
Good Vs Evil Quotes

There are 755 quotes

"The enemy has come to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come to bring you life, and life abundant."
"Heroes triumphing over villains, light overcoming dark, good defeating evil."
"Humans always need something to believe in...when you see enough evil, you realize there must be an equal and opposite force."
"The battle between good and evil runs through every man's heart."
"Evil is a lack in a good thing. Evil only exists as a lack in a good thing, so if evil exists, that means good exists. But if good exists, that means God exists."
"My Hero Academia is the epitome of good versus evil; it explores the moral dichotomy between what makes someone right or wrong in their ideals."
"There is good and evil in this world, and I know you've seen it."
"Good and evil transcend every other issue, every other identity."
"The dividing line between good and evil... lies somewhere across every human heart."
"The war between good and evil is fought within the individual human heart."
"In order for good to be known, there has to be evil... by opposites, things are known."
"Without courage, evil wins. It's as simple as that. Good people need to have courage, or evil wins."
"My destiny is to defeat the ultimate evil and bring peace."
"In our first presentation, we looked at the great controversy between good and evil. We studied the fact that down through the ages, when Christ has been in conflict with Satan, Jesus has never lost a battle. Jesus wins, Satan loses."
"The theme of the book of Revelation is Jesus wins and Satan loses."
"Humans choose good, good can overpower evil; but when humans choose evil, evil can overpower good."
"Nothing else I read taught me how to look at the world this way, to step outside of the individual or the easy narrative of good versus evil."
"We don't live in a meritocracy, but we do live with this shred of hope that good will one day triumph over evil."
"God doesn't cause evil, but God is so good that he draws good out of evil that might not have existed without evil."
"God can bring a greater good out of any evil."
"Light is stronger than darkness, and good is stronger than evil."
"Good and evil exist... It is easy enough to figure out what is good and what is evil."
"The devil can appear as the angel of light. But the deception works only one way; the genuine and the good never appears as evil."
"The dean of Lincoln, Reverend Brandon Jackson, announced...he believed a battle of Good and Evil was centered on the Gothic Cathedral."
"I believe in good and evil, and I think there's a lot of evil out there that is garnering a lot of power these days."
"Evil... will tell you how to live, where good highly recommends but allows you to make those mistakes so you grow."
"You work for a higher authority. It's good against evil, and good always wins."
"The magic mirror challenges guests to a battle of good vs evil."
"God brings a greater good out of even the worst evil."
"Throughout history, good has always triumphed over evil. You are just another dark shadow, and as a family, we will defeat you."
"Evil exists in order to be defeated, and as long as evil exists, we will fight to defeat it, and we ultimately will."
"Evil is powerless when the good are unafraid."
"It's a story about hope, of humanity's better angels prevailing against evil."
"Good always beats the crap out of evil, no matter what."
"Evil is never truly gone, but neither is good."
"Good is there. That's why we have to stand between the evil and those it would victimize."
"Evil is never truly gone, but neither is good. That's why we have to stand between the evil and those it would victimize."
"The spiritual battle is ongoing, and we must decide whether to be with God and His angels or with Satan."
"They both teach this idea of a sentient event where there's an ultimate triumph of good over evil."
"We're down to Evil versus good at this point."
"Heroes versus villains, right versus wrong, good versus evil."
"Spiritual warfare is the cosmic war of good versus evil."
"Even in the darkest movies, good always wins over evil... that's what Star Wars is about."
"Good is always, always, always going to win over evil."
"Now the war between good and evil rages on – and this planet is the battleground."
"Monster is a classic story of good versus evil, represented here by the main character Dr. Tenma and his antagonist Johan Liebert, an angelic looking young man that is the embodiment of evil genius."
"There is nothing in the world and in the universe that is purely evil or purely good."
"Even when it looks like evil is going to win."
"Bask in the joy of my righteousness, exalt in the Triumph of good over evil."
"We must keep our resolve for Libby and Abbey for this community and frankly to ensure that good trumps evil."
"You never quite know what to expect. Good and evil are engaged in a never-ending battle."
"Evil is real. It's an objective value. And good is real. It's an objective value."
"The goddesses represent what is good, true, and sacred, and they are the ones fighting against the evil and dangerous demons."
"Besides, the world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters."
"Not everything is 100% dead and ugly and evil or 100% good and Angelic and unadulterated."
"The only way to deal with the problem of evil people is to put more good and righteousness in the world."
"If you want to know what's evil and what's good, what are the characteristics of those? Good is characterized by..."
"There is a countervailing force at work always. There's a counterbalance to the badness. It's called goodness."
"Are you tired of seeing evil win? It's going to be defeated very soon."
"Prayer is Warfare. It's about good prevailing on a plane where evil has a foothold."
"We are living in spiritual warfare, we are living in a time of good versus evil, this was written about in scripture thousands of years ago."
"This is not supposed to be like this and more and more people I talk to feel the same way that this is something there is a battle of good versus evil happening."
"Before my eyes, within my head, I see it all. I see everything, the forces of good and evil battling across all of time and space."
