
Gameplay Experience Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Predictable. But fussing about with these little buggers in a world you could sculpt and influence from above was, in a word: captivating."
"It's equal parts relaxing and stressful but there's an undeniable sense of satisfaction to be found here."
"Drain life, something that also feels really good."
"Portable Ops makes up for its gameplay faults with a compelling story and beautifully drawn Shinkawa-style comic book cutscenes."
"It starts badly... it's actually a chore... but once you get over that hurdle what you find is something that actually plays really really nicely."
"Visually yes the game is a massive step up from all the others it actually looks like a game and sort of plays like one too."
"It feels cool and it feels like it's doing something."
"Brings realism in terms of visuals and gameplay."
"Is there anything more fun than rampaging through a game and feeling like a badass God? No, probably not."
"The new doom is smart fun confined to the absolute present tense experience."
"The world doesn’t feel broken while playing, which ultimately is what’s actually important from a gameplay perspective."
"I love it. I think it's the best moving playing game."
"House of the Dead games: Just the whole concept of having zombies coming at you and blasting them... disturbing."
"The gameplay of Infinite feels like it can really well accommodate both casual and also competitive gameplay."
"My favorite games are the games that you don’t just like, start out with some really good weapons, but in that game you lose your weapons!"
"These moments where you are able to take a breath, and enjoy the music in between those stretches where the stakes are at their highest… are the ones I cherished the most."
"There is no score, no winner, and no way to predict the outcome. You play the game to play the game. There is only the experience."
"I'm just playing it as if I would be playing Resident Evil 7."
"The gameplay of Dishonored is where it shines most."
"If your only goal is shinies and hundos, you're always going to feel disappointed at some point."
"The massive shift from 64 player servers to 128 players is a fundamental change for the franchise."
"Riding clouds used to be fun but now obstacles spawn in right in front of us."
"It feels amazing to have an opponent fail to tackle you as you sprint away."
"The world is carpeted in white and like this is what I'm talking about I think this that's completely different really sort of stark aesthetic is just it's stunning to drive and it's stunning to look at." - Ralph
"Halo Infinite bets on the enduring appeal of its world, characters, and gameplay."
"Anna's sleep dart feels kind of okay to play with and play against."
"We don't want all of the heroes to feel samey."
"Frustration may be a big part of this game for you, but for me, I want to enjoy the combat without being punished for exploring."
"Every single thing that was unique to Sam Fisher is either gone or you don't get to use until the end of the game."
"An open-world stealth assassin game is [ __ ] hilarious and always fun to play."
"Boom! Is it worth it? Let's read. Doom returns as a brutally fun and challenging modern shooter."
"The tutorial in Breath of the Wild feels like playing a mini version of the game."
"Blacklist represents a bit of a return to form. It feels great, has good replay value, and currently provides the most accessible way to play the series' unique Spies vs. Mercs multiplayer."
"If you haven't played the game in forever or you still haven't tried it out, I highly recommend that you do."
"The more you play, the more things start to seem subtly off."
"Your perspective does completely change your gameplay experience."
"Faster movement on hills and terrain, that's what I'm looking forward to here."
"I hope all gamers can tune in to Overwatch and see how great I think the gameplay plays in Overwatch 2."
"That extra difficulty just made all those mechanics so much more tense."
"Immediately impressed with the gameplay controller - immediately fell in love with that thing."
"Set in the near future, Dislike is a visually stunning story of heroes that offers a smooth gameplay experience."
"Monster Lair is certainly unique in terms of both gameplay and presentation, and most importantly it’s fun."
"There's nothing game breaking in Warframe that makes the game unplayable in any sense."
"A fast-paced first-person shooter combined with a large open world and it works."
"It feels so much better to play than the console versions."
"Death Stranding is a slow burn for its first few hours... but by the time the credits rolled I was legitimately blown away."
"The tension inherent in this game's day-night cycle has the power to completely flip your experience in seconds."
"It plays a lot like Black Ops 2, looks like Black Ops 3."
