
Neighbor Quotes

There are 176 quotes

"Jesus didn't teach hate; he humbly loved his neighbor."
"My neighbor, Mr. Peterson, is acting very suspicious."
"Love thy neighbor as thyself, very important."
"Living only a block apart, our romance could be seen as a soap opera cliché where neighbors seek solace and sex, but our longing and lust soon turned to love, for we found in each other what we'd been missing and desperately wanted: closeness, joy, and fun."
"Live to love God and to love your neighbor, always seeking to grow in your walk with Him."
"You were about 6 years old when MJ's family moved in next door. When you saw her for the first time, you grabbed me and said, ‘Is that an angel?’"
"This has made my life right now, I've been waiting for this moment ever since he moved in across the street."
"Invite your neighbors over, give them food, give them kindness."
"Our nearest neighboring galaxy is the Andromeda Galaxy."
"Love thy neighbor as thy love thyself."
"I'm going to tell you a horrifying story of the next door neighbor I used to have."
"Your neighbors are turning into psychotic monsters ready to kill anyone they see."
"I'm Johnny, I live next door. I've been living here 66 years, 8 months, and 21 days."
"Love your neighbor as yourself. Love does no harm to its neighbor."
"You make a lot of noise, neighbor," it said. "Cries, cries, cries."
"If you just loved your neighbor, we'd have a lot less problems."
"All you're left with is the law of Christ, love thy neighbor as you love yourself. That's all you're left with, brother."
"Am I going to break his legs? I'm actually not concerned at all about being pinched by police for it because at this point their incompetence is endangering my life and the life of my neighbor."
"I'm very glad that things worked out for OP in the end, but I gotta say, I would still be a little bit afraid of this crazy neighbor because he seems completely out of his mind."
"This afternoon, four days later, a neighbor I have never met before showed up at my door."
"One in five of us has been at war with next door. Never forget that scumbag."
"Neighbor is raising hell over my non-existent pet bird."
"I never would have imagined dealing with a bona fide Karen as a cop, let alone living right next door to one."
"...if you have a neighbor that doesn't want to cooperate with you then you're going to have to disclose that so maybe you get a quote or maybe you get it repaired on your own but it will come up in a home inspection."
"Oh, that one might plead for a man with God, as a man pleadeth for his neighbor!"
"It's fundamentally about just trying to love your neighbor and trying to be honest about structures of domination."
"There was a murder, the accused was a neighbor of mine. Honestly has never been proven but there is no doubt in my mind that Wayne had something to do with it."
"Fraternal correction is an act of love for your neighbor."
"Protect thy neighbor, love thy neighbor."
"Dei found himself dealing with an unusual new neighbor who exhibited bizarre behavior since recently moving in."
"He's shoving his horny old neighbor into a grinder to stop her from hurting another person again."
"Accept God's mercy and return it to your neighbor."
"Love God, love your neighbor - this is the key."
"Do something nice for a neighbor."
"My super classy neighbor: This will be a long post, but I just had to post somewhere about my super classy neighbor."
"Being a neighbor is the ultimate expression of love."
"I'm not really sure if there's anything to argue in this thread. Obviously, OP is not the A-hole for suing this awful neighbor."
"It's like all these little things she does that toe the line at illegal and I feel like if I call the police they are just going to look at it as a petty neighbor squabble instead of harassment."
"You know, the Bible says to love your neighbor."
"Love your neighbor as yourself; self-love is the standard of all love."
"People keep very sweetly introducing themselves to me. It's amazing how they fit that title into their conversation. And just like that, you're my neighbor."
"I Got Revenge On My Evil Neighbor."
"Then, my neighbor built an addition on the side of their mobile home."
"If everybody had a neighbor like Ben, the world would be an awesome place."
"Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore, love is the fulfillment of the law."
"Love God, love you, love your neighbor...these three things fulfill all of this part of the Bible."
"You're a great dad, you're a great neighbor, and you're a great firefighter."
"Jesus said love your neighbor as yourself, but he didn't stop there."
"If your love of neighbor interferes with your love of God, then you're not loving your neighbor properly."
"My neighbor just came over and brought me some barrels. He's got a waste oil burner in his shop, which makes me pretty jealous."
