
Breakthroughs Quotes

There are 317 quotes

"I believe you are my only source of miracles and breakthroughs."
"We've made groundbreaking advancements in medicine."
"Those weekends where it feels like something's off, those are always the ones where you end up having the most fun, having breakthroughs on stage."
"The recursive iterations took years... except now these incredibly innovative breakthroughs are being measured in days and weeks. That's incredibly profound."
"When people began to realize back in the 80s that there was this link between the brain and the immune system that was more profound than we originally thought, now, of course, we know that they’re really one system."
"Some of my biggest breakthroughs have happened out of my life falling apart."
"The last two years I've become much more optimistic. I've seen a lot of breakthroughs... many of them rooted in superior computation and ultimately Moore's law."
"Allow yourself to rest, allow yourself to feel safe and comfortable, and in that space, you come into these major breakthroughs."
"There are great ideas, undiscovered. Breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers."
"Join us as we unravel some of the most impressive AI breakthroughs in recent times that'll absolutely leave you stunned."
"If you'll do this, I believe and declare you're about to soar to new heights, new doors are about to open, new friendships, healing, restoration, breakthroughs, the fullness of your destiny in Jesus' name."
"How do we have that big scientific breakthrough? How do we get that anti-grav, man? How do we get that, uh, faster than light travel?"
"Those breakthroughs are no joke and the best part about them is that they often have the quality of removing things instead of adding things."
"There's going to be a breakthrough in whatever it is that you've been working on."
"Remember the breakthroughs we seek are often closer than we think."
"Your support is helping me chase this dream of doing what I love to do."
"Every major innovation seems impossible at birth."
"He supports the idea that big breakthroughs happen when individuals are free to think beyond what's normally accepted."
"Don't ever do that. Just put it all in, you know? You're gonna have those horrendous days of like the ending where you're like just staring at each other thinking there's no way you're going to come up with anything and you do."
"Every yoke will be broken, every stronghold will come down."
"The breakthroughs will be there, the shattering of glass ceilings as they say, will happen."
"Nothing's permanent everything is temporary... every hard experience you go through is just before something Sensational happens."
"Good things do take time, especially when you want to do stuff that hasn't been done before, but we're there now."
"Embrace your breakdowns because they are breakthroughs."
"They helped you break past limitations and embrace your purpose."
"Victories and breakthroughs are on the horizon."
"The best innovations are not incremental, they are massive leaps."
"The breakdown comes just before the breakthrough."
"Really important creative breakthroughs happen when we allow ourselves to experiment."
"Murky backfields are where big step forwards come from."
"And Vapnik, who nobody ever heard of until the early '90s, becomes famous for something that everybody knows about today who does machine learning."
"This is going to be a tremendous breakthrough, the biggest in human history arguably when it comes to getting mankind to other worlds."
"My breakthrough, my best ideas typically come when I'm most frustrated in the process of a painting."
"Breakdowns happen right before breakthroughs."
"March 2021 was a big breakthrough month for archaeologists working in southwestern China."
"An utterly profound breakthrough in access to orbit."
"You are about to experience breakthroughs, advancements, liberation, and plenty."
"Somebody has to be the first, somebody has to kick the door down."
"She broke the music scene wide open. No woman's ever been able to make it."
"Careful use of intuition can lead to breakthroughs in interviews and interrogations."
"German scientists have figured out how to make paralyzed mice walk again."
"If we can leapfrog doubt in my mind, that's what the math is about."
"Every once in a while something breaks through to the masses because of the internet."
"It was almost life-changing because I made huge breakthroughs that I hadn't made for years."
"The impossible is about to be possible within the next few weeks."
"It's time for completion, clarity, understanding, illumination, and breakthroughs."
"Somebody's breakthrough may start with hearing your testimony."
"What gets me is that it's not impossible for somebody who isn't an expert in a field to come up with a breakthrough idea."
"New global solutions being discovered, disclosed at the first time."
"The bigger the test, the bigger the breakthrough."
"Major breakthroughs in your personal development."
