
Political Awareness Quotes

There are 292 quotes

"I feel like a lot of people who maybe would have considered themselves previously as kind of apolitical are waking a lot of people up, which is a good thing."
"It becomes necessary for every citizen then to be in some degree a Statesman and to examine and judge for himself of the tendency of political principles and measures."
"The best case scenario is we get them here because our political leaders realize this is an important issue."
"When you create an echo chamber, the good news for you if you're the Democratic Party is, in that echo chamber, there are lots and lots of people. The bad news is that if you are also in the echo chamber, you have no idea there's an entire group of people outside the echo chamber who are not listening to what you say and think that what you're saying is just crazy."
"Having conversations with people in our community can really illuminate the importance of every single vote."
"But if Americans can understand what's really going on, they can understand these kinds of things that we're talking about, we think there's a lot of people who are incredibly frustrated with the system."
"One of the most important things people can do is to vote policies and people that are aware of what's happening and who are able to truly intervene." - Sophia Noble
"When we hear tech executives talk in ways that are completely divorced from political and social reality, it's very troubling."
"On the one hand politicians and voters should be far more educated about what's happening at the front lines of science, and at the same time scientists should be far more aware of the implications of what they do for the political system and for society and should take greater responsibility for that."
"This isn't MSNBC; let's have a look at Trump's speech and then for ourselves decide."
"The real generational divide on the left is less to do with age and more between those who have woken up to this fact and those who are still clinging on to the now largely-irrelevant maxims of the past."
"The world must open its eyes to the truth and see that the CCP abuses the people of China."
"Do you think you'd follow a fascist government if it happened? Would you even notice?"
"I think people are waking up and I think the Republican brand has an ability."
"I think that on something like the Affordable Care Act, you have people who are benefiting right now from Obamacare who either don't know it's Obamacare or consider that as a given and then end up voting on Second Amendment rights."
"It's really the hour of truth for the awakening of political Europe."
"The benefits are coming directly to them. People of Southern countries are smart enough to understand false propaganda."
"Political campaigning began in the first place because people wanted to know where their candidates stood on the issues."
"You gotta start informing yourselves, you gotta start doing your research, you gotta look at their policy information."
"They saw their hard-won freedom eroding away and this was a watershed moment. I hope they win."
"We all went on with our lives and don't think that the U.S. government is beyond this stuff."
"January 6th shouldn't have alarmed you because by January 6th, you should have already been alarmed."
"I am mature enough as a voter to recognize that everything we believe in in this country is on the line in this election."
"Recognize the danger of betraying democracy."
"Establishment Republican voters really don't know what's happening in this country."
"In legends, they say that ultra instinct is the ultimate fighting technique."
"We need to call out what's going on in this country."
"Knowing the right facts, knowing what you believe in, that is going to make me vote for the right person."
"Anybody who thinks that the Arab Spring is only restricted to the Arab communities and that is not possible in happening in Nigeria then such a person is living in political occurs."
"About presenting and understanding where a candidate stands on the issues absolutely informs people for who will actually represent the interests that they are most concerned about."
"You have to be paying attention to a bunch of different groups... That aren't these sort of reliable moderates."
"Democracy. In the West, we make a colossal mistake taking it for granted."
"We can't be the frog in the pot. That's what happens in fascistic countries, that's the history of it. They're the frog in the pot until finally the fascist overthrows them."
"You don't have to like Glenn Greenwald or the Jimmy Dore show to be skeptical of government claims."
"The voter is becoming more and more educated and wiser when it comes to deciding on a federal issue versus a local issue."
"People vote in what they think is their best interest."
"Trumpers need to First realize how little they understand before they will start taking on more information."
"I hope that like some of you kind of carry these experiences forward with you to like view real-life politics through a different lens."
"The American people are more attuned than ever to the threat that the Chinese Communist Party poses not only to our way of life but to our very lives and livelihoods."
"You're the ones that are being used the worst because you believe this, the rest of us at least have our eyes open and we can have we have the tools to fight back but you're in the most danger Trump supporters absolutely."
"We should all carefully watch what is going on in Russian Society right now."
"I have not met any Democrats that are complacent and no one should look at the polls and feel like everything's fine."
"It's a extreme privilege to not be political and not have your livelihood be decided by other people."
