
Passion Project Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"Black & White was clearly a passion project."
"This is a game you pick up, start to play, and can almost instantly recognize that this is the sort of project that was a labor of love."
"It was clearly a passion project for James, giving him an out-of-character outlet to simply gush about films that he clearly cares a lot about."
"So, did this deserve to be the lowest-grossing movie of 2012? I'd say no. You can tell that the movie was a real labor of love."
"Salt and Sacrifice is a passion project that seamlessly merges aspects of much larger games and delivers a focused and unique experience."
"He rekindled his love for video games and began working on a new project, Game Theory."
"You're gonna make something that you love that the world loves that the world needs and that you need it as well, right?"
"I just want to make a show about video games in the mainstream I'd love to like share my love first up."
"I realized that it's a huge sort of passion project."
"The journey to becoming Iron Bat: A labor of love."
"That whole sequence had a serious passion project feel to it."
"You know, YouTube does not even feel like a job, it feels like something that's a passion of mine."
"It's Martin Scorsese... he's waited this long to make this movie because now he can use the technology that exists to make the movie he's always wanted to make."
"This sculpture is another one of my passion projects, meaning it's not a commissioned piece. It's something I've just wanted to do for a really long time."
"Guitar Hero is a great game, an absolute labor of love from everyone involved."
"This is a car I've wanted to make for 25 years."
"If the movie happens, it will be because Emily Blunt, Tom Cruise, and myself are passionate about making it."
"The story of a passion project made by an underdog."
"From my point of view, there's only one way to try and make a successful game, and that's to make the game that you want to play, a game that everyone involved is proud of."
"Cyber Shadow is old school masochism at its finest."
"For players who are patient explorers, Cyber Shadow is clearly a passion project."
"Poke Pelago uses the menu Sprites these are the result of a pure passion project of mine."
"I had been saving up money and then this YouTube passion project was kind of there on the side."
"This TV show really is a labor of love that an author I enjoy made to honor the memory and last request of an author who changed my life with his writing."
"One man's passion project turned into something far beyond what anyone could have possibly predicted."
"Let’s do the passion project and to hell with the consequences."
"We made games we want to play. We believe that when you trust your gut on making something awesome, all the different forms of success you might want will just flow naturally."
"This is such a unique and resonating passion project."
"Started it as a passion project, we never thought that it would reach anyone out of Hawaii."
"This is the game that we wanted to play since like we were game developers, and we think it's going to be amazing."
"The idea behind it was just to build something super unique man you know and like what I want to do with enthusiasts is really spread the passion."
"This is a true passion project for all of us. It's the game we've always wanted to make."
"This remaster is a labor of love for everyone involved, giving us an excuse to return to something we can already enjoy."
"This home was created out of the passion, talent, and obsession of one man, and it has taken decades of work."
"I started this DC retrospective as a passion project... I've put up with and fought off too much to give up now."
"This wasn't a money thing, this was a passion thing for us."
"This is a passion project that you have taken to the next level, that is for sure."
"It's been a labor of love, it's been a passion project for me."
"I really made this video because I was passionate about the fundamental parts of Minecraft and I hope people were able to take something away with them after watching this."
"YouTube is so convenient. You're doing something you love and making money."
"You're birthing something and whatever you're birthing, you're very passionate about."
"Tales of the Lost is a series that is very near and dear to me; it is basically my baby and my main passion project."
"One of the biggest examples of the term passion project that I've ever seen."
"His passion project is a bike that has a top speed of 585 miles per hour."
"One of the greatest passion projects."
"...this pet project that was completely very intellectually stimulating to me and something that I could not just shelf and come back to at a later time."
"I'm so excited to get this passion project out."
"It really is a bit of a passion project and it's a matter of trial and error, so you just have to play around with it until you think that it looks beautiful."
"Honestly, this has been a passion project for me, something that I have wanted to create for a really long time and that I am so incredibly proud of."
"It's just some good old-fashioned fun with the bat brand and I can tell that this was a project that was made with love."
"I want my passion project to be in nice things and yeah that's it, I'm putting Bucks County, Pennsylvania back on the map."
"This movie feels like much more of a genuine passion project, a genuine idea that Wes Craven was allowed to bring to its full life on the screen."
"Undertale yellow is the kind of project I like to call a love child."
"Excalibur was the passion project of director John Borman. Borman not only directed the film but wrote and produced it as well."
"So that's been the Rep Aries cable attachment. This is a project that's been ongoing for over two years for us. It's a real passion project for the entire team."
"I'm too old for this passion project. What's the difference between a hobby and a profession? It's a paycheck."
"You could tell that this was a passion project, just something that he wanted to get lost in and then decided to share with us."
"It's more than worth it, you're working for your own self, your passion project."
"I think my passion project in life would be actually to lead men's retreats, that'd be cool."
"I know it's going to be one of those projects that I really love wearing."
"Let's make something amazing. Like, let's make something that is truly incredible and let's break the mold and step outside of what would be considered marketable by most people. Let's just make something that we love."
"It was a labor of love for everybody."