"Wherever there is good, there is also an ancient evil that can be found lurking in the shadows."
"If the religious can say, 'Look at how much good there is in the world, this disproves the evil god hypothesis,' why can't the atheists say, 'Look how much evil there is in the world, this disproves the good god hypothesis?'"
"This is heaven versus hell. This is God and our Lord and the Holy Ghost and Saint Michael and Saint Joseph and Our Lady at war with the demonic."
"I just want good to triumph over evil and shove it on out the door."
"One of the most iconic shots of this movie is the blue lightsaber raised above the red lightsaber, symbolizing good defeating evil."
"It's a matter of good and evil at this point, simple as that."
"As soon as good men don't act, evil wins every single day."
"It's not a matter of left or right anymore, it's good versus evil."
"Anything that comes from hurt is always evil. And anything that comes from God is always good."
"If evil forces sail the seas then it's up to us to crush it... we are justice."
"Depiction of good and evil like as clear as spy versus spy in the back of a mad magazine."
"It's all about right and wrong, good and evil."
"In this struggle of good versus evil, we have to pay our dues. If it means you have to suffer, you have to suffer."
"They're not harming you, they're not saying anything to you, they're just doing what they need to do, and I feel like there's good and bad spirits."
"This is a battle of good versus evil it is time for everyone in this nation to take a side."
"This is really a fight between good and evil."
"We cannot get overcome by evil, we have to overcome evil with good."
"The only thing that can stop a bad AI is a good AI."
"It's okay when the good guys do it, right? They thought they were doing just right for themselves."
"The surface level plot is pretty straightforward: they're good guys, they're bad guys, and you've got to stop the bad guys from doing bad things that threaten the multiverse."
"Good will always triumph over evil." - Rally attendee
"It's almost like it's just this battle of kind of good and evil."
"Evil will not win out. Love is the glue that holds us together."
"There's a big battle going on of good versus evil, of truth versus having a false sense of what the outcome is."
"Hope and love and care and friendship can triumph over evil, however powerful it may seem at the time."
"These are all universal themes, wanting to destroy evil in the world."
"The dwarves are victorious! The defenders, the good guys!"
"All it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing."
"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
"The story of Haru and his uncle Set set the standard for the historical battle between the forces of good and evil."
"The struggle between good and evil is waged within the individual human heart."
"You can't have dark and evil without light and good, so maybe."
"This is not a battle of ideas anymore... This is a battle over good and evil."
"Hero Man is a morally uncomplicated tale of good triumphing over evil."
"The line that separates good and evil passes right through every single human heart."
"Tolkien's story is a traditional story. It doesn't get more traditional than this good versus evil."
"The purpose of evil in our world is so that we know our light and it gives us context for our light because it's the opposite."
"It's going extreme... there's gonna be a final showdown between the forces of good and the forces of evil."
"The lines blur between light and darkness, good and evil."
"God or the evolutionary forces of good always take the mess that the dark forces do."
"The battle between good and evil is at its peak."
"In the end, good will overcome bad. We are children of the light."
"The dark side is bringing the world to its knees so the light side can step in and save the day."
"Light will always triumph over darkness and good things will prevail even in the darkest of circumstances."
"Life is a constant struggle between good and evil."
"In life, with this battle between good and evil, it's not enough to say gosh, that's horrible."
"I think there's a war between the good and the evil going on."
"This is just like you said, a war between what I believe are demonic forces and entities, evil versus light, truth, justice."
"There is only one thing on this earth more powerful than evil, and that's us."
"This is Satan's plan, not God's plan." - Angela Greenig
"There's nothing attached to it that is good, no, no, no, there's nothing, you're not going to find an act of evil, you're not going to find something good that comes out of that act."
"The battle was not easily won, but at last good triumphed."
"With the deep passion for stopping evil spirits, in an even deeper passion for protecting and caring for her family, it's not much of a shock she's the biggest force of good the show has to offer."
"It's a battle of Good and Evil, Heaven and Hell, demons and angels."
"The real battle that's going on right now is between good and evil."
"The world is evil, but there's also a lot of good. There's a lot of good in the world."
"The battle between good and evil is over every single soul on this planet."
"The triumph of good over evil, sacrifice of self."
"Heroes and villains are so similar, it's just different tiny choices that they make that make them a hero or a villain."
"Good will win over evil. I 100% believe that." - Jeremy, COBRA cast199 host.
"Russia's pure evil and Ukraine is the representation of everything good in the world."
"This is the bad guy he's plotting Bad Evil things and these are the good guys they're plotting good righteous things."
"There's always an esoteric war going on, down to the core of good and evil."
"Don't get discouraged, good defeats evil eventually."
"There's a good and evil path in this life and we want people to choose the good."
"Evil will always triumph because good is dumb."
"Good has to outweigh the evil, that's how I look at it. If we don't have the good people fight the fight, then you're basically conceding to the enemy."
"If we forget God and delete God there's nothing but evil is left so you wonder what's going on with the left is called evil."
"All it takes for evil to prevail is for the good men out there to do nothing."
