
Multimedia Quotes

There are 483 quotes

"I've been very fortunate to grow my channel with a dedicated audience, building my team of talented individuals, and expand into other mediums like web comics, animations, and live streaming."
"What makes it uniquely remarkable is being a piece of crossover media, a game that hangs in between the defined margins of the worlds of television, film, and games media in a way that's evocative of some of the best qualities of each."
"You don't have to watch it on YouTube; you can listen to it while you drive or exercise."
"Blender is an open-source graphics toolset that's been used to create animated films, 3D printed models, visual effects, video games, and so much more."
"Warcraft 3 is a triumph of the multimedia art of game design."
"You have audio editing, special effects, you can do Beauty enhancements, object removal right in the editor."
"QuickTime now has a picture-in-picture mode so with the click you can leave QuickTime and keep watching your video in a floating, resizable, repositionable window all of its own."
"The distorted soundscape and striking visuals create an uneasy feeling."
"The graphics, sound, voice acting, gameplay... it's all really slick."
"The evolution of storytelling: Video games merge books, theater, film, TV, and interactivity."
"Libraries are awesome... especially with After Effects."
"The other thing I would show you is because you have all these cameras on all these screens and stuff."
"Great video is just as much in audio as it is visual."
"The notch accommodates a 1080p camera, better for video chatting and photo booth than just taking pictures and videos."
"Use multimedia resources and get interested in what you're actually doing."
"Welcome to Inside Unreal, a weekly show where we learn, explore, and celebrate everything Unreal."
"Spotify is legit so I'm already on Spotify for the audio version but a video version, why not?"
"Document everything, take pictures, take videos, do all of that stuff."
"Seriously, they've turned installation for any of their assets, whether it's a full animated overlay, alerts, sounds, anything you can think of, into an art form."
"The Cthulhu Mythos has inspired countless novels, films, tabletop games, and especially video games."
"She's a true artist, like not only is she creating music but she's making videos like this and she's acting in them."
"This is breathtaking work the animation the character models the many years even the music is spot on."
"Six or seven different scenes in one event... is what it feels like to me."
"This one I think has a lot of opportunity to cross over with more book and comic characters than maybe any of the others."
"It adds another element of experiencing the work of art that movies, paintings, any other medium doesn't yet."
"Sound matters to the experience, and that really could go farther than the visuals enhancing it."
"Best example of storytelling through audio and visual stimulation."
"The story, characters, writing, voice acting, gameplay, it just sets a new standard for licensed IPs in just about every way."
"It is so incredible... It is every sci-fi book, movie, comic, and game rolled into one sweet package."
"I really enjoyed the battle, the ambiance of it was great, the artwork was great, the visuals were stunning, the music is fantastic."
"Creating 3D characters is great for music videos, short films, or any type of advanced visual effects."
"Multimedia makes every part of a franchise matter the same amount - either games, movies, shows, comics. All matter in the marketing push."
"Because now the games are like the X main series and the multimedia is there, we've entered this era of new fans where it's like there's no drought."
"There's no better way to see it or hear it is to see it through a video and hear hear it for yourself."
"Bungie begins our journey to become a global multimedia entertainment company."
"There's just the feel of mystery and the size of it the sound the soundtrack mixed in with the visuals and the what you're doing."
"Many blessings and if you have loved this interview please share it passionately all over the web in French in English both versions you can find them under the description of this video."
"This is footage where both the video and the audio is being captured on the phone...there's a certain cinematic quality that's pretty unmatched right now."
"I like the colors. I like the art. I like the contrast. I like the composition. I like the characters. I like the music."
"There's someone in court at the moment that's reporting on this stuff not whilst they're in court on the breaks but they also have a YouTube channel as well um rumple of the bailey or something like that check out that video it's very very good."
"Gamers were really enjoying the launch titles and really experimenting with the multimedia capabilities of it."
"Quicks gives users the ability to watch, produce, sell, and advertise content, as well as privately communicate and make encrypted purchases."
"This ticks a lot of boxes for me, it's got a lot of things going and goddammit it looks like you're playing Advent Children like the graphics play, it's beautiful."
"Thank you for your amazing video... it's the best part of my day."
"We need to put out an album, not of music. I would like to point out that in a span of two weeks, I anchored a presidential inauguration and the Super Bowl."
"A wedding video for me at least is like as important if not more important than wedding photos."
