
Conclusion Quotes

There are 5358 quotes

"Thanos began as wanting to do good and ended up vengeful and a pile of dust. That is a huge transformation."
"The advice section and the conclusion are both very worth watching."
"Thank you for watching, and I wish you all the best. Bye-bye."
"She was definitely murdered, an accident this was not."
"We stood before the door in silence, entranced by the entrance, caught up by our own epilogue."
"And thus, we have reached the end of the line for the beginner's guide."
"There's a very happy ending coming, full circle, and you're going to be going through a spiritual growth."
"Even though this is a Bittersweet end, it was a fun journey."
"It's the perfect ending to this saga, providing us with a heartbreaking but ultimately hopeful denouement."
"Let this be our final duel, the conclusion to that which began 500 years ago."
"This is the last hour of the last chapter of the grand finale."
"There goes the full-time whistle. What drama here at the Ramón Sánchez Pizjuán."
"What kind of new adventures wait for us now that everything has finally reached its end?"
"The evidence collected so far suggests this conclusion is more likely than the alternatives."
"That is the time traveling ghost pirate theory, baby. I am done."
"All these little circumstances, all these facts, you start putting them together, and it leads in one direction."
"Photography is a creative endeavor. You are coming to some kind of creative conclusion at the end, which is personified in a photograph. That is the most important part of any process."
"We're going to end on a strong and interesting note."
"It's over, it's done, yes, finally! Thank you, everyone, thank you for sticking with me."
"You made it to the end. I hope you felt inspired from this video today."
"So all in all, a fantastic day. And with that being said, we are off. We'll see you all tomorrow."
"My Dead by Daylight perk experiment has finally come to an end."
"What makes an argument good is that the conclusion follows from the premises."
"After three long years of unremitting conflict, the Clone Wars came to an end not in victory or defeat, but in deception."
"Triple kill for Faith Beyond, and that's gonna do it officially, GG's called."
"Awakened serves as the real ending to the series."
"That little bit of theater last week is over."
"The most straightforward answer is like this was an attempted assassination."
"So it's a good way to end since we've run out of time let me say to you only the following and I'm sure most of you know it but it bears repeating."
"This may very well be Onision's final act, a drawn-out swan song with only a predictable conclusion."
"Now that that's done, let's find a place to go sleep."
"I’m ending this on my terms. I’m saying goodbye to you."
"We are finally entering the last chapter of the Dragonborn story."
"Thank you so much for watching everybody, and thanks for sticking to the end."
"They have no power over him, and it is over, ladies and gentlemen."
"Streets of Rage 3 is a fine ending to the Streets of Rage trilogy."
"The conclusion to the 11-year Infinity Saga can truly be described as epic."
"All of which leads us to Metroid Dread, which puts a nice neat bow on Samus's seemingly never-ending mission to exterminate the Metroids."
"An incredibly satisfying conclusion to the Infinity Saga."
"It truly was an odyssey... And it is such a great way of wrapping up what is really the game's ultimate challenge."
"Here at the deepest point of the caves, our tour comes to an end."
"Thank you for watching, it's been a long road and I really hope that you enjoyed the show."
"It's been from beginning to end Michael, you are welcome."
"Overall, I think that's a wrap. Enough questions anyways."
"Thank you guys so much for watching. Hope you enjoyed."
"Our AI tour ended on a high note." - Kelly Cobia
"It's often the case that it's either that or the content has to come to an end in some way."
"Sasuke's narrative ends, his whole life ends, his whole purpose ends."
"We're done for today, don't you think? Let's go home."
"It's not a series of interconnected plots but a large web of stories and characters all being drawn to a single conclusion."
"It really Taps into the tension of waiting to see a story being definitively concluded."
"Events like this start and they come to a conclusion, but we never start the process of real reform."
"This kind of felt like the conclusion to his main character arc, to be honest."
"Rebellion brings a harrowing journey to a haunting conclusion."
"As the orbiter rolls to a stop, our journey into the world of orbital mechanics comes to an end for now."
"Revenge of the Sith... a satisfying conclusion to the prequel trilogy."
"The movie for me was a good conclusion... doesn't really validate anything to do with 8."
"Welcome to the end of the video. That's right, we're done. Not looking back, not even a little bit."
"It's the culmination of the entire franchise."
"Well, since we don't see any Inception-style top spinning, we're going to assume that the Dark Knight Trilogy concludes with a happy ending."
"What the heck's going on here anymore, I'm so confused."
"So which tells me what that implies to me at least is that it has ended and they don't want it to, or it's on the verge of ending and they refuse to let this end."
"Regardless, this is both a satisfying conclusion to both the rebuild films that I've been watching since 2010 and just the series as a whole."
"A legacy comes to an end but not before trying to settle the score."