"I also feel the game has some solid pacing they break up the action and really nice waves giving you these nice set pieces to walk through between action scenes."
"A more immersive and cool way to play the game."
"The minute the song started it was just like I knew it was gonna be special."
"It's a shame too because with some more variety and ways to circumvent the grind, Darkest Dungeon could be a very enjoyable game."
"The added content weaved throughout is not only fun to play but doesn't feel out of place."
"A big plus in Mech Arena is that the whole game is designed to offer you a short and intense match on tightly designed maps."
"The core thesis of the game was to make the player feel like they are always on the edge of being overwhelmed."
"Monsters should be more dangerous, they should be scary... the best type of monsters are when you're faced with them, the hero knows he's got to have to work to beat these creatures."
"The puppy Pokemon playing fetch, like what more could you ask for?"
"My first impressions of this game are it is very good, it is a lot of fun to play."
"It's the best FNAF game I have ever played, period."
"It's just such a good execution of everything I love about both roguelikes and Supergiant style games. I cannot recommend this game enough."
"I'm sure many of you who have played this game were wondering why I never did the multiplay throughs like you're actually supposed to with this."
"I did find myself enjoying death stranding's gameplay loop when it wasn't throwing awkward bosses at me."
"Azel is a better playthrough, I think he's a more fun character."
"I found a pipe when I was playing the game previously for a couple hours that was green and it did like crazy damage compared to the club."
"It's packed with features, the handling is better than any other home version before it, and it just looks fantastic in motion."
"Shin Megami Tensei 5 is more of the classic gameplay that the series has served up over the years."
"Okay, we got 10 coins stolen from us. Wait, and Yoshi's looking down there now. He looks up as he gets those coins, this is so weird."
"There's no better feeling than when you're playing well, the team is playing well, the bench is behind you."
"In The Phantom Pain, however, there was a constant desire to mess around with more strategies than the game seemingly wanted me to."
"Feels like at all times during the game you can just choose a gear. Am I in first? Do I just want to chill? Do I want to just go chop some trees?"
"I want us to primarily understand the way it handles fear."
"Killing stuff in this game is extremely satisfying. Your attacks feel meaty, and you feel powerful no matter what class you choose."
"Both his gameplay and his story are going to make the game really great."
"I'm very much enjoying it and now the gameplay is really picked up."
"The gameplay feeling that's fresh and at the same time it's low stress to play. It's just sort of clean simple fun."
"The Great Plateau is one of my all-time favorite video game tutorials."
"But asking players to develop pre-existing relationships with other characters lightens that workload for everyone."
"What other game can mix unsettling atmosphere edge-of-your-seat gameplay that's easy to learn and hard to master?"
"The Order 1886: Once you get past the hype, you'll find a fantastic atmospheric shooter."
"Despite all the parts of the gameplay that feel dated, Mass Effect still manages to tell an immersive giant sci-fi story."
"I'd like to see every class feeling different to play."
"Light those encounters so that the player will actually notice what's going on."
"Even players who get lost easily or don't vibe with the combat can tweak settings to find a way to play this game."
"The gameplay still really tight and feels good to play which is something not many Western RPGs can boast."
"The game's combat and stealth mechanics have seen a significant boost."
"It's not a terrible game, but the gameplay just left me feeling empty."
"Breakneck was such an underrated weapon that in today’s game a lot of players would actually like to have it!"
"These moves are wild and this is a great payoff, really fun."
"GTA 4's gameplay isn't where it shines; it's more in how it puts you in a place where you can create as much havoc as possible."
"Matches should be a better experience for everyone playing them."
"I like it a lot, it feels more like football, feels more like a chess match."
"Gaming design is really important and can either make or break the gameplay experience."
"The game still plays like a hard-hitting survival Metroidvania."
"Doom Eternal is fast-paced with tweakable sensitivity and gyro aiming."
"The mobility felt phenomenal, the skills felt phenomenal, and the gunplay felt really really really good."
"We set cyan Rainbow Friend on fire. No way, bro! Fire, let me use it again to make sure."