"By 2010, the entire Terminator franchise, including the film spin-offs, shows, games, and merchandise, generated roughly 3 billion dollars in revenue."
"Farnsworth revolutionized news, entertainment, art, and communication."
"Power Rangers was a multimedia and pop-culture phenomenon right out of the gate."
"Camera equipment... the future is going to be very video and audio heavy at home."
"The nature of information is changing radically... multimedia... interactive applications... much more efficient way of looking at content."
"The daily fix is here every day with a concentrated dose of all that gaming, movie, TV, streaming, internet, and puppy news you need to survive the workweek."
"As much as this game isn't about me, this video isn't really about you, game."
"What is the rapture when is the rapture and am I ready for the rapture well this brand-new DVD is filled with information scripture a PowerPoint presentation that will help you prepare to be rapture ready."
"My current laptop is based on mint because it's easier to configure some of the multimedia stuff."
"Good morning, good afternoon, or good evening, and welcome back to another video."
"One Punch Man is at its best when the humor, the action, and the animation all collide to create something epic."
"The Last of Us is shockingly close with incredible voice acting, graphics, combat, pacing, story, characters, etc., etc., at infinitum."
"This setup brilliant faithful to the source material both in story and even in gameplay and then you finally see the damn thing and it still takes them a."
"I think in anime in general the amount of frames the artwork the special effects the music composing absolutely everything about this was perfection."
"The MacBook Air can play back multiple streams of 4K ProRes."
"There's so much focus on image quality... and no one is really thinking about audio and I think that's a huge mistake."
"The music, the story, and the characters are really likable."
"Audio syncing up with visual cuts... generally good."
"I'm definitely gonna be reading into the lore a bit especially when that anime series comes out."
"It's like a piece of art honestly and it's like a motion picture."
"I just love every single little part of this video."
"For some reason, it's one of those great moments where the synergy of music and moving image and story all come together and make something greater than the sum of the parts."
"It felt like a comic book, it felt like a cartoon, it felt like live action at times, it felt like everything."
"We dive into music videos, YouTube videos, movies, TV, and whatever else we find and put it in a wood chipper."
"Audio plays a huge role in how the viewer perceives your video."
"There's really no end to the incoming audio and visual food for thought that you might be craving."
"Uh, let me know what you guys thought down in the comments below and you'll probably enjoy some more stuff that you can find right here on the end screen."
"His music videos are so much more than just music video, they're a short film."
"The solomonic magical tradition has reached popular culture and film, art, video games, and Beyond."
"You can literally get paid for watching videos and still be helping other people at the same time."
"Having the ability to add video, pictures, and audio to your entries makes your words so much more three-dimensional."
"But yeah, with Sonic, that should cover the presents between the galleries, movies, music, and extra modes."
"We're floating above earth right now, yeah if you're listening on audio, you should definitely look over to the video."
"For me, it has to do with the visual and auditory senses."
"Braid uses every element from gameplay to music to story to get you thinking about time in new ways."
"What's putting it over the top is the splat sound effect."
"Grab some popcorn, a drink, and your notebook or smartphone, and enjoy."
"Audible is the home of storytelling with all your audio entertainment in one app!"
"The movie performance with the hardware transcoder is great."
"From an audio-visual standpoint, it's got some really nice things going on."
"I just happened to let the YouTube run one day while doing dishes and it was your channel Steve but your video was over and another started."
"From the action moments to the more sedate ones, the soundtrack perfectly nails it."
"Audio is super important in videos, especially here on YouTube or really any project you're doing."
"If your audio stinks, it almost doesn't matter how good your video looks, nobody wants to watch it or it's hard to watch, right?"
"A salute to Nene and a bonus video like an immunity Thanagarian opera."
"If you're somebody who just wants to use any one of these for browsing the web, shopping at Amazon, watching YouTube, watching Netflix, then any of them will do a fantastic job."
"Soon music movies images everything is going to be generated by AI."
"Thanks everyone who watches our videos and plays our apps and watches our cartoon and buys our merch."
"This Galaxy A8 is the complete package for game lovers, people who love large displays for watching movies, browsing, and the build quality."
"Micro HDMI port... allows you to extend the capabilities of your Nexus 10 to a TV or to a projector."
"We're absolutely 100% Live on YouTube, Rumble, and locals. So we are definitely live all around here."