"We need to recognize the Chinese Communist Party for what it is... an abusive genocidal regime." - Josh Phillips
"People should start asking their elected representatives, 'Hey, this is driving up costs. Where do you stand on this issue?'"
"Clearly the young have not forgotten, not over there or over here."
"People need to be reminded of the importance of standing for democratic values, especially in the face of Russian propaganda campaigns."
"I don't know what a militia was until after the fact, until November 25th after I was watching some of the interviews he did. I was like, 'I'm not in a militia. I don't know what that is.'"
"You don't have to like Trump or Fox News, you just have to recognize they are lying."
"How do we keep the left from going back to sleep and not being awake for all the crimes that we know are coming?"
"Whatever your political affiliation, I just want to make sure you listen to what folks are saying, get informed on the issues, and then most importantly, go out there and vote." - Barack Obama
"We need to be able to talk about how our enemies operate. We can't just plug our ears and assume that they'll just go away."
"More and more people are becoming aware of the nature of the Chinese Communist Party or the CCP."
"Understanding the times, understanding the political climate, understanding how to discern."
"There's no point at which the Republicans are going to wake up."
"If on top of that people understand and vote accordingly..."
"Politically interested people... don't say nothing... avenues... every American needs to become familiar with."
"It's a fact that the right knows what the left is thinking, but the left does not know what the right is thinking."
"If you're not woke, they'll say you have a very high risk... high risk of government intervention, bad score, right?"
"We want Republicans to know where they stand on a very important issue that they might not have known where they stood."
"You should always ask the why, not just a binary thing, you're supporting Trump or not supporting Trump, why you support or why not."
"It's really important for Americans and for people who are in these Western democracies to think about a plan B."
"Is this all noise to most voters or are voters truly engaged, paying attention to these data points?"
"One of the things that the American people I think are now sort of waking up to understand is that the Chinese government, the lines between the Chinese government, the Chinese Communist Party are blurred if not totally erased."
"Stop voting for people who hate you, start paying attention."
"I definitely feel more politically and socially engaged."
"Understanding how like a bank works and I think that's really really important for like leftists to understand."
"Turns out who you vote for does make a difference."
"Avoid the comfortable idea that the mere form of government can safeguard a nation against despotism."
"Your vote matters only when you're informed."
"You've got to watch outlets like right side broadcasting."
"Become informed voters, don't just look at the highlights."
"Imagine if we got out word to those ninety million voters that they actually have a variety of choices and voices in this election."
"Voting and understanding what's going on in your country is one of those type of things where it won't matter to you until you make it matter to you."
"Oz is truly an amazing pitch man he builds trust and then takes advantage working people in pennsylvania need to make sure that they don't fall for it."
"If we can teach them how to look at this stuff and analyze this stuff and show them the parties aren't the answer, we can get our country back."
"Ask yourself who's benefiting from any sort of line the MSM is spitting out or any proposal that our politicians making."
"If there's any silver lining to it at all it's that people wake the f up and turn on to the reality of what the Republican party is trying to do and stave off that through their vote and their activism."
"People are now getting attuned to the realities, to the facts, and they're not going to let the government fool them again."
"Our democracy is slipping away, and we have to stand against it. We have to do something against it."
"Your country needs you to see this coup for what it is and to rise up against it."
"Putin might be learning more about what's happened in the war from Western media than from his own people."
"To those who are surprised that the Republican party and their constituents might be kind of racist, welcome to this realization now."
"Those voices of concern in the United States need to realize that there isn't that much time."
"If you're caught up in political theater, you're missing the point; the ship is going down by the day, and we are all on it."
"The only true way to change political sentiment in this country is to wake more people up."
"It's a new day, millennials and gen zirs are politically savvy and not going for it."
"Some people still cannot grasp the peril that we're in and the risk that we have to our democracy."
"The American people are waking up to the amount of corruption."
"I just can't believe people asked me what about swing voters. Unless you don't have a clue what's going on."
"They've done a hell of a job over the years...showing us the inner workings of what I suppose we could call the deep state."
"We learned that a lot of the people had cited what happened to Justice Thomas as the moment that made them actually care about these things."
"I don't even think Donald Trump knows what the Fourth Amendment is."
"I'm just a college dropout and even I understand this. It's not hard to understand. They just sheep herd you and lying to you on purpose."
"Americans need to wake up, this democracy has become a meaningless facade."
"Take the time to learn who the candidates running for your local office actually are."
