
Divine Potential Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"There is no limit to what God can do with a life surrendered to the Holy Spirit."
"God can do anything, far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request or dream in your wildest dreams!"
"Over 8,000 promises that are available for you and I as daughters and sons of God...most of those promises in the Bible, He did not place them in our hand; He placed them in our reach."
"He doesn't throw up the past. He brings up the future of what He's able to do and can do with you."
"You're never too far gone to get into the middle of God's best."
"You can have the mind of the enemy or you can have the mind of Christ, you can have a body made for glory and pleasure and joy and peace eating at the throne of God."
"Lord, we come before you with great faith believing that you can do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think."
"Visions are granted to people of tat with particularly powerful desires who have the potential to ascend to Celestia and become Gods themselves."
"You are gods in training, going through the final exam."
"Not by power, not by might, but by my spirit says the Lord."
"You have no idea what God will do through you."
"Don't limit God. If you're not being selfish, if you're not desiring more for yourself, you're limiting God."
"We're ultimately gods and what gods do is transform."
"You may not believe in my godliness... But I believe there's some God in you."
"God is able today. He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you dare ask or think. He is not limited. He is not limited on this day by any means necessary."
"God is too big for your box. He's able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we ask!"
"God is abled to do what... to do... imagining exceedingly abundantly more than you can ever ask, imagine or retain."
"God can do a deep thing with a shallow start."
"God can do something big with something very small."
"You are able to do immeasurably more than I can ever ask or imagine."
"Jesus said, 'I said ye are Gods.' It is with the attitude of gods in the world that Jesus wants the Christian to live."
"Why do we put limitations on ourselves when God wants to use all of us?"
"There is no cap, there is no limit to what God will do."
"Stir your faith up and believe that all things are possible with God."
"What God put inside of you is more than what you think, is more than what you can imagine."
"If it's the goodness of God that is helping us recognize our divine potential, the fact that God believes in us, we can climb the pedestal right alongside him."
"If he did that and he redeemed us and invites us back to him and he comes and lives in us then we must be able to be again like we were before we fell in sin."
"The world is yet to see what God will do with a life holy yielded to Him."
"If God can do it with Saul, he can do it with them. Don't limit a limitless God. Somebody shout amen!"
"But you have to take the limits off of God; you have to have faith."
"God calls us higher and it's completely possible and not even difficult through Christ."
"Believe you are who God says you are and you can do what God says you can do."
"He sees you for what you can become through his matchless grace."
"God is not limited by what you don't have."
"You have no idea what God might do through one moment of obedience today."
"I'm leaning in God's direction because God is He who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that I can ask, think, or imagine."
"With His power and virtue in us, our possibilities are unlimited."
"If we'll give our lives wholly to God, the world can indeed see what God can do with a person whose life is fully and wholly consecrated to Jesus Christ."
"I believe all things are possible to him that believes."
"God can do more with your uncertain yes than you can with your confident hustle."
"You have no clue what God can do with the rest of your years."
"When God is in it, there is no limit."
"You are a God of peace; with You, all things are possible."
"You'll never know how many miracles God could have done if you had said no, I'm gonna stand up for the Lord."
"When the presence of God comes into your life, anything could happen."
"Work is the great factor by which the hidden beauty and the divine possibilities of the Christian life are brought out."
"We have to activate God's best in our life."
"We do not know what we miss through want of faith... we limit the Holy One of Israel; we grieve His spirit and vex His holy mind."
"God is amazing. What God can do with a surrendered life that abides in Him is amazing."
"Anything that is holding you back, anything that is holding you hostage, anything that is keeping you from experiencing the reality of God's best, needs to be dumped."
"By God, we are going to do whatever it takes in this ministry to see the best of God come out of you."
"The Lord saw each of these people in their witness and not only saw their weakness but saw their potential."
"God can use anybody; it doesn't matter what your home life is like, doesn't matter what your circumstances are."
"Safe people help them become the person that God sees them as."
"You can fulfill everything that God placed in you to do, and you don't have to lose your life doing it."
"We are the only ones that can limit what we can do, not God."
"Do you believe that God can use anyone for his purpose?"
"The world is yet to see what God can do with a man who is fully consecrated to him."
"Don't let your present-day circumstances dictate your expectation of what God can still do."
"God spoke this verse to me and told me that I was limiting Him by my small thinking."
"Never underestimate what God can do with your life when you're in His will."
"Learn to see yourself as God sees you; God can do extraordinary things with ordinary people."
"Beloved, God can bless you beyond your imagination and expectation, but you can never receive more than you believe you can have."
"We gotta start supporting these young folks and telling them God is going to do great things through your generation."