
Cybersecurity Quotes

There are 4648 quotes

"Despite US leaders saying TikTok is a cybersecurity risk, Vice says 'Banning TikTok Is Unconstitutional, Ludicrous, and a National Embarrassment.'"
"ISC² is the global not-for-profit leader in educating and certifying information security professionals."
"If I want to send something to you that only you can read, I would encrypt it with your public key... If you wanna send something to me that only I can read, you would encrypt it with my public key."
"I want to make sure that we're first and best on cyber issues, on AI, on ultimately quantum... all roads lead to China."
"I am a protector, keeping our data safe from criminals and helping the lost to find their way home."
"This vulnerability enables what's referred to as RCE, okay? It stands for remote code execution."
"This vulnerability is actually nicknamed Log4Shell...it's almost like anyone can open a shell on any server and issue commands."
"The average cost of a data breach in 2020 was $3.86 million."
"Global cybercrime costs are expected to reach $6 trillion by the end of this year."
"DevSecOps brings security into DevOps, enabling development teams to secure what they build at their pace."
"Identifying vulnerabilities and bugs before deploying results in an exponential reduction in risk and operational costs."
"Turns out, this thing was nothing more than a glorified piece of spyware."
"TikTok is a CCP cyber weapon in terms of manufacturing disinformation and creating agents who live in the US and don't even know they're doing the bidding of a foreign government."
"Users need to know basics about protecting their identity."
"Passwords have historically been protected under both the Fourth and Fifth Amendments."
"Ensure you're communicating as securely as possible."
"Implementing two-factor authentication is arguably just as important."
"There's two types of companies left in the United States: companies that have been hacked by China, and companies that don't know they've been hacked by China yet."
"Figuring out how to make machine learning secure against an adversary who wants to interfere with it is one of the most important things researchers today could solve."
"There's no need to be paranoid, but it's not paranoia to say that there are a lot of identity thieves out there in cyberspace."
"What we had tracked down, they also saw a bat file in their case, or a specific extension to be able to then run and execute the spooky actual cover payload."
"This truly is Coveter. We can see all the same tradecraft techniques and real syntax here."
"Very slick, very cool, very spooky. Good malware tricks."
"The attackers made victims authorize an atomic match request responsible for NFT transfer logics on OpenSea."
"Bitcoin is the strongest computing network in the world. There's no computer or computer network in the world stronger than Bitcoin. It has the best cyber defense."
"It would take a hacker with a supercomputer over a billion years to get past ExpressVPN's encryption."
"A big focus is always MFA and things that can drive that stronger authentication when we're going to access things."
"Take control of your internet privacy today."
"An astonishingly powerful exploit, and one which is so bizarre in its nature that it doesn't quite seem real."
"A Saudi national who worked for Twitter was convicted by a federal jury for stealing the personal data of dissidents who criticized the Saudi regime and handing the data over to the Saudi government."
"Cyber hygiene is not easy, but it's a relatively low-cost way to mitigate a lot of risk."
"TikTok is the Trojan Horse with which they are piercing the United States."
"We call this cyber warfare, and it has become a fixture of modern conflict."
"A zero-day exploit is a software developer's nightmare, which, in turn, makes it a hacker's dream."
"Cybersecurity has been and will continue to be one of the hottest careers in the world."
"Android, while still having a stockpile of its own vulnerabilities, mitigates the problem of universal exploits through diversity of the ecosystem."
"No system is unhackable, and mistakes will always happen. This reality needs to be acknowledged rather than frowned upon when somebody points out legitimate criticism."
"Creating the ultimate hacker... that's what we're talking about with AI."
"Cybersecurity is paramount. We have a well-designed and tested cybersecurity program. Data is encrypted at every stage."
"When Binance got hacked, they actually reimbursed all of their money to their consumers, which is really nice."
"When it comes to those cybersecurity issues like hacking or theft, those are not issues that are unique to the U.S.-China relationship. Those are issues that are of international concern."
"It's very difficult to protect a system when you have to allow the government to access those communications at will."
"A system that protects you from the Chinese, also protects your data from the FBI."
"My hope is that the changing climate around cybersecurity will force folks to realize this and to in fact prioritize cybersecurity."
"But folks need to wake up to the fact that that is going to have an impact on law enforcement."
"The best case scenario is we get them here because our political leaders realize this is an important issue."
"Cybersecurity doesn't even necessarily need to be linked to your FIFA accounts; you might have other hardware devices that you want protected."