"Zeeple Dome is the real deal; this game is bad. The controls are the least problematic issue here; the bigger issue is the latency."
"Plot armor can enhance the fun that the players have at the table."
"I feel super overpowered all the time. Look at this, crazy shields that reflect rockets!"
"Nonetheless, let's get started here at the number 15 spot with Absolver. Critics have compared the gameplay to Dark Souls and Street Fighter."
"One big improvement over the last game is the sense of urgency and purpose you actually feel like you have goals."
"This is a solid game and I think more people should give it a try."
"Dead Space 2: a thrill ride, louder, easier to play, with fluid combat and live action spectacle."
"This is hopefully going to be the high bar of you know what we can look for visually in terms of gameplay and the experience with it."
"Moments like this were as close as the game got to jolting me out of that arcade-y mindset and actually forcing me to think about the wider implications..."
"Innovative mechanics, classic feel – Shovel Knight nails it."
"The game is more than just the main story. The main story is a fraction of the overall experience of this game."
"It finishes the game instead of some of the other more salt inducing, like drag it out finishers that we've been talking about."
"Enhancement Shaman may just be the best that it's been in years."
"Rogue Squadron: The gameplay isn't perfect but it's good."
"Game feel can make or break a title, as seen in Tony Hawk HD's clunky mechanics."
"It's definitely one of the most unique games ever made... juggling the narrative with the gameplay."
"We all know pets can be an important part of the Minecraft experience."
"Big shout out to spooky, can I jump higher than usual now? Oh, I have a jump boost!"
"Chivalry 2 is a dream game... It's just pure chaos."
"Circus Kirby was always a blast to use, even if it's a little bit too chaotic for its own good."
"It's been a long time since I've wanted to just play and grind for weapons."
"Increase experience... adds a sense of urgency... trying to survive... challenging."
"Super r-type... isn't nearly as bad as its reputation... very much a game worth playing."
"We must make some radical changes in our way of thinking."
"Nine is the best map of black ops 4 zombies because this Maps flow to it the way it plays feels like a classic style zombies map."
"The combat felt much more fluid and it helped that I didn't have to worry if I hadn't finished off an enemy."
"Ultimately it doesn't matter whether something's single-player or multiplayer, people play something that's compelling and of high quality."
"I think this mod is cool. It's a novel character that's completely different. It's a totally new style of playing the game."
"The Binding of Isaac is literally the perfect game."
"It was almost like therapeutic it's just kind of like oh I play other games I just walking or running or or even taking a car - it feels so more natural now just to swing around swing around like spider-man."
"Season 9 brings core gameplay updates, a reworked competitive game mode, and a new co-op event that will test the courage of even the bravest heroes as they face a dangerous threat of cosmic proportions."
"Once you get past that first year, you will become addicted."
"Success is earned on the heist not beforehand in the menus"
"Bowser finally has some time to shine as a playable character."
"There's much more variety in the landscapes."
"Superhot VR absolutely slaps with the innovative movement tied with the time mechanic."
"Video games can be so much more than what the standard controller allows for."
"Valorant's cool, but I miss the old CS days and beta experience."
"Way of the Sharpshooter will feel more active and rewarding for players who can fulfill the role of sharpshooter."
"The game was incredibly fun to play, the freaking sound design is some of the best I've ever heard."
"I don't fake dice rolls because that ruins the experience and the risk of the game and my actions which ruins the game for me and everybody else."
"It feels like I might actually be playing detective properly in this game."
"The core gameplay just feels so well done that even now in 2022 it's every bit as playable."
"It's a game that very quickly gets you in, gets your character to a place where they're just blowing up everything on the screen."
"Robin's combat feels very smooth and satisfying."
"Put your faith in Jesus and you will have eternal life."
"The quick setup, quick playtime, lighter rule set, intense gameplay. This is the game on the list that I would choose if I had a small amount of time and I couldn't leave the game on the table between sessions. So easy to put away."
"Turns out that boss is pretty hard if you're not way overpowered. But I still got a hundred and four thousand gold and had a lot of fun."
