
Board Games Quotes

There are 618 quotes

"Twilight Struggle has the distinction of having occupied the number one spot on BoardGameGeek.com for many, many years."
"Twilight Struggle, it's a real-life board game, and apparently, has a really well-done digital version. Just like the board game, it feels like there's a lot of kind of crap on the screen, but I can't... it's not that complicated to play. Hard to play right, but not hard to play."
"This is actually the first time I'm having fun in Monopoly."
"Monopoly was, in fact, used to be called the landlord's game."
"I don't really hate euro games; I just hate when a game brings nothing new to the table."
"It does everything Agricola does, but better."
"Board-gaming gives us an opportunity to learn to be better people because you have to interact with other human beings."
"Cooperative games exist now because of Pandemic."
"Magic: The Gathering made the board gaming hobby financially feasible."
"I appreciate the website boardgamegeek.com. It is the number one board game website that I go to, in fact, it's more than all the rest put together, you know, period. It's just a great website."
"Having a 5/5 deathtouch indestructible on the battlefield after a board wipe feels pretty good."
"Puerto Rico provides both a good experience and a unique look at a game that literally was a pretty big linchpin of the modern euro game movement."
"Gizmos is a game where your actions become more and more complex as you're able to combo lots of actions together."
"Hansa Teutonica...is the reason I would say that everyone should try this is one. It's not very appealing, it has a horrible cover, but the play of it is very smooth."
"Twilight Imperium to me I feel like typifies this list. It's something you should try at least once."
"Deep-Sea Adventure does a lot with a little, and the nightmarish calculation of when to turn around is superb."
"If you're only just starting out with board games, I'd recommend grabbing this one first because it really is a great gateway game."
"If you want to play a Game of Thrones game, you're better off playing the card game or the board game, which are actually phenomenal."
"My favorite board game...I really love Settlers of Catan."
"Root is such a special design. It's an evergreen. I feel like it has changed board games since it's come out."
"Dune Imperium, worker placement game but also with deck building."
"Teotihuacan, I really love this game so much."
"Meadow, I'm absolutely charmed by this game."
"Gloomhaven, it's probably my favorite thematic dudes on a map game."
"Paladins of the West Kingdom, by far my absolute favorite."
"Torch, with its absolutely lunatic sacrifice, just marching forward, leaving the bishop completely uncapturable, transforms this position into a winning endgame."
"Ticket to Ride is a classic game that should really be in anyone's collection at this point."
"Obscurio...creates a conversation piece. The gameplay is very simple, but it's going to get everyone involved."
"About Sheriff of Nottingham is you can lie to other people and some people really like that. You can also straight-up tell the truth all the time."
"I think every collection should have a party game. Period."
"Deception: Murder in Hong Kong... It's a great game and it really fits well into that party social deduction atmosphere."
"A universal truth of board gaming is how much you enjoy a game a lot of the time comes down to how much everybody cares about everything that's happening on the table."
"It was one of the best rule books I've read in a long time, and it was just so satisfying because it's a great production with a game I really enjoyed."
"I'm having fun; I'm teaching board games for a living. Let's have a little joy here."
"It's an asymmetric negotiation, hidden movement, real-time train war game. Do you want it? Of course, you do."
"My Father's Work is a gothic horror-tinged Euro game where players take the role of competing mad scientists over the course of three generations."
"If you've ever felt that board games have kind of a mad, magic magnetic pull...I'm here to tell you that yeah, there is a lot of magic in this hobby."
"Despite all attempts to rebrand Monopoly as a celebration of contemporary capitalism, actually playing it leaves most people fizzing with rage."
"It's the most successful experiment in board game narrative since the fog of love."
"Seven Wonders has a great theme... everybody should have in their cool."
"Deception Murder Hong Kong, my favorite social deduction game of all time."
"Wingspan is like the epitome of engine building games."
"We have a third Minecraft game coming out, it's a board game called Minecraft Builders and Biomes."
"Nothing beats the thrill of kicking your family's ass by having an empire that spans the board of houses and hotels."
"Family time, love that. I just love playing board games and stuff."
