
Pacifism Quotes

There are 746 quotes

"We are fanatic pacifists. We will bring peace, prosperity, and happiness to the galaxy."
"Political violence is never the answer, regardless of which side of the political spectrum it occurs."
"I want people to be happy; I don't want to hurt anyone."
"Desmond Doss... saved many of his comrades' lives in battle without firing a single shot."
"Pacifism, defending yourself, both are imperfect. Misery, failure, and suffering are inevitable parts of being human."
"Hold on now, though, I'm a pacifist at heart; those [] are on my [] list."
"I don't want to hurt anybody. That's a great start."
"The big picture for me is Ireland has never invaded anybody, never partitioned another country."
"Naruto by and large seems to be a pacifist, at least when he's talking."
"Naruto is by no means a pacifist; he has basically been partaking in war since he was 12 years old."
"What's beauty? To me, beauty that really kind of gets me in a very primal emotional way is when these extremely powerful people choose to take their hand off the trigger and are like, 'I'm not going to be killing people.'"
"I personally don't like to kill them anymore."
"I'm so sick of violence. I think violence is so pointless."
"The peaceful people, the Nathii, do not kill, not even beasts of the field and wood. They eat fruit, not flesh, and make music, not war."
"The essence of Star Trek is not to fight; fighting is the last resort."
"This year will be very important for us to bond with others, to make bridges to be clever rather than go and fight with people."
"You can't fight fire with fire, you know, everything just burns."
"I talk all big and tough down there by the throne, or lack thereof a throne, but I don't know how to fight war. I make trees, not war."
"Resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on the right cheek, turn to him the other also."
"The Anabaptists are firm pacifists and they strongly believe in the separation of church and state."
"What would happen if people just refused to engage? They just refused to fight."
"Undertale isn't the first game that allows you to make it all the way to the end without killing anyone but the options and the choices make each monster feel like a fully fleshed out person."
"Non-violence is really the only way that we can follow."
"More sports, less war. That's my hippie mantra."
"Pacifism doesn't work when your enemies are trying to kill you."
"Pacifism isn't just about doing the right thing when it's easy, it's about doing it even when it's hard."
"Undertale... the RPG where you don't have to destroy anyone."
"Can't you see she's sleeping? The dark widow isn't a fighter, now she is a mother."
"You spared the Froggit, it shall no longer attempt to attack you."
"I mean, if you don't have to kill, why kill?"
"The last thing I ever want to do is kill another black man. Big facts."
"I plead guilty throughout my adult life to doing everything that I can to prevent war and destruction." - Bernie Sanders
"I still struggle with that decision to have chosen to not fight during World War II."
"I'm not in this for War. I really I'm not. I'm a peaceful person at the end of the day, but if you bring it to my doorstep, yeah, I'll engage."
"Okay, so we can either be amazed or a weapon. Let's actually be somebody that uses a weapon. I don't wanna be a weapon, you know? I mean, I myself am considered."
"With exactly 1 unforgivable murder under our belt, 1 donut legally edible, and I think like twenty something items but I honestly didn't care to add up the number you do it, the Metroid Minimalist Pacifist Run is Mission Complete."
"The best lover of peace is the soldier, the one that knows history and what happens."
"For instance, one of the main ideologies Rupaul shares is a sort of pacifist mindset, where you should aim to always respond to everything with love, and understand that everyone is battling their inner-saboteur."
"Every time somebody tries to stop a war before it begins innocent people die. Every time."
"No more, not tonight, not like this. I will not take another life."
"My weapon of choice is love. I choose to love all creation."
"Winning to me is not blowing away the bad guy. The better way of winning the fight is not to have one."
"Sometimes it takes more courage not to fight."
"If we stopped spending 800 billion dollars a year on our defense budget and invading other countries, this would end."
"Jesus Christ himself said whoever lives by the sword dies by the sword. So we're not here to pick up the sword, we're here to save the lost. That's why we preach the gospel."
"It's really easy to be like I'm anti-war... we're talking about Syria in the Middle East." - Ian
"War is not glorious. It's not brave and honourable and sort of romantic. It's awful, and I'm going to expose the reality of the war to you."
