
Cold War Quotes

There are 661 quotes

"Soon, yesterday's allies will become enemies, confronting each other in a conflict of a new kind: the Cold War."
"The Space Race really began when the United States and the Soviet Union competed in the 20th century to develop greater space flight capabilities."
"The Cold War never ended. United States is Vladimir Putin's main enemy. He is seeking to undermine not just democracy. It's not about necessarily putting a thumb on the scale for Biden or Trump... The reality is that he wants to see a weakened United States."
"Come join us; you won't have to fight the cold war if you defeat the Soviets with us."
"The Stargate Project was a top-secret U.S. military program that experimented with psychic spies for, well, seeing across space and time—a rather useful capability during the Cold War and other international conflicts, as you might imagine."
"The Cold War narrative...much of it was simply untrue, much of the rest was greatly exaggerated."
"The Cold War ended without entering into a full-scale knock-down drag-out nuclear war, thank goodness, or we wouldn't be here."
"This Cold War is going to be tougher to win than Cold War One. Indeed, we could lose it, and we've got to focus on that scenario."
"The Potsdam Conference marked the end of the last war, but it was the beginning of a new one."
"The big battle for example in the 20th century, the Cold War, was not only an economic and geopolitical battle but also an intellectual and moral battle that was won."
"The Red Scare and the dread of communist infiltration into American culture are commonly seen as metaphors in the 1956 science fiction classic, Invasion of the Body Snatchers."
"This is the new Cold War. On one side, Xi Jinping's strong authoritarian China; on the other, the US and its allies."
"At the very beginning of the Bush 43 Administration, we had high hopes...that there were all kinds of possibilities and we approached it from the strategic perspective as an opportunity to reorient away from the Cold War."
"When he left in 1988, the US had oversaw years of almost unprecedented economic growth, millions of new jobs, a revitalized conservative movement, lower taxes, and a Soviet Union on the brink of collapse."
"Fearful of Soviet intentions towards Western Europe, the U.S. and other European nations created the North Atlantic Treaty Organization."
"Allow me as someone who participated in the negotiations that ended the Cold War to bring some history to bear on the current crisis."
"It's a mistake if it should be approved by the United States Senate, it may well go down in history as the most profound strategic blunder made since the end of the Cold War."
"The Cold War... both simple right us versus them... but also incredibly complex."
"It could be the case that this strategic competition with the PRC, this new cold war, could be much more difficult and much more dangerous."
"When humanity is obliterated, it's gonna be because the Soviet Union accidentally shot an alien over several light years."
"Ronald Reagan wants to spend money on the space program. He's only doing it to bankrupt the Soviet Union, which worked. I mean."
"An iron curtain has descended across the continent."
"Much of Pinochet’s rise to power and control of the country for a period of nearly twenty years must be viewed within the context of the Cold War."
"Since the end of the Cold War, America's nuclear power has basically been built on constantly refurbishing warheads and delivery systems that were left over."
"The real race to the Moon between Russia and America was to get their hands on ancient technology."
"The j-29 caused quite a stir in eastern as well as Western Europe."
"We need to walk back the Cold War talk... We must move from an oppositional adversarial role with other powers."
"The collapse of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century."
"Can the US win the new cold war with China? We've escalated, and no, we can't not without risking a nuclear war."
"Ronald Reagan's reputation as the man who ended the Cold War."
"Many view this moment as the official declaration of the Cold War."
"Thankfully though, Kennedy called Khrushchev directly and was like hey man this is getting way too hot, how about you back your tanks up by an inch and we'll do the same."
"There were moments and periods of real hope during the Cold War that sanity would Prevail."
"We owe them some thanks... the Soviet Union had actually dissolved itself rather than taking us on in physical war."
"Berlin is deep inside the Soviet sector. And the Soviets want all of it and the rest of the people say no, and so basically, the country of Germany gets divided into these quarters, basically."
"MK Ultra: the final evolution of its 1940s predecessors."
"Sydney Gottlieb, known as the black sorcerer and dirty trickster."
"The Cold War changed the way we imagine what it means to be free, and what it means to be safe."
"But I think the situation with China is a lot like the situation with the Soviet Union during the Cold War."
"The Korean War is often called forgotten mostly due to the comparisons to be later conflict in Vietnam, however, this bloody war and its results were crucial for the Cold War and in many ways continues to shape our present day."
"The Truman Doctrine: The United States would provide military and economic aid to help the free people of Greece and Turkey from falling to the communists."
"The ultimate outcome of the Czech coup, though, was the acceleration of an American plan to economically support rebuilding Western Europe, basically making West Germany, France, and Britain into buffer states, a kind of Western bloc."
"It was clear from those documents that the West will not go to war with the Soviet Union about Korea."
"The effort by the Americans to intercept and decipher these secret messages was codenamed Venona."
