
Taking Risks Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"The only risk in life is not to take the risk."
"You have to take a chance, man. You have to. You've seen a billionaire, [expletive]."
"Am I gonna fly or am I gonna run? And I flew."
"Leo season brings forth the proper energies for you to take a risk if you need to take a risk, for you to jump in, for you to make your move."
"I'm not afraid to take that L to take the W."
"It's just us all going through the same thing, kind of paralyzed by fear. What are you so afraid of? Just jump in."
"Find the bravery and courage to take the leap of faith."
"No risk, no fun. She wants to make her own experiences."
"Better to take a leap of faith than fear stagnation."
"You miss 100% of opportunities that you don't take."
"Take a risk, the universe is really encouraging you to go after your heart's desire."
"I always think it's better to try something and fail miserably than to have never tried at all."
"If you want to experience something, you gotta take the jump and just do it."
"Take that leap of faith and just go, 'Yes, I am all-in.'"
"You miss 100% of the shots that you do not take."
"This is the time to shoot your shot, even if you're not qualified."
"Sometimes in life you have to take chances and take risks cuz those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."
"Just go for it and just take the risk. It's so worth it."
"Life is short, you just gotta take chances and follow your gut."
"Your life is worth trying...take the leap of faith."
"If you don't take your chances, you don't score goals. If you don't buy a lottery ticket, you can't win the lottery."
"Now is the time to take a leap of faith, now is the time to take a risk, take a chance to a new beginning."
"You can't kill a monster without breaking a few eggs."
"Sometimes you have to stop being scared and just go for it. Either it'll work out or it won't. That's life."
"You gotta take massive swings and we eat our L's and then we roll with the wins."
"Take the leap of faith; success awaits beyond comfort zones."
"Shoot your shot because chances are it will go well for you."
"How you gonna risk it all and do it 180? How you gonna catch the Hail Mary?"
"Fashion should be fun. Push the envelope every once in a while, take the risks."
"You're gonna die in a hundred years, go for it."
"So begin to entertain that moving forward, that you're going to have to take risks, you're going to have to put yourself out there and potentially face rejection, embarrassment, or whatnot."
"If you feel like it's there, go ahead. What's the worst that's going to happen?"
"Take a first step without focusing on the outcome, have faith, anything is possible."
"You gotta jump off the cliff into the water and experience the waters of love."
"This is about taking a risk, so you may feel a little bit like, oh my god, what's everybody gonna think? After a while, I don't think you're gonna care."
"Take your chances. If you don't take a chance, you'll never know what might happen."
"Believe in the magic, believe in good things for yourself, and take a risk, jump in, you will have success."
"Take a risk. Risks can actually pay off, especially those where you're initiating something."
"Taking a risk can really pay off and give you some lucky break."
"Literally this whole entire reading has been saying take a chance and you'll be very happy that you did."
"This person wants to take a leap of faith here with you."
"If you don't take shots, you're not gonna score goals."
"Once you take the leap, that's when everything will fall into place."
"Just go for it. Don't be afraid to lose faith or don't even put those thoughts out there."
"Sometimes it's just okay. You have to step out on faith and give people a chance."
"The only way to learn how to swim is to jump in the water, right?"
"What are you saving it for? Don't save anything. Put it all out there right now, right here, right now."
"It's time for us to take a leap of faith."
"There's something about taking leaps that bring you onto a new path."
"It's time to take a risk on yourself."
"A lot of times you could check and you can go back, but man, go out there and take that first step."
"I want to encourage you that if it feels uncomfortable, just go for it."
"Reality check. If you don't throw yourself out there, you could miss out on a good thing. So I found an opening in your armor, I found the key. So, you know, go ahead and jump in, jump in the deep end and see what happens."
"Sometimes you just have to jump in with both feet."
"You just have to jump in there and go for it. Sometimes you just have to go for it."
"If this has inspired you, please let me know in the comment section below. And if you're thinking about giving it a go yourself and you're not quite sure, maybe, you know, taking the plunge, go for it, do it. It's the best thing you will ever do."
"Everyone took a chance and no one just said, 'I'm done, I'm just gonna stay here.'"
"I mean, if you've got an idea, you have to go all in on it because we all have a million ideas but nobody's willing to take the jump."
"Once you stick your neck out the pieces will fall into place and they will totally fall into place."
"You're ready to take some big jumps, some big leap of faith."
"If I feel both excitement and fear at the same time... that's kind of your emotions telling you, do this, you must try this."
"As long as I feel like we are clicking, the respect is there, and everything is mutual, nothing is forced, I shall take the risk."
"When did it not be cool to take chances and try and pursue a dream?"
"The best way to try things out is just to go for it sometimes."
"You have to step into it, sometimes you jump and you make a leap."
"You know what, let's just go for it."
"You can spend your whole life waiting with your toes in the water. Or you could just dive in."
"Taking the shot is better than just keeping the ball."
"We're all here for the time that we have, we don't know how long we're gonna be here, so those risks that we take should be purposeful ones with intention and one with goodness at the center of them."
"Sometimes you got to go on a limb because that's where the fruit is."
"You have to jump. Every successful person has jumped."