
American Spirit Quotes

There are 244 quotes

"Victory depended not only on the force of American arms, but also on the faith in American hearts."
"We are the United States of America and there is nothing beyond our capacity when we act together."
"No other country has that same sense of freedom, has the same opportunities, and that same spirit of everything is possible."
"This is the United States of America, there's nothing, not a single thing, we cannot do if we do it together."
"For Lord's sake, this is the United States of America. There's never been anything we've been able to accomplish when we've done it together."
"That's what's amazing about America, is it even in someone who's like going through bouts of hysteria, there is like a yearning to survive still."
"I believe in America. Let me tell you what I believe in about America. I believe that when we're together, nothing can stop us. Nothing."
"We are America, despite unpredictable events, we as Americans work together to overcome challenges, write our own stories."
"John Wayne, a towering figure in Hollywood's Golden Era, crafted an indomitable onscreen persona epitomizing the rugged American spirit."
"Given a fair shot and an equal chance, there's nothing beyond the capacity of the American people."
"Now, none of this will come without cost, nor will it be easy. But this is America; we don't do what's easy. We do what's necessary to move this country forward."
"We'll make it through it. America is strong and resilient; our country is strong enough to make it through this."
"Let us be thankful for the goodness of the American people and our willingness to give each other a helping hand."
"The best of America comes out when we do all come together."
"I think we need to start believing in the American people that you are better than this; you can figure out a way to make money."
"I love the attitude of America... from down to the top, let's go, big thinking, number one, people are equal."
"This is the United States of America, and there's nothing, from the bottom of my heart I believe this, there's nothing we can’t do when we do it together."
"We never, ever, ever stay down. Americans always get up. Today, that's what we're doing."
"The daring and determination of our people in this crisis reminds us that no matter how hard it gets, Americans will keep on fighting to victory."
"That's America: 'Are we gonna fight these guys?' 'I'm in, let's roll.'"
"But it also should be an encouragement to every American to keep doing what we are all doing."
"In times of struggle, we see the true greatness of the American character."
"This is America and we have to keep on knocking."
"You can always trust the American people to do the right thing after they've done the wrong thing they wake up and go ah we'll do the right thing."
"In America, we never, ever, ever stay down. Americans always get up."
"It's never, ever, ever been a good bet to bet against America."
"With your help, factory floors across this land are once more crackling with life, industry is booming, and the American spirit is soaring higher, stronger, freer, and greater than ever before."
"Our food supply chain is proven to be very resilient, just like the American people."
"The American people are all responding to look after not only their own health but their families and their communities."
"I couldn't be more proud of what the American people have done."
"I'm going to build a team and we'll work together to get it right because we're America, we stumble, we fall."
"We're not gonna take it anymore. That's the true American spirit of rebellion and fight."
"The American people are ready to rise to the occasion once again... Americans can defeat any Challenger."
"I just think the American people have been incredible."
"Americans always rise to the challenge and overcome adversity."
"The American people know we're all in this together."
"I'm never more optimistic about our future you just have to remember who in hell we are we're the United States of America there is nothing I mean think about nothing beyond our capacity when we work together."
"I believe in the American people. I believe in the American spirit."
"Succeeding together means tapping into the best of American ingenuity and creativity."
"We're proving once again it's never a good bet to bet against the American people."
"This is the United States of America. There's never been anything we've been unable to do, unable to accomplish when we've done it together."
"It's about believing in America, believing in the American people."
"Never been a good bet to bet against the American people."
"We're the United States of America. There's nothing, not a single thing, we're unable to do if we do it together."
"I believe that we all have to take pride, and everybody in America pulling together."
"There's no way in hell America is going to be coming out of this one hurt or not hurt."
"The real heroes in this whole story: the American people."
"Nobody thought the American people could be so disciplined."
"When America has set its mind to something, it's never failed."
"This is just a clear testament to the resiliency of the American people."
"Branson, and the Ozarks, display that spirit so well. It shows what is great about our country."
"Americans do whatever it takes to find solutions, pioneer breakthroughs, and harness the energies we need to achieve a total victory."
"In every generation, through every challenge and hardship and danger, America has risen to the task."
"The same fierce and untamed American spirit that will lead the young patriotic Americans of this generation to serve our country."
"Hope that America's strength will overcome the obstacles that almost brought us to our knees."
"In their actions, we see true greatness of the American character."
"It is that American spirit, that American promise, that pushes us forward even when the path is uncertain."
"I've never been more optimistic about America and America's chances than I am today because I know the American people."
"That's the American mischievous spirit, and it might be fake. It might be gay. It might be illegal. But here's to hoping that it's real and that guy's out there doing the Lord's work for us because the IRS is..."
"Americans are eager to give their time and energy to those who need help."
"These acts shatter steel but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve."
"I see him more as a representation of the American spirit itself, the American dream."
"Americans always get up. Today, that's what we're doing."
"This is a task for a great movement that embodies the courage, confidence, and the spirit of the American people."
"This is not a task for a politician or a conventional candidate. This is a task for a great movement that embodies the courage, confidence, and the spirit of the American people."