"Breakthrough moments are often the result of many previous actions, which build up the potential required to unleash a major change."
"Unstoppable confidence can help you break through a lot of [ __ ]"
"A mountain is always associated with divine breakthroughs, supernatural help, and protection."
"In order to succeed, something that was impossible is about to become possible."
"Quantum Leap: taking something to a new edge."
"There's a breakthrough coming, a need for clarity, for certainty."
"2020 is still your year when god promised you breakthroughs, promotions, and abundance."
"I am optimistic that we're going to be able to break through."
"Triumphant breakthroughs await, destiny intervenes to bring clarity."
"It's in the silence that you're gonna have some of the greatest breakthroughs. It's in the stillness where everything comes to the top."
"This is a situation of glass ceiling being broken."
"It's probably gonna be a pretty rough next 12 to 18 months."
"I am confident that you are revealing your plans for breakthroughs in my life."
"He got to the point where he reached the end of what he thought was possible."
"When you feel like giving up the most, your breakthrough is closest."
"This energy is all about shifting it up, changing it up, breakthroughs, sudden life changes."
"This is big for you guys, okay? Major revelation, major breakthrough for you stepping through the portal."
"Perhaps there's some sort of obstacle that you're overcoming and you're finally seeing through all of that blockage."
"Sometimes these cold cases can sit without progress for years, only to be solved in the most unbelievable ways."
"Lots of clarity potential for conflict resolution...some big breakthroughs."
"Make a strong, hard decision, and that will often break your way out of it."
"Breakthroughs are coming, yes more breakthroughs are coming, and they will even exceed anything that you've seen before."
"Either we break through them and things get really exciting or as I showed multiple examples right now they can get rejected at them."
"Wishes coming true, intuitive breakthroughs."
"The world card can be a very successful card, getting to the end of a cycle, breaking through those barriers."
"Sometimes listen, that's the only way history is made when you do something that's never been done."
"There was something that people hadn't nailed yet... Overwatch becoming Overwatch."
"New things are coming in, breakthroughs and opportunities."
"Victories were being earned not through adherence to tradition but through novel applications of logic and daring strides forward."
"Dak finally got his first true opportunity to shine."
"I pray that in this next season every one of us would see just personal breakthroughs."
"I definitely see breakthroughs... it's actually pretty beautiful."
"Huge breakthroughs, shocking surprises, big changes."
"Nobody's going to break through without some serious innovation."
"All the breakthroughs and triumphs we had along the way were extremely satisfying."
"I really believe that the end of March and coming into April we are going to see some breakthroughs."
"Get ready for uncommon favor, surprising breakthroughs, and an amazing wealth."
"They didn't take you or this connection seriously in the beginning, and that was a blockage. It's not anymore."
"Buckle down, jump in, and work with the energy. If you do, you're gonna make great progress and you'll likely experience a lot of really good breakthroughs that you've been waiting for."
"American medicine will make the biggest breakthroughs, the largest leaps, the most exciting strides, and the most outstanding discoveries."
"We declare in Jesus' name the breakthroughs, we declare the restoration of what belongs to us in the mighty name of Jesus."
"Science is about making mistakes because the biggest mistakes yield the biggest breakthroughs."
"The cell line, called HeLa, became quite popular in the scientific community and it was a crucial part of many important discoveries and breakthroughs."
"Expect a lot of breakthroughs, a lot of progress."
"The holy spirit is the breath of breakthrough."
"At the end of the day, innovation will always come through."
"Every single day it seems like we're reaching new and new breakthroughs which push the boundaries of what we even thought was possible."
"When I had struggles, when I had droughts, cold spells where I wasn't selling anything, if I would help somebody else, it always broke my drought."
"I tried to scream... but the words never came out."
"Eclipse of breakthroughs and new beginnings and fast changes."
"It's all about breakthroughs and surprises and the unexpected."
"Someone wants you to go through challenges, but instead of a challenge, I see breakthroughs."
"September is a month of fast movement and breakthroughs."
"We're living in a world today with massive breakthroughs every hour of the day."
"What's the roadmap to get there and what are the breakthroughs we need to get there?"
