
Video Gaming Quotes

There are 604 quotes

"Welcome to Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord, a game where you must lead a ragtag peasant army, climb your way through the ranks, maybe fight for a king or become your own king, and conquer the entire world."
"I fear that I'm going to abandon my friends, family, and girlfriend when this game releases."
"If you know me, the center position is my favorite position to play on 2K."
"Video gaming is such a great hobby; it is so undervalued in society."
"New World sold millions of copies of the game on Steam."
"You learn to sideflip, wall kick, and triple jump for the first time and you find applications for these new moves."
"This was the year I truly started playing video games, so pretty much the year I was truly born."
"Mass Effect 1 has not only some of the best world-building I've seen in a video game to date but also sets up the main threat of the game to be more than what it seems."
"Mass Effect has some of the best world-building I have ever seen when it comes to alien species."
"One thing I really enjoyed about this questline was that I had to sort of show, don't tell, style of writing."
"New skills, quests, characters, and places to visit are being added to RuneScape all the time, so a player is guaranteed a unique experience each time they play."
"We play games because we enjoy them, because they're fun, and burnout isn't fun."
"The car sounds both in and out of the car for the three vehicles I drove the most were phenomenal."
"Grand Theft Auto 4 was a huge Turning Point not only for this series but just gaming in general."
"Lance had conquered the final Titan nicely done Appleton."
"The player in a video game has tangible control over where they go, what they see, what they hear, and what they ultimately experience."
"Immortals Phoenix Rising just felt like a clean-ass honest-to-goodness wholesome video game even though it was the same kind of like, hey there's lots of map markers and go around they just I think they really."
"In fact, that's often a great, emotive moment that only video games can produce."
"I cannot think of a more detailed open-world in any video game I have played."
"There is no greater feeling in video games than the sense of being able to find your own fun."
"The core Call of Duty experience like the conflict of World War 2 really puts an emphasis now on awarding gun skill and strategy."
"We just need to go through a gaming Renaissance."
"FF6 was the first RPG game I ever beat let's get this run in."
"This is Chapter 5, a lot of people think it's one of the hardest stages in the game."
"Oh my god the brood Lord is actually going for an attack right now."
"Yo yo you giddy yo welcome to the end of the video video games am i right guys ahahaha but seriously thank you all so much for sticking to the end."
"Star Fox 64 this game has some of the best replay value I have ever encountered in my life."
"Gaming has been increasingly intriguing to me as a person obsessed with storytelling despite what some people might say. This is clearly a valid artistic medium."
"A video game is a joyride to insanity. It's a journey to our inner nightmares and fantasies." - Eugene Jarvis
"This level is Eradak, and this may be, right after, very bold of me to say, but it's the greatest level in any video game ever."
"My dad and I playing Morrowind is probably one of, if not genuinely my favorite memory of gaming."
"It's great to be able to enjoy a video game in the luxury of your own home without the need of being connected to the Internet."
"Welcome to Baldur's Gate, an RPG like this with such Epic Proportions only Grace does once every century."
"Breath of the Wild reminded me why I'm a gamer."
"Solid Snake himself is my favorite character of all time."
"I had so much fun playing Dead Cells, everything about that game is fantastic."
"This game might be one of the most ambitious games of the year."
"Sit back, relax, and enjoy my ramblings about my 50 greatest GBA titles."
"Thank you all so much for watching and let me know below in the comments if you're interested in some actual Paladin build guides."
"The story of this game is undoubtedly one of the best tales in speedrunning history."
"You're a Harry Potter fan, you want to play the video game, and you play it, not on stream, no one will care at all."
"Kentucky Route Zero is more a part of [magical realism] tradition than nearly any other game I've ever seen."
"Mario 64 stands alone as a true original and defining experience."
"This game's narrative worked so well for me."
"The combat in God of War is super awesome and satisfying."
"The AI reacted dynamically to my strategy by calling out exactly what I was doing on the radio and then did what the military do in real life and fired mortars at my position. It's so cool how the AI actually intelligent."
"Metal Gear 5 was oozing with thousands of little details... it made the game feel vibrant."
"The forgotten crossroads, where our damageless play-through will continue."
"Kill this thing, oh my gosh dude I just did 15 damage!"
"You feel guilty sometimes when you're killing in this game like in fact a lot of time actually felt guilty."
