
Video Game Development Quotes

There are 332 quotes

"Final Fantasy 12 spent longer in development than any previous game associated with the franchise."
"Larian has struggled to stay afloat; they were facing bankruptcy around the mid-2000s and then just a couple of years ago, they released Divinity: Original Sin to prove themselves to Wizards of the Coast to get the opportunity just to work on Baldur's Gate."
"Creating something at this level and this quality is exceptionally difficult, and my respect and admiration for both Polyphony Digital and Turn 10 has only increased."
"Rockstar set out with the tough objective of topping an all-time great experience, and they did it, creating the new gold standard."
"That's when Atreus officially became a part of the family."
"Series creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker grew protective of the license, and so began a nine-year gap between games."
"CD Projekt RED has iterated time and again that they want to make sure that Cyberpunk 2077 is as presentable and as representative of the final product as possible before finally blowing the lid off of it."
"I don't think anybody goes into video game development and sits through 80 hours of crunch time just to release a game that's trash."
"It was a huge collaborative process, and I think that's what's so magical about working in games."
"Square built an exceptional video game here and then said, 'okay, what else can we do? How can we go above and beyond?'"
"The two-player versus mode was finally implemented in this build for some levels."
"Shane Isaac claims to be building the best video game ever made with technology that doesn't exist."
"Amazon can make just about anything except a good video game."
"From Software have established themselves as perhaps the best developer of the modern era."
"This game was developed by a core team of three people over four years. What this mystery adventure has achieved is remarkable."
"Naughty Dog proved to me over the decade that no matter how small the beginnings, with the right level of dedication and creativity, greatness is within anyone's grasp."
"Pikachu's fame soon led to the Pokémon getting its own game, 'Hey You, Pikachu!'"
"Red and Blue weren't only shaped by Game Freak; they were also shaped by translators like Nob."
"Final Fantasy 6 is the first in the series to dare to make real developed characters that aren't OneNote."
"We were happy because it was now there was now the potential for some fantastic titles to come out of first party teams."
"I promise you guys that I will hire an artist, programmer and musician to make a mod for Friday Night Funkin', themed around old characters that I made on Newgrounds."
"It has been a true privilege to... share with the world the small role that we've gotten to play in bringing this game to fans and a whole new generation to understand World War two."
"Sonic Mania's development staff had a history in creating Sonic fan games and other projects."
"And so when we had to come up with a new island, I'm like, 'I'm gonna build this island. I'm gonna build this snow island.'"
"Not only was Metroid Prime 4 actually being made but a new 2D Metroid was being released later that year."
"Soul Frame is the game that we're working on... it's very much a sister project to Warframe."
"It's going to be a different weird fun chapter in Warframe."
"Super Castlevania 4 stood out from its predecessors thanks to all new level designs highly detailed environments and the tightest controls ever seen in a Castlevania game."
"This is by far the most ambitious game Rare has ever created."
"It's interesting like we kind of where we are at is we're chasing these big huge projects that are super exciting."
"This is still in pre-production as in the part before production they're still trying to figure out what the hell this game is even after dumping 15 years into it."
"Gears of War will cost ten million dollars to develop at the time it was a big investment for epic."
"He is a great salesman he can trick people into buying anything he is so extremely charismatic for a video game developer."
"I think overall Super Mario Party was a step in the right direction."
"We make video games for a living, we have the best jobs in the world."
"This game is shaping up really, really nicely."
"Going open world is ballsy. It's gutsy. It's going all in, throwing caution to the wind."
"We're passionate about making a cool and exciting Half-Life experience."
"The right time has arrived for the remake developers."
"Thank you, everyone who worked on the Jak games at Naughty Dog."
"The only actual delay announcement this week was for Saints Row...so this is not in response to that, this is just more dev time to finish and polish the game."
"Hitman 3 is essentially one giant flourish as IO Interactive acknowledged that after 21 long years, the technology and expertise are finally in place for them to make the perfect Hitman game."
"Infinity Ward is constantly showing a dedication to realism in every facet of the game."
"The different challenges that these characters are going to have to overcome in Overwatch 2 are things that they haven't ever dealt with before or dealt with on this scale."
"With these sorts of numbers, it's no surprise that CD Projekt Red is currently working on a new Mainline Witcher game announced just a few weeks ago."
"Especially because they've been doing 2D Donkey Kong games basically since Metroid Prime 3. It was nice to see them show up and impress everyone again with their prowess in 3D development."
"Our goal is for Overwatch to be the worthy successor to the first story to be the next evolution to be a true sequel."
"It's indicative of how much transformation I think the studio has gone under with engaging with our players at so many different levels."