"Trusting your intuition leads to profound breakthroughs."
"We're just breaking all the barriers."
"You are someone who is currently going through breakthroughs or new breakthroughs."
"All the great breakthroughs are made as intuitive insights."
"We thank you Lord for the breakthroughs, for the visitation following us into our homes, into our businesses, into our families, into our situations!"
"The breakthroughs we have are subtractive."
"For me, it always all starts with products and looking around the corner and building new breakthroughs that hopefully can delight customers worldwide."
"For those who have cried, for those who have been asking, 'Lord, how long?' Joy comes for you now."
"Breakthroughs and miracles require no linear explanation or method. Unexplained and illogical magic happens every single day."
"Newton made his mathematical breakthroughs and others just as important in a fever of creativity that historians would later call the miracle years."
"My biggest breakthroughs always tend to be simple."
"When you land that first gig, that's when everything changes. That's when this becomes an actual business."
"Think about the breakthroughs that we can have when the sum of the human knowledge is so accessible and in such a smart way."
"This year would be the year of unusual breakthroughs."
"Many of you google opposites and you'll see astonishing number of breakthroughs are the opposite of preconception."
"You mean I didn't just completely lose it and maybe I should be in like an institution? He's like, 'No, I'm telling you, those aren't breakdowns. In a way, they're like these breakthroughs.'"
"The trial and error of these operations led to Major breakthroughs in surgical practice, paving the way for the huge advances in medicine in the 20th century."
"He discovered that air had mass and pressure. This was a giant scientific leap, much like Einstein's incredible insights into space and time."
"The entire art of venture capital is the big breakthrough ideas."
"We've found something new and quite often the biggest breakthroughs in our understanding of nature come when we get a result that we really didn't see coming."
"...everything we knew... we had to throw the kitchen sink at Alpha fold to make it work... it took five years of work and many difficult wrong turns."
"Anomalies lead to great breakthroughs."
"The weight of sadness will be transformed into love and courage. New breakthroughs will take place."
"I believe so many of you are getting ready to just absolutely have breakthroughs in your life, whether this is relationships or finance or health or career or just new seasons. It is absolutely awesome because you are loved by God."
"Breakdowns lead to breakthroughs, so it's good to have them."
"When you truly do it from your heart, that's when you see breakthroughs happen in classrooms."
"In principle, I am very sympathetic to the idea that quiet contemplation can play a huge role in scientific breakthroughs."
"Great technology breakthroughs bring growth, they bring more opportunity, they bring innovation."
"The greater part of breakthroughs in science have been a weird mixture of perversity and accident."
"You have to have a breakthrough. You have to take on something that feels hard and you have to do it for longer than the month or the 45 days that you've done it in the past."
"So, if I think about my teaching career, I think there were certain little breakthroughs, you know, you have little breakthroughs in your teaching where you feel like you've made progress."
"And so different disasters give very different, have different long-term outcomes, and we see all these things right now happening, of amazing breakthroughs."
"It's a day of unexpected opportunities and breakthroughs."
"Well, thank you so much for this time. I've taken more of your time than I said I would, but I'm so fascinated by this. It's my natural curiosity about all of this, and I hope everybody really listened to this. These are breakthroughs that are game-changers."
"May you experience a season of unexpected provision, prosperity, and breakthroughs."
"Discoveries can blow everything else out of the water."
"Your willingness to experiment to fail and try again paves the way for breakthroughs that can redefine our reality."
"The rapid pace of AI breakthroughs in language and generative AI has been incredibly surprising."
"And it will come to pass. If you will grab ahold of it and not let go, you will come out with such breakthroughs and such victories."
"Ride the energy, Uranus is all about breakthroughs."
"There can be breakthroughs in the breakdown."
"Breakthroughs don't happen in a wide, ambiguous space. It happens in the space of focus, and concentrated energy, and power."
"Perfection is not always bad, especially in the fields of science. It can lead to new breakthroughs and inventions."
"It only takes those little breakthroughs, and we're in an entirely different world."