"The hack was incredibly scary for a lot of different companies, specifically Hollywood."
"It's predicted that within two years, there will be 2 million unfilled security jobs in cybersecurity."
"A potent cyber weapon could end civilization in the developed Western world."
"Protect yourself; make sure you're not clicking links you don't know anything about."
"Previously to control a country you needed to send in the soldiers, now increasingly you just need to hack the data."
"If you're vulnerable on the internet, you're vulnerable to attack."
"Enable firewall... why not to have this additional layer of security by enabling it?"
"Cyber security is something that the world will need for years to come."
"I'm going to school for cybersecurity... a lot of cybersecurity jobs are remote, which inherently makes them flexible."
"TikTok's actually bent over backwards to try to protect the data."
"There are two levels of snooping that encryption should prevent: simple eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attacks."
"In a MITM attack, someone fully intercepts and controls a communication stream, essentially impersonating both parties to each other."
"The cyber threat is a serious and growing threat."
"At one point in time, was it possible to coordinate a lot of people and keep a secret? Yeah, of course. But today, you've got Iranian nuclear reactors blowing up because viruses are spreading into rooms that aren't even supposed to be connected to the internet."
"Have some kind of antivirus installed... Stop and think if somebody sent you an attachment out of the blue."
"Encryption should be banned, but cyber security experts quickly spoke out that banning encryption would pretty much stop e-commerce and financial transactions."
"In today's digital world, a cyber attack can be more than just a breach of security; it could be a symptom of deeper issues within our corporate world."
"Our smartphones are loaded with our intimate conversations, our financial data, our health records. They're also loaded with the location of our kids in many cases. And so it's not just about privacy but it's also about public safety."
"We have got to bring together the best resources of this country to understand that cyber warfare is the new warfare of the asymmetrical enemies we face in this country."
"Cyber threats remain a significant strategic risk for the United States, threatening our national security, economic prosperity, and safety."
"Good job, clap it up. Thank you, guys, for having 2FA on; protect your accounts."
"Thanks to years of engineering investment, we've laid the path for a future without passwords."
"Stuxnet was the dawn of a new chapter in cyber warfare."
"Hackers are poised to dominate the 21st century, reshaping geopolitical landscapes."
"Normal malware doesn't go after control systems, and this was specifically focused on control systems."
"The virus records 30 days of normal centrifuge operation... then when Stuxnet attacks, it plays back the pre-recorded data so operators on the outside can't see the infection raging within."
"Once it was inside, it was unstoppable. They were doomed."
"A virtual private network is a basic layer of security for you as you're browsing the web."
"Your data is valuable. Hackers can make up to a thousand bucks per person selling personal information on the dark web."
"Security and the escalating cyber threats we face require a whole of nation effort."
"There is a real cyber war that is happening behind the scenes that we don't even know anything about."
"AI will hack us in a way that we could never ever imagine."
"Notwithstanding these repeated warnings, we continue to see adversaries compromising systems that use known vulnerabilities for which there are patches. This is deeply troubling."
"It’s sort of a puzzle; it’s a detective game, trying to say, 'Well, this matches that,' or, 'This thing has some Cyrillic letters in it. Where did it come from? Which IP address?' But there's some assumptions in this kind of work, like all detective work."
"At its core, RSA is secured by the fact that factorizing a large number to find its two large prime number factors is an intractable problem."
"Software, especially operating systems and internet systems, are incredibly complex pieces. You really can't just throw blame; all you can do is alert people and hope to God that we can fix this really quick and reduce the amount of actual attack damage that we can get."
"It has never been so important to be insured and safe when it comes to the online World."
"There's tons of proof-of-stake networks for years and they've all been less attacked and more secure than proof of work networks."
"The attack on Sony Pictures wasn't even that sophisticated."
"I think that's a reasonable assessment look at stuck net Iranian nuclear centrifuges overloaded and exploded how did they do it many of you may not remember stuck."
"If cyber War were to really kick off it'd be worse than you realize Cyber attack continues to plague Montana pharmacies hackers behind the change Healthcare ransomware received a $22 million payment."
"An adversarial country would be a country that probably wants to do some sort of digital economic harm to the USA."
"Cyber attack and Chinese Transformers, that's what I would think."
"The other thing is stop reusing your passwords."
"Two-factor authentication, multi-factor authentication."
"Your password should not only be eight characters, minimally, but most apps and websites you maybe yourself develop moving forward should allow much longer passwords as well."