"The CIA's U2 spy flights coupled with the information provided by Pankovsky gave President Kennedy the intelligence he needed."
"We won the Cold War in effect, less because of anything we did and because communism turned out to be a moral disaster."
"Since I started my YouTube channel some two years ago... what I've seen in this new conflict with Russia is that we are already in a new Cold War mentality."
"There's not a lot of information. This is what the cold war intelligence game looked like."
"I kinda like that Cold War is clearly aiming for a 'make the player feel powerful' approach."
"Disinformation, a primary tool of small country World War II deception masters, has been honed to a razor's edge by decades of Cold War."
"Recently you probably have heard about this, but NATO's organizing one of the biggest military exercises they've had since the end of Cold War."
"The more I create these videos on these different countries the more I think we might be headed into a second Cold War."
"Getting through the Cold War may have been a great filter."
"Operation Paperclip... brought to the United States some 1600 German scientists... associated with their rocket program."
"We mustn't fall into a new cold war... actually, we're already in it."
"Let us not be deceived. We are today in the midst of a Cold War. Our enemies are to be found abroad and at home. Let us never forget this: Our unrest is the heart of their success."
"Let us not be deceived. We are today in the midst of a Cold War."
"It's very unlikely that they would have been able to completely fake it, right? Because the U.S. and Russia were in a race to see who could get to the moon first."
"After 70 years, the experiment of Russia's communist rule has ended. The Cold War is Over. Mikhail Gorbachev, the man who survived the August Coup and changed the course of post-war history, was now a president without a union."
"The only thing that matters now is the complete and utter destruction of the Soviet Union." - Jadon Co
"Area 51 was established during the Cold War to aid the United States in spying on the Soviet Union."
"The DC-3 helped save West Berlin from a Soviet takeover."
"The U.S is waging a new cold war on both China and Russia, desperate to maintain its unipolar hegemony, even at the risk of sinking its own economy."
"Guard at the Berlin Wall had enough and decided to hop over to the West."
"An ordinary businessman turns Cold War spy in a new film based on a true story."
"We are in a new cold war with China, and most people don't realize it yet."
"We won the cold war let's not hide our heads under a bushel here we won the cold war communism was rejected."
"In the end one way of life prevailed over another the ideals of one society gave way to the imagination of the other one system collapsed the other endured the Berlin wall at last was down and the people were reunited."
"It's not only a devastating ending that caps the story in theatrical fashion, but also a dismaying comment on the Cold War and the possible future of humanity."
"The USSR also known as the Soviet Union was for much of the 20th century a world superpower and fierce rival of the United States."
"The ideological battle between communist east and capitalist west is well underway."
"Nikita Khrushchev's name is still enough to conjure images of flying missiles and nuclear devastation."
"The orchestrated super team era should be over."
"Maybe the Soviet side of the Cuban missile crisis might seem a lot more reasonable than the American one."
"The entire USSR was one big UFO listening post, the largest investigation ever done in the history of the world."
"I'm coming for you, and like big time. Not only are you gonna lose, but you're gonna lose by a lot."
"The Iowas absolutely scared the pants off of the Soviet Union."
"The roots of the division of the Korean Peninsula into two states and the rise of the Kim family to dominate one of those same states were sown by the occupation of the peninsula by the Soviets and the Americans in the autumn of 1945."
"Over-confident and Cold War-minded US is feeling that it is increasingly tough to pursue global hegemony."
"It's the chaos that's allowing the shift to happen."
"The launch of Sputnik filled the western world with mounting sensor dread."
"Reagan won the Cold War because he outspent the Soviets but more importantly because he called out their moral failings."
"The new nuclear submarines took their undisputed place in the covert military fencing which for four decades would be the indelible stamp of the tension that was the Cold War."
"This is your time to leap forward, especially true for the rising sign."
"The U2 didn't even get two flights, it was tracked on its first ever Soviet mission on July 4th of 1956."
"By the standard of the day in the thought process of the cold war between the Soviet Union and the United States, the fear of a domino effect in newly decolonized states of new communist Powers arising was a very real possibility."
"The CIA considered bombing Miami and killing refugees to blame Castro."
"It's about the future of NATO and the security of Europe. War lines are now being drawn in a new Cold War."
"The INF treaty prevented what was going to be an inevitable nuclear conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union."
"The Cuban Missile Crisis would have a significant effect on the Cold War."
"When murdering Fidel Castro didn't work, the CIA turned to sabotage."
"A Cold War setting would offer entirely new environments for players."
"The Berlin Wall was a symbol of the Cold War."
"Space suddenly a looming battleground in the building Cold War."
"The story is mysterious and gripping from start to finish... Set in the 1960s during the Cold War, you're playing as Alex Mason... Who are you people? What do you want from me?"
"Freedom all around the world seemed as though the US had won the Cold War."