"This is a huge game, a game that's jam-packed full of stunning Vistas exciting battles and stylish cut scenes and it honestly rarely misses a beat..."
"If you enjoyed this video, make sure to like. If you hated this video, your complaints only matter if you can beat me in PEGO versus mode."
"The soundtrack playing lightly in the background as the area loads. This is such a special video game."
"Yo, Jibanyan getting stunned, I don't think I could aim for them this far back."
"This is the final boss battle and I'm going crazy."
"He's tamed and also drops depths pickaxe, a tool full of energy."
"You are the greatest video game player that has ever been born."
"Mega Man X is possibly the Blue Bombers finest ever expedition."
"This is one of the most immersive experiences you can possibly have with a video game."
"Stalker is an experience, not a game, not a narrative, but an honest to god experience."
"I truly wish I could convince the entire world to give this game a chance."
"There is much, much more of the zone to see."
"I went back into the end and then bridged my way over to the portal."
"PS5 Xbox series and PC that same day on New Gen and PC as well as last gen is like a dragon infinite wealth."
"Destiny 2 puts storytelling front and center."
"Happy November everybody! The month of the year where it's okay to say no I don't want to do anything except play video games because this is the month."
"Elden Ring is incredible and I hope you have as much fun traversing the lands between as I have."
"I'm really loving this game, ads aside, ads aside."
"It's the fact that 84% of African-American Millennials play video games but only 4% are actually in the gaming industry."
"Nerd sims love anything that challenges their brain; in their free time, they love to play video games."
"Yes, that's all I can say is yes. Oh please, oh I can't wait, I'm gonna stream that too, I gotta, I'm gonna stream all of Inazuma. I have to, I have to. Oh, it's gonna be so good."
"Overwatch is Twitch's most viewed new release in 2016."
"Holy cow, guys! We are knocking at the front door of getting through all these characters!"
"The Ocarina of Time - a game worthy of bearing the name The Legend of Zelda."
"Star Citizen has now raised 400 million dollars."
"I'm like, please, I'm begging you. I just want to play Breath of the Wild. It has my save file on it too."
"Star Wars Jedi fallen order the single-player adventure was a giant success."
"Helping to propel the NES to must-have status in the West"
"I love going fast but I hate when I slam into that wall or I fall off the edge I just can't see it coming in time."
"I have to beat it now; even stubbornly invested in this, I have to see the ending."
"The best comparison I can give the story is the rookie story in Halo 3 ODST."
"You could play a video game for 14 hours in a day and you would feel like you did something."
"Hot Pursuit Remastered is awesome. Cannot wait to play more of this game."
"Why make people wait again on your PS4? I understand all that. This year more than any other year, I have... I spent so much money on just nobody."
"When can people play Cyberpunk 2077? November 19th."
"Playing Minecraft, the most peaceful game in the world except when a creeper walks up to you."
"Gran Turismo is one where I'll say you feel like you're actually there, like you feel like you're in the car actually driving which is more than I can say for like even most VR games."
"Roquan smith let's go speed rusher 100 he's i've been using it more as a like a defensive lineman plus three finesse moves is definitely what i want."
"I'm having a fun time playing Tetris; hope you're having a fun time watching it."
"Mario Kart 64: the franchise's most iconic entry."
"Guild Wars 1, it's a classic fantasy adventure but with friends."
"Stellaris, an absolutely wonderful game created by Paradox Interactive."
"And at the end of the day for pop growth speed is everything in this game."
"Communicating and strategizing in video games can translate to real-life teamwork and coordination."
"PlayStation needs better competition to force the platform to up its game."
"If you're a kid that plays video games all day whatever we all did that but if you're an adult nothing will make time go faster than a video game."
"A technical marvel when it released, and it still looks very good to this day."
"I encourage you to explore as much as you like, there are hidden things here and there, new missions to find, special mission givers, players to meet, and friends to make."
"I want to welcome you to the Star Citizen community and it's been my pleasure to be your guide on your first journey."
"Looking back at my humble little RuneScape series... it's so incredible to see it all come together."
"Hey, I'm buying this game today, thanks for the video."
"Realistic racing has headed for Nintendo's switch."
"This game had one of the hardest difficulty spikes I've ever seen in a video game."
"I'd barely come out of encounters alive, grunting and limping, only to sigh and say out loud, 'Thank [__]' as I found a syringe to boost my health back up."
"Guarantee a win here is to hide behind a box where he can't shoot you."
