
Video Game Mechanics Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"Pressing the transfer all prisoner button and then by simply pressing done, the game is going to believe that for some mystical reason we donated Sverdorn into the castle, consequently increasing our relation with the person who owns the castle and that actually gives us a whole bunch of charm."
"Samus's movement is so buttery smooth in Dread."
"I believe the discovery and the proliferation of bunny hopping across decades of gaming expresses something fundamental about what gamers actually want out of a video game experience."
"Games and character movement operate on an internal computer clock."
"Animal Crossing's greatest strength as a series is its use of the passage of time."
"The gunplay looks like it's gonna be so sick!"
"Venom abilities are a great time in combat but I think they need to be tweaked."
"Tusk snowball speed increased by 25. That's a pretty big deal."
"The Vampire Bat will actually go towards you and suicide bomb you kind of, I guess he doesn't explode, but it will take some of your health."
"The dynamism of the combat just made it so good."
"The game's parkour is still some of the most fluid and satisfying in gaming."
"It’s a game that gets smarter over time - as the consequences of your actions snowball throughout the story, or as you start a new game and see how differently things can play out."
"Link's new abilities are quintessential Nintendo... absolutely brilliant."
"You can walk on campfires without taking damage with frost Walker boots. Why are you like this? Why server? Sunflowers don't actually face the sun. They're moonflowers!"
"I guess that if is true, if you hold down a move and start a raid, you will start glitching out."
"Dishonored gives you a huge amount of freedom."
"If Luigi very patiently and lightly presses upward on the joystick, he can climb through the block and avoid going into the door to get to those plants."
"The battle with Ghirahim makes perfect use of Skyward Sword's revolutionary swordplay system."
"The sandbox gameplay of Metal Gear 5 allowed for a wide variety of approaches to objectives."
"Wolf's up B is a high tier upbeat, it's the best footstool out of shield option."
"Grapple hooks are such a Difference Maker in games for me now."
"Every character remembers what happens to those connected to him."
"The Prometheans don't have any weaknesses; any possible."
"When Zarya uses a bubble, you don't feel cheated."
"Titanfall Legends would contain War running as a mechanic."
"Earthbound gets right is fixing the common problem of too many random battles."
"Yoshi represented the single biggest addition to the series' mechanics since the advent of Mario's so good jump physics in Super Mario Brothers."
"I have a baseball bat in my inventory and I don't know how to drop it."
"The most obvious job of the hub world is... a kind of training area."
"The primary mechanic of day stages is the boost."
"Reinhardt: Earthshatter ultimate knocks down enemies, powerful engage tool."
"It was one of the first games to implement iron sights as a gameplay mechanic."
"NPCs will have memory, they may tell you to leave or call the sheriff based on your past actions."
"It's not what I recommend since you're typically going to be dash cancelling."
"Every character can use a specific command to pull out their weapon, granting them more range to their attacks."
"Moonlight greatsword's moveset: solid and familiar."
"Luck and opportunity are talking about exactly the same thing."
"Why we can't just scan for an exact location once we're here instead of using the maps is hand waved away."
"Call of Duty always has great shooting mechanics."
"Dragon's Dogma, if we get Dragon's Dog, I'm gonna lose my."
"The early game can be really reset heavy. All right, so we went to all the way down to our old Yharnam now we're going all the way up and take an elevator up this this path only opens up after you kill what star beast."
"Peach is insane... her advantage state is one of the best in the game because float up air is broken."
"Mechanically speaking, New Vegas is the marriage between Bethesda’s 3D reboot and its old-school roots."
"Because of the 3D nature of the environment, the player had to control the camera."
"You can actually carry up to three pets and switch them in-game!"
"Arkham Asylum uses its mechanics to delve into every aspect of Batman's abilities and his relationship with his enemies."
"Vanquish's boost mechanic coupled with an impressive arsenal of weapons made battling hordes of robot enemies exhilarating."
"Dark Souls gives you responsibility, and with responsibility comes agency."
"The remake bosses tested your ammo management, aiming ability and timing, creating encounters that were very memorable."
"Never gets old and I wish Mario could have this move even when he's not mini."
"Sakurai stated in an interview that he had planned for a mechanic that would counter a campy playstyle."
"What's the point in getting my golden sword of Phoenix slaying plus 12 if the game suddenly adapts to that and says, 'Alright, we're not going to give you any Phoenixes'?"
"At any point while playing Crysis the player can use the Nanosuit to switch between four distinct modes: Strength, Armour, Speed, and Cloak"
"I appreciate you guys patience... and also being supportive of the random shorts that are coming out."
"Each Avatar will have a grappling hook to make their way through the destruction."
"The goal has always been a hybrid combat system where you press a hotkey to switch between the two modes of tab and action."
