
Peace Efforts Quotes

There are 197 quotes

"Without Roosevelt, Westerners and Soviets will they manage to get along? And to build lasting peace?"
"We must do everything in our power to ensure that peace prevails."
"Every effort of course must be made to de-escalate the conflict."
"Now we know what's going on in the world, we can say no a year, 10 years beforehand, and change the course of war as a populace."
"I really hope that Jared can pull this through [Middle East peace]."
"The Abraham Accords... look to me like the most noteworthy move towards something approximating peace in the Middle East."
"If we focus our efforts on expanding the peace, which implicit in is this confrontation of Iran, we can actually receive pretty good outcomes, much faster than people think. Not perfect, but pretty good outcomes."
"If real effort had been made by the United States and by its European allies to implement the Minsk 2 agreement, we would not have a war in Europe."
"People lift up bags of flour at Tel Aviv rally to protest escalating hunger and killing in Gaza and to call for the return of all the hostages and a ceasefire."
"USIP is a public institution established by Congress in 1984 to work with partners around the world to prevent and help resolve violent conflict abroad."
"He massively reduced the Drone War by over 90%, he...pulled out of Afghanistan."
"I pledge the full support of my good offices to silence the guns across the continent."
"I talk people out of killing each other. You know, the 250 Ukrainians who died because of being thrown into the meat grinder."
"Restoring peace and stability in the DRC is crucial."
"China, the monsters that they are, bring about peace between Saudi Arabia and Iran. What the hell are you doing over there bringing about peace in that region?"
"This conversation I'm hoping will help people to integrate and understand more deeply not just what's going on but maybe how we can talk about it in a way that's going to promote some resolution, some peace."
"Peace will not be achieved by symbolic measures. It will only be achieved by a real, improved movement towards renewed dialogue between parties."
"Perhaps their messages can bring peace to a troubled world."
"She was a peacemaker, she brought people together, she listened to people."
"The Ukraine war is a horrible tragedy; if I can do anything to help stop it, I will."
"Many individuals who are unable to make peace in their own house are perfectly willing to go out and try to make peace in the world."
"Thrawn was actually well intentioned and he was also a smart individual with a genuine desire to bring peace and stability to the Galaxy."
"Ceasing hostilities: conflict and war benefit no one. All parties must stay rational and exercise restraint."
"Fighting for peace does not mean yielding to pressure of the aggressor; it means protecting people from its cruelty."
"Every effort, every decision that we're making at the moment is toward maintaining that peace."
"But despite this Padmé's efforts are a success, she convinces her friend to call for peace and an end to the war within the separatist Congress which garners just enough support to barely pass a motion."
"If Trump can bring about peace, it would affect me personally."
"Preventing the conflict is the primary goal."
"How by the forces which are available in a law governance, public opinion, and organization." - Suggesting methods for peace efforts
"This trial is part of the great effort to make peace more secure."
"We will have peace and in that way, you and I, my friends, we can contribute to the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary." - Dr. Mark Miravalli
"I think there's still time for Mr Putin to stop the war."
"There's no peace, no future for Israel without this transformative deradicalization taking place."
"In order to prevent nuclear war, yes, we have to act preventively."
"Massively reduced drone strikes, pulled out troops from Afghanistan."
"The peace doves were attacked when they call for peace and safety because something is coming."
"Reconciliation and peace... if we don't, God will bring justice His way."
"You have to finish up your War, you have to finish it up, you got to get it done, and uh, I'm sure you'll do that and we got to get to peace."
"We need a far more comprehensive approach that also focuses on conflict resolution, dialogue, diplomacy, and the pursuit of peace."
"It'll actually be like a very impactful thing. World of Warcraft has always struggled with peace between the Alliance and the Horde."
"China seeks peaceful solutions but the United States seeks chaos."
"Courageous people do not fear forgiving for the sake of peace."
"I think most people will agree that we should be looking for paths to peace."
"We need to de-escalate tensions between these two countries."
"United States should defund and withdraw from United Nations and reconstitute the movement to achieve world peace for all."
"I realize the pursuit of peace is not as dramatic as the pursuit of war."
"President Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize."
"We are so close right now to True Galactic peace Everlasting."