"America is not Donald Trump. America is the people whose names you may never hear, whose only fame will be among those whose lives they touch, but who are the best of America all the same."
"We as Americans do impossible things and impossible odds, and we get it done."
"The rising tide of support for President Trump is an echo of the American Spirit crying out resilient and hopeful for a leadership that resonates with core principles."
"It's never ever a good bet to bet against the American people."
"We're going to do it because we Americans, we refuse to postpone."
"We're on the verge of a great American comeback."
"We always focus on the positive, the positive spirit, the positive American tradition."
"Given half a chance, the American people have never let the country down."
"When times get tough, Americans get going... just like they did on Little Round Top."
"Americans will always do the right thing after they've tried everything else."
"Americans... they can do anything they want if they're given the right incentive."
"I think there's a certain American spirit that resists this and I'm betting that there's enough of that spirit left that we're not going to fall prey to the depredations of socialism."
"Deep down, we're very optimistic people. We're bullish on the U.S. We're bullish on the American Spirit."
"There is no challenge too big for America. We've come through better and stronger because we stay together as the United States of America."
"Roller coasters appeal to the American character. The same spirit that settled the continent animates the search for an ever more thrilling ride."
"They did the impossible because they knew that together there is absolutely nothing Americans can't do."
"We're proving that America, no matter how long the road, progress does come."
"Finding light in darkness is a very American thing to do."
"There is not a single thing America cannot do, not a single thing beyond our capacity if we do it together."
"Turning setback into comeback, that's what America does."
"We Americans have always been able to take crises and tournament opportunities."
"In the midst of a terrible tragedy on the Potomac, we saw again the spirit of American heroism at its finest."
"Business finds a way. That's the American way."
"It's part of the American spirit, you get knocked down, you get up again."
"With your help, we will vanquish the virus and build a future of greatness and glory with American heart, American hands, American pride, and American soul."
"The hard work of Americans saved many lives."
"It's only in America, people. This is what we do. It gives you hope."
"...the fundamental decency that do lie at the reserves of the spirit of the American people..."
"I think that's one of the great things about the American frontier homestead spirit: you just get your hands dirty and you figure it out."
"Always gives me great hope to see people like that with a hot dog. It's the entrepreneurial spirit of America. It's always there, always, you never cease to cease."
"It's never been a good bet to bet against American people."
"The Erie Canal is more than just a Waterway, it's a symbol of American Ingenuity and spirit."
"For me, what makes me proudest to be an American is that American spirit of productivity, optimism, this idea that the world doesn't have to be doom and gloom, that we can use technology to make our lives better."
"Just a game as simple as a ball invented yet as complex as the American spirit."
"When have we Americans ever shied away from something because it's tough?"
"What we have here is a story of American spirit, drive, determination, and the might of the Ford Motor Company."
"This is the best example there is of good old-fashioned American innovation."
"Don't ever tell Americans something can't be done."
"We Americans have a way of making this seemingly impossible, possible."
"I have seen the very best of the American spirit."
"So awesome that so much of the story of Route 66 is the story of survival, the American spirit."
"The present situation is no worse and in fact is not as bad as some of those they faced. Time and again they proved that there is nothing we Americans cannot achieve as free men and women."
"No shortcuts, just hard work, dedication, and an honest day's work for a day's pay. That's the true spirit of the American West."
"We have lived through revolution, civil war, social change, world war, and political upheaval, and through it all Americans have proudly struggled to preserve and extend the promise of equality and freedom."
"It's ridiculously stupid to think that way because what makes America great is like, 'You invented socks, I invented shoes. Yeah, let's do this!'"
"We win. That's what Americans do. We win."
"It's not Chrysler motors, but they're still American hearts."
"I'm British, it's true that I was born in the UK, but look, I'm going for citizenship so I really need to kind of show, show the American Spirit."
"But what I find most aesthetically gratifying is the beautiful color and bold, square design lines that appeals to the all-American prowess and spirit."
"I think we always, when we know that there is something that has to be met, you nearly always find the American people once they understand it will face up to it and meet it."
"It's never a good idea to bet against the American people."
"If one man can be said to symbolize both the best and worst of the American spirit, it would be Jackson."
"The values that these shows exemplify and embody are really the values of the heart of America."
"Nothing can ever break us; nothing can change who we are as Americans."
"Americans have always been a better people when they come together."
"A tribute to the American spirit in the first half of the 20th century."
"It is the goodness in Americans that informs the greatness of America."
"The ability to overcome adversity embodies the American spirit of pushing boundaries, defying limits, and always striving for greatness."
"The names of the Wild West's lawmen are synonymous with the American spirit."
"The last two words in American are 'I can'."
"Americans are explorers. We value our independence."
"Our confidence comes from the red hot warm beating heart of the American Patriot."
"When Americans get mobilized and clear that it's kind of gone too far and they want to make a basic change, they have shown themselves able to do that."
"The one thing that will never fail is the American Spirit."
"These are communities that, with limited resources, are constantly improvising. That's what makes us Americans."