"Being peaceful and being a pacifist are two different things."
"She's willing to talk this out with him, and even when Isaac refuses...she doesn't shoot anyone or even move because she doesn't want to kill any of the WLF."
"I don't love defense technology because I love war. I love defense technology because it's one of the few things that can actually deter one."
"How much more Jedi than never igniting a lightsaber... standing down against the whole first order."
"The mysterious demise of the Indus civilization, a Utopia without weaponry or kings."
"I'm a peaceful man, there will be no need for violence."
"I don't want to kill anyone. I don't like bullies."
"You absolutely do not want to be the first one to fight if possible."
"Nobody should ever be bombed as an inherently pro-fascist position."
"It's time for us to kind of weed out the pacifists, you know, and really unite and make a hardcore change."
"Imagine fighting a war against people who have guns and saying no no no no we don't want to use guns too."
"Alexander Litvinenko - But what could drive someone to assassinate the world’s most famous pacifist?"
"Violence will never be the answer because the government will never turn down an excuse to use more force."
"Thorfinn is willing to get beaten to a pulp, run away, and give up his life in the name of this new non-violent quest to create a peaceful land for those who want to live that way."
"I don't want nobody to lose their life, I don't want nobody to have to go through PTSD and all this. I don't want the environment to get destroyed over just some man's greed or some man's ideology."
"We're all running out of strength to fight, there's no reason for shedding any more unnecessary blood here."
"They just lie. I hope we don't go to war, man."
"Karl Fritz's ultimate goal was peace, but he believed that the crimes that the Eldians committed in the past were so grave that they should never have existed in the first place."
"Avoid needless destruction and most of all avoid needless loss of life."
"I've never been one to subscribe to the belief the U.S should maintain a strong economy by pointing weapons at other nations."
"I don't want to kill anyone. I don't like bullies, I don't care where they're from."
"In this moment where Torres lies mortally wounded, we learned that he hasn't fired a gun since his daughter was shot and he couldn't even bring himself to do it to save his own life."
"We're spending more than a trillion dollars on weapons of mass destruction every single year."
"I'm anti-war, I'm for healthcare for everybody."
"I'm not a fighter I'm I'd rather give you a high five and a hug as opposed to like throwing fists like I'd like to defuse the situation before it escalates."
"We're not here to raise up our pitchforks and torches."
"Planet With dives deep into the philosophy of pacifism."
"Tony Stark announces that Stark Industries will stop making weapons."
"We're reaching a level of warmongering that is beyond terrifying. The only objective worthy of pursuit is peaceful coexistence."
"I will do all that I can, all that I must, to prevent more of my brothers and sisters in uniform from being sent into harm's way."
"Shinzo Abe's main goal in his second term as prime minister... to put an end to Japan's institutional pacifism."
"I don't want to hurt you. I don't want a throne. I just want you to be okay."
"Unlike many pioneering scientists of his era, Nikola Tesla actively avoided becoming involved in developing weapons or assisting warfare efforts. He resisted working alongside other scientists employed in military research for the government."
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched..."
"True strength is found in turning the other cheek."
"All I'm saying is that change will happen with love, not with killing."
"Playing off of the cast system because gandhi who was a pacifist who used non-violent protesting hunger strikes, all kinds of different ways to essentially change the system of his country."
"Clearly he's not connected at all with the idea of Rage or violence wants to Discount that completely"
"There's no need to fight, everyone will be released someday."
"The story of how one person changed the course of history and potentially saved millions upon millions of lives by essentially deciding to do nothing."
"No one should be fighting. The purpose of..." - Wanda Maximoff
"Let's find someone who's for America and against wars, more of a working man and against the special interests."
"I'd much prefer a world where you basically got rich people bribing each other than blowing up people who don't want to be involved in war."
"We will keep America out of endless foreign wars."
"True courage is about knowing when not to take a life."
"I never wanted to fight... I loved what the training did for my mental health."
"A Jedi's goal is to defend life, not take it."
"Replying to hate speech with hate is not an option."