"At some point, there has to be an overwhelming body of evidence that points towards one answer that you can be pretty confident is true."
"That's amazing and I think it's a perfect point at which to end the show."
"It quickly became one of my favorite books in any series that I've ever read because it's just such a good conclusion."
"And using these sorts of sentences, I can begin to draw some conclusions about the world."
"It's the end, everything after this is a new story."
"All right guys, unfortunately I'm ending the stream here. It has honestly been a blast. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who did tune in."
"Hope you learned a little bit something here today." - Concluding remarks on the importance of staying informed.
"Allow me to end this oration with a message of hope."
"Surprisingly, after reviewing the footage and external evidence, the commission came to the conclusion that the monster was real."
"Kingdom Hearts 3 is the conclusive chapter to the Dark Seeker Saga."
"We're gonna leave it on a high note, hope you guys enjoyed this video."
"Dude, this would be a great way to end off the video, but what else did they got in here?"
"That's all for today, and I'll see you guys next time."
"So close strongly and leave your cards on the table."
"How was endgame able to provide a fulfilling conclusion to so many narratives?"
"That's a wrap for today, we'll see you right back here in the very next video."
"That's gonna seal it up, now I'll do it for this game."
"That's just fine, however, you gotta get to the right conclusion."
"There'll be no more waiting, the indecision kind of comes to an end."
"This is going to come in a form of conclusion, solace, healing, and it is most certainly going to be satisfactory result."
"We've all come to the conclusion that COVID is over."
"We want to make something that was really good and fun and then find a nice way to end it."
"Stop thinking about hot ass. Goodnight, everybody."
"Every war has to end at some point in some form of victory."
"I'm sorry that we have to wrap this up. I'm sorry, I can't just hang it in for the next... Just [__] one hit, the one is almost there."
"Just take this one to its logical conclusion, please."
"Get hyped for that and that's basically the end of this video, so thank you for watching and goodbye."
"Thank you guys so much for making it to the end of this one it was interesting and kind of sloppy but a little off the rails but we we did get here eventually we made it to our destination it just was a little messy anyway."
"That's it for our Forza Horizon 4 stream, see you guys later."
"God of War Ragnarok is an absolutely extraordinary conclusion to this Saga, it is remarkable."
"The epic conclusion to the story that has captivated audiences."
"I don't know, we done here? That was a wind con. Yeah, good. We good."
"We're going. We're going. Alright, this concludes our happy funtime adventure today. Thank you for stopping by, I appreciate you and all your faces."
"That's a wrap on old Jakey... but fortunately for him, it was not a wrap."
"The women's Rumble ending the way it did was the right way to end the show."
"It all worked out brilliantly for longer than anyone expected, and now it's over."
"It's over, it ended. So there's no winner, there's no official winner."
"Odysseus' long journey, his odyssey, is at its end, but his legend will endure."
"I guess I should start wrapping this up after all."
"We ended on a high note so thanks everybody."
"We're gonna wrap up, as always thank you guys so much for watching."
"Guild Wars 2 delivers a pretty satisfying conclusion to this 10-year story arc."
"This has been scrapped man and I'll see you next time. Bye!"
"Thank you all for watching, please end the livestream."
"Keep being awesome, that's gonna be a wrap for today."
"Hang in there, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus because he that got you started is able to bring you to a powerful victorious conclusion."
"The finale though puts a bow on all these stories weaving together the narrative threads of each one to cap off a season-long arc."
"If people honestly look at the evidence, they will come to the right conclusion."
"My battery's flashing, and I must be going, but thank you guys so much for watching."
"After beating the odds, Cowboy Bebop bowed out on its own terms."
"It's about time for a conclusion isn't it? How's this: Superman isn't Jesus."
"Sansa's ending is the perfect conclusion to her impressive tale."
"This multi-year-long story has come to an end."
"What a way to round off the show, that was a very good speech."
"This is the perfect time for the hike to end."
"That is the collapse of the Mongols and exactly where we're gonna leave off."
"It is the end for me for now... this is the end of the Crypto Zoo Saga"
"Thank you for staying all the way till the end."
"The more predictions you test, the more sure you can be of your conclusion."
"I told y'all this months ago. This is exactly why the show came to an end."
"Thanks again for watching everyone, and I will see you all next time."
"Finally, after all these years, fans could see the conclusion to the epic saga."
"Thank you all so much for watching this video, and while I'm not sure how to end it on a high note, I do hope you all are having a wonderful day in spite of the depressing data."
"Now as a public policy matter, we have reached the end of the pandemic."
"That's it, thank you guys so much for watching."
"Show me the data, show me the evidence, show me your analysis, and then show me your conclusion."
"Ellen DeGeneres announced that her self-titled talk show would come to an end in 2022 after 19 seasons."
"The tragedy of never being able to come to a really satisfying conclusion."