"I'd love to see Michelle come back, uh, that would be so hype and cool."
"Make this character, make Master Dragunov absolutely terrifying."
"We do have some very exciting and impactful changes that will have a wide-ranging impact on the meta game." - "We do have some very exciting and impactful changes that will have a wide-ranging impact on the meta game."
"One thing I think this game needs most right now is a solid shake-up of the meta." - "One thing I think this game needs most right now is a solid shake-up of the meta."
"I've never seen backtracking used like this in a game, and it's amazing. Remember that you have to backtrack the same way that Saw Runner chased you."
"When Simon gets out, it's raining now, and backtracking doesn't feel like padding but a reminder that I [__] made it."
"12 hours 46 minutes and 40 seconds this was the stupidest thing I've ever done oh my God I'm just glad this is over Jesus Christ there it is we have won a fight in every single EA NHL video game that has fighting accept NHL 97."
"Just everything about the game is just so incredibly satisfying just to experience it's one of those games that's just kind of a joy in of its own."
"I mean concrete genie is somebody's game of the year and it's a pretty good pick."
"God of War is my game of the year right now."
"This game has been being worked on for years and has moved out of its pre-production stage and is currently in a playable state internally."
"It's conquered Hollywood, it's called video gaming, it affects everything."
"Wow, this is better than this man, 91 overall for Jokic, bro, you can't be serious right now."
"This palace is still phenomenal, from its gripping story to its gameplay."
"Thank you guys so much for watching. Hope you enjoyed. If you did, don't forget to leave a like and I will see you guys next time on the battlefield."
"Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo: seriously good, all-time goat."
"Street Fighter 6 has a real sense of community, welcoming all players old and new."
"If you lose in a video game, no one cares except you."
"Speedrunning in a nutshell is basically playing the game as if you just bought it."
"The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past: arguably the best Zelda game."
"Donkey Kong Country: many instant classic games on the Super Nintendo."
"Switch: arguably the best game from one of the strongest gaming franchises ever."
"We know many of you are trying to plan some time off for the raid race, and we're looking to have some details on that next week. Stay tuned."
"The minecraft soundtrack was written by a german musician named daniel rosenfeld otherwise known as c418."
"Reinhardt feels like an absolute giga chad and after years of getting barrier cucked and stun locked into oblivion he deserves a game worthy of his title."
"Orisa has gone from being the most boring brain dead piece of [__] to play to becoming doom guy levels of aggressive."
"Brig is no longer a stun goblin... If you're sick of getting dived Brig might be the answer to all your prayers."
"Moira on the other hand feels really [__] strong... and it's no wonder she's been dominating so many matches in the beta."
"This is the biggest story in the history of video gaming."
"Mental really does let his gameplay do the talking."
"Subzero Cameo seems to be one of the easier ways to actually go into it for whatever mixups you want to apply next"
"This was like the legendary iconic game for most of the Dragon Ball fans growing up in the mid-2000s."
"So here we're looking at an extremely demanding game."
"2023 has been an incredible year for video games."
"Hell Divers 2 rewards good teamwork and strategy, not to mention it's better than sex for sure."
"Welcome to Call of Duty Vanguard, where fun awaits you."
"Oh my gosh, it's just like playing Age of Empires all over again."
"Fallout New Vegas: a buggy masterpiece filled with amazing stories, great side missions, and an absolute heap of bugs."
"Do you think it's morally okay to play atomic heart even though buying it means giving some money to Russia's government? Uh, yeah I think it's fine."
"Dying Light 2 offers up one of the most compelling gameplay loops I've ever experienced in an open world game."
"Thank you so much for watching Ocarina of Time, this was a difficult let's play."
"I just found out what two days ago that a friend of mine had passed away last winter and I didn't even know it you know from an overdose."
"Literally everything I have is as a result of my sobriety."
"When you get your very first mount, your mounted riding speed is basically as slow as your normal sprinting speed."
"I need redemption on Bowser's Castle 3 because last time was just horrible."
"Detroit become human is an experience that is not just geared towards people who play a lot of video game settings it's an experience that's meant to attract and appeal to people who simply find interactive storytelling fascinating and interesting."
"Stay tuned for more gameplay as we progress through this account I'll bring you a lot more beginner guides and general tips and tricks videos for various aspects of the game make sure to subscribe for more clash of clans."
