
Special Effects Quotes

There are 652 quotes

"The werewolf transformation scene in An American Werewolf in London is a master class in practical special effects."
"The combination of Rick Baker's amazing work and David Naughton's acting were a perfect match."
"Movies were in their blockbuster era. The special effects, the makeup, the action, even TV had a grandiose aura to it."
"The Hat Box ghost is an amazing effect that Yale Gracey tried to perfect."
"A mix of the frightening and the frightfully funny, the shivering journey through an eerie haunted estate that's home to 999 happy haunts relies on audio-animatronics, special effects, and simple visual trickery to create a ghoulishly delightful experience."
"The special effects have traditionally been a bit of a problem for Doctor Who, but Season eleven has great production values. It looks really good."
"Universal has the best larger-than-life special-effects spectacles of all theme parks."
"Unfortunately, today's many special effects movies rely on constructing the impossible reality via computers instead of psychological trickery, leading to a lack of audience buying into the stunts."
"It is really rare to see creature effects that are this upsetting and convincing visually."
"The special effects...featured some of the most innovative and unique creature effects of any film in history."
"Yun uses water curtain, a giant one that surprises everyone. It was like a miniature waterfall."
"Jurassic Park introduced groundbreaking effects, heart-stopping action scenes, and continues to be Steven Spielberg's highest-grossing film."
"I can guarantee you almost that if this is real and he's in the game that his shoryuken will have a flame effect to it."
"The 1982 'The Thing' leaned heavily into body horror using practical effects to create an unforgettably nauseating and compellingly repulsive creature."
"A movie doesn't need special effects to be good."
"The ship model is only a few feet away from the camera, so whatever rig is supporting and moving it, extends in front of the building."
"It's gonna be like you're walking into a massive smoke machine."
"Jurassic Park changed the way movies were marketed and fundamentally changed special effects for the film industry."
"It's just got it can hold an incredible amount of information which is great for special effects because we get higher quality effects."
"There's something about that earth bending move where they just send a wall shattering across, it's just so cool."
"The mop could easily be done using string and the hair pull could be done using masking effects and with zero information to go on this one we're not sure what to make of it but it's pretty creepy because that is a violent hair pull."
"What is an action hero without an amazing sequence of Michael Bay style explosions?"
"The effects have generally stood up over time."
"Practical effects are great; it's not the same with too much CGI."
"Underworld, are the Lycans. Something a little different here, played out by some CGI and some practical, all in all high budget work full of buff beasties and adrenaline. What can I say? They look great."
"The Kamehameha that he did in the special was just one of the most brutal, violent, powerful things."
"That is so flippin cool, he's got like a flamethrower ability just like in the movie."
"I think somewhere along the way they forgot that the first Terminator movie was not a massive apocalyptic world ending sci-fi Mega Blockbuster filled with CGI all over your face."
"They will be using deep fake technology to have the young version of Indiana Jones pop up in this movie."
"Terminator 2 used every effects trick in the book and still deserves the title of the greatest blockbuster of all time."
"The phrase movie magic has never been more applicable."
"What was special about Terminator 2 was this was the first time we were going to marry these technologies."
"Definitely cool carnage but since we're already comparing them I want to show you what this other carnage looks like."
"Some of the Practical effects on the babyzillas here are pretty decent."
"The aliens look fantastic and the acting is solid from what we've seen so far."
"I love when a special effect is so flawless that you can't actually even consider how it was done."
"It's such a cool shot, I love it, it's amazing, it's some of the best practical effects."
"The theater was set up to incorporate special effects into their performances like trap doors and overhead rigging."
"That's a real explosion, y'all, and again, we can tell."
"The lengths they went to make sure that the scale of the hobbits versus the long shanks were believable."
"Final point, this duel has the coolest summoning animation for an Egyptian god card."
"The visuals were gorgeous, the soundtrack was fantastic, the special effects were mind-blowing."
"That CGI glass breaking was straight out of the 1999 Batman movie."
"Christopher Reeve Superman flew out of the sky, you believed a man could fly."
"I'm not sure I can fully express just how impressed I am with these special effects in this movie."
"The film was lauded for its distinct visual style, trailblazing effects work, non-stop action, and brooding comic-book tableau."
"AI will make special effects more accessible. Artists will be fine. They said the same when audio began being used in film."
"This was back in the day when you would just build a model of the White House and blow it up."
"It's like you're bringing out the practical effects to Star Wars."