"Within the first couple of weeks, we began to suspect we were in close proximity of an ongoing domestic dispute between the tenants and the unit upstairs."
"Karen complained about another neighbor's motorcycle... she has complained several times about the motorcycle and calls the cops frequently for dumb things."
"Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these."
"Kindness given to one's neighbor is the best of all works."
"I live next door, but we have that big fence right between our houses, which I love."
"...the laws fulfill in one word is that you love your neighbor as yourself."
"How about that lady who lives next door to us, Mrs. Darwin?"
"I'm so glad her jerk neighbor got stuck paying for that snow removal."
"One of the important facts of buying this property is the next-door neighbor owns a model agency."
"If God's blessed you with stuff then share it with your neighbor."
"I'd be happy to move in next door."
"Love of neighbor is a matter of precept, not an optional feature of Christianity; it's just Christianity."
"For he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law."
"The new neighbor has agreed. Super!"
"The Bible says, 'For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.' You see that's spiritual."
"Oh, I'm a turkey, let's head to the workshop. Thanks, neighbor."
"Love your neighbor even though he opposes you in the world of business."
"Dave, nice guy, lived across the street, had a dream."
"Turn around, tell your neighbor you love him."
"Love does no harm to its neighbor, because love is the fulfillment of the law."
"I don't want to be that neighbor, but I have to."
"I've never seen you before, I didn't know you lived in the building too."
"My crazy neighbor introduced bed bugs into the washing machine, I think."
"The Bible states thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."
"How can we deny grace to our neighbor if we seek it from God?"
"Someone's love of God is not known by the lofty prayers that they express to God in the midst of the church with poetic language, but in how much they love their neighbor. And that is when we truly articulate the love of God."
"So, I head on over, knock on the door, hey neighbor, I've been seeing these big old dogs running around in the woods, have you ever seen anything like this?"
"Glenn realizes he's out of tea bags so he goes outside and he hollers to his neighbor Frank and says hey can I borrow some tea bags."
"Now which of those men who passed by the wounded traveler was his neighbor? The one who was kind to him. Exactly. Now you go and do the same."
"Let your neighbor say, 'I'm ready, how about you?'"
"You're a wonderful mother, you're a wonderful neighbor, you're a wonderful wife."
"I was super tight and super close with Aldi, my next door neighbor."
"He put up a sign pointing to an insane asylum - directed at the home of the woman who lived next door, and erected a fake tombstone for her that made fun of her for being unmarried and looking older than her age."
"He seemed nicer than the neighbors that I had in the beginning and was a breath of fresh air."
"Neighbor, God has a blessing in the house with your name on it."
"If you can love your neighbor as yourself and love God with all your heart, you fulfill all the law."
"Love works no ill toward its neighbor, therefore love is the Fulfillment of the law."
"Wear a mask. The bible says love your neighbor as yourself."
"Perfect love casts out fear, love does no harm to its neighbor."
"The goal should be love for God and your neighbor."
"You must have concern for others, love your neighbor as yourself."
"Do we love God with all our heart, might, mind, and strength? He loves us infinitely. Do we love our neighbor as God loves them? If we know love, we know God."
"Love thy neighbor and you will find your life will be easier if you love thy neighbor."
"He's my neighbor, he lives right across the street from me."
"You got to love everybody because if you love, you can't decide who your neighbor is."
"Love your neighbor, it's just anybody."
"Neighborish. I'm a creature-loving lemur. Creature neighbors are my pals."
"The more I love Jesus, the more I will be able to love my neighbor."
"Jonathan Veron Smith says on his his consumer show you never want to you don't want a bad relationship with your neighbors it's just not pleasant."
"Make sure to share this with your roommate or if you don't have a roommate, share with your noisy upstairs neighbor."
"Love your neighbor as yourself here's what it says the entire law and all of God's demands are based on these two things."
"Her closest neighbor is a shepherd who looks like a character from 'The Sun Also Rises.'"
"I'm having to listen to this on a future neighbor who's making weird claims about how he owns part of my land."
"You got a new black neighbor that owns part of your Jacuzzi."
