
Ministry Quotes

There are 2139 quotes

"Let me begin by saying congratulations on 80 incredible years of spreading the great word of God."
"Your purpose is often linked with your passion, and if God placed a passion for healing ministry in you, that's for a purpose."
"I'm not going to sacrifice my family on the altar of ministry. My family's going to be my first priority."
"All true ministry is an overflow of that love for Jesus."
"I spread the light of the Lord everywhere I went, bringing warmth, comfort, and hope to all who crossed my path."
"By the time I reached junior high school, I was already considering the ministry as a personal calling."
"God has made us competent to be ministers of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life."
"The word should be your foundation of ministry."
"This is what God has done in Christ once and for all, and this is the ministry we now have."
"If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ."
"Thank you for all of your support. We've had people that have really blessed us with encouragement as well as blessed the ministry in all kinds of ways."
"This is kingdom expansion, this is soul winning, this is building the church, this is building disciples, this is the continuation of the ministry of Jesus."
"If you build your ministry on trends, you yourself become a passing trend."
"Preach the word of God with greater conviction, greater passion, pour yourself into that work alone, and God will fill your church."
"Be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry."
"Sometimes when you go through pain and it looks hopeless and you wonder where is God in it all, trust the Lord through it, and He will turn it around where you will be able to minister to people in a way that nobody else can."
"Typically our misery opens up the opportunity for ministry. Your pain turns into your passion."
"The pastor's job is to equip the Saints for the work of ministry."
"You can't give what you don't have. You give Christ when you minister."
"The Bible promises us this: 'For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister.'"
"Lord, might we have ministries like Jesus did so that when we speak, it will be with authority."
"If you're married, your first ministry is your house. It's a domestic ministry."
"Singleness is a time for you to be deeply involved in ministry and to focus on personal growth."
"The entire ministry of Jesus Christ is relevant and timely today."
"Join the thousands who support this ministry."
"Ministry is about outreach. It's about saving the lost sheep, those outside of your building."
"All ministry is an overflow of your walk with the Holy Spirit."
"We're so thankful for every single one of you who are part of this ministry."
"I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God."
"This blesses me more, so that you're learning from the ministry that is really impacting you. That's what means the most to me."
"We declare that you were born to enter this dying world so that you could bring life to the people that you were destined to impact with the ministry he assigned to you."
"I have not hesitated to proclaim to you the whole will of God."
"To know when you need to start the TV ministry, your spiritual maturity is tested."
"My greatest misery always points to my greatest ministry."
"My greatest misery has now turned into our greatest ministry."
"What a great way to end... super excited about what God is doing in and through your ministry and your testimony."
"All true ministry is just an overflow of your relationship with the Holy Spirit, all true ministry is an overflow of your prayer life."
"If they can believe in this ministry a little, then maybe this whole Jesus thing is actually for real."
"He is not fully received until he's taken his place of ministry."
"I feel stronger with God in this moment than I have in my whole life in ministry."
"Ours is the ministry of gracious faith, not according to the will of man nor according to the law of a carnal commandment."
"Our goal is to minister to you and to love you."
"Franklin Graham's Samaritan's Purse Ministry is stepping in to help."
"Your singleness allows you more opportunity for ministry."
"I believe I was never more acceptable to my Master than when I was standing to teach to those here in the open fields."
"Your greatest ministry will likely come out of your deepest hurt."
"Every single person in this room's got capabilities of ministry that John the Baptist didn't have."
"Everyone can be a beneficiary of his person and his ministry."
"You're here, you're a preacher, it's time to be a witness with more than just being a good preacher."
"Don't compare what's happening here to your ministry and begin to despise the day of small beginnings."
"I have an anointing this morning to see healing, and I want to administer that anointing to those who need it."
"If anybody had said to me, someone has left you 20,000 pounds, I should not have given tuppence for it compared with the joy I felt when I was told God had saved a soul though my ministry."
