
Historical Analysis Quotes

There are 974 quotes

"Empires fall for a number of reasons, including economic turmoil, political division, and social and cultural decay."
"The biggest problem I was facing was, well, if Jesus is love, Jesus is the prince of peace, they did not have to spread Jesus by the sword."
"The banality of evil was that Eichmann was ordinary, bland, a bureaucrat who, in her words, was neither perverted nor sadistic but terrifyingly normal. He acted without any other motive other than to diligently advance his career in the Nazi bureaucracy."
"There doesn't seem to have been much of an increment in human well-being on the material front from about 350,000 years ago to about 50,000 years ago."
"Material is not definitive. There are many examples of less powerful nations coming out on top of larger, more powerful nations."
"The Roman Empire's reliance on imported food is a well-known example along with how disruption to its trade network could quickly lead to civil instability."
"Imagine the level of historical ignorance and attachment to the most maximal versions of American exceptionalism needed to believe that this ordinary, relatively trivial interference by the Russians in 2016... pale in comparison even as American liberal elites talk about that interference as though it was some off-the-chart, never-before-seen subversion."
"The German staff officers could see the danger, but the Führer was blind to it."
"Appeasement is not a historically effective strategy."
"Alexander breaks the norm. It's not about what seems reasonable or plausible to us, but we need to judge the sources based on the historical apparatus that we have."
"History is a powerful reference point when it comes to investing in the stock market, especially at times like this."
"What builds that discipline is testing this yourself... so that you can see throughout the past, this exact situation has happened, it's provided me with a 60 percent chance to win."
"Historical materialism beating out other people's explanations for why empires rise and fall since 18-something."
"I thought it would be fun to look at those ideas through the lens of a totally different generation and time period."
"What is completely and irrefutably damning is that the Japanese tested Vought's prized aircraft and concluded it was inferior to the A5M and the Ki-27."
"Let's take a little trip down memory lane to properly analyze the masculinization of black women in America."
"It may be taken as historically certain that Peter and the disciples had experiences after Jesus's death in which Jesus appeared to them as the risen Christ."
"In real life, genetic experts in 1987 found that the genetic disorder of Catherine and Narissa and their cousins passed through the common maternal grandfather of Queen Mother and her brother, Baron Clinton, evidently not affecting the Queen or her heirs at all."
"While historians, anthropologists, and others still debate about precisely why civilization collapses occur, there are multiple quite obvious and fundamental factors that are believed to be just as devastating for a modern civilization as it would be and was for ancient ones."
"Others believe understanding Hitler's psyche is of the utmost importance. We cannot guarantee that another Hitler will not arise, but... you need to do everything you can to understand the perpetrator."
"There is no evidence to suggest he was mentally ill. He knew exactly what he was doing. There's only one way to explain him: he was pure evil."
"For Fanti, the shroud of Turin is not a medieval forgery; it could very well be the burial cloth of Christ."
"Doubts about its authenticity have long existed. Scholars generally have rejected the historicity of the Exodus account, and this is because of this lack of direct evidence outside the Bible that would substantiate these events."
"When trying to figure out what really happened in history, we need to look at evidence from all angles: archaeology, history, linguistics, and genetics."
"Ultimately, Stalin, for all his Bolshevik ideology, was a pragmatist with a keen eye for survival."
"A reasonable person looks at the historic record and uses it to project the future, since the past is the only thing we have and thus it's the best thing we have to understand the future."
"Genealogy asks us to stop thinking about our present society, beliefs, structures, etc., as if they were just destined to be this way."
"You've got four stories of the tomb that the Gospel writers never went to."
"If we're going to talk about historical figures, we need to apply historical criteria and not simply advance views that would be convenient to our own belief system or ideologies."
"The odds of similarly being able to do that in one place is astronomical... it becomes more than a coincidence, it starts to become this serendipity."
"The biggest indicator and the biggest correlating point you can find for revolts and riots in most countries throughout history has been income inequality."
"If we do not credulously read the Bible as uncomplicated history, we can parse the actual history that is in the text as well."