"I'm a little bit sad that the journey is coming to an end."
"I think ending this world in the land of Ivy rose is about as fitting an end as I could ask for."
"Literally the most perfect end that I could ask for."
"That's all we have for the 2021 Mechagodzilla."
"With all the troubles that it can bring, with all the different ways that one can have feelings towards the other, is it worth it? The end answer for me at least is no."
"If you've eliminated everything all the other possibilities you know whatever remains however improbable is the is likely the answer."
"It represents the endgame of militarization."
"This is a big deal we're really entering end game one piece here end piece all right thanks for watching everybody this will be teching signing out later."
"They officially end Deadpool, they give you a way that it is truly ended and this entire arc is over, and at the same time, I also bring him back."
"I feel like that's probably a good spot to end the video I think out of the ones I've used now it might have changed from my favorite being the stormtrooper it's now I think the pulling sucker gun"
"I'm happy with it... So that's gonna be it for today's video."
"Overall, I'm very satisfied with how the movie wrapped up."
"I just don't know. So if this is one of the final live streams that we do, it's been... I just would like to just thank everybody who's joined us."
"Would it really be the progression series if we didn't end on a high note?"
"On the whole, I feel like I really enjoyed the end."
"With a final guttural scream, it's over. Lawrence can finally rest and this nightmare can end."
"With that, boys, we're just gonna enjoy the celebrations and that's gonna be it for the video."
"'Toy Story 3' served as a perfect conclusion to the story of Woody, Buzz, and the gang."
"A box office smash, 'Return of the King' put a perfect bow on the 'Lord of the Rings' film saga."
"I want to close the story out with his punishment."
"That was such a great way to end the series."
"Ending on our hero enjoying that sun rising on a grateful universe was 100% absolutely perfect."
"I don't think you could ask for a happier ending than that."
"I want to teach them that they have to respect the people in their lives."
"There's nothing much else to say here but it is a happy ending thank you all again."
"It's an epic conclusion to a brilliant season."
"The most insane rebuild we have done yet comes to a conclusion."
"Did we do it? I think we're close to the end, guys."
"Does Avengers endgame feel like the natural conclusion to the Marvel Cinematic Universe?"
"Without any real conclusion to that but some interesting insights."
"You are finally coming to the end of this struggle."
"This is officially going to do it... thank you for watching."
"Welcome to the final part of my video and thank you for making it this far."
"So that is pretty much all I have for you. Thank you very much for watching."
"This is the end of the interview and this is the formal ending. Thank you for watching."
"Can't believe we're at the last on the nose of the Year."
"This is one of those franchises that really does end on a satisfying high note."
"Was this a fitting end to the expansion and N'zoth?"
"Hopefully, I didn't ruin it but I'll end it there. We'll see where things go in the future. I'm still optimistic."
"Could this possibly be the home that puts an end to the story? The Grand Finale that we've been looking for?"
"There was a sense of relief that it was over."
"It all comes to a close in the grand finale collision."
"That's it for the news right now ladies and gentlemen."
"There are hard limits to some things, so yeah, this brings us to the conclusion of the whole fantastically absurd and fully preventable mess."
"Well, what an end to another fantastic weekend of racing..."
"We spent probably like 200 or more IRL dollars to get this. We needed to experiment, but guys, this experiment is over with. I'm so happy."
"The French are breaking and I think that's safe to say that this battle is over."
"Rambo last blood categorically closed the book on John Rambo's journey."
"With the first two days completed, we now move on to the grand conclusion."
"That's the end of the game. That's how the cookie crumbles, ladies and gentlemen."
"The end of the situation is going to bring you relief."
"Not only is the belief that the ending was retconned entirely incorrect, but the ending we got was the only logical conclusion the story could have had."
"Well, that's pretty much all for this video."
"Finishing off the stream on Papa Jake Games!"
"It was an unsure ending but I think it was a very happy ending."
"A powerful video there. A great way to end the show."
"We're naturally wrapping up, I'll finish this story and this will be our wrap-up."
"And that's good game I guess, it just ends right there."
"It was such an incredible conclusion for Oscar's character, it really was."
"Change Your Mind still serves as a satisfying and definitive conclusion."
"I think this is probably where I'm gonna wrap this one up and call it quits. But I want to thank everyone for watching. I hope you guys had fun today. If you guys want me and Ben to play again sometime, make sure you smash that like button."
"Star Trek 6 has been hailed as a triumphant ending to that era of Star Trek."
"This is my last one here, I think I'm just gonna call it."
"Thank you so much for sticking until the very end."
"And on that bombshell, it's time to end the show."
"It's all coming to the same conclusion, pointing to the same area."
"We are almost at the end. I see the light at the end of the tunnel."
"If in three fights, Max Holloway is not able to rack up a win, I think we would have an answer on who the better fighter is."