"An entrepreneur paying taxes, you better pay attention to politics because one regulation could affect your business."
"we cannot be complacent no matter what flag you fly under in terms of political organizations."
"Our media in the last 20 years especially it really became very vibrant... the media was able to create the sort of public awareness about political issues that never existed before."
"We can't be complacent about the midterms, that's 100% correct."
"Identifying these institutions as a threat to the community is one of the most significant ways to get black folks to care about politics."
"The base is right, the base knows what's going on, they like freedom."
"It took six years for us to understand that this is about fascism and authoritarianism and denialism and the breaking of democratic processes."
"Stop following the not so obvious establishment."
"If anyone knows the danger of authoritarian governments, including authoritarian governments from the left in the Americas, and knows what it will take for America to counter that with smart strategies, that's somebody who grew up in that culture."
"There's no such thing as apolitical. You can be indifferent, but you cannot be apolitical."
"Once the people know the truth, there's no political system that can shut us up."
"We have to be really serious about how we even allow people to approach us as black folk with their political agendas and trying to get us to vote for people, candidates, and policies that do not empower us."
"Recognizing that is the beginning of political wisdom."
"To be a shaman is to have seen the end. To have seen the end is to know the political act."
"Not caring about politics does not mean politics doesn't affect you."
"So I'll tell you what, we gotta wake up from our slumber, take our red vitamins, get on our knees and pray because we won't get fooled again, never again."
"I know how people feel about it in my district."
"The people in the United States don't yet know what the oligarchs are up to."
"We're going to have to be vigilant. I tell you these things so that you know, so that you see them coming."
"If we can't define who and what is sellouts... then we're going to continue to vote for people."
"Watch out for people who are out to break the democratic system."
"We're going to keep an eye on that one because as i said whatever is going on in one municipality can end up going on throughout the nation and the local fight is the one that matters."
"You know they're going to be judged the administration will be judged in 2022 and then again in 2024 on like what did you get done for me especially with people who don't follow much attention to politics right."
"Americans need to know about what happened in 2020."
"Everything you do is a political decision, so guess what? If something is going to control every part or have a say in every part of your life, you damn well better have a say in it."
"It's insane. Someone needs to say it's insane out loud and break the spell, the hypnotism."
"We can't take for granted though our democracy."
"We take our democracy for granted, and yet I think recently we’ve realized how fragile that might be."
"US colonies are ignored far too often by American citizens and clearly the government... after Maria, nearly half of all Americans polled said they didn't know Puerto Ricans were American citizens."
"We have become addicted to comic book good versus evil narratives that erase complexity and blind us to the legitimate motives of other nations."
"Being apolitical when you're black in America is, I'm just going to say it, a stupid [__] decision."
"An average Yoruba that is smart enough knows what is going on."
"So here's the deal guys, we're about to find out how many voters just straight-up don't pay attention."
"The whole post-fascist period is one of clear and present danger."
"Local elections matter. If all the crazy going on at school board meetings hasn't kind of awakened people to what's possible, I don't know what will."
"The Hulk as a character with the few wants and desires he ever had is now completely gone."
"We have to wake up, America has to wake up, and we have to start being smart to deal with these tyrants. We can't continue to let them run all over us."
"Trudeau is very cognizant of the fact that the views of the political Elite in Canada hold on immigration have diverged significantly from those of the Canadian public."
"Everybody wants everybody to vote, but if you don't pay attention to politics, what the hell are you voting for?"
"This man just ignored the biggest political story of the week."
"Bernie Sanders movement... got us more politically aware."
"It is probably a repudiation of the chattering class that start thought that voters were too stupid to recognize that their democracy and their fundamental rights were being taken away."
"We shouldn't be trapped by the propaganda system which tells us all that matters is one day in November."
"You know, everything is political. You just gotta look at that. I'm not saying climate change doesn't exist, but you gotta look at the data."
"We need to really break this propaganda Mill... captured the country."
"Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stresses the threat of United Front groups in the U.S."
"More people realizing that the CIA is bad is unambiguously good for everyone."
"Until you have a complete paradigm shift... they don't care about voters... they'll just manipulate."
"An uninformed populace is a populous in slavery."
"Trust me, it's worth every minute of your time. What's the big takeaway? Well, let me spell it out for you: our so-called leadership class poisonous, power-hungry, and downright dangerous."
