
Teaching Philosophy Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"It's my personal belief that if I'm not excited to go to school in the morning and teach a lesson, I can't expect my students to be excited to learn it."
"We have taught people what to think; we have never taught them how to think."
"We want to teach kids how to think, not what to think."
"I really want to make my students feel that way... have their own epiphany with me."
"If a child can't learn the way you teach, then you need to teach the way they learn."
"I'm not engaging in anti-woke activism or, you know, anti-woke discussions in my classes."
"I want to teach children to enjoy life, you know? I don't want them to not enjoy life, you know what I mean?"
"It's not about giving them answers... it's about asking questions."
"By refocusing our mission... as a college that teaches students how to think rather than what to think, we can restore our reputation as a premier learning institution."
"We need to teach kids how to think, not what to think."
"The kind of education that we're looking at is to teach students how to think not what to think."
"Teach people to fish, not just give them fish."
"Pedagogy is more important than technology while you are talking about the teaching learning process."
"We seek every single day to teach you guys how to think not what to think."
"Education should foster curiosity, empathy, critical thinking, and creativity."
"I respect that immensely. I think that uh the classic saying is that teachers are there to teach you how to think not what to think."
"The role of the teacher is to engage and help."
"You're teaching them to fish instead of giving them fish."
"It's like the saying, 'You give a person a fish, they eat for a night. You teach a person to fish, they will eat the rest of their life.'"
"I'm trying to teach you how to fish, not just give you the fish."
"Let's make the body enjoy itself. Let's not teach anything."
"I teach every single child that I ever work with every client: you were marked with something that stands you out from every other person."
"A good instructor does not need to impose will through strength." - Marco Costra
"The biggest concern is we should be teaching kids to be comfortable with themselves."
"If you win a game you're teaching, you've already lost."
"Don't tell your kids what to think, teach them how to think."
"The most important thing that you can do as a teacher is build relationships with your students, let them know that they are special, let them know that you love them, let them know that you care about them, let them know that you believe in them."
"Teaching is not a one-way street, it goes both ways."
"It's a process of letting go and wiring in. And if I were to sum up by the way transformation and my whole channel, all my teachings into two main ideas, it would be to let go and wire in."
"One thing that's becoming more and more important for me to remember as I teach: people not subjects."
"My teaching philosophy strongly aligns with the district's goal in providing students with a strong academic foundation to become lifelong learners."
"Think less about imparting wisdom or like teaching directly and more that I'm going to create a healthy learning environment for them to become the human that they need to be."
"Good teaching boils down to just basically being a good parent."
"If you lead with that place in your heart and in your mind, then whatever you end up teaching is going to be successful."
"Teaching is more of an art than a science."
"We're not just here to teach you grammar and stuff. We want you to have a good life."
"And the point with little kids is to have them look forward to come to lesson."
"I would rather teach you to fish than become a fish dealer, and really, the education is my passion."
"I'm not satisfied just teaching you Geology 101 content; I'm not satisfied saying this is what an entrenched meander is."
"We have to remember that we are teaching children."
"My philosophy of teaching is that there's three philosophies of teaching: monologue, dialogue, and trialogue."
"We're often told to focus on the students... but in actual fact, if we focus on ourselves, everything else will look after itself."
"We want to teach students not what to think but how to think."
"I believe if you know who you are as an educator and you know your why, it is going to shine through."
"Those who dare teach must never cease to learn."
"Good teachers want their pupils to feel that way."
"I think the most important thing is finding something interesting in what you're teaching."
"This class is not for me to show off my expertise; it's for the person there, so this is your class, the most important person is you."
"This document is as if it is a window into your teaching and it summarizes your beliefs."
"Fair does not mean we treat all the kids exactly the same because they're not the same."
"It is what teachers think, what teachers do, and what teachers are at the level of the classroom that ultimately shapes the kind of learning that young people get."
"I don't teach you just to paint like me, I teach you to paint like all kinds of people."
"I want to educate, everything is a learning experience."
"I believe in teaching everything that you know."
"What really teaching is, is sharing as human beings."
"There's more to teaching than methods and there's more to learning than just finding out how something works."
"Teach a man how to fish, he's good. Give a man a fish, he's alright for now."
"You can't know something until you know something, and it's my job to help you know something."
"I'm a transparent teacher; I learn from my students, even if I learn what not to do."
"I don't take attendance, I never have, never will."
"My ethos is to give my students the information, skills, and knowledge they need to be able to go out in the world and do whatever it is they want."
"I'm just doing what I feel like I need to do to be the teacher that I wish I had had when I was learning how to wire wrap."
"Teaching and learning has absolutely nothing to do with what we cover... but it has everything to do with what the student accomplishes."
"Our job is to build them up, make them confident."
"We're going back to where we started, we're going back to trying to teach children to program."