
Gaming Trends Quotes

There are 206 quotes

"A season pass for an interactive movie? We really are living in the Golden Age of gaming."
"Minecraft would hit its all-time low since 2011, but starting in late 2018 with the release of Minecraft 1.13, a massive update to the game, interest was renewed."
"February also saw the first example of a trend that I think really stood out in 2021: indie games getting their due."
"Games as a service era is actually ending... We are moving into a brand new era... the games as community era."
"A year from now, there'll probably be a bunch of new games all over Roblox."
"The push for NFTs will force developers to design their games around trying to push NFTs, thereby compromising design even more."
"Now that multiplayer games have drifted off to explore other trends, it may become unique again with time."
"I think a lot of the flavor of the month commander still will probably fit in this category."
"Having games streamed to any screen is the future of the industry."
"Speed Run 4, this game was like the Roblox game, everybody was playing this!"
"Is every game doing battle royale? We're gonna have to try them all out."
"He's had 5 million new YouTube subs in the last 30 days that is just mind-blowing."
"Big hits like Destiny and Fortnite have really paved the way for this to become the new mainstream."
"I think 40 K is going very very exciting direction."
"This is what Breath of the Wild speedruns are gonna start looking like."
"The classic style of RTS is going to have some sort of resurgence in the future."
"I do like though that they're starting to get a bunch of these twists on the battle royale format."
"With the state of the industry now, chances are you're not playing something old, you need something new... you know what I'm talking about: mods."
"The size of people that watch other people play video games is new."
"When this craze started, I remember walking into gaming shops and seen the phrase battle pass everywhere."
"Commander is still probably the future of Magic: The Gathering."
"Apex success is rooted in having found the perfect middle ground between Fortnite's wackiness and PUBG's intensity."
"New World launched a little over a month ago and has become one of the most played MMORPGs right now."
"Ziggs has taken over as the number one pick for 11.17."
"Always online games as a service which means money over content got elden ringed."
"I think 2018 is gonna be the year of just like battlegrounds games."
"I know that multiplayer is the hot thing going on right now." - Xbox Ready
"The landscape has changed when it comes to multiplayer Shooters." - Xbox Ready
"Yeah, it's like there were a lot of free movement open world games that people were trying to do."
"If we keep talking about how well like teenagers right now... focusing more on player agency."
"Different AD Carries are starting to be played besides Tristana and Kog'Maw, Kog'Maw is getting hit a little bit."
"It's just a reality that it's just not something that fits in any space nowadays games being online with functional online that actually work are the way it goes."
"Chains are gonna be huge in Minecraft, come on guys, don't leave me alone on this one."
"Ownership of digital assets and playing to earn is going to be the default way people experience the digital world."
"Animations are here to stay. Animations is what make these kids so happy."
"The pandemic brought with it an influx of casual gamers that hadn't been seen since the heyday of Wii Bowling."
"It's rendered in that newfangled retro style of like 16-bit Metroidvania that has been all the rage these days and deservedly so."
"The future of gaming, an indication of where gaming is going, how people are going to interact with video games."
"The Horizon of fighting games is looking absolutely insane."
"VR could disrupt the current gaming industry rut."
"These days when a multiplayer only thing, free to play, mobile release or games as a service hits the market it’s a countdown to extinction in my eyes."
"I think Final Fantasy 14 is currently paving the way for a new type of MMORPG that doesn't need all of your time."
"If you're coming into this... you might want to play games that have come out in the past two three four years that have traditionally said... maybe not dx12 maybe that's not where we're going to get performance where our current players are."
"Live service games have become such a popular trend."
"And that ladies and gentlemen I think will become one of the major metas heading into well the inevitable."
"Viewership for social cooperative games are much higher than competitive multiplayer games nowadays."
"Pokemon go exploded becoming the largest Trend worldwide and one of the most successful video games to ever exist."
"There's been this logical feeling that a lot of us have had and it's like where is the next step for this open world genre or what is going to be next for video games?"
"The formula that has been going on for the last 10 years is no longer working and people want to see something different."
"Games are constantly surprising and where they're going, what they're doing."
"Games opting for less complex special move execution while still maintaining deep technical and interesting systems is the future."
"I think the next 2-3 years is gonna be about battle royale."
"That was responsible for its uprise and will also probably be responsible for its continuation into the future."
"If the focus even does truly shift from gameplay innovation to sheer size, we can expect a lot more homogenization of content on the horizon."
"Dawnbreaker definitely a hero right now that is gaining tons of popularity and it's pretty much first pick in every region of the DPC."