"The gore effects in this movie... it's definitely the goriest of all the movies."
"That's awesome! Look at the swords that come down."
"I like how instead of slow-mo they just reduce the frame rate at the end to make it look like slo-mo."
"A burning blade? Well now we're talking, flame heart Johnny on the spot cuts into Eleven's leg."
"Never have practical movie effects been so effective or so gross."
"The Guyver: Hollywood's first-ever anime adaptation makes use of some seriously impressive fully practical tokusatsu-style suits and effects."
"The trick arrows were amazing, including the montage where they made all of them."
"the the watching his [ __ ] snout grow and watching him look at his hand as it stretched and [ __ ] and they did all that with practical effects that [ __ ] still [ __ ] works to this day"
"Kung Fu Hustle was perfect, the art of the exaggerated fight with special effects and choreography."
"The director's ability to seamlessly blend practical effects with CGI ensures the supernatural feels tangible."
"It's unbelievably difficult, ILM is working with the process where they're doing some facial tracking."
"The first Mysterio illusion sequence in Spider-Man: Far From Home."
"It's just one of the coolest things I've ever seen. It still holds up today, it looks so realistic."
"I liked that they were able to somehow resurrect the late Donald Pleasance not via deep fakes but through the combination of practical prosthetics."
"In Space's budget constraints led to creative use of green screens."
"George Lucas allowed the force to resemble superpowers during the prequels featuring bloated impossible lightsaber fights."
"The Lion King: almost every on-screen element, including Pride Rock itself, is created with pure movie magic."
"The golden hammer is one of my favorite new items. Its opening presents really gives off a special feeling."
"They used real fire in his sword with zero CG enhancements."
"The film won an Oscar in the nomination 'Best makeup and hair Styling'."
"With Whiz Bang, I was thrilled to see it'd be such a cute monster. I think this is a really cute one and I love the fireworks that it makes."
"The special effects are really good, equal to, if not better than the original movie."
"Clint's going to tell you about how he made the actual swarms."
"This legendary film has long been acclaimed for its groundbreaking effects."
"Arachnophobia used a mix of animatronic and real spiders with over 300 of bonedale spiders hailing from New Zealand coming over for filming."
"Hellraiser set the stage for a lot of practical effect horror moving forward and with good reason... every aspect of that movie works, it's so good."
"i thought there was supposed to be three [Music] there's something to be said when the hellboy from 2004 often looks better"
"Much effort went into these special effects needed to make Arnold Schwarzenegger look like an unstoppable robot."
"When you shoot a zombie with it, they literally turn into a firework and they blast off into the air and explode into a massive cool explosion of colors and everything, that's hot."
"The frost bomb effects are maybe my favorite VFX."
"One funny thing though because they didn't go into the whole the spice gives off a gas and explodes sometimes thing until after it kills kind I can't just thought it looked a bit like he just spontaneously combusted."
"Under the Shadow fills every scene with a relentless haunting atmosphere, and the special effects used for the entity, however minimal, are deeply effective."
"I love the implementation of what they've done with Falcon's wings in the fight scenes."
"So many science fiction films all look the same, because the effects are done by rote… We were desperate to create our own world."
"Christopher Nolan chose not to CGI the bomb scene."
"In the age of huge visual effects it still feels like movie Magic."
"The impressive CGI animals were created using motion capture groundbreaking animation and state-of-the-art rendering from wet a digital Bare Necessities..."
"John Chambers deserved all the credit. He was the pioneer who made it happen."
"The t1000 is truly a special piece of filmmaking history."
"No conversation about ill-fated CGI decisions would be complete without mentioning 2011's Green Lantern."
"The slow motion moves when you do something cool, fantastic!"
"The result was at the time absolutely astounding, they were churning out special effects shots that nobody else had even come close to."
"What makes that work is that like you see a tip of the knife disappear inside of his nose."
"It seemed the special effects were also a little bit dodgy too."
"Hard to beat practical effects if you can afford to use them."
"Holy cow, the effect was insane, amazing, the whole gamut. It's incredible."
"The crew sculpted a full-sized lion in clay, which served as the basis for all of the animatronic lion rigs."
"The werewolf suit was built around a performer who could control its movements and give it a sense of life and energy."
"The designers even created an animatronic suit for the gargantuan mutant sheep monster used in the final battle."
"The animatronics could be puppeteered by anywhere from 4 to 11 puppeteers depending on the shot."