"Jesus the stone mason, that really does seem to be the best interpretation of the original text."
"And that's why I think, in general, it's a good idea to be suspicious of any single cause imagining of why historical events happened."
"It takes time, it takes separation from an event, and taking the emotion out of it to be able to look back at it objectively and to be able to fairly judge it."
"This pandemic did not start in December/January; it actually started probably somewhere between August and September."
"Historically, there were other armor designs that didn't have certain advantages that other armors did, but people still wore them because they were still really, really effective."
"Integration is a two-way street. Rome's failure to integrate the Goths was just one more of its abilities that it had lost near the end of the Western Empire."
"Nobody knows really what ancient warfare looked like on land or at sea."
"Our discussion thus far has been very Western and particularly American-centric, attempting to project our own norms onto other cultures today and especially those of the past, therefore risks high levels of bias."
"This finding is important for three reasons: firstly, it allows us to definitively eliminate the possibility of Roger Bacon's authorship; it also casts further doubt on the involvement of either John Dee or Edward Kelly; it also makes it less likely that the manuscript was a fraud perpetrated by Voynich himself."
"The durability of the Maya suggests that the potential exists for conscious directed enlightenment in which we take ownership of our own evolutionary state."
"The United States enjoyed the best strategic position of any major nation in human history."
"What's the difference between these ships and the first generation of battle cruiser? Well, broadly, it comes down to armor."
"If you've got something about the historical Jesus that's written 500 years after he died, you have to figure out where'd that person get their information from."
"An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again, but one which crumbles from within, that's dead forever."
"The drive for profits associated with convict leasing led to a system that became even more deadly than slavery."
"The life and career of Duras Akos is an answer to the question of how Rome was able to create a global state that lasted over a thousand years."
"Much of Pinochet’s rise to power and control of the country for a period of nearly twenty years must be viewed within the context of the Cold War."
"The Titanic was the biggest ship but the number of lifeboats on the Titanic was insufficient given the number of people on board."
"The totalitarian systems of the 20th century represent a kind of collective psychosis."
"It's amazing how that ties in with mythology as well."
"Well, you know, and I'm just gonna, I just want to discuss this a little bit, you know, when Hitler was gone from Germany and all this, a lot of the scientists, a lot of his generals, they disappeared, uh, they disappeared with lots of submarines."
"All large successful populations of people throughout all of verifiable history have obtained the bulk of their calories from starch."
"He saw that the key to the political union of the United States was an economic one, fundamentally."
"Humans with advanced technology made the U-parts thousands of years ago, and in a few cases, it looks like our ancestors were even more advanced than us."
"The Christian west would triumph because it had a more powerful economy, more innovative technology."
"I think the key thing is to apply history to try to learn from history what we can do about today."
"Russia, as soon as it comes into being, it instantly begins to expand territorially on a tremendous scale."
"You ever wondered how what was happening in Germany uh happened, how you convince all those people of Madness? It's happening again. Totalitarianism is on the rise and that is different than authoritarianism."
"I've also found out how rapid growth brought deadly disease to a town built on improving people's health."
"I do not believe that until then partition was at all unavoidable."
"By far the greatest civilization of the sixth century was the Roman Empire."
"Moby Dick is more than just a novel. It is the ultimate cipher and skeleton key to understanding the history of the United States."
"One of the reasons why archaeologists have missed it has to do less with a dogma and more to do with a global cataclysm."
"At the end it doesn't matter the color of your skin. Shai was Egyptian, were the Egyptian pharaoh their families the ruling aristocracy and the religious class black for."
"We need an honest reckoning about what happened during [the pandemic]."
"Deflation has a lot of negative connotations in the economic sphere, but there have been situations historically in America where deflation has been good for the economy."
"The area surrounding Thrace had already come under scrutiny from Claudius."
"Throughout history, free societies have had to take exceptional measures to defend themselves against external threats." - Neil Ferguson
"The Spring Offensive was a failure that weakened Mussolini’s domestic and international position."
"I launched a research project here in Oxford called ethics and Empire."
"I believe that the talpia tomb is not the Tomb of Jesus and his family it is highly improbable that it was the tomb of jesusness family there's a story to tell there."