"Palia is especially great looking it clearly is far along in development and coming along very well."
"I think a full-on 3D Kirby game has to happen."
"Much like the first Watchdogs, part 2's development team brought in real-life hackers."
"In 'Takashi and Hiroshi,' the story follows Takashi, a 14-year-old game designer who is creating a video game for his sick little brother Hiroshi."
"For once game freak did everything we asked and it paid off black and white were already fantastic games all it needed were some touch-ups throw in a new story too and Bam best Pokemon games of all time."
"You know when we were developing Xenoblade Chronicles X, it's really a game driven through exploration."
"Three million dollars sounds like a lot of money but video games are really expensive to make."
"The way it works when you're working on a video game machine that has not come out is you get this sort of early version of the machine, which isn't quite perfect, but it's sort of mostly, maybe about 80% of the machine."
"Few video game developers inspired as much reverence as the Massachusetts-based Looking Glass Studios."
"The approach you've taken with Sea of Thieves all along is to bring the community and the players of the game with you as you go through this development journey."
"Game developers should be allowed to speak up; the industry is doing everything it can to demolish that."
"But as I completed the game earlier this year, I couldn't help but think how, how did they get here, how did they pull it off?"
"It's actually really great to be able to help Hideo on Death Stranding."
"When target and walmart are struggling you know it's really bad."
"Apex Legends was built off Titan 4 3 and the Apex we have today is most likely more visually similar to what Titan 4 3 would have looked like."
"CD Projekt Red working on a new standalone story-driven Gwent experience, 'Project Golden Necker'."
"I myself am excited to see where cyberpunk 2077 goes and I'm thankful that it is pursuing artistic vision over social conformity."
"The license is now firmly in the hands of IO Interactive, developers of the great Hitman series and clearly the right people to helm 007’s comeback."
"Platinum games is a developer name that many people know comes with an impressive stable of action games."
"Babylon's fall was shaping up to be quite the flop and it felt like there was no shot in the game getting delayed at this point."
"Just before we start playing I will say the game has changed pretty significantly compared to the early access version."
"The partnership evolved out of discussions between Phil Spencer and David Jones, both of whom agreed the Crackdown property deserved another chance."
"The impressive pre-alpha build significantly boosted fan anticipation."
"Digital Extremes going off the success of Warframe and making a fantasy MMO? That's pretty exciting for me."
"A bad game is a bad game. Delay game is eventually good."
"A lot of video game players and MMORPG players they're just looking for that in the company just the authenticness the genuineness the realness they're looking for that in a developer and I think smilegate provided a lot of that."
"Developers took chances, you know, and it was very creative at the time."
"Splatoon was revealed at E3 2014 when it was only 10% complete."
"I, for one, believe that some code similar to this flowchart is what gave Game Freak the initial shinies."
"This is going to be the most ambitious game that we've ever made."
"Improvements needed to make Night City feel alive."
"Santa Monica Studio achieved with God of War 2018 was so beyond even our loftiest expectations."
"The game's been in full production for two to three, maybe even four years."
"A creator of a video game does not have any responsibility to the outside world or to common culture or any of that garbage nonsense that you're trying to push onto them."
"I want you to know that the people that play and enjoy these hacks truly appreciate the work that you’re doing, and that it's not going unnoticed."
"Honestly, they've reinvented God of War from what it was to what it is now."
"I love how far video games have come and how much love has been put into this."
"Sometimes you have a great idea for a video game and the only tiny obstacle standing between you and sales success is having to actually, you know, develop a video game."
"But what I don't want is for Underground 3 the name to be in development and end up like the Most Wanted remake by Criterion, that would not be good at all."
"The new skating engine adds a whole new layer of creativity for players."
"Really cool to see that an image left over unused in the game ended up being reused over 2 years later."
"The birth of Gary's Mod: a love affair with Half-Life 2's physics engine."
"Mihoyo is outdoing themselves with these cutscenes."
"Intense Wizardy 2 in its first week sold over 10k units, god that's pretty good, look at this, we're gaining fans, we got over a thousand fans now, Sipsco Games is like totally on the rise, we're making the big bucks!"
"Project Ferocious is targeting a 2023 release date and coming to PC, PlayStation, and Xbox."
"CD Projekt RED has now made a Grand Theft Auto enormous fantasy game and a lushly detailed cyberpunk dystopian role-playing game. What have you done, Rockstar?"
"Ultra Gary: The Pirate Adventure Game by Sips Co Games. We're gonna do it, goddamn it!"