"TikTok is a data collection service thinly veiled as a social network."
"If he had an updated version of Adobe at the time, because the problem was patched, maybe the social engineering side would have worked, but it wouldn't have gotten me anywhere, right?"
"Omniscience protection, also known as Atlas VPN."
"We have stumbled into this new era of mutually assured digital destruction."
"No one talks about fight club. First rule of the zero day market, nobody talks about the zero-day market."
"Usually, 80% of them come down to a lack of two-factor authentication."
"When I'm testing my client's security, I still get that endorphin rush when I'm able to find a security hole."
"If you're not using a password manager, it's probably time to start doing so."
"So what I want to show you now is how to ensure that your website shows secure."
"DNS is one of those things that is a very simple concept but why we get paid the big bucks is taking that simple concept and turning it into a complex infrastructure that solves your security issues."
"The Cyber threat is daunting, but when we combine the right people, the right tools, and the right authority, our adversaries are no match for what we can accomplish together."
"Using the same passwords again and again, is a pretty bad idea."
"A VPN acts as a barrier between you and all your information and people that might be trying to hack you."
"Advanced threats are human-motivated. They're not going away."
"The biggest difference between attacks? Advanced threats have motivated humans."
"Attribution is extremely important with advanced threats. Know your enemy."
"The human piece is what's going to save your ass."
"Nothing is ever as good as you having an analyst."
"Using a VPN is something that everybody should be doing."
"So even some amazing quantum computer that can hack any code, which gets rather exaggerated, can’t get someone into something if it also requires a possession like a thumb drive with a long encryption key on it that has to be plugged in."
"One of the biggest challenges right now with cybersecurity isn’t that we don’t have a lot of the tools, but that most folks don’t actually know they exist or what the threats look like."
"This virus is a masterpiece, the level of sophistication, precision, stealthiness, and effectiveness have never been rivaled in any malware ever discovered."
"Your personal data is very valuable. It is no wonder that hackers, governments, and corporations are trying to collect and catalog everything about you."
"Your mom is cute. I have your face and name. I know which schools you went to. I know every member of your family."
"If you feel you've ever been hacked and you're on an iPhone, start bringing up that lockdown mode."
"Stop downloading packages willy-nilly because you know what, you may end up being infected."
"The future of cyber security is going to be powered by AI and anyone that thinks otherwise is not going to have an effective platform for security."
"Cyber security is a booming industry with jobs expected to grow by 35% by 2031."
"Guardio is a browser extension that keeps you safe on the Internet by stopping you from visiting malicious websites."
"Cyberpunk is supposed to be an RPG with a really in-depth character creator."
"With legislation coming in, you shouldn't let authorities or hackers know where you are. Use a VPN."
"As a security best practice, you should never ever ever trust what the client sends you."
"Once you've been able to hack a system, a real system, then there's a certain amount of addiction that takes place that you want."
"There's no such thing as a perfectly, 100% secure, computer system."
"This is like a very feasible attack to bring off in an application-level setting."
"Key-based authentication is more secure and more convenient."
"Think about all of your online accounts, finances, and devices. What are you doing to protect them?"
"What we've done is we've plugged a bunch of systems into each other in ways that our protections don't anticipate."
"Expect these attacks to become more sophisticated and coordinated."
"It's down to you and you alone to protect your own data."
"The biggest concern in all of this should be the spoofing of the email."
"Someone could probably make millions... if they broke the security on tick-tock."
"White hat hackers are the little angels of the hacker world."
"Social engineering is basically you know it's where people play act to try to get information or data out of you."
"Online security has never been more important in today's age."
"If I were to advise a rogue nation state on how to take down the United States, I would tell them to start with the APIs first."
"This is the story of the man who single-handedly stopped the largest ransomware attack the world has ever seen from his bedroom."
"You cannot trust any input that ever comes from the user because clearly with an hour or so of CS50, they can learn how to turn all of these defenses off."
"There are no rules. Cyber crime laws were now in place."
"NASA did manage to notice that some unauthorized changes were being made to their systems"
"It's getting increasingly more difficult to find some of those most critical types of security vulnerabilities."
"We want to reward the people who spend the time and effort and, frankly, creativity to still find vulnerabilities."
"Using keys for SSH which you should be, some password managers like one password offer the ability to use what's known as an SSH agent so that your keys are available without needing to copy them to your PC when you try to connect."