"We need leadership who understands this coronavirus doesn't care about who you voted for but it will be handled by a real leader or it will not be handled if this guy stays in office."
"Midas Touch just released its brand new collection of Road member t-shirts and pins to let the country know what's at stake this upcoming midterm election."
"The people of the country need to understand how close we were to losing it all on that day."
"The very existence of this propaganda proves that the real power actually lies with the people."
"Don't ever let someone tell you that criticism of the CCP is anti-China."
"Voters are aware of busting voting false face operations."
"And when we have been saying look they're coming after everything people basically didn't believe it."
"QAnon is slowly revealing things about the deep state and the swamp that people need to know."
"But for most people, they've got a boat and they've got to get more active and they've got to shed their political allegiance and just look at the world the way it is rather than the way they're told..."
"You owe it to yourselves to educate yourselves about what is happening around these questions so that you aren't a sheep bleeding out the narratives of the Liberals."
"We need to open our eyes and not fall into their trap. Our America First agenda cannot end with Donald Trump."
"Eventually, citizens across the world are going to have to decide how much more are we going to take."
"It's our job to acknowledge terrible things happening, regardless of the political affiliation proposing them."
"It's a strong warning against propaganda and hate."
"If we do not acknowledge the reality of this political enemy we will not fight well against it and we will lose."
"Everybody should be outraged. This should be beyond politics. Everybody should be outraged, and if you're not outraged, you're blinded by politics or you're a useful idiot tool for that banana republic."
"I don't think most politicians even fully are aware of this."
"The mistake that candidates are making... They think progressives are stupid, they think progressives aren't paying attention." - Ana Kasparian
"The mainstream media has an incentive to stay away from the true narrative, what's really going on." - Ana Kasparian
"Do your politics do your research do not be upset."
"Thank you, Kelly. Your restrained yet passionate intelligence has revealed ways to focus my range of political hypocrisy. Never closing my eyes again. Thank you."
"The more informed you are about what your government's up to, the cleaner our government will function."
"Your vote does matter, contrary to popular belief."
"Once you get yourself together, it's easier to navigate and discern through the crazy circus that is politics."
"I hope the senator was watching this press conference because the press corps there understands that the reaction is very different this time around than it was the last time that presidents of the two countries met."
"Fascism makes people fearful. I understand that, but in this moment, we need to be there for each other."
"Those of us who have come to the light are among the most determined to warn the country about what we know."
"We cannot become numb to violent attacks on our democracy. We can't do it."
"Fan channels are responsible for hundreds of thousands or millions of football fans feeling even closer to the Football Club."
"It's not often you get to see a global political issue concentrated into a single viral clip."
"Some on the left are waking up, and I think it's more than you might think."
"If you are a bigot running for office anywhere in this country, we see you and we are going to beat you."
"Voter fraud is very real. The more people that know about it, the more people that are spreading this around, the more light that's going to be shown on this. This is really important."
"Everything they're saying everything that's coming out public now I think most of us here have been talking about for a good amount of time."
"The voter will see through the big lie to stability and truth."
"I'm not super educated, but the reality is that I listen to what these people are saying that they're going to do, and so I had to educate myself on the conversation and language they've used."
"We must vote knowing what's at stake and not just the policy of the moment but institutions that have held us together."
"Governors are the most important positions people hold that no one understands."
"You have an obligation to make clear what the options are in this election."
"The Irish president isn't some big dictator, you probably don't know who the Irish president is, do you?"
"We need to take seriously the cult of Q Anon."
"The reason you should vote is not for the person... you should vote based on how somebody is going to govern."
"We should have the confidence that working people, once all the issues are presented to them, will have the understanding of what's in their own interests."
"The system's messed up, and the right-wing knows it."
"The lack of modern Democratic process creates an environment where you unironically literally have to pay attention to what the [__] discontent from the citizenry looks like."
"I think that people are more aware than ever politically."
"Recognizing authoritarianism: the pressing need for revolutionary change."
"These are dangerous times, and I encourage you to look at Judicial Watch's work in this area."
"You've got to love justice like that. No matter what the circumstance, no matter what--as America moves toward neo-fascism, we still have the same love."
"Everything in this film is accurate. This is going to be a wonderful briefing tool for elected officials that don't have any knowledge of what's going on."
"I want to produce content that actually makes you healthier politically. They don't. They get you drunk."
"Everything is political, there's no such thing as 'I'm just an actor.'"