"Aang remains resistant to violence all throughout the show."
"We oppose war because war is the worst thing."
"I don't want to make personal enemies of people I don't know."
"What is interesting to note is that Luffy is seemingly the only one on a list who has no interest in conquering others."
"You can question some of the forward foreign policy positions without being a pacifist."
"Not killing what you hate, but saving what you love."
"Drift's origin story is a journey from assassin to pacifist."
"We can no longer murder people anymore for any reason especially the government."
"I wanted to respond to it not with war, you know, of weapons and bullets, but with the war of ideas."
"Never advocate for violence. It doesn't really work."
"He’s constantly making new friends on his path to becoming the master of all four elements, and even when fighting his foes, he would do whatever it takes to ensure that no one has to die."
"Jesus arguably was a pacifist and maybe even a socialist too."
"Ali refused, saying that he wasn't going to let them send him ten thousand miles away to die fighting people who wanted to be a part of the war just as little as he did."
"To buy the best stuff, to have the best equipment in the world, and to never have to use it would be a really great part of my dream."
"As the Avatar, you are not meant to hurt others."
"He took the family into the Quaker faith and a tenant of the Quaker ethos is conscientious objector status and a peaceful sort of view of the world and approach to other people."
"I'd rather no one murdered anyone. It's bad."
"Bernie Sanders is genuinely a nice person. He genuinely does not want to confront."
"George RR Martin is a pacifist who is trying to show us the cost of war."
"The proper Christian perspective is not the sword but it is the cross."
"Let's stiffen our spine when it comes to this. Do you know what, Billy? They don't want their sons and daughters to go to war."
"Aggression doesn't pay. Aggression has been seen to be defeated."
"The true warrior walks away from a fight and does not choose violence."
"Instead of making artillery pieces and bombing people, why don't you just eat some good food? Food brings people together."
"Violence isn't the first reaction, it's like, 'What the hell are you even talking about?'"
"Are you ready to choose not to fight with people?"
"Hello Internet! Welcome to Food Theory, where our motto is always make lunch, not war."
"Jesus lived at a time of war and said, 'Those who live by the sword die by the sword.'"
"War, huh? What is it good for? Absolutely nothing, say it again, war, good god y'all."
"Maybe just maybe instead of spending 1.8 trillion dollars a year on weapons of destruction designed to kill each other, maybe we should pool our resources and fight our common enemy which is climate change."
"The ability to kill isn't what makes someone strong but knowing when not to."
"I will no longer wield swords that kill people."
"Please don't push me, I don't wanna be a bad guy."
"She hates fighting and she hates seeing her friends hurt and scared."
"I'm growing as a person, not building warships right away."
"What a world where the pacifist is the strongest character now."
"War is the worst thing in the world. It's insane that human beings still do it."
"Even though you attempt your best not to kill pretty much any enemy... sometimes you might have to."
"Donna's comment about there being no war because nobody's fighting back against the aliens put everything into perspective."
"If he was this militant Messiah... It just seems like they're just based on 'Oh no, this is all let's all get along religion.'"
"I don't see weapons of mass destruction as a viable option for any of this."
"Violence is not the answer or the solution, man, that is a really great necessary lie of civilization."
"Costa Rica is like the pacifist nature guy in Central America who just wants you to zipline through his jungles, chill out on the beach, and not fight with him. Please, just don't fight with him."
"Choose peace because there's some sort of hidden blessing in it."
"Just accept your position in the world as a pacifist. Yeah, which hey, you know what, honestly, probably the right answer."
"By refusing to kill the Fire Lord despite having the power to do so was a statement of peace, possibly the most important statement that the show makes…"
"Violence is not the answer here. It's definitely not what you want to do to get your point across."
"The one who is strong, who walks openly to meet the world, does not kill but sows peace."
"The non-violent approach is the best way to go."
"I do not support war in any form because war outcome is always tragic."
"Violence begets violence; guns and bombs don't bring peace."
"I've never hurt anybody in my whole life but I've never been pissed off this mon."
"It's a trap! I'm sure we can all be friends."