"Music and sound is just as important as the visuals."
"There are several playback options with videos."
"Storyboarding is a skill that applies to games, film, and animation; it is a cinematic language."
"FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter, and play pretty much anything."
"Insert helpful videos and images."
"Let's not forget we also have AI text to video as well."
"CD-ROMs became popular for PCs during the mid-90s, heralding the multimedia era and changing games forever."
"It's pretty amazing what you can do with a simple clip like this if you know how to use editing software and stock footage to your advantage."
"The great thing about the guide is that it has video explanations so that link within the PDF document will take you to bookmark parts of my video shall you need more explanation on that topic."
"I'd rather you have really high-quality content and fewer images than a lot of really low-quality content and more images."
"Use high-quality visuals and audio."
"PMVs are essentially the brony fandom's AMVs."
"Perhaps one of the best examples in contemporary culture is the Yautja, a species of high-tech alien hunters that spawned an entire multimedia universe."
"Be as creative as you want, your pictures can come alive for you with movement, song, and dance."
"Use images and videos while tweeting for higher engagement. Videos get six times more retweets than tweets without videos."
"I want to do a thing where it combines drama and and comedy and a solo show and maybe there's choreography to it maybe there's music too"
"All subtitles, all the images, and all these thumbnails, all of this need to be synchronized all the time to the servers."
"You can get unlimited downloads of video templates, stock video, audio tracks, and effects."
"If you're not using music and sound effects in your videos, your content is going to be less engaging."
"I just love creating content, like the montages, the music, the edits."
"I feel like with that concept and that theme, the way they portrayed it with the song and with the music video makes a lot of sense."
"Most people, including me, learn better when they combine seeing, reading, and doing."
"Don't miss the opportunity of uploading the audio portion with that minimal work. This is something someone else can do once you shoot the video. Just export the audio as well and upload it to an audio syndication."
"Definitely use it while you can and kind of, you know, pioneer the way of using Google Earth Studios to add drone shots or whatever into your music videos."
"It allows you to watch movies and enjoy kind of your own multimedia very, very quickly and easily."
"All of your video processing and sound needs are covered."
"In the early 1990s multimedia PCs were boasting about how many millions of colors they could display... Well here is a multimedia Mac from the early 90s which can display exactly two colors: black and white."
"...usually what I'll do is I'll have primary text that makes sense for my two designs, okay, for my two images or for my two videos."
"Insert a video, change the picture, and be able to open that in another browser."
"Let's think multimedia, globality. Nothing is just a book anymore. It's a Launchpad, a Gateway into computer games, CD ROMs, digital PlayStations. Think Synergy, think big picture, think tomorrow."
"It's more than just like a good show because it's like this is like an experiment social media TV everything together."
"It's an opportunity to introduce you in three-dimensional form to stuff that you've been seeing in two-dimensional form."
"This might be the best video of the year in terms of editing, dancing, the chorus, everything."
"And my clients love videos and if a picture's worth a thousand words what's a video worth?"
"Reviews and images or videos are likely to be perceived as trustworthy instead of text-based reviews."
"Thinking about how you could innovate on the format, be it how do you make it more visual, how do you make it easier to digest, how do you introduce videos in there, how do you introduce gifs."
"Feel free to pause the video and take a screen shot of that."
"Embed videos directly into your workspace."
"21 billion dollars Garnet from over 500 million copies sold video game and Anime adaptations and a plethora of merchandise and film releases."
"... pressing spacebar or pressing this stop button at the top will stop everything... pressing spacebar again or clicking this play button will play all playing clips in the project."
"...the beauty of it is that through Ecamm you can combine all these different sources, you can create little graphics really easily, you can just do all kinds of stuff..."
"Batman is in the movies, he's in the Comics, he's in the TV show."
"People relate with Batman on a different level because Batman is in the movies he's in the Comics he's in the TV show."
"I'm really in favor of multimedia storytelling. Being able to actually get involved in the story and influence it, you know, it's a great experience."
"Now you can enter other things like text box, audio, but you can also insert videos, and I'm going to show you how to do this."
"Adding audio takes it to a whole another level."
"...multimedia console, this is a single portal access point that allows you to micromanage the entire multimedia collection on your Nas for each of those apps."
"Synology's multimedia applications like Video Station and Audio Station allow you to create fantastic collections and manage your multimedia to be accessed on mobile and desktop devices easily."