"The gameplay is just fantastically intuitive."
"It's immersive... the history is real... experiencing it in the gameplay."
"This battle is going at a snail's pace because of the lag."
"This is my favorite game of this I played in a long time."
"World War 3 is a game that has taken me by complete surprise and in a very good way."
"This system has eye-popping graphics, blazing fast gameplay, and silky smooth animations."
"If you like Super Metroid, if you want a modern updated version of Super Metroid, play Shadow Complex."
"Solo versus group experience gameplay so star citizen's position universe is totally playable and pretty fun solo but the group play is where the most fun is at in my opinion."
"It plays like a modern survival horror game."
"What is the quick attack button? I don't know, I really want to know, I get if they don't want to put Call of Duty jam on the screen, but like have the camera shake or something."
"I still recommend playing code Veronica if you haven't already."
"I feel very close to him, and I feel closer to him, I think, than a lot of people have gotten to him."
"It feels somehow more skillful to be able to avoid death in this game where people often die thanks to silly mistakes."
"The pacing of this game is incredibly fast it doesn't feel like I've got time to breathe I like it constantly doing something."
"This build will totally change your experience in the Commonwealth."
"Sleeping Dogs never feels like it has delusions of grandeur or is trying to be anything other than a tightly crafted narrative experience."
"The catching process and the way you can call out your Pokemon whenever you like are just parts of what is ultimately the best thing about Pokemon Legends: the way almost every element of the game is fast and fluid."
"Last time I played this one, however, you know, it's actually a game. Right? Like, it's a, you know, it has game components to it."
"Odyssey continued the reboot's new gameplay feel adding a gorgeous Greek setting."
"When I eventually swap to a lower difficulty just to see how that felt and how the enemies would change etc it allowed me to play very differently."
"Government reforms are one of my favorite aspects of u4... I'm super excited about that."
"Gunplay, for example, is an absolute blast in Fallout 4."
"The pacing is also spectacular, with locations unfolding like pieces to a jigsaw puzzle."
"The music is pretty good though and the game handles well."
"Unlike Gloomhaven, I can actually recommend just diving into Frost Haven."
"The way the game presents its mechanics also isn't great."
"Bioshock 2 does a much better job with merging the narrative and the gameplay on this relationship."
"Just these really smooth transitions back into gameplay."
"The lack of towns in Legends Arceus didn't bother me but it felt so alive."
"Brings a fresh dynamic gameplay experience to the paladin."
"The gameplay is very fun and very satisfying."
"Overall just looks better. The gameplay is a lot more extensive."
"Bloodborne does an amazing job of teaching without tutorials."
"The rewards will too, but we also acknowledge that part of playing Destiny is collecting all of the stuff."
"I just like swinging the weapon and it feels cool."
"Much has been said about the new fighting system and I will get to it more in the gameplay but I do have to say that parry blocking dodging and so forth have a speed to them that's never really existed in the Assassin's Creed titles"
"There's a different feel to that compared to other vehicles in the game."
"Just by dipping the carpet towards the sea, you're suddenly enter a completely different game called creation which is set under the sea."
"Let's mess around and maybe have some fun with a weapon here."
"Minecraft's best moments weren't just limited to terrain generation."
"This game isn't just about rolling dice and seeing who wins, it's about storytelling."
"It's very colorful, it's very atmospheric, and it looks like there will be some fun new playing spaces to explore and enjoy."
"It really does give a better sense to this game now."
"The sound feedback is always satisfying, and that’s what matters."
"It's one of those games that's sort of like a light version of Cs Go Mobile but it is so much more than just that."
"Did that change the game in a playing kind of way? Okay, did you try Lucio? Did you see what happened when you got a beat? Did it just feel the same?"
"Playing a subordinate to another party member might seem kind of boring, but in my experience, it leads to great role play opportunities."
"The campaign is still a healthy 14 to 16 hours... without doing any side missions."
"That will lead to a beautiful experience for the player because they're able to focus on who they need to shoot and just move their way through."
"The best Halo stuff comes through the gameplay, not the cutscenes."