"Nobody makes money. We make negative money on this."
"A lot of us, this whole project, everybody involved in the sequel did it because they just wanted to do it for the fans, because they thought this will be fun."
"...this is a movie that was first announced back in August 2021 as a non-profit passion project..."
"Designing wedding dresses for my family members has been a passion project of mine for a long time."
"It's incredible... this has been a passion project for a long time."
"For David and myself, this is an opportunity to really bring our obsession with Leica to everyone."
"It was a huge project but it was definitely a labor of love."
"It was a labor of love, he knew what he was making and it was successful."
"It's just like, and just some guy goes, 'You know what, I'm going to do this, and I'm going to do this right,' and went way too in-depth on it and made a perfect application just out of his own passion."
"This was George Lucas's project, this was his baby."
"It was a very much a passion decision. It wasn't based on marketing; it was based on trying to redefine the brand and going back to its heritage."
"It's a project of passion, I would say."
"There is fandom, and there is passion projects, and then there is this."
"I'm actually super stoked. I'm excited to have a project that I'm actually really passionate about."
"I've been working on a series for ages now; it's a huge passion project."
"This has been kind of a labor of love for me."
"It is a Love Project, not like any other project."
"The people who created this series came in it from a labor of love."
"I started this YouTube channel about five, six years ago, started out as just a passion."
"It's his baby, his brainchild behind it, his creativity, his genius."
"I'm so excited to finally be doing this thing that I'm really passionate about."
"We made Terrifier as a love letter to slasher films."
"I'm going to change it into something that I truly love."
"It was a labor of love, and it truly was such an amazing experience."
"However he wanted to create a serious game that burned in his soul as he stepped outside the company."
"It's a labor of love, so it just means a lot."
"This is like a labor of love for us, and we just do it for the love of the game."
"I want to build it up so that media company, The New Black, that's heavy on my heart."
"I am building baby, the '67 Impala from the TV show Supernatural, with a little bit of hot rod flair."
"My passion has turned into my side gig and hopefully my full-time job one day soon."
"It felt like the show started as a passion project that someone really wanted to make."
"This has been a labor of love, and I can't wait to show you guys what it is that I'm doing."
"I think you need to make the project that you're passionate about."
"It's a project of love; it's not a project of money."
"Cracking the Cryptic's greatest hits, this is a labor of love."
"When we finally started doing what meant something to us, that true passion meant something to someone."
"It's a really good opportunity to build something that you love into your life."
"We made the film as a passion project for ourselves and also to create a case study."
"We've known about the Indiana Jones game... it was a passion project from Todd Howard."
"I had no business building the car, but I had the dream to just build the channel, build a cool car."
"YouTube has become an industry... it's just been amazing to see that happen, especially to something that you're so passionate about."
"Conan the Barbarian has been a bucket list character and project for me for a long, long time."
"This is a passion project coming to life."
"It's amazing... to spend his own money and make a passion project that came out dope."
"Disneyland is a work of love. We didn't go into Disneyland just with the idea of making money."
"This channel is purely a passion project, I love talking about old technology, specifically early 2000s technology."
"This is a do-it-yourself operation... we do this as a passion project and a labor of love."
"It's been what, four or five years now since we started it, and it's been a little passion project we did that turned out to be a lot more successful than we necessarily originally anticipated."
"Making Fiends is so much more than just a sad tale of corporate greed; it's a passion project created with so much love."
"This has been such a labor of love for me really trying to make something that I think would be not only functional but help beginners and new people who get really overwhelmed and stuck with Notion."
"This has been a passion project like no other."
"Pick a project that you're passionate about... think about something that you care about that probably has a catalog of things."
"It's gonna take me months upon months, but it's a labor of love."
"I have loved making this and, from start to finish, it took me four days."
"When you put yourself into these passion projects and you see how people like it, you're like, yeah, wow, sick man."
"The show is made as a labor of love."
"I don't really think of this as work yet."
"I'm so excited about this dead inside series, honestly, if I had my way I would just pursue that full time."
"It's going to be so much more exciting doing it in a fresh gym, and it's a passion project."
"This is a labor of love; it's not a business model for me at all."
"This is definitely going to be something that is a work of our heart and our passion."
"It's been a labor of love, and I hope to bring it to you pretty soon."
"Let's supercharge your ideas into bone-crushing businesses and make a difference with what you love."
"It's really cool that you guys took your passion and then like you turned it into a business."
"I've been putting my heart into this project for almost two years, and I am so excited to finally share this news with you all."
"It just didn't feel like work when I made that video."
"I've done a lot of work on this, it's a bit of a passion project of mine."
"This has been a labor of love, but also this is where I find clarity in all the things."
"This garage was a complete labor of love, from the epoxy on the floor to the wall paint to every single thing that you see."
"It's great to see what you guys have done, building a community channel for something that you love."
"It's definitely a labor of love that we're all going to have the chance to enjoy and knit from."
"It feels like a craft of love here for sure."
"That's a labor of love and I can tell you that I have been enjoying building this little store from scratch."
"This book is a work of love that I've created over four or five years."