"It's kind of like Zelda when you find a hidden place and you put that bomb on that second Rock in and then it opens up and you get like hearts and stuff. It's kind of like that, you unlock some mystery in the menu."
"There's no generic cannon fodder in the game like any enemy in the world can get experience, be promoted."
"You can now sprint while you're in a crouched stance."
"If Richter takes damage while revenge is active its body ignites and its attacks become more powerful."
"It would be really cool if they added... a slip ability."
"It's huge because it redoes the way the surface terrain generates."
"Did you see his final smash? Oh my god, it's like he sends opponent flying up in the air, everything gets blacked out and he just slashes away at the opponent."
"Power Stone everything is a weapon, especially weapons."
"One of the best sword combat systems in any game."
"We literally just destroyed diamonds because of the entities, huh?"
"The red star brings back Flying Mario and it controls a million times better than the Wing Cap in Super Mario 64."
"I think God loves us and wants the best for us."
"You’re given just enough agency to experiment, distract and fight back, instead of only hiding."
"Dark knights could use absorb hp, which would see hp drained when landing attacks, and final thrust, which increased its chance of success."
"Gwen's W is Shinxo's ultimate in every sense of the word but it's better."
"The game's combat and stealth mechanics have seen a significant boost."
"Spyro is a dragon, and that means he has five unique things that make the game work entirely on their own."
"It actually makes the Sabre combat incredible. It is the best Sabre combat in any video game ever."
"Shala's creation of save points: manipulating time itself."
"I'm really happy with how this has turned out."
"Inhale certain enemies to gain copy abilities: sword, bomb, tornado, fire, hammer, and more."
"Doom Eternal is fast-paced with tweakable sensitivity and gyro aiming."
"In terms of core movement design, the first Jack is amazing."
"You can jump over that ramp without touching the ramp whatsoever without touching any off-road terrain."
"Is it finally time for speaker head to be uninfected?"
"Your main weapon is your Buster cannon... it never runs out of ammo, has homing properties to boot..."
"Not only will you feel the difference you'll also see the landing gear react naturally to the weight of the ship relative to the planet's gravity as you come in for landings sometimes the smallest things make the biggest impact."
"Legion incorporates a much more involved melee combat system that requires the player to time their attacks more carefully."
"Outskirts starts with a bang instead of Marines; you're now accompanied by ODSTs."
"Health regen becomes a really convenient way for you to stay in the fight."
"Dinosaurs were some of the most powerful builds to ever be introduced to the game."
"Lucky pants you can get yourself an absolutely massive damage boost to any hand Cannon."
"Tommy's matchbook overheats the longer you hold down the trigger this damages you in the process but it also deals some bonus damage."
"The helmet loreley Splendor automatically creates a sunspot for you whenever you break your Shield."
"The Exotic gloves Oath Keepers these gloves allow you to hold a perfect draw forever."
"The Exotic hand Cannon Lumina produces Noble rounds whenever you get a kill."
"Ace of Spades usually just creates one big explosion from a Precision kill thanks to its Firefly perk."
"Age receptor is one of the coolest Exotics in the game no pun intended it's a really powerful stasis Trace rifle."
"Oh how about Monte Carlo just by Landing hits with this thing you'll rapidly refill your melee energy."
"That just shows that mod like from a Max attack Metagross like that's crazy."
"I love that the gunplay of Ratchet and Clank is fantastic."
"You're going up, you're going down, you're walking on walls."
"Pokemon Snap: You're shooting Pokemon left and shooting them right."
"You can literally see strong name, yeah thank you. You can literally kill every single character no matter what and I think that's really good as well."
"Octopath Traveler features a variety of path actions that affect exploration and combat."
"Nothing tops the Arkham combat system for fluidity of movement and making you feel like the character in question — perfection."
"Olimar's style is less about his moves but more about the constant mechanic of managing the pikmin."
"Shulk's Monado Arts transform him into many different types of characters."
"Kiriko also enables you to be able to play on the streets way better."
"When you break the glass, the overguard goes away."
"There's kind of like infinite or nearly infinite weapon combinations in liip."
"Far Cry 3 is a game about survival, but it's not a survival game."
"The green switch is arguably the best one because whenever you hit a green exclamation block you'll find a feather inside."
"Tifa's combat animations are unreal, making her feel like a fighting game character."
"Perma dead, oh my god that's what that's what makes this game terrifying."
"The shooting mechanics are a huge improvement."
"Gunplay is fast-paced and tight, dramatically improved over the floatiness of Fallout 4 or the general Jank of Skyrim."
"It's important to note they don't imply that AKC's getting bad roads or driving badly. All it is testament to is just how much you can get out of this game's engine and the mechanics."