"Jesus didn't attack his enemies... he forgave them."
"I don't want to fight, I just want the truth."
"I've always been anti-war. I always will be anti-war because war is just absolutely freaking stupid."
"Desmond Doss, you know, he was working on me and he says, 'You don't have any weapons.' I'll give you a .45.' He says, 'No,' he says, 'I can't kill anybody. That's my religion.'"
"I'm very much I'm not a pacifist but I would say that I do advocate for being nice and clean as possible on the opening lap."
"The solution is not returning that anger with anger; we need to rise above that and continue to engage peacefully and lovingly."
"People's appetite for war is slowly evaporating away as it should because it's a horrible thing."
"War is not the answer. Why? Because we live in a social structure that's all about violence."
"Violence is not always necessary to solve a problem."
"The most shocking fact about war is that its victims and its instruments are individual human beings."
"The Chinese have always... never wanted a war, they just wanted to dominate and control."
"Patience, love, and reason: they're the only weapons we have."
"I appreciate that he clarified he didn't want beef though I don't want beef either, I'm vegan."
"You don't prove anything at all by fighting."
"I think it's really important to recognize the historical context... the non-retaliation teaching is a very powerful statement about how to relate to truly unjust structures and situations."
"Be peaceful, be respectful, don't stoop to the government's level."
"The skillful general wins the battle without firing a single shot."
"He cannot kill anyone, fight with them, but he will rescue anyone that needs help because he declares he is part of the rescue team."
"A man who detests war, violence, and the dreadful waste of human life."
"The culture is one of pacifism and zero tolerance for violence."
"I have now embraced pacifism over combat."
"He's not particularly fond of fighting or hurting anyone."
"Desmond Thomas Doss... refused to carry any firearm whatsoever and went on to save 75 men."
"Matthew hates war, he hates the senseless killing."
"The Germans caught my father, mother, and two brothers. They were taken to their death, so would I imitate them by killing some Germans? It didn't pay to me; it made no sense. I wanted to save, not kill."
"My mother always taught me to be a pacifist and to let cosmic karma take its course."
"We are not aggressive; we are not violent."
"Not every hill needs your bloodshed."
"He gave up the greatest title in the world because he refused to go to war."
"I've abjured all violence, but you're the God of War. I left that behind long ago."
"One of the misconceptions about pacifism is that is the same as doing nothing because you are standing by your morals despite the atrocities that continue to happen."
"Resist not evil. Whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also."
"I'm a lover, not a fighter, but when I start fighting, I will blow up the spot."
"I think non-intrusiveness is the most important thing when it comes to playing a pacifist character."
"I want to save everyone, and we can do it without fighting."
"I won't hold a rifle because these are my principles, my religion won't allow it."
"If somebody slaps me on one side of my face, I've got to turn my other cheek? I mean, what's that about?"
"I will never hurt another living soul."
"The Lord Jesus never taught us to fight. The Lord Jesus never taught us to retaliate. The Lord Jesus said never return evil with evil, but return evil with good."
"Men, masculine force, don't turn the other cheek. Eye for an eye leaves the entire world blind."
"I desire not a drop more be spilt of Christian blood."
"That's life, that's them, that's not me. I don't do that, ladies. I come in peace, I promise."
"If I didn't know that there will always be wars and armed conflicts between the people, I would certainly be marching under the banner of the pacifists."
"There's no reason why we shouldn't live in a beautiful garden. There's no reason why the best land on Earth should be given over to battlefields."
"It's not about not being able to fight. It's about not fighting at all. Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith first, the trust part comes later."
"Optimus makes a speech about rejecting violence."
"Lars definitely wouldn’t be fighting anyone, opting instead to lay low during the ordeal."
"...he woke up to the fact that violence only breeds more violence."
"I want to see nobody in harm's way, anybody who know me, they know I'm all about chilling, I ain't trying to be extra tough."
"I don't condone war. I think there are few justifiable reasons for killing."
"The pacifist stance is starting to make so much more sense."
"I never look for fights. I haven't had a street fight in years, and I never want to have one in my entire life."