"The ministry, this church, is about the salvation of people, not just getting them saved to get to heaven, but getting them saved so that heaven can get into them so that they can destroy hell."
"The gospel is a person, he kept saying 'I am going to die and I am going to be buried.' He talked about the kingdom."
"That's what we wanted, that's what we want to do is to bring God's word to hurting people."
"It's not a kick, it's a ministry, and it's most necessary to save a generation of women."
"So thanks, Isaiah, for ministry. This is our church, and we're blessed to be here."
"I'm so committed to raising up leaders and entrepreneurs and strengthening ministers."
"We're each called to offer Christ's greatest miracle to our generation."
"Faithful ministry is very hard. You will be reviled, you will be lied about, you are going to be attacked. If you are faithful, you're not going to get it any different than Jesus or the Apostles got it."
"This is just the beginning of what God is doing in his ministry."
"Do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry, whatever your job is assigned to you by the Lord, do it and do it well and do it thoroughly and do it with all your heart."
"Humanity is under attack by evil forces. We've got to trust Him." - Open Truth Ministry
"I made the choice to follow Christ and the Lord has blessed me with a number of ministries."
"The proclamation of the truth... the clarity with which the truth is proclaimed... this has been the hallmark of this man's ministry."
"An apostle is one who is graced by God to begin new ministry works among new people groups or in new regions."
"People who are gifted by God to begin new churches, to begin new ministries, to start and open new mission fields."
"This is all about exalting Jesus on the earth."
"Our goal is to see souls saved, to expand the kingdom, to equip others, not just see souls saved, but see leaders raised out of this ministry."
"Jesus did that. He went from City to City casting out demons, Healing The Sick, preaching about the kingdom."
"We're in Ministry not for status but for service."
"Jesus is displayed in us when we do the work of going into scripture and getting to know him so that then we can stand before God's people and let them see Jesus."
"The ministry of reconciliation is an amazing ministry."
"Be sober minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist."
"He only would heal the lepers if the lepers were on board with him literally throughout his whole Ministry."
"Compassion is the key to longevity in the healing ministry."
"In every case, the Lord saw these individuals for who they were and accordingly ministered to each one."
"The key to successful ministry is giving it away."
"This ministry will be characterized by a strange order of speed."
"You put your life on the line by speaking the truth and you put your ministry on the line to love people."
"Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of a ministry that is having national and international impact."
"Yes, Jesus cares about suffering and he spent most of his time when he was on this Earth relieving it."
"Ministry is not about making a name for yourself. It's not about trying to have a bunch of men. That's right."
"Your support means everything. Prayers, sharing the videos, and contributions allow us to continue producing content for the kingdom, fulfilling God's calling."
"Name it one more time: DavidHernandezMinistries.com."
"The blessing is more than an anointing, the blessing is a dimension of the Ministry of the Holy Spirit."
"Love move in the gift that you are called to move in."
"Always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry."
"I believe Ryan that you have that anointing... for giving freedom to those who are captive."
"We're gonna pray for importation. Importation means the gift that is upon our life as a staff, as a ministry. We're gonna pray that that is imparted to your life."
"We are all ministers together for Christ. It's your ministry, it's our ministry."
"I'm just grateful to be a part of this ministry that is literally changing the trajectory of not just my life but the lives of those that are truly tapped into the culture."
"Give us the ministry of mercy, give us the ministry of compassion, give us the ministry of grace."
"Let our ministries be marked by the casting out of Devils."
"Expand your understanding of Scripture, advance your effectiveness in ministry, earn certification for your knowledge of the Bible."
"Jesus started his ministry with this phrase: 'Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.'"
"Learning to be ministers of the kingdom is the real essence of the gospel."
"I want to see some of you as prayer warriors. I want to see some of you as ministry leaders. I want to see you in your position."
"Success on YouTube is ministry success, but my walk with God matters more."