"Anybody who shorts America loses; anybody who takes a pessimistic attitude that the world's going to come to an end is going to be on the wrong side of history."
"For Americans, nothing is impossible."
"Americans always seem to think they can do better; the national spirit was quite energizing."
"America, we keep America running."
"Buck Owens's journey from the dust of the Dust Bowl to becoming a folk hero of country music is a tale that intertwines with the resilience of the American spirit."
"Why aren't we Americans? Since when are we victims?"
"We do what America always does, we get it right."
"The American people are strong and resilient, and they will emerge from these hardships more determined than ever before."
"America has the creativeness for progress."
"But we're America. And we make progress, we move forward."
"That's what America does, we come together and figure things out."
"We have an opportunity, you young folks have an incredible opportunity to be three-dimensional responsible Americans."
"It's the modum of America, regardless of who you are, is what you can do for the country."
"...her courage in the face of those who wish to silence her galvanized Americans."
"That's what America is all about, do it yourself."
"By their noble example of bravery and endurance, they enable us to meet with confidence any sacrifice which confronts us as Americans."
"...the American portrait capturing at once the power, the restraint, the courage, and the beauty of the human spirit."
"There's not a challenge on God's Earth that can't be overcome by an American."
"Few people in history embody the American spirit of innovation like Steve Jobs."
"Help keep America smooth and colorful, wear color all."
"Americans must ignore the pessimists and embrace the optimism that has always been the central ingredient of the American character."
"Americans always do the right thing, eventually, after they exhaust every other alternative."
"If anywhere Americans can do it, it's when they come together at the community level."
"You'd be surprised just how ingenious an American can be when he has to."
"The American people understand that their future is in their hands."
"You could always count on Americans to do the right thing after we exhaust every other possibility."
"Just a bit of American know-how and free enterprise."
"The beauty of America is that when you see something broke in your country, you can mobilize to fix it."
"That's the spirit of America, that's the spirit of what makes this country tick and why people still try to come over here every day."
"As long as there is a problem to be solved, or a desire to be met, American ingenuity will not rest."
"When America says it's gonna do something, it does it."
"It's a tremendous story of American patriotism and of American ingenuity and innovativeness at a time of need."
"The American people persevered in the midst of the worst pandemic in a century."
"America doesn't care if you win or lose as much as they do you're a man, you stand up for what you believe in, and you get out there and you do it."
"My hope comes from the spirit of the American people."
"Brilliance and innovation, of course, but still equivocation and self-doubt, that is not the American spirit."
"There's something about this country that does have this sort of rebellious nature; we were founded on that."
"You've made it this far, you are an American, and you are a survivor, and you are awesome."
"The brightest star in the USA is Great America."
"The strength of the American culture: we get up time after time after time again."
"The American spirit is still strong and will reemerge from this challenge bigger and better than ever before."
"Using her portrait of the all-American woman as an ingenue, a working girl, a wife, a mother, her work recognizes an American spirit which is courageous yet vulnerable."
"The resilience and the grit and the basic decency of the American people and our willingness to work hard and our innovation, our willingness to take risks -- it puts us in such a good position."
"The fight at Beecher Island has long been celebrated as a shining example of American determination and bravery in the face of savage, overwhelming odds."
"Americans are by nature quick to respond to the emergency."
"What we learned from looking at the Americans is actually that there's a constant need for people to be free and people will take amazing steps and courageous actions in order to do that."
"The struggle of Americans shows that the desire for freedom is found in the hearts of every man, woman, and child."
"I especially want to congratulate someone who truly embodies the American ethos of big thinking and risk-taking."
"Freedom lives all across the world."
"What these people did for each other says far more about who we are as Americans than the cowardly acts of a killer ever could."
"We as Americans had something in us that allowed us to prevail."
"We believe in you, Mr. President; we are ready now to fight for your program, for our program, for America's program, because, Mr. President, you give us hope."
"We're Americans, we're going to get back to work defiant."
"Americans are amazingly resilient people. We rise up to meet the challenge."
"The Innovative Spirit of free spirit is the kind of thing that the United States educational system and society is good at fostering."
"By the time he died, most critics had forgiven him and praised him for good works and as being an icon of American spirit and ingenuity."
"What happened to grit, to the American can-do spirit?"
"That's the spirit we need to sustain, because the answer to our problems will ultimately be found in the character of the American people."
"The US has that in their DNA, the knowledge of having to meet the challenge and overcome."
"Americans in particular have this great innovative culture."
"We are dreamers, builders, Mavericks, visionaries. We are Americans."
"There's just something about a can-do attitude in America."
"The grit and determination of the American people are moving us forward."
"As Americans, we've got to use this moment to seek out our shared humanity that's been laid bare by this moment."
"You make us all proud to be Americans."
"The resilient nature of the American people is just awesome."
"We witnessed heroism at its finest hour. I say to you, be proud to be an American, the great country."
"Most Americans are good-hearted and bright and curious."
"America isn't always fun, but we try to make the world fun."
"The spirit of America that Dixie expresses is the joyous spirit of Jeffersonian self-government at a human scale."