"When you leave your internet connection unencrypted, you might as well be writing your passwords and credit card numbers on a giant billboard for the rest of the world to see."
"Internet service providers are tracking your every move, big companies are profiting off of you, and cybercriminals are trying to steal your data."
"Web application hacking is in high demand right now... where the big money is."
"Avoid CEH and CompTIA Pentest+... OSCP... the gold standard... very challenging."
"OSCP... 24 hours exam... gatekeeper certification... spend a thousand, get twenty thousand salary."
"Privilege escalation... escalate your privileges... free labs on TryHackMe... highly recommend."
"Everybody wants your data. Hackers want your data, your ISPs want your data, the websites you visit — they want your data. Everybody wants your data. That's not their business. Your data is your business."
"Imposter syndrome is the mental health issue of our cybersecurity or IT community."
"As digital platforms develop, we're increasingly seeing organized criminals using crypto to launder their dirty money."
"Azure Key Vault encrypts at rest, encrypts during transmission and isn't even visible to your web server administrators. It's super locked down."
"The larger the network becomes, the harder it is to hack, so Bitcoin network is arguably the most secure network ever built by man."
"We are all of us vulnerable and dependent on the very important hard work of law enforcement and cybersecurity professionals."
"As we use encryption to improve cybersecurity, we must also ensure that we retain society's ability to gain lawful access to data and communications when needed to respond to criminal activity."
"Every single company should have its own domain for security."
"There's a lack of defense-side technologies to defend against manipulation."
"Who knows, information is gettable, we're hackable. Please don't say that."
"You gotta protect where you use your valuable info and gaming accounts."
"Bitcoin and lightning are going to bring cyber security to eight billion people in cyberspace."
"Bitcoin is going to find its way into cyberspace for safety, for civility, for security, and to prevent denial of service attacks."
"Battles are fought not with Conventional Weapons but with lines of code and algorithms."
"Cyber capabilities have emerged as a formidable Force reshaping the Dynamics of conflicts."
"Behind the scenes, these anonymous cyber warriors have displayed unparalleled commitment and dedication."
"I once worked for a news organization and we're getting spear phishing emails."
"Knowing how to protect yourself is incredibly important. Hackers these days are getting extremely clever."
"Cyber protection for transportation infrastructure... just as important as having missile defense systems."
"Having a VPN for that extra level of security is something everyone should have."
"Encryption was something on which privacy advocates and the hacker community and even intelligence agencies were focused as this solution, a technological solution to prevent governments or non-state actors from invading people's privacy."
"For now however the best way to protect yourself... is enabling two-factor authentication."
"Most hacking is simply someone guessing your password successfully or just finding it on some leaked database out there."
"Viruses have embedded themselves deep into the roots of computing."
"Stuxnet was the first virus designed to cause real-world damage."
"I Love You caused a global pandemic and did around eight to ten billion dollars of damage."
"Even bigger step, let's make sure that this never happens again."
"Every additional feature or function is also an attack vector for a hacker."
"This discovery of how to shut down Code Red earned Eichmann a trip to the White House."
"Cyber security is more important now than ever."
"iDefense had created an ethical, profitable system that gave hackers a first opportunity to monetize their hobby."
"You can gauge a company based on their response to a hack like this."
"Full scale cyber warfare isn't a dystopian vision of the future; it's happening right now."
"From 2013 onwards, the report listed cyber warfare as the top threat facing our world today."
"It's a lot easier to hack a system when you can entice the user into an action."
"To prevent cyber attacks, companies need certified cybersecurity and networking professionals."
"The ability to get hacked is not something that is going to be happening on a console."
"Hacking people is a thing. Every company's greatest security weakness... is you."
"Every company invests millions in security infrastructure, but there's always a huge gaping hole... their people."
"You could do anything. You weren't important enough to be hacked, but you could have been."
"One of the biggest social media platforms in the world was brought to its knees by a social engineering attack."
"Hacking people is one of the most dangerous threats we have facing us."
"Stay protected and keep your internet connection secure."
"VPN stands for virtual private network and what it does is keeps your data safe behind a wall of next generation encryption."
"We're taking the burden of security, securing our apps, or putting that on the shoulders of our developers, that scares me, does that scare you?"
"Most of the world's greatest exploits that have happened in the last five years have been application-based."
"Hacking in order to gain access to a system."
"49% of women use personal details or memories when making their passwords, which is really not a safe way to go about your online activities."