"But rather than just porting the old experiences to newer hardware, Pokemon remakes have always worked to incorporate modern gameplay innovations into the games rather than maintaining the experience of the originals exactly."
"Monster Hunter is basically like a series of boss fights where you have to study the behavior of these monsters."
"Metal Gear Solid 3 is what happens when the entire suit is made of inspirations."
"Developers will not be stupid enough to limit the audience on their games."
"GTA 6's development is likely quite far along."
"Developers have more tools, resources, and everything they need to make the best video game ever."
"The new God of War is a massive departure from the series' roots in every conceivable way."
"Games in general not just mgs2 are such a hugely collaborative effort in some ways it's a miracle they get made at all."
"Creating a sequel that is just better in every single conceivable way."
"Infinity Ward has produced some of the best Call of Duty games."
"The end result, there are still improvements we can make towards those cutscenes."
"There's nothing like the buzz before the launch of a new expansion in Destiny 2. We're taking a magnifying glass to the content, finishing up our final test passes to prepare for the next year of Destiny 2 for launch."
"I'm not saying add war bands to bring XP to the."
"Guitar Hero is a great game, an absolute labor of love from everyone involved."
"You are the developers of the flagship video game series for a company that just dropped 70 billion dollars to acquire the biggest and most profitable game studios this side of the planet."
"Halo Infinite: The direction to take the franchise forward."
"In an age of important movies, what's a movie you think people need to see as in a movie you urge people to watch because it carries some sort of political or social message or portrays an important lesson in philosophy identity psychology etc?"
"I've had a couple of issues with polygons stretching and tearing."
"Skywalker Saga aims to expand the Lego Star Wars games."
"Huge news: Lucasfilm Games and Ubisoft collaborating on a new story-driven open-world Star Wars game."
"There's so many talented developers working on this stuff; it's unreal."
"Maybe in the future Game Freak will finally add that fourth evolution line and we'll see Goro Chu in a future game."
"One of the best things Insomniac has ever made."
"This new take on the Forza series saw it going from being constrained to a race track and instead decided to let players street race and explore around an open world."
"Overall, Horizon 2 takes everything that the devs learned when building the first game, refines it, tunes it, and repackages it in a brand new setting."
"If tweaks are made to the gameplay and the campaign is solid again, I think it's something we're all going to be playing for a very long time."
"Would it be worth it for developers to put a blood or language off code like Mortal Kombat on the Genesis only in Reverse so more mature games could be played while kids are around?"
"After 25 years, we finally figured it out, and the new Earthworm Jim 4 is coming."
"Video games have come a long way from the more Gra Roots throw sh at the wall and see what sticks approach."
"Arkane studios have done it again and with now three major triple-a games under their belt I look forward to seeing how they'll evolve their formula in future."
"A late game is eventually good. A rushed game is forever bad."
"An F-Zero title had been in development for the Wii U but was canceled."
"Armed Police Batrider programmed by the legendary Shinobu Yagawa of Battle Garegga fame."
"I really hope they don't forget that opportunity to actually do a chaos-specific roster for each god."
"Psychonauts 2 and Mini Motorways took very different paths to release day, but both are more than worthy successors to their original games."
"New leaks came out further stating that Gorilla has a multiplayer Horizon game in development."
"You really gotta love when the devs support their speedrun scene because those are like the dudes that are playing your game the most."
"It's such a shame because the later levels almost seemed like there was some effort put into them but it's just the development of the game that caused them to just end up making this horrible mess that's so beautifully miserable to play through."
"It's nice how they made 200cc leaderboards as well."
"Motion capture is the bread and butter of how we make Madden."
"It's time to innovate. It's time to completely rebuild Madden from the ground up."
"Injustice 2 managed to improve upon the formula while delivering an excellent narrative and borrowing cues from NetherRealm's flagship franchise."
"We need some [__] to go so badly wrong that people go, 'Oh sorry, we were kind of asleep at the wheel there for a second. Let's actually create video games properly as management teams and production people as opposed to developers.'"
"Data miners have been very busy digging into the Diablo 4 beta files."
"Abuse is how The Last of Us Part 2 was made."
"Sega has finally figured out how to make Sonic work in a modern context and now they're refining what worked before."
"Enter insomniac games' latest and perhaps most ambitious project to date: spider-man for PlayStation 4."
"This character seems really really good it seems like they fix a lot of this characters flaws."
"Skyblivion are remastering the Elder Scrolls Oblivion in the Skyrim game engine, and it looks insane."
"A delayed game can eventually be good... but a bad game is bad forever."
"Valuable lessons have been learned following the release of Battlefield 2042."