"This ministry came to pass as a result of me making the decision."
"The qualification for your ministry is the Holy Spirit's work in you."
"We're in a spiritual battle. The Salvation Station has been established for the last 12 years." - Pastor Paul
"Ministry is loving God and it's loving people and it's doing that well."
"I got your prayer request, Kristen. Amanda Sanchez, thank you for your ministry. God has done amazing work through you." - Amanda Sanchez
"Celibacy is a discipline, but it opens you up for the most fruitful ministry and intimacy with Jesus Christ."
"I see the good fruit being born by your ministry everywhere I go. I'm so very grateful."
"God Comforts you so that you can Comfort others. That's a Ministry."
"Many will gravitate to our ministry due to our love journey. They will witness a miraculous move of God through simply detailing our confirmation."
"You will not work for ministry you will work from ministry"
"If he called me to preach, I got to go deeper, I got to go deeper, I got to go deeper."
"Your greatest ministry will come right out of your greatest misery."
"God healed him and 6 months later he was able to get insurance. He's in the ministry today."
"Grindstone Ministries: Being the hands and feet of Messiah in a broken world."
"Keep shining your light... confirmation that this is your ministry."
"If Benny Hinn can give people only one thing, I'm satisfied, and that's hope."
"Recognizing that you know it's Christ's Ministry really continuing on throughout the ages."
"Paul says, 'For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a slave to all, so that I might win more.'"
"Each person is an integral part of the ministry."
"Without them, the ministry could... would be... you know, with us just doing meetings and going places."
"Money in ministry: You show me a person who preaches the money gospel and I'll show you a person who's been corrupted by the love of money."
"When they sow into each other's ministries, they're setting an example for the little people who are all broke."
"God's Son begins his ministry at 30 and dies at 33."
"God did not call you to a Ministry of infirmity."
"Everyone sitting under the fivefold ministry has ministry within themselves."
"Our assignment is not only to prepare sermons but to be discerning enough to see what God is saying and to understand what He is doing."
"I thank God for everyone that supports this ministry."
"He's one of the most famous ministers in our lifetime really and led the longest revival."
"Ministry is a gift, something that belongs to God that he is giving to us to operate in."
"The foundation of their ministry is built on fraud." - Questioning the integrity of their ministry.
"We are so grateful for those of you that have been faithful to give, it allows us to do so much with this ministry."
"I have more education in ministry than any of us here."
"I'm doing full gospel ministry, spiritual warfare, equipping the ecclesia, exposing the enemy."
"Our ministry is expanding, and even in times of recession, this ministry is growing month over month."
"Jesus desires to work through you and me in the earth."
"Look at the fruit of Jesus' ministry - people are being converted, healed, and delivered."
"You ought to be mindful under God that we didn't get no headhunters to do it but we found people in the pew, sounded like they got a call to ministry, to do something for somebody else."
"The Sabbath is a time of healing, a good time to minister to those who are suffering."
"Deliverance ministry deals with demons, it doesn't deal always with healing and it doesn't always deal with disorders."
"The purpose of this is to heal people's mind, their heart, and everything, so that we can be complete and whole in Christ Jesus and be able to do the work He's asked us to do."
"Doing ministry with you felt really right, like it just felt right."
"You are closest to the heart of God when you're ministering to people in deepest need."
"Did it ever occur to you that God hasn't called you to minister to yourself? There might be some other people out there that like that color."
"During all my long ministry, nearly every work of grace had a similar beginning."
"I just want to say I sincerely humbly appreciate every single one of you for being here for being a part of this ministry it's been two and a half years we're still going strong and I don't have plans of stopping anytime soon."
"No excuses not to step in and perform ministry anymore when you have the Holy Spirit."
"Salvation is free, but the call of God to ministry will cost you everything."
"Time moves so fast when I think last week this time I was preaching in the Bahamas, baptized about 33 in the name of Jesus Christ."