"The study of historiography is the study of how people's perception of historical events changes over time."
"It's another example of the Wangchuk kings being very shrewd, seeing the way the wind is blowing and taking a step."
"The purpose of going through this study of Pharaoh is to highlight whether or not you and I have something of Pharaoh inside of us."
"We can go back and check those lines of transmission much early and do the comparisons."
"The Nazis did not just come out of the gate killing people; it was a slow boil that started with such rhetoric and ended with genocide."
"Facts are stubborn things, you know Jesus said the truth shall set you free."
"A take on our history and reality, telling a great truth."
"Could there have been global flooding in other words as the Persian Gulf flooded could there have been massive floods along coastal regions in a global sense the idea is not inconceivable numerous oral."
"The more we look into it the more we can really see that these companies have done this before and maybe these second gen examples are proof that it has been done before."
"There is no definitive answer for who is to blame; to pretend so is to falsify history itself."
"The entire purpose of this show is to take a look at every single one of those hundreds and hundreds of small steps that got us to that giant leap."
"Can anybody tell me any war we've been in since 9/11 that has a positive outcome?"
"The Herald Tribune used their report as evidence of prohibition's complete failure."
"Bart Ehrman's book 'How Jesus Became God' gives a very good social-political explanation of how that happened."
"Thucydides also describes another side effect of the outbreak."
"We won the Cold War in effect, less because of anything we did and because communism turned out to be a moral disaster."
"Stalin basically kills off almost every Marshal" - paranoia leading to military incompetence.
"Jane's conduct toward Anne, both before and after Henry began to court her, suggests that the woman whom most people probably took for a doormat had a vivid streak of ambition."
"Jane quite possibly despised Anne, just as more and more courtiers did throughout Anne’s tenure as Queen."
"I've wanted to try and compile a timeline that is as factual as I can."
"This war... rightly been described as the primal catastrophe."
"The Bronze Age represents the emergence of a militarized society with a martial culture materialized in a package of new efficient weapons."
"Atheist New Testament scholars shed Ludemann: it must be taken as historically certain that Peter and the disciples had experiences after Jesus' death in which Jesus appeared to them as the risen Christ."
"Every single man since the dawn of human time had more than one woman. All kings, emperors, sultans, conquerors."
"Could Petra be the mother of all cities described in the Quran?"
"The evidence leaves us with one or two possibilities, one is that the dynastic Egyptians did everything which means they had far more capability than we think they did...we should probably be rewriting history."
"Israel has not been united as one nation since Solomon's son a thousand years BC so three thousand years Israel hasn't been united but look what it says in 37."
"It's been deflationary since the history of time, it's nothing new."
"The best predictor of future events is past events."
"The simplest answer is because the writing most likely came later and was done by a civilization that lacked the same capability to work the stone."
"Material analysis of history is going to tell you what's right or wrong or whether anybody's materialist or idealist."
"In reality what really decided the outcome of the African and Mediterranean campaigns was the struggle for domination of the skies and the Mediterranean sea itself."
"Hitler stared down Britain and France and won his game of brinkmanship."
"Developed by Italian leader Benito Mussolini in the 1920s, fascism was a political ideology which channelled popular frustration about economic hardship into hatred for minority groups."
"Anything that surprised me may not have happened in my lifetime but happened before I studied the Great Depression because I did that I was able to anticipate the 2008 financial crisis."
"A history of enslavement is most likely true."
"Sugar profits fueled the foreign policy of the 17th-century world and kick-started economic ventures that led to countries we know today and events so important to our modern identities."
"The war started because the United States was isolationist and let aggression go."
"What does it say about a culture if its supreme ruler is buried wearing a garland of drugs?"
"History is the best way to predict the future."
"From a purely historical perspective, Sherman was right. He broke the back of the Confederacy hastened the end of the bloodshed."
"Expanding slavery was the first step toward the eventual extermination of slavery."
"The integration of Christendom of church and state Western tradition in Christ was destroyed World War one was not just World War One or the Great War it was the war against the Christian monarchies it was the destruction of Christian monarchies."