"Thank you for watching. If you want to keep up with the latest in Star Citizen and Squadron 42 development, please follow us on our social media channels."
"Traversal stutter: the unwanted companion of Unreal Engine 5."
"I don't get the outrage for the initiative and CD situation, do people expect a 70 person studio make a AAA game by themselves?"
"This is a tale of an Electronic Arts own developer capital games allegedly blackmailing threatening ignoring lying banning and attacking star wars fans and youtubers."
"Sonic Advance 2 nails the formula for exactly what a video game sequel should be."
"Sonic Forces was developed by Sonic Team, composed of the same members who developed Sonic Generations."
"Development for Forces went on for a fairly long time since 2013, to be exact."
"Living Season One had a ton covered, a lot of it had to just be cut though."
"The fact that CD Projekt held themselves to a higher standard in turn we did as well."
"Cyberpunk 2077 looks really impressive and the fact that CD Projekt RED is still adapting a story and its themes from literature instead of starting from scratch should stand them in good stead."
"Bungie has put some serious work into its sequel to create a richer, more beautiful world to explore."
"Everything they're showing here looks fantastic."
"Final Fantasy 16 was now in its polish and debugging phase reigniting hopes that we may have let's see a 2022 release for this."
"It's a bummer man, yeah, they shut down immediately after Warfighter, just not a hit." - "Just not a hit."
"And voila, in deed, our background started to scroll."
"Following one of the most difficult crunch times in gaming history, Bungie pulled off the impossible."
"Shao Kahn was kind of the head of expanding the Mortal Kombat universe."
"Hitman 3 places itself very firmly as the conclusion of its trilogy, a culmination of years of developer knowledge and experience."
"My boy got his Magmar Revolution. 535 BST and he's good. Thank goodness Game Freak pulled their pants down and came with Evolution methods like this."
"Rockstar Games scouting Florida gives further backing to the rumors of this next GTA game being set in Vice City."
"8 years of development, 60 hour main story, 700 voice actors, 500 motion capture actors."
"Looks fantastic, Naughty Dog fully rebuilt the game."
"A wild gamble of a game that was burning money, plowing ahead even though it didn't click into place until the 11th hour."
"Atlas is very good at what they do when it comes to making fun video games."
"Vita games that still are coming out today, they are indeed labors of love."
"This is a great example of how to do cross-gen support right."
"It's as if they cast away the shackles that locked them into that grounded Monster Hunter feel - and over time has really come into its own and embraced... this like fighting game's soul as an influence."
"This is not a game made by 800 people in the smaller environments like intimately handcrafted but are still big enough to hold side quests and reward exploration."
"So many great ideas are coming about from us as a community to be put into an actual video game."
"The main difference in writing for a video game is variables."
"I think we can improve the overall look a lot by not changing the polygons."
"Here is my verdict on what should be done if Dice and EA want this game to be great: fantastic. It needs to be delayed another year."
"Borderlands movie is going to begin filming in Budapest soon."
"If you want your games to be good, you've got to back up those devs."
"Halo is a series that needs a consistent vision and a consistent team."
"I hope that Naughty Dog continues to push for new ideas and to always have the foresight to leave a franchise on a high note."
"This game is the result of some top-notch talent."
"They do have that kaiju game coming out too, but I'm sure they also have a dedicated team on Bayonetta 3."
"Elden Ring looks to be a culmination and evolution of these soulsborne games."
"Every system is finally fully thought out, there's more ships, the graphics are better."
"I think Creative Assembly have done a great job once again."
"So, we are now introducing the freelancer career. It is a new style of career and we are launching with three freelancers."
"Returning to the series would be Sato Takayoshi. They'd proven themselves, they'd proven the Silent Hill brand. This time they'd go bigger and better."
"The birth of Silent Hill 2 came from conversations among the central team of the kind of stories they wanted to create. Everyone contributed ideas and themes they liked."
"His work on Silent Hill 2 in his own words was hell, but it was fun."
"The devs themselves just don't give a [__], they're like 'ah who cares, we'll fix that camo eventually.'"
"The absolute titans behind Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Knights, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, and Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic."
"Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water, the official fifth entry in the series, brings new gameplay mechanics and eerie atmospheres."
"Space Engineers is now a released game, the fact they're still developing it makes me happy."
"Capcom is still innovating Resident Evil to this day."
"I find it very interesting that this concept of a Sonic game where we have multiple different characters with different play Styles eventually did come to fruition."
"This trend continued with Sonic 3 and Knuckles, albeit a bit smoother."
"Double dipping where possible is a hallmark of all video game development."
"It seems clear that we are going to definitely get some kind of multiplayer thing."