"2024: A year of major breakthroughs."
"All the things that we are going to talk about this morning were thought impossible."
"It's about small steps and big breakthroughs."
"If you walk through, amazing things can happen."
"Uranus going direct means life-changing breakthroughs and surprises, especially for you."
"We have some real potential for healing and for major breakthroughs."
"Some of our greatest breakthroughs are on the other side of a conversation."
"Our breakthroughs are not personal. I'm blessed to be a blessing."
"I know how to experience breakthroughs: receive a rhema from God, be willing to obey, and be willing to sow a significant seed."
"You're going to have to have some mental focus right now, but it's going to be worth it. Trust in the breakthroughs and new opportunities at hand."
"Remember, 'Breakthroughs always come as a result of people being willing to sow some kind of seed.'"
"You're about to give up, those are the breakthrough moments."
"Your setbacks will be short-lived and your breakthroughs will be large and far-reaching."
"Everything grows when we hit our first breakpoint."
"Supernatural provision and breakthroughs are not going to be rare; they're going to become the norm. Hallelujah!"
"So as you go about your week, I want to encourage you: take time and see what God has for you and what breakthroughs he wants to do with you in your life and in your family and your environment."
"Jupiter conjunct Uranus: unexpected surprising opportunities and breakthroughs."
"It's a really fun time to think about what were the biggest breakthroughs in AI not the ones necessarily that media wrote about but that really matter."
"Expect the unexpected, breakthroughs."
"Mercury trine Uranus, breakthroughs."
"Deep learning walks through the wall."
"Neural networks have led to incredible breakthroughs in image recognition, language translation, and media generation."
"Sometimes we are fortunate enough to have some leading breakthroughs in some of these cases."
"I'm believing in Jesus' name that there will be testimonies within 24 hours of some major breakthroughs taking place in the lives of these people."
"The hugest breakthroughs in our field have been around genetics."
"You're the guide for this person, and both of you will have massive breakthroughs through each other."
"We desperately need more sources of new engines, new propulsion, new breakthroughs in medicine, new breakthroughs everywhere."
"Jupiter is a planet of good luck and Uranus is all about breakthroughs."
"In our life, we don't just need one breakthrough. Why? Because you have many giants."
"We're a house of breakthroughs serving the Lord of the breakthroughs."
"Breakthroughs aren't made by people. They emerge."
"He is the God of the breakthroughs. Yes, oh yes."
"So grunt work sounds maybe a little bit negative, but it's easy to notice individual breakthroughs or a few amazing people who come up with singular discoveries, but the context for which those discoveries always made are when the field as a whole has gradually developed."
"You've got to be incorporating disruptive breakthroughs all the time. The challenge is that the day before something is really a breakthrough, it's a crazy idea."
"Scientific progress is often slow, building incrementally. But sometimes science makes giant leaps, literally overnight."
"I actually think I would even go further and I would say not only I think are we about on the cusp of multiple major technology breakthroughs converging."
"Comprehend breakthroughs to understand science."
"Appreciate breakthroughs to be closer to truth."
"What distinguishes breakthroughs in science from just good science?"
"If we all learn to listen like Dia, it is absolutely remarkable the breakthroughs we will all be able to make."
"It helps to be young to make breakthroughs cause you don't know what's impossible."
"I can feel how close these breakthroughs and these promises are, like when I tell you, like, these promises are literally just about to manifest into physical, into the physical."
"I really do enjoy getting all of the feedback that people do experience these incredible breakthroughs."
"I honestly believe this breakdown will help a lot of you have amazing breakthroughs."
"Expect major spiritual breakthroughs."
"If you'd like to work with me to set goals that yield breakthroughs in your painting, I want to invite you to join me."
"Just like they thought you can't break the atom anymore, and quantum mechanics come along and now we can break the atom even further and further."
"You don't solve, you don't get breakthroughs, you don't get brand new ideas from logic. Because if you could, then very, very smart intellectual logical people could be very creative, but a lot of them aren't."
"That's what the whole course mixing breakthroughs is like."
"Those breakthroughs are the things that you strive for."