
Divine Providence Quotes

There are 473 quotes

"The longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see that God governs in the affairs of men."
"How much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"
"All things work together for the good to them who love God, to them who are called according to His purpose."
"Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from the Father's will."
"Your problem has an expiration date, but your God has an eternal signature."
"You can rely on divine providence for the ordinary things of life."
"God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."
"In the Christian worldview, nothing happens in either heaven or Earth without God's knowledge, even the seemingly innocuous action of a sparrow falling to the ground."
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."
"Faith in the Bible is this willingness to risk under the Providence of God some great adventure."
"Everything God doesn't let a bad thing happen unless he can make something good from it."
"I have been young, and now I am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his descendants begging for bread."
"Every time you close a door, my God's gonna open a window."
"God is a provider, it is inherent in his nature as his authentic self. He can't help but provide."
"God's gifts and His call are irrevocable! Irrevocable."
"All the business, all the money, all the opportunities in this world come from Allah."
"When God gives you something in life, he wants you to stay in the blessing... trust in Him."
"God already knew that this was going to happen and he put me in a place where I was mentally stronger than I've ever been before."
"I was allowing the community to influence me and to bring me into a character that was not the character of God."
"God is working everything out for the good of those who love him."
"All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose."
"Let God take care of everything. That's the prayer of a poor man - may God take care of everything."
"One of the greatest ways to glorify God is to be content in his providence and to follow commands as they have been given to you in the context of God's providence."
"God is not going to leave you with less, He is always going to leave you with more."
"God had provided again... right before the bus was scheduled to leave, dad sold an item and we got to go."
"God's best for you is right in front of you. Keep going, even if it's hard right now."
"Lord, I trust and believe that all good things, all blessings, they come from you, they come out of the riches of your grace and the kindness of your character."
"Lord, I trust and believe that you will meet the desires of my heart according to your will."
"The jar of oil was not spent, neither did the jug of oil become empty according to the word of Yahweh that He spoke by Elijah."
"All things work together unto good for those who love God."
"I've always believed that the Divine is very generous and will always provide for every single one of us."
"God's sovereignty over mankind is such that he will even use the rebellion of the wicked for his own purposes."
"For them that love God, all things work together unto good."
"Accept all the evil that will befall us in this life as coming from the good loving hand of God."
"Thank God he prepares the table in the presence of your enemies."
"God, you are so good to supply our needs and give us the desires of our hearts."
"God has throughout church history of 2000 years god has providentially sustained his people by the lord's day gathering."
"Evil's defeat is already set by Divine Providence, all the characters are required to do is play their part by acting in love."
"Everything that's happening today is happening under the promise of God. God is permitting the confusion in the Church."
"God never makes a withdrawal where he did not make a deposit."
"Our times are in his hands so we know God allows all things to happen so that everything can fall into place."
"All things work together for the good of those who love God."
"God has the best for you; it has your name on it."
"If you know that you know there is a God and that he's a God that is for us and not against us and that he is the author of reality and all that kind of stuff you really aren't afraid of anything."
"We live as those who are accountable and trust God as though He is in control because both are true."
"God is saying, 'I already know what you have need of before you ask.'"
"Abundant giving - we are not dealing with the Creator who is impoverished by granting our requests."
"Recognize that everything comes from the great infinite supply."
"God is The Giver of victory, God is The Giver of Life, and God is The Giver of all good things."
"God will always bring somebody into your life to give you what you didn't get."
"I'm the living scripture of your gift will make room for you."
"God's in charge of everything and I believe that God has a purpose for even you."
"Money will come, the Most High will take care of his own."
"Hasbun Allah, Allah is enough for us and He is the best disposer of our affairs."
"God's got a plan your eyes have not seen nor has your ears heard or has it entered into your mind the things that God has prepared for you."
"Allah made everything for you and your animals to enjoy."
"Everything goes according to God's will... his word goes out and does not return void."
"God is able to cause all things, say all things, to work together for your good."
"If he doesn't give you, then you don't need it."
"Your future is in his hands; he knows things about you that you don't even know about yourself."
"God looks after us, let us look after each other."
"Whatever problem you run in tomorrow he's already got it fixed."
"All things work together for good to those who love God."
"Not recognizing God's providence over the universe for me particularly would be an act of tremendous gratitude." - Ben Shapiro
"God does use all things for good to those who are called."
"Trust in the living God. God's going to provide and give to you."
"When you get up and you move on the word of God, God gonna take care of you, baby. He gonna take care of anything that come up to try to stop you from getting to what he got for you to go."
"God gives us all that we need to accomplish his goals for us."
"This is the Lord's plan. I mean, he's got this all played out, all planned."