"Let's look at them as we would any other historical source."
"I really wanted to make this video in the first place because I found it just fascinating how this continent would create an alternate trade triangle."
"The Splendor of the bronze chariots is not merely Skin Deep; they offer a gateway to understanding the technological prowess, cultural beliefs, and societal values of the chin era."
"If I had to summarize what the communists did worse it was killing the most productive classes."
"The most important lies about history are lies of omission."
"The real story of how the world wars were fought and won lies in the competition in production."
"Further parsing which of these was the driving force behind the war will be difficult to do until the history books are written."
"The Communist catastrophe was the manifestation of the implicit nature of the ideal."
"To believe that you could keep the British Empire going forever was a tremendous mistake."
"All gun control from its origin to its inception to its manifestation to its execution is racist all of it."
"Analogical reasoning under the Second Amendment requires identifying well-established and representative historical analogs."
"There’s something to enjoy and not enjoy about all the eras but the silver is certainly a special one with a unique origin that certainly turned into companies making lemonade out of some pretty panicked lemons."
"Class struggle defines most of human history."
"When you look at the ship canal now what does it tell you about the Victorians? I think of tenacity, I think of forward planning."
"Cult dynamics are everywhere in modern society and throughout all of human history."
"Was he a hero of the Spanish Reconquista or a self-interested opportunist who sided with whichever side he could benefit most from?"
"If you want to understand Caesar, you need to think like him. One, anything is possible. Two, do what the enemy least expects."
"I think it's pretty easy to conclude that the avenger was the best torpedo bomber of World War II, and not by a small margin."
"Atlantis is the go-to example these days for a great civilization brought to ruin by its own hubristic decadence."
"Atlantis had everything they'd ever need. But because they were human, and therefore flawed, They were consumed by vice and hubris and lost everything."
"Looking back over 100 years ago with the birth of combined arms Warfare it seems puzzling that the Germans initially dismissed the tank."
"Saddam Hussein's reign was quite similar to other personality cults, littered with massive monuments to honor the dictator."
"Stalin's main tool to maintain his cult was the press, presenting him as a wise, much-loved genius."
"What a number of authentic researchers have managed to accomplish by just studying imagery of Mars and also of historical knowledge of the region held here on Earth is quite remarkable."
"Kissinger shows how power has changed in the United States."
"The Iraq War was a criminal disaster that resulted in the deaths of thousands of Americans and millions of Iraqis."
"An issue which seems to have become a major factor affecting his personality and his actions as ruler of Uganda was that he had contracted syphilis in his younger years."
"The historical context of the tales is worthwhile; it's just interesting and it reveals how little has changed despite how much has changed since medieval England."
"How then could someone who embodied the virtues of the Mos Maiorum hasten the decline of the Republic?"
"The murder of millions of Jews and others deemed to be of inferior races was this the culmination of long-standing beliefs and actions of the German people or a monstrous new creation of the Nazis?" - A chilling historical question.
"Why do shields throughout history in different places at different times come in so many different shapes and so many different sizes?"
"I hope we touch it soon because if you guys look back in the history... we then fall right back through it."
"Brezhnev's era was described as a period of stagnation, but it was one of the most stable eras in USSR history."
"Nowhere on thousands of hours of Nixon tapes where Nixon makes any comment as clearly illegal and as clearly self-aware as this." - Garrett Graf
"By commenting on the Medici’s tendency towards tyrannical government, Machiavelli was advising them to open up the government to everyone."
"To understand Poe’s last love, we must go back to his first, because they are one and the same."
"In order for us to think about where we're gonna go in the future we should take a hard look at where we have been in the past."
"To fully understand this boot you have to look at its over 100 Year history."
"Never trust anybody. Check and check and recheck. If you history, you study the history to your best ability, and then you find who gets the money, who gets the power, you're probably onto something."
"To understand what happened, we need to go back to the beginning."
"It's crazy how something so extreme as Hitler and his party was able to slowly creep into government."
"The Great Sphinx of Giza is far older than conventional scientists give it credit for."