"Initially, the VFX gave me a sample of that."
"It is a Soup To Nuts discipline special effects is."
"The effects in that are great. That is like a filmmaking achievement in many ways."
"I think that a reason why so many blockbusters fall flat is that there's an over-reliance on computer effects."
"As you can see now it does a really cool job of lighting up the smoke as it flies around."
"Ray Harryhausen: the Muhammad Ali of his craft."
"Great practical effects, I want to see more!"
"The ape suit is actually really good. It's by far the best part of the whole movie."
"Origin form Dialga and Palkia are debuting today and they have brand new effects unlike anything we've ever seen in Pokémon Go."
"The makeup effects are also nothing short of phenomenal."
"This movie has everything: giant monsters brawling, a creepy mech, awesome tech, beautiful special effects, Easter eggs galore, and... mostly irrelevant humans."
"They like created a train for this movie just to destroy it in one shot. That's so [ __ ] incredible."
"Did you guys ever see the clip from Star Trek where they stabilized all the camera shakes?"
"It's all very poorly done, like this scene where Freddy kills a guy eating fried chicken, and then his blood squirts down but it looks like ketchup on the plate with the fried chicken."
"Why can't we have practical wire work and practical destruction? It looks so much better."
"Those who start by burning books end up by burning people."
"He saws that dude's head in half... effects by Tom Savini."
"There's nothing cooler than practically shooting a tentacle."
"Anytime anyone uses the force to stop a laser blast like my boy kylo ren did in the force awakens."
"This isn't just CGI magic, this is only possible by having a great actor transforming himself into a believable ape protagonist."
"The CGI and special effects in this film were on point."
"The room rotating room! Oh, just on a technical level, it's just [__] awesome!"
"It not only redefined the genre of science fiction and inspired countless serious and thought-provoking science fiction films, it also pushed the envelope of special effects enough to inspire leaps and bounds in the art of making the unreal real."
"This movie delivers what I want: big monster fights, crafting, creature effects, and action."
"The force of the exploding gas can shatter a skull."
"T2 is his masterpiece in terms of special effects."
"We're going to make samus move, we're going to have a shine on her visor, there's going to be glowing particles all sorts of cool stuff like that."
"I love the part in the movie when he crushes the bug with the shoe... It's just excellent effects."
"The only reason why this movie has any points is because of the practical effects."
"The special effects of the golden child were provided by Industrial Light and Magic and if you watch the golden child objectively to the time it was made in the effects were actually pretty groundbreaking."
"It's top-notch in terms of what you can get it to do; it's stunt wires and stuff like that, well, pretty much nothing because the fly by work is not going to let you do much dangerous stuff."
"The complexity of the visual effects can easily match the style and finesse of films produced with considerably larger budgets."
"A lot of care went into this series and like Jurassic Park, the effects still hold up today."
"One of my all-time favorite movie explosions."
"An American Werewolf in London is still effective after all these years and set new standards for makeup and creature effects."
"This transformation far exceeds any other werewolf transformation in film history."
"It wasn't like anybody had thought that a person could wear a suit of powered armor and it would look anything other than like a guy in old night armor wobbling around on a set."
"We produced over 10,000 facial appliances over 1,800 body suits and foam latex."
"This movie looks better [than A New Hope]… the practical effects building this stage, bringing Dagobah to life with this little-ass puppet."
"If this character [Yoda] doesn't work, this movie doesn't work and it's weird because you almost do get an uncanny valley vibe from Yoda."
"Cairo, an absolutely amazing show, some great special effects."
"I think huge change probably comes from a couple of different things."
"This scene with the troll, it did try to do a blend of practical and visual."
"As the publicity machine promised: 'You will believe a man can fly.'"
"I remember tearing apart the making of books and like figuring out how they fit multiple puppeteers inside of Jabba." - Panelist
"It was just how many creatures, how many practical elements, how many of those moments were that George gave to me." - Panelist
"The Falcon it was one of the earlier projects where we wrapped a projection screen around the cockpit of the Falcon so that the actors could actually be inside the Falcon and see the Kessel Run out in front of them." - Rob Riddell
"It's still got some practical effects. It's got an awesome lightsaber duel and a cool ass pod race."
"The very first action sequence of the series is a banger from start to finish. This action scene has some spectacular effects that meld well with the practical fights."
"I wonder how many people even know what a squib is."
"He used a technique where you put a little bit of metal on your shoe, hang out of the car, and drag it on the floor, creating this cool spark effect."