"Ronald Reagan: understood what was going on, stood firm, won the Cold War."
"For Soviet aviation it became a leap into a new, yet unknown world of high speeds and modern technologies."
"Even though it was not capable of fully using its main armament, one MiGht say that for the Soviets the MiG-9 became a successful deterrent against the Western countries."
"America is leading the international community again and has begun a new Cold War."
"Remember the record of the cold war: the U.S. successfully stood for freedom in multiple countries."
"The real visceral fear of nuclear war before the cold war ended."
"He's delivering a speech in 1946 and he comes up with the phrase the iron curtain."
"Castro was the bad guy, he's threatening the good, the continent, the communism which is absurd of course but it served the interest of American politicians."
"However, if Tom Clancy knew all the details of the Soviet Navy and Air Force's actions during the hunt for the Storozhevoy, he would have had to publish his book 'The Hunt for Red October' not as a techno-thriller but as a tragic comedy."
"It seemed that his thoughts were heard, since at that moment, two Tupolev Tu-16 heavy bombers appeared on the horizon."
"Nuclear-powered missile submarines became a key part of western and Soviet deterrence."
"No one, ever, took this seriously. The US didn’t intend on doing it, the Soviets had no expectation that it would ever happen."
"I will work to end this new Cold War, deescalate these tensions, work to end this arms race."
"The OSS had time to consolidate and rebuild and it was around 1947 that the CIA was born."
"Nuclear power was the game changer for advantage under the ocean during the Cold War."
"We cannot and must not return to the reflective opposition and rigid blocks of the Cold War. Competition must not lock out cooperation on issues that affect us all." - President Biden
"Is the Arctic the new Cold War front?" - Dr. David Waralu
"The era of history that we know as the Cold War, a lot of images probably spring to mind."
"The issue was not the 23 inch diameter sphere that produced a small radio beep per se, but the park surface explains the huge Soviet rocket that hurled the satellite into space."
"The modern continuation of the cold war in Korea is without a doubt one of the most fascinating violent and controversial conflicts of both the 20th and 21st centuries."
"We need to avoid a rush into a new cold war because cold wars can become proxy wars, hot wars. That's not in the interest of anybody."
"Nobody really knows what happened to Raul other than that he was most likely murdered by the Russians."
"One wrong move by either side, and the world would be bathed in nuclear hellfire."
"The Soviets peaked in some ways they reached parity with the United States military in the 70s."
"NATO currently faces the most dangerous and unprecedented security environment since the Cold War."
"The end of the Soviet Union was somehow an American plot."
"The outcome of the contest between the United States and Soviet Union is determined by the spiritual vitality of your society."
"You know they used to not be the fear of nuclear war between the U.S. and the Soviets because of mutually assured destruction."
"Mutually Assured Destruction made the world a safer place."
"Kissinger was the most significant diplomatist of the Cold War without exception."
"The government had spied on Americans throughout the Cold War and tried to disrupt the Civil Rights movement."
"The proof of pleasure is the criterion for truth."
"The Cold War became a war fought through symbols, words, and propaganda."
"It's no secret that the United States has conducted some pretty odd experiments during the Cold War so certain things may be within the realm of possibility."
"In the Cold War, there was the fear of being nuked back to the Stone Age. In our day, it's just our supply chain collapsed, and now we're back in the Stone Age."
"We won the Cold War 'cause we went to the moon. And we said, 'Please don't do this anymore.' We went, (tssss). 'Sheesh.' We sheeshed our way to victory. We got ice in our veins. And we went to the moon."
"The steel dossier was Russian disinformation... part of this new cold war... exacerbating relations between the countries."
"We are in Cold War II, whether we like it or not. China started it."
"I want to make it very clear: it was China that began Cold War II."
"John Carpenter's remake expands those Cold War allegories even further..."
"Paul Whipkey's disappearance: atomic tests, mysterious interviews, and unanswered questions."
"It is clear from the evidence that I have that this is part of a move by the communists, especially the North Vietnamese government, to divide the American people, disrupt our war effort, and discredit our government for the entire world."
"The world is potentially as volatile as the early Cold War in Europe in the 1940s and 1950s."
"The defection of a woman whose birth name was Svetlana Stellina, the youngest child and only daughter of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, deserves to be remembered."
"It's fairly safe to say that the Soviet Union was under nuclear threat."
"The incident was one of the tense moments of the Cold War."
"Now and then an owner of an old 1960s Cold War era bomb shelter will contact me and ask me to assist them in fixing the bunker up and selling it."
"It's the Cold War, an unbelievably tense period of human existence."
"Number 96: This involved the now well-known phrase 'Ich bin ein Berliner'."
"During the Cold War, the fear of nuclear attack was very real in many nations on Earth."
"Khrushchev wrote a threatening letter to the president."