"All it takes to predict the future is to examine the past, to really listen."
"Thus, the Mesopotamian, Hebrew, and Greek deluge stories resolve themselves into an early legend."
"China saw that money turned the US into a global superpower and how micromanaging everything destroyed the Soviet Union."
"Focusing on how he got killed is what people did in the Dark Ages, and it ends up with really bad results."
"The language of the Second Amendment was subject to intense discussion, debate, and analysis when it was drafted, just like the rest of the Constitution and the rest of the Bill of Rights."
"How far back would an alien infiltration have gone? How many of these guys were actually human?"
"Ah the roman republic, perhaps the ancient world's most brilliant form of government."
"McClellan talked the talk, but could he walk the walk? No, like Lincoln's other generals, McClellan was maddeningly cautious."
"Napoleon is so far ahead of the normal distribution curve created by the data for these 6,000 plus generals. It's not even close."
"America's loss in Vietnam was ultimately not due to a military defeat, but rather a political one."
"The last years of Mao’s life and his primacy in the politics of China are hard to characterize."
"If Cornwallis's army had lost a full colonel captured to the enemy, Cornwallis himself would be fully and painfully aware of that fact."
"Jack Lane's reasoning was that the British Empire banned slavery and if you're having social workers work without pay then that's slavery."
"Hopefully, by analyzing the series of events, we can learn how to recognize what patterns lead to war in order to avoid them in the future."
"Systems of oppression have been entrenched in U.S. institutions since time immemorial."
"The Legacy of the British Empire is marked by a dark history of exploitation, violence, and oppression."
"It's very similar to like the school shooters who historically in their videos where they talk about why they did it they echo the same sentiments again."
"She never really got the credit, right? As is probably the case with a lot of kings and emperors and lords of the world throughout history."
"If we don't make an analysis of what went wrong then the only analysis that will be out there is by those who are enemies."
"A regional war turned into the First World War because all parties made maximalist demands and assumed others were bluffing. It can happen again."
"That's it. The reason I'm choosing this as the divergence is simply, well, what other option is there? If the south mass-produced cotton in any way then slave politics continue surviving."
"The Socialists that realized this either became fascists like in Germany or Italy or they clung to the socialist or communist labels but ended up creating states that functioned identically to fascist ones like in Russia and China."
"We should always beware, even a wise, bright man like Thomas Jefferson could be corrupted by power." - Senator Mike Lee
"Major civilizations, great powers tend to fall because of an erosion of freedom."
"Over the last two decades, if you just look at temperature, temperature has saved more lives than its cost."
"Historically, the evidence is hard to miss. Heart disease was a rare occurrence when most cultures consumed mainly fats like coconut oil, palm oil, butter."
"There is no World War One as by the 20th century the world is much more like the 18th."
"The CCP celebrated its 100th anniversary on Thursday. For the party, it's about glorifying its past. But what kind of past? It's a black day in history."
"However, this was the story of a strong leader, and as usual, there are shadows behind the triumphs."
"Even a cursory glance at the historical record of your area compared to what you should be seeing in headlines and out of your window right now should compel you to prepare for the worst."
"Analysis of his notes appears to show a message... notable landmarks throughout human history."
"If you want to know the future, look to the past. Study the past."
"What kind of society we come out with on the other side I mean let's face it you know the 1950s and 1960s weren't the worst period you know of of American history uh there's a lot to a lot happened that actually worked."
"The reason why Empires fall is because the attack surface becomes so broad."
"There was an effort by powerful elites after World War II to prevent a world war from happening again, and for good reason."
"The competition between private empires fueled imperialism."
"Kissinger's China policy and Nixon's China policy is the single greatest failure of American foreign policy."
"Mussolini's henchmen used the debacle... deliberately stoked up."
"If we're talking about the most evil person on the planet you can make a pretty good case for Kissinger."
"Evidence shows that Muhammad's biography follows similar stories from the Bible."
"Cartoon Network's history can be split up in two different ways."
"Colonialism in any form is potentially infantalizing to those who are under colonial rule, but the two approaches to the institution had different outcomes."