"Our Blessed Mother will provide because I believe that she's provided everything else."
"God has given it, you better just leave me alone okay? I'm doing fine."
"God using crooked sticks to make perfect lines."
"Scripture tells us that God works all things together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose."
"Everything is happening according to God's will."
"God's omnipresence looks like Providence it looks like God's always about something he's he's affecting something making something happen."
"God doesn't always give you what you want, but he always gives you what you need."
"If we know how God manages everything in our lives, our hearts will be filled with love for Him."
"Though God has given us so many promises, he still provides handfuls of opportunities."
"God does. And delicacies fit for a king can happen to you."
"I've always gotten through those times, I have a trust that God's going to provide for us."
"The Lord has been really good to me. He's used other people to take care of me."
"Such is the will of God who would have us obtain everything through her hands."
"God doesn't always give you what you want; he gives you what you need."
"Now the philosophers say that the first thing we must learn is this: that there is a God, and that he provides for the universe, and that it is impossible for a man to conceal from him not merely his actions but even his purposes and thoughts."
"I'm thankful for everything that God has put in front of me."
"Working all things together for the good to them that love God."
"All good things coming from God, anything that is good for you, it came from God."
"The God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time."
"Your timing is perfect, and indeed, You make everything work together for good."
"When you are truly chosen by the most high, every single thing that you need in order for you to complete your assignment is going to be given to you."
"God don't give you more than you can handle."
"You're the God who opens doors no man can shut."
"The Lord ruleth in the Kingdom of men and he giveth to whoever he will."
"Isn't it crazy how God goes so before us?"
"Let's leave it to the Providence of our Lord."
"The fact that you did bold enough for God, they're gonna get money by whatever means necessary automatically creates a respect here."
"God kept showing up and provided the money even for the adoption. I felt so near to him the whole time."
"Let go and let the supply flow. It's in the Lord's hands, the most loving one."
"I'm ready to receive. Amen. Adam was ready to receive, and God brought Eve to Adam."
"Once you focus on God and put your energies into him, I promise you things just start falling into place."
"If we being evil know how to give good gifts to our children how much more does Our Father in Heaven know how to give good gifts to us?"
"Why aren't you people rejoicing that the Lord is providing such an incredible opportunity?"
"No Sparrow falls from the sky, no hair falls from a person except God notices."
"God gave it to me. That's right, I'm not trying to get it. God gave it to me."
"'All I know is, all the stuff you're going through now, it may not look good to you, but before it's all over, God's gonna show you and give you the desires of your heart.'"
"God is exact. God is in charge of the universe. Every event happens this way."
"Trust that God is with you, even in your mistakes they work for you."
"God's got this thing from beginning to end."
"As you yield to this Divine hunger, you can trust that God is at work behind the scenes orchestrating every detail of your life for your good and His glory."
"There's nothing that needs to be done outside of me being myself and trusting in my own self and my own message, and the rest will be taken care of on its own."
"I have a declaration to make as to the provisions which God hath made to suit the conditions of man, made from before the foundation of the world."
"Your God has gone ahead of this week."
"God doesn't control everything, but he's in charge of everything."
"I serve a God who's working all things together for my good."
"When God gives you something, it's truer than you think."
"Just remember God has our best interest in mind."
"God is in charge that I can really trust him not only with the global history and the global chaos we're experiencing at the moment but my own personal history within it."
"Behold the eye of Yahweh is upon those who hope confidently in his compassion and loving kindness."
"God permitted this to happen; no person can ever close a door for you when God says it's meant to be open."
"Suffering isn't always God's doing. If you suffer for months and years in pain, you can't say that was God."
"Spirit isn't gonna make a mistake and give the gift to the wrong person. Like, spirit is not like the office bumbling secret Santa that accidentally wrote the wrong name down or something."
"We haven't seen everything we've wanted to see from God, but we've seen enough to trust him fully for the rest of our days."
"God will take care of your family in this season."
"God loves your destiny more than you love it yourself and so you can trust him with disposing things providentially such that they conduce to a good end."
"If God can get it through you, then he'll get it to you."
"This was definitely a perfect reminder that those who trust in the Lord should not be disappointed."
"If God is first in your life everything else will fall into place."
"God's Providence descends even to all of those individual circumstantial decisions along the process of canonization."
"God won't give you what you want but what you need."
"God will give you your request at the destiny where he has placed you."
"I think in the providence of God, we are where we are today because God is moving us forward."
"We stop working and the world Works without us because God runs the world ultimately."
"Your part is simple: give. The rest is God's part."
"God will always bring good from every evil."
"...God didn't give my children to doctors, He gave them to me..."
"Despite all the ugly, despite all the evil, despite all the bad things that are happening, people are joyful because we know that God's in charge."