"We've been nailing these changes... kudos to you for actually being on top of the The Meta."
"It's fun to think about this game... even if it does take like an apex dip right after the zeitgeist."
"It's amazing that game streaming works at all, period. It's impressive that it does and a little scary for gaming in general."
"Solo players have saved the genre of MMORPGs."
"MMOs are turning into RPGs that happen to be online."
"Mobile is the biggest platform in gaming today."
"PC gaming is still increasing in popularity."
"Sunshine holds up better than ever in an era of nostalgia pandering."
"The death of single-player games is a little exaggerated."
"It feels like the kind of meta of the game could shift."
"Gamification of crypto is the next hyperwave and blockchain games are the first real mega wave."
"I find it kind of cool that we're actually seeing this like not resurgence but we're seeing like a lot of monster collection games come out."
"This seems to be the season of tactics styled games and hey, I love them."
"Just because pay to win is more of a thing in mobile gaming right now doesn't mean that it's not going to be more of a thing in PC gaming in the future."
"I think it's gonna rise in the coming years." - Unknown
"FNAF was now a series that had consumed the YouTube gaming community for an entire year, unrelenting in its popularity."
"That's what I think, I think it's gonna be genres across the board."
"I absolutely love the new direction that I'm headed to, which is the play-to-earn gaming genre."
"I see gaming becoming a streaming service. Eventually, it's going to go back to that again."
"The future of gaming wasn't young and local, it was older and online."
"The trend that it's brought that I can't [ __ ] stand is every single multiplayer game now needs to jam every reference and every pop culture thing you can think of to stay relevant."
"I saw a video showing the most popular Roblox games, and every year, something overtakes the last one."
"Play-to-earn games, I think that could be potentially the next big thing."
"Spending money is the new meta. This is gaming now, you understand?"
"Starfield will quickly become the core talking point in gaming overall."
"League is one example... That's what mobas did to MMOs: get straight into the PVP, no messing about."
"Mobile games are just becoming more standardized now like maybe like eight years ago you know people were like super super against mobile games like they were complete trash."
"Cross play mobile games with PC are now a trend."
"Suddenly, the 3D rendered graphical adventure was extremely in vogue."
"Everybody gonna say no because the games is hot right now I'm gonna say no but keep it funky to say people said manhole pf5 got back of compatibility."
"A twisted metal game on the PS5, one that looks really good, one that has some split screen functionality... people would line up for some Twisted Metal again."
"Twitch views do give you an idea of the hotness of a game what people are playing with the content creators know people want to watch."
"The seasonal structure is changing - variety is the spice of life."
"Games with NFT’s and play-to-earn features are the future of the gaming industry."
"The elements build is kind of XD right now, no cap."
"Quake 3 completely defied that Trend; it decided that the core of what Quake meant to people was not the strange fractured fantasy worlds of Quake 1 or the military sci-fi of Quake 2."
"This whole channel is dedicated to the future of play to earn gaming and I hope that you join me to continue learning about this really really awesome space."
"I kind of hope this is the beginning of the end for loot boxes."
"We've replaced cheat codes with microtransactions. Those are the new cheat codes."
"I'm scared that they're going to Destiny-ify the single player campaign, which is a very profitable thing to do."
"The main reason a lot of people have been unsubscribing lately is simply because they aren't having fun."
"I can see a future where people really only play the Triple A games of the world on console."
"There is a place for remastered games going forward."
"Fusions are taking over and you guys better get ready for it."
"Fusions are gonna get stronger and stronger."
"Player count decline is not a direct indication of a bad game. It can be the consequence of a bad game if you release something that people are at first excited for and then they jump in and realize it's not so great."
"Prismatic will likely dominate our sandbox for the year of the final shape."
"Portable gaming is actually a very legitimate part of the gaming industry."
"Girls Go Games dress-up games to a picker obsession pipeline."
"With the explosive growth that the console had, EA decided that it would be a good idea to hop on the trend, and try out SSX for the Wii."
"He banned Ichigo, wow, is everybody just banning Ichigo now in the ranks?"
"Generation 9 released some of the most powerful dark types of all time, terrorizing OU."
"2023 isn't a blueprint for the future of RPGs, but it might be an omen."
"It's still one of my favorite Battle Royale[s] sadly though dice always seems to be the last to adapt to new trends."
"I feel like it's been a very power creepy year."
"They doubled down on single-player big-budget experiences and it paid off greatly for them."
"They're not gonna walk away from single player at least not anytime soon. There's nothing indicating that."
"Unskippable cut scene. That is the future of gaming. That is powerful."
"Cloud-based gaming certainly seems to, well, at least be an aspect of the future."