"We got ourselves Kalashnikov 47, a very powerful weapon to defeat rotting flesh. That thick flesh is no match for blood and steel."
"Unlocking deathblows becomes a lot less tedious, and it’s always a satisfying feeling to finally put a new deathblow you’ve unlocked to use… because these moves are freaking awesome!"
"The fighting has both been radically improved to make combat deep and engaging at all times."
"One of the hardest characters to play in this game."
"The Paper Mario series has always been beloved for turn-based combat that features perfectly timed button presses, unique party members, and humorous storytelling."
"It's an instant kill on pretty much everything."
"Ex Lariat does more damage... starts up faster."
"Gigantomax Caparaja has the potential power to level an entire mountain."
"The combat dance: the beating heart of every Halo game."
"Players always drop half the motes they were carrying when they are defeated."
"Ground Zeroes was not just a preview for the kind of gameplay to be seeing in the Phantom Pain but it was also a powerful display of what the brand-new Fox engine was capable of."
"An old West-themed shooter without a light gun, Bank Panic demands you move tactically to collect bank deposits from 12 different vault doors while gunning down criminals."
"Intense action tactical melee combat systems."
"By raising and lowering terrain, you shape the environment. Doing so, new life will be born that is suited for various environments."
"Each planet even has their own unique quasar telling you what you can jump on, grab, climb up, or wall run across."
"Reaper does not reload his shotguns, he simply drops him on the ground and pulls new ones out from his cloak."
"The battle system is pretty fun, the graphics look great at times."
"Character hearts are indicators that the player has said something a character likes."
"Unlike the ranking system of Cold Steel, Co has free main areas that he can improve on over the course of the game: his wisdom, his courage, and his virtue."
"Mega Man is blue, he steals his defeated opponents' powers, and the final boss is always Wily. It is always, always Wily."
"Insta-kill makes this like night and day difference, like this is so much easier."
"Reyna is an agent that scales with the skill level of the player playing her"
"Unleashed combines old school 2D Sonic gameplay into it and it has you switching between the two on the Fly and it feels good."
"then i also mentioned that thanks to the most recent caster frame sword buff this weapon can quite literally have"
"Resident Evil 4 became so popular that I think everyone at that point may have just been okay with QTEs as an accepted form of progression and gameplay loops."
"You can literally run up walls and if you want to climb, you can climb."
"The controls are pretty poor. Combat gets better the more you upgrade yourself and get used to it, but it's still pretty clunky and janky feeling."
"The save and reload trick does not work on gift items."
"Copy is such a simple idea for a Kirby power up but I think these mechanics give it a really exciting twist."
"She has her ponytail and can hover midair, use bubblegum as a grab or attack."
"Poppy's whole kit screams anti-carry her steadfast presence creates a zoning field that outright punishes you for dashing."
"It's a screen-clearing attack, just kind of like a fire-and-forget type thing."
"Destiny 2 is the game about space magic, so any adjustments to abilities must be made with care."
"There's one less tank on both teams in Overwatch 2, meaning there's one less big Health pool for your DPS to chip away at on the enemy team and one less target on your team to damage boost."
"The first time ever in a video game that a mortal weapon has been useful."
"Players no longer float around beds when sleeping."
"Shield breaker's amazing, it has a mix-up by itself."
"In Minecraft dungeons, even though it looks like they're classes, the reality offers if you want to be a tank you put on the heavy armor."
"His most well-known signature attack is probably his ability to emit electricity when crouching, shocking anyone stupid enough to come into contact with him."
"Much has been said about the new fighting system and I will get to it more in the gameplay but I do have to say that parry blocking dodging and so forth have a speed to them that's never really existed in the Assassin's Creed titles"
"Ratchet 2 takes new game plus and overclocks it."
"I love it when they make power lines with really high construction skill."
"It just sets a standard. If we know how fast a weapon can take out the truck, then we can judge the other weapons in the game by how long they take to blow up the truck."
"The return of classic features: GT Auto, used cars, and tuning parts."
"Exploring the islands to perform minor tasks is simple but made fun by those smooth controls."
"Tristana usually has some issues with her auto-attacks but when you put a rapid fire in her, it actually solves those issues."
"Aerial recovery, ethereal pipeways, and precarious spikes."
"Nero is packing the all-new devil breaker arms, a mechanical arm that has a specific ability. There are eight different types of breakers that your mechanic friend Nico will make for you."
"He'll rise up into the air... taking 99% less damage."
"Enemies have a 10 chance to explode on death."
"Bushes can conceal you when you're within them. Press C to crouch and hide, use them to sneak up on enemies."
"In the NES game, you got different endings depending on how much money you collected."
"Overall, I think there are better ways to keep the spirit of weapon breaking without making combat tedious and worth avoiding."