"Always have permission or concession. Allah always gave us a way out."
"God causes all things to work together for good."
"These are creatures of God that are under God's control, not that he wills evil but through his permissive will he allows them to operate ultimately for our good."
"We give to God and trust Him to do exactly what He promised to do."
"Do we really think the Lord would have been like, here I'm going to bless you with these kids, peace out now I'm not going to help you with any of that, you're on your own now? That's just not how the Lord works."
"The Great God thought about it, put my name on it, plump!"
"He's got this and you can either have what you want or you can have something better if you'll put your faith in him."
"There's something really weird going on because, I swear to God, every place I go, they're hiring."
"This universe is in the hands of a God who cannot do anything wrong."
"...God doesn't give us things so that they die."
"He never makes a mistake and nothing he does is ever wasted as he makes us more and more fruitful."
"God always gives his best to those who leave the choice to him."
"God wants his people to know that his providence in time is purposeful."
"Sometimes God's provision doesn't match our expectations."
"The Lord is bigger than your debt."
"God has ways to prosper you regardless of what's happening in the rest of the world."
"God said ask and you shall receive abundantly."
"Only God can provide a happy future for us."
"God has given the rich to the poor to supply for their needs."
"God brings you out to a wealthy place."
"No one could ever use me because everything that I have is from God."
"God put the most expensive stuff amongst the poorest people."
"God is always working on my next blessing."
"Faith is absolute confidence in the wisdom, power, and benevolence of God."
"God never fails to meet his people's needs."
"God is placing his servants in the right spot for the right task at the right moment."
"You're a God that takes all of those things when they're in your hands and you turn them for good."
"I still believe in divine providence."
"Trust that God's got this, he's working through you for his glory and for your good."
"God will draw people to you because of his favor."
"God provides the means by which everyone may be saved."
"We have no idea what life will be in six months. Like, right now, we're in Ireland with y'all, to Romania next week. Yeah, on Monday, we'll be in Romania. Like, we're currently living in Austria. Like, what? Like, the Lord is crazy and wonderful and amazing."
"The Lord can't be outdone in generosity because there were times when we moved to Ireland that just hit a wall, physically. It was really difficult."
"Nothing happens without God's ordering and his permission."
"We honor God when we remove words like Luck, Good Fortune, and Coincidence from our language."
"Promotion comes from the Lord, not from the north, south, east, or west."
"God is your Source. It's not your job, it's not this economy."
"God was in charge... He never loses his grip on the great truth of God."
"God's Providence: Sometimes Providence is shadowy, God's ways are not always obvious."
"God's got blessings for us that you won't even believe is about to happen."
"God in advance has provided us with solutions that are going to be for our benefit and the benefit of all life."
"In the presence of your enemy, God has set a table."
"I started putting God first and not caring about any of that and he gave it to me anyways."
"God wraps His blessings up in strange disguises, and we rarely have faith to see into their heart."
"If you honor who God sends, God will send whom he honors."
"He was a firm believer in divine providence."
"God removes his divine providence when we trust in anything besides him."
"Daniel Defoe was particularly attracted to the theme of Divine Providence, a theme that appears in all his fiction but which is particularly strong in Robinson Cruso."
"This theme of Divine Providence is especially apparent in the chapters of the book that take place on the island where Cruso reflects on his situation and his past and communes constantly with God asking for his forgiveness and grace."
"Abraham's story is not the faithfulness of Abraham, it's the faithfulness of God."
"God is going to finance you through an end time transfer where the wealth of the wicked is going to be laid up for the righteous."
"Trust in God; He sees it all, and it's all under His control."
"Why should you not be anxious? Because my Father loves me... He's in control of all my circumstances for my good and His glory always. - Addressing anxiety and God's sovereignty"
"God desires the very best for you, not the worst for you, the very best. That's his heart."
"God is moving, God is on the throne, He's got healing, He's got deliverance, He's got everything you need."
He said, "I'm telling you, I love you, and if you put Me first, if My work comes first, I'll take care of these things. You'll not go down, you'll not go under."
"If you make the Most High your dwelling place, none of these things are going to touch you."
"Isn't this amazing wow god has pieced all this together for us to see why so that we would know he's done all these things that the bible says that he did in ancient history."
"It's not my vineyard, it's God's vineyard."
"Only God is there for everybody all the time. It's not up to you to save everybody, it's not up to you to restore everybody, it's not up to you to help everybody."
"This verse is a reminder that God uses evil men to accomplish his good purposes both in the ancient world and in the present one."
"Why would the God of abundance want His children to live in want and lack? He doesn't."
"Jehovah Jireh is a place where a man's total obedience meets God's total provision."