"That is fusion in a nutshell right there, being able to create a clip and do a lot of things with it, add a lot of motion, be able to save those clips to use later on, share, put on different computers, create your own file of stuff that'll make your project look unique."
"They're still low books are also very multimedia rich and this can make them a lot more engaging for students especially those that are more tech inclined which to be honest is the majority of students these days."
"Seeing and hearing the event at the same time meant we could do something really incredible."
"It's not only an adaptation of the games but of the graphic novels attached to those games."
"when it comes to multimedia which i think a lot of users have gotten used to five bays being used for that cpu is not really my friend"
"This video tells the story way better than a written report, in my opinion."
"The video just tells the story way better than a written report, in my opinion."
"The music, the imagery, the animation, the colors, the singing, the lighting."
"Watch television adaptations of Victorian literature while or before you're reading the book."
"Adding a video to your case study is worth it."
"Completely faceless with a script, voice over, and video footage."
"If you don't mind animation or audio-only stories, then seriously watch this one. You're in for a treat."
"The timeline allows us to control when different types of multimedia enter and exit off of our screen."
"The final nighttime show is the amazing Momentous, a spectacular multimedia show featuring close to 40 classic Disney moments and nearly 150 cherished Disney and Pixar characters."
"Improve your production. Constantly try to improve the framing, the lighting, the setup, the audio, the sound."
"The Perfect Blend of the audible, the visual, and the tactile."
"I'm sure they're features that aren't there, but you know, you get the full multi-track."
"Sony really pushed the PSP as a UMD player and as the MP3 player, a decent way to look at photos as well."
"The PSP was not just a handheld console but also a portable movie player, an MP3 player, an all-round multimedia device."
"Touchscreen stereo that runs on the Android 11 operating system: it recognizes and reads popular audio and video formats."
"The PS5 is not just for gaming, it's essentially a whole media hub."
"But the RPF, yeah no, R50, I'm not RP, sorry, the r50m, whether it's movies, TV shows, video games, or music, very good."
"Thank you so much for watching, listening, or however you happen to get it."
"JavaFX is a UI toolkit designed to allow desktop and mobile applications to do rich graphics and media content."
"Enjoy high-resolution still images and 4K video at 30 frames per second."
"Yes, it's free multi-streaming while you're live."
"I am going to be doing videos from here. I am going to be doing projects. I am going to be doing many, many things."
"The finale from start to finish was spectacular... animation, music, everything."
"This video had a little bit of everything."
"When you have like the perfect song in the perfect scene in the perfect book, it really just makes it so much better. It takes it to the next level."
"...you'll be able to get the most information by watching this video and reading the post."
"It looks great, it sounds great, and it plays great."
"Your songs don't matter without visuals."
"Just giving you a simple recap would be boring so we added music, weird voices, and sometimes sound effects."
"...it is so fast-paced and the special thing about these books that really will take you out of the slump is that there's a playlist that you actually can listen to along with the book."
"So DVD will be the realization of true multimedia."
"It just pops up right there on the screen... listen to everything that you want to listen to."
"Wonderful! Three images and three files, we are ready to go."
"Watching a video is so much better than just reading it."
"...I loved the mix media elements that went into following pip as she was working on her Capstone project..."
"To add a video we use the video element the video element also needs a source attribute The Source attribute serves the exact same function as in the image tag."
"They were very impactful, he had a video game."
"I'm a big fan of Tom Clancy and the movies and games that were derived from his work."
"The visual is the last part, in this case, things are being created in tandem."
"If a picture's worth a thousand words, a video's worth a million."
"The separation between the medium of moving images and physical space will probably dissolve a little bit."
"It's a super tex mobile MP3 and game playing 32 gigabyte web browsing camera super phone."
"We grow corals but we're also producing photography and videography and multimedia."
"Using video to support your still's work can be very effective."
"Adding moving images to the mix can really help you stand out from a static crowd."
"Sonic is much more than that; Sonic is a multimedia franchise."
"From comic to animation to video games to toys, Bucky O'Hare feels like he should have seen more success than he got."
"YouTube is great, you get like a video format where you can not only hear what someone else is paying but see it as well and the visual element is a great tool for learning."
"You can't be just an audio guy, you need to have more skills than just that because we're now in a multimedia kind of world."
"It's also one of the few VR tour editors that can also work with video."