"Follow me and I will make you a fisher of men."
"I see the fire of God on you, it's burning. The Holy Ghost is stirring up a fire on the inside of you, a fire to serve, a fire for evangelism, a fire for the work of God."
"Your first ministry... is your spouse and your children and your family."
"Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God."
"The church is still very committed to the principles of the Reformation, but the goal is to equip the Saints to do the work of ministry."
"Jesus's ministry towards us is superior; His benefits far surpass."
"If you're going to be in this thing, you're going to have to be in it all of the way. You can't be in ministry thinking about the moment I'm going to step off of the platform."
"This is one of the things I've seen in your ministry that I really appreciate, is the unity of the Spirit that you are working towards."
"We need to love the Lord of the ministry more than the ministry of the Lord."
"We were called to equip the body for the work of the ministry."
"Mike stepping down from Christian ministry is good."
"Grace saw us in our sin, raggedy. Grace isn't just in Salvation, but in ministry."
"Being curious about cultural context is crucial in ministry. Ask questions, don't assume."
"God has given every Christ-follower the Ministry of reconciliation."
"There's no place that you and I can go to that God has not engineered for you and I to be a minister or a light in some way shape or form."
"Lord, let your will be done in our ministry... any new way that we can touch lives... any new way that we can pray with people..."
"We let people box us in in the name of ministry..."
"If you're called to be Christ's minister and you're asked to be king, how dare you step down from such a high position to such a low one?"
"I'm not in it to build a big ministry. I'm in it to win souls and influence people for God."
"May out of this place come evangelists, pastors, prophets, teachers, and every ministry that God wants to launch into the world."
"God has a purpose for each of our lives; God has a ministry for each of us to fulfill."
"I knew that God had somebody for me that we're supposed to together go on and do the work of the ministry together."
"Get busy doing the work of what God wants you to do."
"Serving black women is ministry to me."
"We will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word."
"Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people."
"Our Lord's Earthly Ministry obviously was healing not only of bodies but also of souls."
"Do ministry with love in order to cherish love."
"We have had the privilege, I think, of being invited by our parents to participate with the ministry."
"Don't for a moment think you are disqualified for ministry in the kingdom of God."
"We're called to minister to Him but also to draw people to Him."
"Our objective in this ministry is to go to unexpected places to reach unexpected people with an unexpected message."
"They were ministering from the place of perfection."
"Angels ministered to him continually."
"The ministry of Jesus is the answer to the cry of every human heart."
"If you want to strengthen a church, minister to the children."
"Pastors who preach the whole counsel of God are on the endangered species list."
"We have be given the ministry Min of reconciliation he's given us the ministry to reconcile people back to God starting at home."
"If it's about Jesus Christ, it's a ministry. Everything you do, every single thing you do is a ministry. Period."
"It's an opportunity to minister to other people."
"It's all about the ministry of reconciliation."
"I knew ministry was something He placed on my heart."
"Ministry is not so much require brilliance as it requires discipline."
"Whatever we're doing, we are in Ministry. We're called to go into all the world and preach the gospel. So it's what we do, wherever we are and whatever we are."
"I think that's the thing that I reflect over this last 10 years, that He's allowed us to not just have a ministry and have a sustaining ministry with just doing multiple things, but also to build a legacy with people."
"God's heart is not just about gathering people but about men and women taking territories for God."
"What concerns you as a minister of God, is it the numbers or the glory?"
"Every church, every Ministry is one generation away from the end of their work for the Lord."
"Humility allows you to take a lesser position because you care more about the ministry and the people and the leader than yourself."
"This has been the experience of all my Ministry."
"There is no higher ministry than that of intercession."
"Angels are created to minister to you. What does it mean to minister to you? To help you, to aid you in what God has given you to do."
"If the motive of a minister is to come in and gather the money up and gather the influence and own you, you have to be sure that person's really going to be speaking by the spirit."