"If anybody ever finds themselves in a situation where what you're doing to kids is something that you have to actually hide from your neighbors, that's a pretty good sign that you should stop."
"The practice I would suggest is the one that Jesus gave us: Love your neighbor as yourself."
"They might have gotten away with it if it wasn't for Mr. Geider, who bothered to be a good neighbor on July 18, 2014, and investigate a situation that was really none of his business because something just didn't seem right."
"Love your neighbor; when someone helps you, then you'll understand."
"Jesus said, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"
"By helping an injured neighbor, a dog pays forward the kindness once showed to her."
"Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."
"He's just very very likable, yeah guy next door."
"I'm excited about my neighbor's future."
"For nearly 10 years, my family's lived next door to a gentleman who lived alone."
"The closest neighbor to our Milky Way is the Andromeda galaxy."
"Love your enemies and love your neighbor."
"The notion of neighbor in geography is not without ambiguity."
"If you really fulfill the royal law according to the scripture, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself,' you do well."
"The second resembles this: You must love your neighbor as yourself."
"We view Canada as an important neighbor, an important partner."
"Neighbor Doug is kind of like MacGyver; he's got all kinds of crazy inventions."
"As far as we know, our nearest planetary neighbor outside the solar system is just down the street, 10.5 light years away, orbiting the orange star Epsilon Eridani."
"Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these."
"Here I learned first of all that God desires me to love my neighbor so that I do him no bodily harm either by word or action."
"What if that old neighbor could unlock the secrets to understanding the complexities of the universe?"
"Charlie Brown realizing the importance of loving thy neighbor."
"Matthew 22:30, you must love your neighbor as much as you love yourself."
"Our neighbor is anyone with a genuine need whom we find in our path."
"Ned Flanders says, 'Hi-diddly-hi, hi Homer!'"
"It was all thanks to my neighbor for hearing my distress and calling the cops that I'm alive today."
"I fell in love with Claire the day she moved in next door and have been in love with her ever since."
"Crazy Dave, your next-door neighbor who aids you in the battle to defend your home from the horde of the undead."
"Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor."
"You shall love your crooked neighbor with your crooked heart."
"And to love your neighbor as you love yourself."
"Loving your neighbor is not just liking them, but loving them is to serve their needs."
"God wants us to love our neighbors, not hurt them."
"Once upon a time, there was a witch that lives next door."
"Love your neighbor just like you love yourself."
"Love worketh no evil to his neighbor; therefore, love is the fulfilling of the law."
"We shall miss having you next door."
"I thought I'd just pop in and say goodbye."
"This is your neighbor, the man you see in need that you have means to help."
"Love thy neighbor as thyself is an easy one."
"Whatever you would have your neighbor do to you, do also to them."
"I thought, I must be having a nightmare but my neighbor knocked on the door, and asked me if everything was all right."
"He's the best worst neighbor I've ever had."
"Hi, I'm John. I'm your new neighbor."
"Can you hear that? My neighbor was out chopping down this big tree in his yard."
"All that we do may always draw us into a deeper love of you and thus a deeper love of our neighbor."
"Love thy neighbor as thyself... Rabbi AKA says this is a great rule in the Torah."
"Forgive thy neighbor the hurt that he had done unto thee, so shall thy sins also be forgiven when thou prayest."
"The greatest commandment is love thy neighbor as you love thyself."
"And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."
"Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well."
"I just found out my neighbor is an alien."
"You shall not hate your neighbor in your heart."
"Debate your case with your neighbor."
"Let me tell you about a girl I know, she's my baby and she lives next door."
"The woman who lives next door is a doctor."
"You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There's no other commandment greater than these."
"Love can cause no harm to your neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law."
"And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
"You shall love your neighbor as you love yourself; love God and love your neighbor."
"Love of neighbor is derivative of love of God because we love our neighbor not because they are our neighbor; we love our neighbor because we commonly have been made by God in His image."
"I live in the country but I love it, but one of my neighbors, listen, is a real jackass."
"Love thy neighbor as yourself; treat others as you would have them treat you."
"I'm so glad God blessed me with having the best neighbor on the planet."
"A Believer does not have their stomach full while the neighbor is hungry."