"A roll and write game that gets everything right with the W cross, because this is just a game that gets everything right."
"It's a very good satisfying feeling, it's ode and feast for Odin's baby brother."
"It's been one of my family's favorites ever since we started playing it."
"Each game is like put out your workers pull your workers back or whatever it's not like you how many of your workers are you going to basically budget for each season."
"Plaid Hat is back, now. Forgotten Waters is a fantastic game."
"The whole Pandemic Legacy thing is just an exciting experience."
"So many amazing things, good, good, good gaming year for sure."
"Just a very, very streamlined system for as big and grandiose as it looks on the table."
"Raptor... it's rich with theme and choices, it's clever, it's very well thought-out."
"A game that starts casually when you first play, but then reveals its depth to you over different plays."
"It's the closest thing we have to a Cosmos two-player game at this point in time."
"I have a god on my side. I am set to wipe the board. My man Omega beside me. Now it's hour six."
"Saxony is a jack-of-all-trades and well-positioned to ascend the imperial throne."
"It was really interesting, seeing one that tackled a different design space in board gaming, a Euro game setting."
"Fog of Love is a clever game, it's so unique and interesting, and it works."
"The flip-flop that I did, a large distance right, that I did between this game from when before I played it and then after I played it was the largest out of all."
"Gloomhaven was all of that and so much more."
"In many ways Frost Haven is a less messy game."
"You see Peter Parker is broken. But before that, you know what isn't broken? Monopoly."
"This move is very special because with this move all the stones played before work together."
"Monopoly in a nutshell: Own everything with strategy."
"The longest recorded game in history according to Hasbro actually lasted a grand total of 70 straight days."
"Monopoly feels good to be back. Let's roll the dice. I'm trying to elevate the mood a little bit as we get started here."
"So what does this move do? Well, it attacks the queen. It attacks the rook."
"I tell people that what we're trying to achieve with Shut Up & Sit Down is a board game review show that is simultaneously both the smartest and the dumbest of all the board game reviews."
"So we've seen this a bunch, Kiki-Jiki and Zealous Conscripts, you can make infinite copies and swinging for the win."
"This is pulsar 2849. I love this game and every time I played, I want to play it more."
"Every board game also has cards, so a lot of board games will have things that work, or you can get ideas from. Like, 'Oh cool, this board game does this'."
"Deal with the Devil is a deeply thematic euro-style game of engine building, deduction, and secret roles."
"I mean, the impact that a monarch has when it hits the field is just so incredibly powerful."
"What a beast of a piece of rook on the seventh."
"Just take it out of the package, sleeve it up, and you are playing Commander just like that."
"There's no better time than getting around the table."
"I really love how different all of these spirits feel. Spirit Island doesn't have that many verbs but specifically which verbs you have access to and how intense they are gives every single spirit a kind of thematic asymmetry."
"There's definite strategy; this is not running around like Monopoly."
"I'm currently writing out all the different types of games and board games I would recommend playing in different scenarios."
"It is not for a good work that we're going to stone you but for blasphemy because you are being a man make yourself God."
"There's going to be a new beginning with a person or situation that you have been sad or disappointed about."
"My number 10 is Forbidden Island, nice pick."
"It's a game where you all have the exact same information, it's just who uses it the best."
"It's a very simple conceit, it's a very straightforward push your luck game."
"It's just fun to play vanilla Pandemic again."
"I know that my rating can only go up to ten but I love how this board looks so much that I'm gonna give this one about a 15 out of 10."
"They finally cracked the code here when it comes to storytelling in a board game."
"First week of school is over... kind of surprised by how focused kids are on their work."
"There's a certain performative quality of being in college where you are like I am being in college..."
"Root is phenomenally cool; it's a game that I like to vouch for."
"Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault is my favorite game of this year."
"I've had enough. This is enough of this. You can tell he's just, I have had enough of this B board game. I want out of here now."
"Toxic Deluge is still the best board wipe in the game, I think."
"Someone's gonna yell at us, but I think Toxic Deluge is the best board wipe in the game."