"Breath of the Wild captures Miyamoto's original exploration feeling, but that doesn't discount other Zelda games."
"Granblue Fantasy: Relink is the type of RPG that I've been wanting to play for a while."
"There is a lot that you can do in The Sims and it's kind of overwhelming, so I appreciate them spending time working on this to help teach those new players."
"Okay not a bad shot here we go yep you had that coming apparently gonna leave the area and there we go 85 000 for exactly three minutes of work now that's really really good."
"It's rare for a remake to nail the overall feeling of the original so well while still improving upon virtually every other element."
"You can actually carry up to three pets and switch them in-game!"
"Secret of Evermore is a Square Soft game that has never been ported or remade to exhaustion."
"Above all, life is short. Video games are supposed to be fun."
"This is FIFA 16, this is Anfield, this is the Liverpool career mode."
"Honestly, the Sims 3 is my game and I love her so much."
"I remember playing video games geez in the 1980s."
"If you love the youth academy career mode as much as I do, make sure to hit that like button."
"Exploring the vast kingdom of Hyrule and discovering everything it has to offer gave me a sense of joy, excitement and reward."
"AAA big beautiful content and games like Horizon and I gotta say Gran Turismo 7 which is also getting VR support just looks absolutely insane on PSVR 2"
"Sports video games are kind of the middle stepchild of the video gaming world."
"The creation of the video game console, which is no small feat considering the now multi-billion dollar market status."
"It was incredibly fun, team games were even more exciting with friends, a competitive ranking and placement system akin to that of Alif I'd created an intense and competitive environment for players to Duke it out online."
"Alex Lacazette's Fatma scored is stupidly broken and you will see some ridiculous goals from him throughout today's video."
"Sonic Adventure went on to become the best-selling game on the Dreamcast."
"No matter how you choose to live out your high school years in The Sims 4, there are no wrong answers - unless it's a test you forgot to study for."
"The grind feels real, the gameplay, it's fun learning the new gameplay."
"This is the first game that is meant to just be run for, got me to where I am now."
"It gets uncontrolled, it's like the round starts really well and then you'll get a pick, you'll have 30 HP and then you'll push and die and throw the whole Round."
"There has never and will ever be a more controversial collection of video games than Grand Theft Auto."
"This is broken, I hope you guys enjoy the video." - Toba Landon
"Our goal is to normalize representation within our game world by reflecting the diversity of the real world." - Meghan Berry
"Hey what's happened gamers, welcome to our brand spanking new let's play of Yoshi's new island for the Nintendo 3ds which just released today."
"Street Fighter II was almost like a lifestyle."
"This bike chase used to be the hardest part of the run."
"Gameplay is fast paced and the action is absolutely insane."
"He's a hands-off parent, all right, let's play this video."
"One of the things Riot could easily do which would benefit everyone is unlock all the champions for the practice tool."
"If you've ever been interested in speedrunning, just give it a shot."
"Super Mario Galaxy simply rules and I've come to realize that we both love it equally. That's beautiful, Scott."
"Mario Galaxy 2 presents a pristine package of fun, variety, and creativity to the player."
"Fun is what Super Mario Galaxy 2 is all about from start to finish. It's an absolute blast to play and experience."
"By the end of this video, not only will you learn endless new things about Grand Theft Auto 5, you'll come to appreciate it more than you ever have before."
"The gameplay trailer is coming on Sunday - get ready to witness the evolution of Battlefield."
"The side quests turn into a huge component and portion of play time overall."
"The gameplay is fine, but this is a linear, incredible story and character-driven game, and it's clear that that's where a huge amount of the love and attention went."
"Okay, we got 10 coins stolen from us. Wait, and Yoshi's looking down there now. He looks up as he gets those coins, this is so weird."
"Strongest Battlegrounds... an instant classic."
"There's never been a better time to board Falcom's wild ride across the Sumerian continent than now."
"For the amount of money that you spend on a video game like GTA 5, the amount of hours of entertainment you get is goddamn insane." - Commentary on video game pricing
"This is dog paradise! Would you look at that, I have five wolves now!"
"This is our game, that is right. All the sequences you just saw in that trailer are all pulled right out of our game running real time and Unreal Engine 5. No smoking mirrors."
"Final Fantasy VII is an amazing game. It took bold steps forward into unexplored territory."
"Get the moves down individually then you can start putting them all together and chaining up and making your own combos."