"Good and evil have an objective nature... it transcends human subjectivity."
"Evil could not create anything new; they could only corrupt and ruin good." - Tolkien 3.9
"I want to be wise about what is good and innocent about what is evil."
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
"It's more nuanced and complex than just like they're the good guys and that's it."
"One of the most important relationships women will have, especially in their 20s, are with other women."
"Those time-honored good versus evil tropes will never fade away."
"To those who think this is a crime we're fighting, you're wrong. It is a war for the survival of good against evil."
"Lord, I trust in you that you allow evil to bring about a greater good."
"I remember man when the guy would crawl over and get on top of the other guy and finally it's like good is gonna beat evil and everything is gonna be okay in the world."
"There's almost a Greek art to it or something absolutely there is it really is good against evil I mean that's what's happening like in the world right now it it really is becoming a wrestling match."
"Evil always looks like the victor until the king of kings triumphs." - Mark Meadows
"Things just don't get better when evil is on the march. It takes courageous and good people to stop it."
"Just remember that evil cleanses people, evil brings good to sinners." - Steve
"Curses and spells are trying to call upon the power of the evil one, but the power of God is greater."
"The Bible defines the relationship between Good and Evil."
"I am a humble God and the Wicked will have no power over the good anymore."
"Abhor evil, love good, and establish justice."
"Good versus evil is one of them, right? We have storylines in society in the West that dominate about the hero and the individual."
"Good things can happen in this world and we're reminded that it is a world kind of of Good and Evil."
"Evil is not always so easy to define, this morality, so black and white, is a gray area."
"I find it to be a law that when I want to do right evil lies close at hand."
"Evil is a corruption of something that is first good... Good is just an improvement on something that was previously considered evil."
"Ultimately the good guys won and the bad guys lost."
"Beloved, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. He who does good is of God, but he who does evil has not seen God."
"Finally, the wheel's turning away from evil to good."
"If the kingdom of God is at war with the kingdom of Satan and we are in the kingdom of God then we have no options, we are automatically at war with the kingdom of Satan."
"Nothing is so beautiful as the good, nothing so ugly as evil."
"No matter how intimidating IT can be, good will always conquer evil."
"There's always much more good going on than evil."
"It's good versus evil. It's allies versus adversaries."
"God made all things. God made good and bad. They all work together to show you what not to do."
"In most cases the good guys are actually the bad guys and the bad guys are actually the good guys the villains are not who you think they are."
"I personally believe that there is clearly a battle of good and evil in this world."
"There is a good within the evil and there is an evil within the good."
"What if it's a higher level of this that we aren't realizing where it's going to take that is that good and evil as those energy that's going to fix this."
"The side of good is going to win over this evil."
"This is a battle between good and evil." - Concerned parent
"This ain't a game. This is a good old-fashioned good versus evil."
"He says the ones who believe in people who believe in one god who aspire to be good, who enjoy the good things and stay away from the bad stuff. The evil. This is morality what we're talking about."
"Evil and good are being separated and exposed in a way that cannot be denied."
"Where the greatest good on Earth resides don't you think that the greatest evil is going to be right next door?"
"We are truly fighting evil, and we need all of the good on our side that we can get."
"Suffering is not necessarily evil but can be turned entirely into a greater good."
"Good is always there able to triumph over it."
"This is a spiritual war, it's good versus evil."
"Furthermore, The Book of Revelation speaks of a great battle that will take place at the end of the age, a conflict that will pit the forces of good against the forces of evil."
"Paradise Lost is an electrifying poem about love and war, the fight between good and evil and an obsession with human freedom that speaks to us now."
"The evil side of Majin Buu was characterized as the polar opposite of his good side."
"Being a spy ninja means you're the good guy and not the bad guy."
"It deals with this conflict between what is good versus evil."
"But it's also important for us to remember that it's a really dangerous oversimplification to believe that some people are innately good while others are innately evil or bad."
"It's a battle of good and evil in the world at the moment."
"Evil is evil, you know, whether they look innocent or not."
"Evil never wins, Goblin. Good will always prevail. You'll see soon enough."
"If there is no evil, you can't celebrate the good."
"Good will ultimately triumph over the forces of evil."
"For all sane people, it's obvious who the bad guys are here."
"Turning them from evil to good, that's the most important thing."
"If that type of evil exists, that type of good must as well."
"Those are evil people, those people hate. There's good and evil, no such thing as racism."
"Welcome to Magic Champions in a world of good and evil."
"Ultimately, it shouldn't be seen as a clash between good and evil."
"He's pure wish fulfillment against all the evil in the world."
"It's a battle just like in any of the cinema the battle of the light versus dark the good versus evil."
"We are not involved in an abstract struggle to understand good and evil. We are rather ethical beings, spiritual entities who by being attracted to the polarity of our choice are assisting and accelerating our spiritual evolution."
"It's a spiritual battle, a warfare between good and evil, right versus wrong."
"It's easy to lose sight of this great moral question: Is there a limit to how much evil you can do in pursuit of what you think is a good cause before the evil begins to outweigh the good?"