"Bloodborne the board game may be the game that fans have been waiting for."
"Men in Black Ghostbusters Ecto-Terrestrial Invasion: a miniatures game brimming with mayhem."
"Grease Lightning: a mythological nautical race with a bit of push-your-luck."
"Mini Rogue: an excellent candidate for quick little quests."
"The Crew: Mission Deep Sea is a sure thing for anyone who enjoys trick-taking games."
"This is one of those games that's like sacred in the world of board gaming."
"Gloomhaven is considered to be probably one of the most revered of that genre."
"You can't play this game in 25 minutes. It just can't be done."
"It's more like D&D than any other game I think we've really seen."
"A typical board wipe is reliable for its ability to level the playing field."
"This game is awesome. I absolutely loved it." - Pax Pamir Second Edition
"The x-wing miniatures game is a phenomenal game with a phenomenal theme with a phenomenal future."
"3D terrain... anything like that that just makes the game pop a little bit more showing the different kind of terrain that's on the board is cool."
"In the game of Seven Wonders, even the smallest choice can change the course of history."
"I just captured the king and won the war immediately."
"Oh, and that happens every single time. Not like Craterhoof, which only happens once. Correct."
"This sounds exactly like when you're trying to play Scrabble with that guy who never fucking chooses his word ever."
"If you want chess physically, this is pretty much the only option."
"This video is a culmination of a year's work of research and critical analysis which we think is unprecedented in board game media."
"It's definitely one of the more lasting Rosenberg games."
"It's a mean, mean game. You're 100% trying to stab everybody else in this game."
"It's a really somatic game I have enjoyed the game a lot it doesn't hit the table as much as it as it really should in my opinion but I've really enjoyed this game highly thematic V commandos."
"The unique part of the gameplay involves the use of the gears which rotate one step at the end of each round of the game."
"Is this one of the top 100 board games of all time? I think yes it is."
"I currently have it in my permanent Home Collection."
"Listen, everything that makes board games great, these social dramatic experiences that you can bond over with your friends and family at your table, is amplified when you play team games."
"Playing board games and being super competitive within a communal context hits the sweet spot for me."
"Anyway we're going off track... Monopoly smutty is a brilliant game I love it."
"Board games are defined by their transparency."
"Monopoly is, of course, the most popular board game in American history and a big part of American culture more broadly..."
"Wonderful! I don't know how these designers managed to get two intricate expansions into this little card game but they did it."
"Everdell for me is gonna get a seal of approval."
"I think it's fair to say the vast majority of my faction and legendary board speculation has proved quite accurate."
"Board games like this do very well over time all year round and for it to be your unique game that actually contributes to something positive like memory gain or getting your memory better, maybe you've got a bad memory is very good."
"Even if you don't super need a map, there's something really visceral about moving things around on a grid."
"Regret nothing, I'm playing checkers all right."
"Scattergories: Think fast and get creative with categories and letters!"
"Detective City of Angels: originality at its best."
"Time of Legends: Joan of Arc pops on the table."
"The follow-up to Century Spice Road and the thing that did it for me was the board."
"It has a wooden ships on there, it looks like there's a lot going on in it."
"This one is called Museum from Beau, the cover is actually advancing to trade as well."
"This is like the perfect place for board game night."
"I don't want you playing a game that you've never heard the rules to."
"Grab your chaturang board, get something to drink, get some cold cuts and let's do this thing."
"If you drop a piece, you have to go back through your game."
"And the other is one I'm playing tomorrow terraforming mars."
"But man I do like this game I love the combos."
"Still fantastic game yeah still my top 100 this year yeah."
"Well the people's choice number 91 is grand austria hotel."
"The ultimate goal for each political party is to fill up their entire board."
"Overall, the board gameplay to Mario Party Superstars is nothing short of fantastic."
"If I'm gonna widen the board and fill it with pests and put counters on them, why not just double whammy it?"
"This board cleverly keeps a great balance between skill, luck, and strategy."
"Settlers of Catan is the nerdiest name for a game possible."
"This is a terrible, terrible decision... I might never play Gloomhaven again after this campaign."