"Naboo's mesmerizing waterfalls all started out as little more than bags of salt."
"The epic battle between the gungan Army and the trade federation's Droid forces was another standout sequence full-scale animatronic gungins among other wild effects were used to bring this large-scale conflict to life on screen."
"We're in the film studio and the world of special effects. How exciting!"
"Watching The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie really does make you appreciate old makeup effects."
"Superman the movie pioneered new filmmaking techniques and made people believe that a man could fly."
"The work Rob Bottin did is legendary."
"Looking back, I think that this is the film where stuff really started to shift from practical to CG, and it handles both brilliantly."
"This effect still holds up and it's amazing more than 30 years later."
"It's clearly no exaggeration to say that almost every shot in the movie has some sort of VFX element, 92.5% to be precise."
"Bullet time, cutting edge visual effects."
"...the best special effects people in Hollywood have never been able to produce anything that looks anywhere near as realistic."
"Special effects, like even better than the first one. And the first one had amazing special effects."
"The vacuum tube in the film didn't really work; they just had a prop guy drop the vessel in the tube and they added the noise in post."
"Wow, how do they do this in the 70s? These are great special effects."
"It looks like the upgrade in special effects going from the 12th doctor title sequence to the 13th Doctor title sequence is insane."
"The thing may be the most unloved monster in movie history, but it's also the most incredible display of special effects makeup in at least a decade."
"Flashpoint time travel looks amazing."
"Deep fake Luke Skywalker... we knew we were in for a treat. Goosebumps instantly."
"It's combination of visual design, sound editing, and special effects crafts an experience that is as engaging and terrifying today as it was at the time of its release."
"Special effects are off the chart."
"I love all of this. That was a great use of CGI. The like fluidity and motion of his mouth was so weird. It felt so like otherworldly."
"I do like that Godzilla is respected more than he was in the last film. He has that same aura as the original combined with refined special effects."
"Instead of cutting these though we're going to use the miracle of movie magic."
"You obviously don't have to do nowadays. You can just CGI's arms out and you know it would look [ __ ]."
"CGI is used to some extent in almost all modern films."
"After the crash the car #102 was dragged across the sand on a roof and they filmed it in a way that allowed for a seamless transition between the crash footage and Max crawling out of the car which created an impressive continuous shot."
"This isn't CGI isn't it? Oh my God nah, this show is fire."
"The special effects in all these sequences were freaking beautiful."
"They specialize in these sort of special effects nail polishes so the thermals, the intense shimmers, the reflective polishes, the magnetic polishes, the holos, that sort of thing."
"People ran out. They used sprayers and air mortars to launch blood and guts on set."
"It depends on how well the special effects CGI are done. If they're done very well, practical effects can't compete."
"This is a fantastic way of making some beautiful, beautiful sky effects."
"I just added the glass walkway for the double Captain Americas shot."
"The special effects were so trippy. It was kind of breathtaking with how they were making things work."
"This has some of the best visual effects and special effects that I've ever seen in a movie."
"The special effects in Avatar 2 are [__] amazing."
"You may ask, guys, this is Channing. She's a special effects makeup artist. She's going to cover my face in prosthetics and make me look completely different so that I can trick Grayson into thinking that I am NOT his twin brother."
"It was the top level of visual effects and special effects that I have ever worked with or that we have ever seen because we hired the best."
"The difference of the two is the first, which is the special makeup effects, are applying makeups and things to an actor so it changes their physical appearance and they perform with those."
"There's some pretty good special effects."
"The film features all the staples of the era: unsupervised teens, zombies, and some solid makeup effects."
"Out of all the movies that I've seen, a building falling, that was probably the best I've seen it done."
"The makeup work is incredible in this movie. It is astounding what they were able to do."
"The action sequences, especially the climactic scene at the Golden Gate Bridge, are a spectacle of well choreographed chaos blending CGI and practical effects seamlessly."
"Wow, to say this is going back so long, the special effects are unbelievable."
"I don't know what they did with Robert Downey Jr's lip to make it look so... But then it immediately, it was just gone, instantly took off his wig and all of his makeup and stuff."
"T2 is a tour de force of stunts and astounding special effects built around a touching and emotional human story."
"A sprawling adventure with wonderful effects and performances."
"CG creatures like the cave troll still hold up shockingly well."
"So many great effects in this. Almost every effect holds up, even some of the stop-motion stuff we're about to see holds up really well."