"This crisis eventually came to a close after a couple of letters from Khrushchev."
"Remember, one of the big aspects that brought down the Soviet Union was rock and roll, was Levi jeans, Coca-Cola, all those things."
"We won the Cold War without it becoming a world war which is a miracle in history."
"During the Cold War between Russia and the U.S, World War III was on the brink of becoming a reality."
"The Soviets targeted every element of society for subversion."
"The t-54 t-55 medium tank family is without a doubt one of the most iconic armored vehicles of all times throughout the Cold War."
"The United States is embroiled in simultaneous confrontations with China and Russia the United States needs to think carefully as it will be more difficult to engage in a new Cold War compared to the previous one in the 1970s."
"The fall of the Berlin Wall was emblematic, a real Turning Point."
"This is part of an overall policy of trying to whip up the cold war rhetoric."
"Despite a troubled start and problematic engines plaguing the aircraft throughout much of its service life, the F-14 was a marvel of Cold War technology."
"Of all the momentous news events this year, the most newsworthy and historically important event will be the beginning of this Cold War."
"Mutually assured destruction becomes the thing that prevents any escalation."
"This cold war is gonna become a colder war and that's going to lead to a division in the world economy."
"The Soviet leadership was focused on opening that route."
"Kennedy demanded their withdrawal, Khrushchev countered by calling for the removal of NATO nuclear weapons from Turkey."
"This cold war escalation is going to kill us all."
"People that are older lived through real cold war propaganda right so in the way that you have to understand they were contending with the government that was telling that the red scare telling them every single day Russia Russia Russia Russia bad."
"Samantha Smith... wrote a letter to Soviet premier... for world peace."
"She urged a skeptical Ronald Reagan to work with the new Soviet premier, Mikhail Gorbachev."
"Greece would ultimately prove to be yet another stage upon which the Cold War's ideological drama was performed."
"Britain and the United States would prevent the cradle of democracy from slipping behind the Iron Curtain."
"We're already in a cold war with China because China started that long before we understood that that's what they were doing."
"I'm in favor of the Cold War, the cold war is not only a good thing it's a necessary thing because we have to uphold these values and these institutions."
"US-China tensions may lead to a new Cold War."
"It was on this frozen desert island in the most dangerous period of the Cold War that the ultimate explosion took place."
"Another cold war is happening, the world is changing, and it's changing."
"Is it possible the Russians actually recovered an alien craft and its occupant three decades ago?"
"Does it represent an actual case of alien visitation or was the footage created as part of a cold war disinformation campaign?"
"Vasili Arkhipov might have saved the world from nuclear Armageddon."
"From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent." - Sir Winston Churchill
"US-China tensions: both sides pushing blame, nearing a new cold conflict."
"Davy Crockett: One of the smallest nuclear weapon systems, designed for defense during the Cold War."
"The Communists regarded Philby so crucial that in 1990 he appeared on a postage stamp."
"Project Plowshare and nuclear explosions for the national economy were two of the most audacious projects to come out of the Cold War."
"At the height of the Cold War, the estimates were that a nuclear war would kill something around a billion people."
"Troubled times it was, Cold War tension, United States and Soviet Union at odds... But wise choices made, diplomacy prevailed, crisis averted. Lessons learned of course guides us, peace the ultimate goal, patience and wisdom we must seek."
"There's been an underestimation of how dangerous we are right now because of lingering Russophobia as a hangover from the Cold War." - Dr. Gerald Horn
"The concept of MAD held off total global thermonuclear war."
"From that point on, the nuclear arsenals were viewed as deterrents."
"Upon the green banks of the river Elbe, we waited for the east and west to meet."
"You have to remember this was done during the time when Russia and the U.S were threatening each other with nuclear missiles in the time of the Cold War."
"Ukraine in 2022 became to Russia what Cuba was to the U.S. in the 1960s."
"The potential escalation of the Cold War into outer space made many back on Earth extremely nervous."
"Cosmo is a dog that was experimented on by the Soviet Union."
"The actions of the junior senator from Wisconsin have caused alarm and dismay amongst our allies abroad and given considerable comfort to our enemies."
"The cold war between America and the Soviet Union dominated geopolitics as it threatened to go hot."
"The Soviet Union was one of the five recognized nuclear weapons States. It had weapons of mass destruction."
"The b-52 was developed during the years of the Cold War."
"Aircraft evolution in the years of the Cold War was rapid."
"There was a pervasive fear that the Cold War could go nuclear."
"That's why we grabbed those Nazis, we were like if we don't get them the Russians I get it I get it."
"The war happened during the United States’ Cold War with the Soviet Union and it is considered to be a 'proxy war' in which the United States and the Soviet Union could fight without having to actually go to war with each other."
"Probably the highest Cold War nuclear war tension in 40 years."