"There's actual animations and a proper representation of the Monopoly board game."
"For such a simple game, Clue has stuck around for a really long time."
"Pandemic is incredibly intense. It's exciting. It's unbelievably difficult. But I've had more fun losing this game then I have had winning a lot of others."
"I don't feel like I overextended because it's an aggressive deck but a board wipe is a board wipe and this is not great for me."
"I really love all of them but I think base Azul just in its pure simplicity, I think it's very, very replayable."
"This thing is such a cool idea, you can basically just replace all the dice rolling in a board game with the car."
"Clank is still one of the games that I see people playing."
"Cederial Confluence might just be the best pure negotiation game on the market."
"I forgot what a fantastic family weight game this is."
"If you like Euro games and you like something with some scope to it that's still digestible and easy to play, you want to try this game out."
"There's a whole world of board gaming out there for you to explore."
"My number 71 is a brand new game and I love teaching it."
"So what I want to do today is tell you about 10 new ones and so what I did is I went to my collection, I sorted it by weight based on the Board Game Geek rankings."
"So, I love Black Angel and I'm happy to talk about it."
"Caverna: The Cave Farmers is my game of choice."
"Oopsie, there was a board wipe, uh, let me bring 'em back."
"Mansions of Madness gets a great recommendation from me."
"I legit think I legitimately know who it is now, I have a collection of cards, this guy's not that cool, no Scott collects board games, oh that makes sense."
"Now, I don't know anybody who's asked for a Stardew Valley board game adaptation, but like an onion dropped into the lap of a prospective spouse, we have it anyway."
"Each player has their own player board where they're going to keep track of the number of mega credits you have."
"Drafted die, then flip it to its opposite side. Move any one die in your window ignoring color restrictions on your window pattern."
"A game that got me into the hobby and that's Betrayal House on the Hill, which is also horrifying in a variety of ways."
"Race for the Galaxy, this one got a lot of plays at local game nights, just played and played and played."
"Dice Masters, a fun collectible dice game that you play a lot and there's so many combinations I'll never play them all."
"Pandemic, including Legacy versions of it, because of played Legacy I've played the game a lot."
"Dice Forge manages to throw back to classic games that rely on chance while being modern in terms of strategy, providing a perfect balance."
"It's a take-that game that just works for me."
"It's just a really great game. It was ranked number one on Board Game Geek for a really long time."
"If you're a fan of Thunderbirds this is worth looking out for, if you like cooperative games this is probably gonna be one of the best cooperative games out there."
"Wingspan: cool to be like 'I don't get it,' but beautiful artwork and great components."
"Cascadia has all the trappings for an evergreen in the making."
"Battlestar Galactica is a great game that feels so true to its theme. And that's why Tom is wrong."
"I think yeah, on my favorite game was Scrabble. I love Scrabble."
"If you like board games and if you like zombies and if you like light RPG and camp building mechanics and you like building a mercenary company, you'll probably have a good time with this one."
"If you're playing Monopoly and you're like 'oh I like this get out of jail free card I'm not in jail yet but I might be.'"
"Monopoly is right in that sweet spot. I gotta tell you I am a huge Monopoly fan and I am ready to frickin go."
"Fire in the Hole is probably the most family-friendly game I have ever seen."
"If you want some really crunchy tile-laying action then Akropolis is one of the best in its class."
"Dune: Imperium is really very good, and it seems like the internet mostly agrees with me on that."
"Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion is probably the next best thing."
"Splendor Duel is a really tight, tiny little puzzle-y game."
"Return to Dark Tower is legitimately pretty special."
"Detective: Modern Crime Board Game is the game to get if you want to have someone unwrap something impressive."
"You get the sense you're just gonna have a good time."
"Countless resources out there will let you know why Go is explosively intelligent, nuanced, deep, and rich."
"The answer is a resounding maybe. Go is pretty great."
"Easily my favorite Red Raven game, easily and easily one of the best games of the year. I love this, check it out Near and Far."
"Star Trek Catan is an insanely fun upgrade of the original Settlers of Catan."