What was the Black Death? It was a plague, one of the greatest catastrophes to ever befall a society of people."
"The Titanic was a giant ocean liner that carried some of the world's wealthiest individuals."
"No one was ever held accountable for the mistake of overcrowding the Sultana."
"It struck with the force of a small nuclear bomb on Tuesday, a massive explosion rocked the capital and economic center of Lebanon, Beirut."
"For insurance companies, the bigger the disaster, the more they stand to profit."
"Over 130 million gallons of crude oil were released into the Gulf of Mexico, further marking it as one of the worst environmental disasters in our world's history."
"This is very, very worrying... it's just an absolute disaster overall."
"The Japanese tsunami of 2011 was one of the most severe natural disasters."
"A horrifyingly beautiful slow-motion train wreck."
"Everything is on fire... you are now being stabbed on account of being very very dead."
"Flooding forced over 150,000 people from their homes."
"Satan's strategy is to create chaos in society through natural disasters, economic collapse, and inciting violence and lawlessness."
"Wave crashes through windows of Italian restaurant."
"For all the faults, at least something good came out of this disaster."
"What happened over the next few minutes would shock the world of aviation."
"The Space Shuttle Challenger disaster of January 28, 1986, remains the biggest disaster in NASA's history."
"That's a disaster in a great way in a great way."