
Resource Distribution Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"A society believes in an equitable distribution of resources, making little to no distinction between the needs of the ruler and the ruled."
"The people actually living in Russia’s most resource-rich territory are far from rich themselves."
"An efficient economy means we have more resource wealth to spread around and make everyone happy."
"The global system ensures that everybody has all the resources they need, which means an end to war and poverty."
"A more equal distribution of resources is better."
"Politics is the art of distributing resources. So, if the Earth belongs to God and politics is about distributing resources, shouldn't God have something to say about how resources are distributed?"
"We have enough on this planet to suit everybody's need but not everybody's greed."
"We now have enough resources to give food, shelter, and clothing to every human being on Earth."
"Race and income really determine your access to resources."
"Capitalism is the most efficient distribution of resources. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
"We have to change something in order to redistribute resources... Trying to prevent a large amount of disease seems like a good place to start."
"If I buy a pizza today that doesn't mean that I took someone else's pizza right it's like that's just not how the economy and how the world works."
"I think that lifestyle should be attainable to every single person in this country I think that is 100 possible with the wealth and the resources we have."
"We've delivered over 1.5 billion pieces of personal protective equipment to doctors and nurses on the front lines."
"Abundance is our natural state... there is more than enough to go around."
"The same playbook is still playing out: take the money, share the money, give them hope."
"From each according to their means and ability to each according to need."
"Lots of level three centers of trade to go around."
"If God can get it to us, he'll get it through us."
"When assessing any policy, you have to ask who gets what and out of this policy."
"We could easily provide adequate food water shelter and clothing to every single person on earth."
"The objective is to balance things out and to have a shift like the West owns 80 percent of everything but and and the rest of the world 20."
"There'll be enough for everyone's need but not for everyone's greed."
"So here we are now the final point I'll make is this dude Bolivia has like over 50% of the lithium reserves in the world lithium is what's used in making batteries like batteries that are used for like electric cars but also for cell phones."
"We're working to ensure that the supplies are delivered where and when they're needed."
"All of our lives would get better if we had better economic... access to resources."
"Imagine a world where people can't hoard resources and everyone can afford to eat and live. That's where we're headed towards."
"The problem is the distribution of resources and power under a capitalist organization of the economy."
"White supremacy is predicated on controlling and mal-distributing all of the resources in a community."
"Imagine the future if these people were given back their minerals."
"We've provided vast amounts of protective equipment and testing supplies."
"I try to put in a concept like this, it takes a lot of logistics to send food and fuel and resources down to Antarctica."
"Neoliberalism has failed us in terms of distribution of resources."
"It's good to disperse this stuff not have it all at one place."
"You need to Center it as a fight against colonialism and against the reasons that are rooted in these horrific Mal distribution of resources and abuses."
"The recent Council Vatican II reminded us: God intended the Earth and all that contains for the use of every human being."
"Who needs this to put on a little bit, who needs it?"
"We are providing necessities of life to those that you and your bosses refuse to provide."
"The higher up you go in the world, the more chances you get of iron and coal veins being exposed to the surface."
"The government is a powerful agent to recirculate resources, which opens up a lot of doors like central planning."
"Equality suggests everyone should get the same amount. The problem with that: not everybody starting out from the same place."
"The more you have, the more you got to give."
"Our problem isn't that we're not making enough food or anything else. Our problem is that we have a system in which capitalism is just incapable of Distributing what we can produce to the people who need it."
"A singleton could distribute wealth and help to squash inequality."
"To him who has, more will be given; to him who hath not, even what he has will be taken from him."
"It seemed like a waste when there's people around the world that have nothing."
"It's artificially imposed scarcity because the money or the market or the exchange system, whatever you care to call it, is actually an obfuscation to them from obtaining what they need."
"Human relationships fall into a small number of types, each has a tacit rule for distributing resources."
"Welcome to techn feudalism. This is feudalism. This not even capitalism. It's not a monopoly. It is with additional, with so many more resources that previous overlords could not have even imagined."
"Working together, we're entirely focused on getting materials to the right place at the right time."
"But the US has a lot of what the rest of the world needs as well."
"We need equitable distribution of resources to all different forms of life on the planet."
"There's got to be a lot more distribution and sharing of new technologies and resources."
"Can these two ladies dole out enough pieces to make everyone happy?"
"None of it comes to us, it comes some of it comes back to Tennessee."
"Resources for everybody, equality for everybody."
"The only thing that matters is who gets what when."
"You are a distribution center, not a storage house."
"If both natural resources and labor-saving technologies are not commonly owned by some sort of socialist society then they could be easily monopolized by a small elite."
"There is enough for everyone's need but there is not enough for everyone's greed."
"The distribution of resources requires a concentration of power."
"Natural markets naturally tend towards someone at the top sucking up all the resources."
"We've been able to give away over 37 million resources to pastors and leaders in 226 Nations."
"It's basically all of those resources then end up acing to like a small number of quite wealthy and powerful people so that's a really major issue and it's something that we need to rectify."
"There's a limited amount of resources, it's just a fact."
"We build the schools, then we pass out the pencils."
"...the distribution of the resources of the planet is fair, not necessarily absolutely equal but fair."
"As soon as you start talking about racial justice, well redistributing resources and funds, that's when you get cut off."
"At the end of the day, we produce enough for everyone; let's stop pretending it makes sense for so much of it to be in the hands of so few people."
"Now we can see exactly how much capital we have tied up in each of these locations."
"The spontaneous actions of individuals will under conditions which we can define bring about a distribution of resources which can be understood as if it were made according to a single plan, although nobody has planned it."
"We're talking about the flow of trillions of dollars of goods and oil and energy and whatever every year."
"It's not even like taking the last slice of pizza; it's kind of like you have a classroom full of hungry students, and one person took like 70 percent of the pizza."
"The challenges are uneven resource distribution."
"Our planet is both stuffed and starved."
"The goods of the earth are destined for all."
"Love requires of us: Is it possible for us to have more than we need while someone else has less than they need?"
"We don't suffer a lack of resources but an excess of greed."
"Justice: The fair allocation of scarce resources."
"There is a sweet spot in terms of taxation between incentivizing people to perform formidable deeds and distributing resources to the less fortunate."