"Expect to see a lot more of these crasher titans."
"Mini consoles have become a fad in recent years."
"However you look at it, isometric CRPGs are back and it looks like they're here to stay."
"Twitch's gambling boom is luring gamers into crypto casinos."
"If you take a look over here at steam charts Call of Duty barely stays in the top 10 anymore."
"Escape from Tarkov has become a video game phenomenon."
"Extreme challenge can be appealing to a fairly wide audience, which is the polar opposite, of course, to all of the casual games that we've seen lately."
"2022 ended well, player numbers were up, prices were up."
"Gaming in 2020 is all about open-world sandboxes where I can play however I want to play."
"A secret so well-guarded that they’re willing to terminate even their most loyal servants to keep it safe."
"It's like, kids are so used to like having five-minute quest lines and like collect like 13 artifacts and get nothing out of it."
"Infinite sprint has become something players have become accustomed to as of recent years."
"Chess has enjoyed a huge boom in internet play."
"I really hope it doesn't go further down the path it's currently walking on because if it does, we're going to get more Poppy Playtimes and more Gardener Bam Bams, and I don't think anybody wants to see that happen."
"Gaming has evolved, you need a zero barrier to entry."
"Orisa currently is what everyone is playing."
"We're kind of entering the Golden Age of ARPGs now."
"YouTube shorts and video games: a marriage currently made in analytical heaven."
"After years of hype, the Xbox Game Pass burnout is here. A drought of AAA games has spurred some to unsub from Microsoft's games-on-demand service for now."
"Games like Among Us and Fall Guys show that graphics aren't always everything in games."
"The part that I want to focus on is the cyclical nature of Minecraft."
"Pantheon has come up from the pits, becoming a top-tier pick in both solo lanes."
"Rocket league content might die because there's really only so many good original ideas out there."
"MT singles might be the wave, oh they might be the wave."
"This game has exploded recently so I just think, you know springtrap this would be perfect timing for it."
"Cyberpunk 2077 was the most downloaded game on PS4 in June."
"Mobile gaming is the future, whether or not you realize it. It's the biggest segment of the market. The most amount of gamers are playing on mobile devices."
"I'm super stoked for these and it's really awesome to see the trend of hardcore games coming back to life now."
"The sandbox game is going to be the biggest thing to hit crypto gaming ever."
"The game's quality is going down, damage is going up."
"Why are so many crypto games switching chains or calling it quits? 81% of current blockchain games use non-gaming focus layer one, so that's one reason."
"The bulk of the player base gravitates towards the best weapons without understanding why."
"I think Battle Royale is here to stay for at least next few years."
"Even if I move on to another build, I think blind gear is the most prominent drops right now in the underground."
"Battle pack is lit if there's anything we've learned from auction series it's that battle pack anything with battle pack in front of it's insane."
"And yes, definitely, if hinting at the next generation with their mythical Pokemon is a thing that Game Freak does, it's certainly a thing that didn't start until a bit later."
"That moment when Minecraft returns and beats Fortnite."
"He needs to go the route like what other games are doing."
"The majority of games will be 40 I even see."
"The Souls-like combat system is so it's not going anywhere right it's not like a battle royale that may phase out in a few years."
"There's never been a better time to enter the 4K gaming ecosystem."
"Predicting the meteoric rise of FNAF and Doki Doki Literature Club's entire existence."
"Steam Spy is decent at this, so you could look into what's growing, how games are changing, what people are playing now versus what people were playing last year."
"New frontends breaking into the scene mean new favorites almost daily."
"It's going to have 3 seconds of being a game people play and talk about. Then it'll die."
"The battle royale genre has died in the sense where there will never be a new popular BR just the ones we have now."
"Arcade party games like this, or battle royales, the future."
"It's 2013, the year of the zombie has passed, zombie games are extremely passe, and now we get aliens."
"Normally people are mad at 2k... but this year people actually aren't playing it anymore."
"The meta has shifted, and I guarantee you there's gonna be more huge shifts."
"With the way the game has changed, actually it's okay to leave for a bit."
"I almost feel like next-generation gaming is going to be about the littler things."
"So, we're looking at this mass champion data and we're seeing these giant regional differences in how people play with the champion."
"Among Us currently sits at the top of YouTube gaming while also constantly contending for the top category on Twitch."
"It's fascinating to me also that a lot of what people are so excited about now with Fortnite's free-to-play model and being cross-platform... these are all ideas that were pioneered in Asia."
"Hyper realism does have its place and I'm pretty damn excited about it."
"I'm actually kind of fine with this game remake trend."