"We will do everything we can to prevent the war from escalating."
"Be a leader for peace. Provide what is needed to actually provide peace. That's not an unreasonable request."
"Russia's people are sending messages all across the world to cease this war."
"There was an effort by powerful elites after World War II to prevent a world war from happening again, and for good reason."
"The marriage between a Targaryen and a Stark could bring peace again."
"An unconditional ceasefire... some space for negotiation."
"Efforts should focus not only on solving the current crisis but also maintaining long-term peace and stability in the region."
"As long as the persecution of the Palestinian people continues, lasting peace and stability in the Middle East is not possible."
"Seeing Donald Trump cross the DMZ into North Korea with no security with Kim Jong-un wasn't kissing up to a dictator, it was a powerful sign of trust and peace."
"The Biden Administration kick it into high gear to try to bring this war to an end."
"Trump announces Israel and Morocco to normalize relations. He's bringing peace, yay, in the Middle East. This dude does not stop." - Carlin
"The Samjhauta Express: a testament to the importance both India and Pakistan attach to it."
"Let's get there by the shortcut so that we can actually get peace and take away this unbelievable risk of escalation to a world conflict."
"I think what we ought to be thinking about right now is how do we bring this to some form of closure."
"The root causes of the conflicts haven't been addressed."
"It's time to talk to the Russians and seek a compromise."
"The world is going to have to bring an end to this because that's the only way it's going to stop."
"We made some unlikely progress, both Reapers and skirmishers have agreed to suspend hostilities."
"You saved humanity from the third and worst world war ever."
"Yes, my dear viewers, remember his name because he has high chances to get a Peace Novel Price sooner than later."
"They want to do something, they want to take action. Shouldn't happen, but if we can do a nuclear non-proliferation agreement, that would be a great thing."
"The United Nations must continue to preserve peace, prevent conflict, and alleviate human suffering."
"Victor wanted to create a hybrid to merge the bloodlines and create a peace treaty."
"If we get the mix just right, we might be able to bring order to the chaos and end war forever."
"This might be the biggest peace agreement of the century."
"China is trying to broker peace and use diplomacy instead of War."
"The more you sweat during peace, the less you bleed during war."
"When two enemies are talking, they're not fighting."
"It's not just going to be that he was President, it's about how he worked to spread peace."
"I will do all that I can, all that I must, to prevent more of my brothers and sisters in uniform from being sent into harm's way."
"Reconciliation between people on different sides of the war."
"Donald Trump was about to bring World Peace... he delivered peace through strength... he brought peace in our time."
"We are trading food for the weapons of peace."
"It's an amazing moment and we hope that this is a Beacon of Hope for other instances where we can try to push for peace in other areas around the world."
"VIN smoke judge is developing his mighty War spear for peace. For peace." - Reviewer
"If you want peace, you have to put yourself into the shoes of your adversary."
"If we're serious about engaging to do what our Blessed Mother said in Fatima, avert war and bring peace to the world, then we need to deepen our relationship with God now."
"The announcement could Herald the end of a long-standing era of conflict in the Middle East."
"After learning that everything Kenshin did was to bring peace to the country after everything was finished."
"For Zion's sake, I will not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem's sake, I will not rest."
"With our work, we are making the war end faster."
"Squadron leader Hassan and the few Pakistani Air Force drop guns office team may be remembered in history as those peace warriors who saved South Asia from a nuclear disaster."
"This peace treaty in itself was something short of a final choice if this did not work then there would be no other options for Aaron to try and talk to people their politics and negotiations wouldn't be a possibility."
"We should do everything in our power to avoid conflicts."
"Violence must be met with violence, although violence is against everything I stand for, there is no other solution."
"Understanding that unless we are willing to pursue diplomacy to work out our differences... then the only alternative is the confrontational approach and the conflict and the war that we are seeing for so long."
"It's impossible to build lasting peace without Russia's participation."
"We need to be taking every action that we can to stop the fighting rather than to let it play out on whose terms."
"BTS Army: a force for change, inspiring others to do better and strive for world peace."
"From some 70,000 nuclear weapons worldwide, we are now down to less than 14,000."
"We should take everything we can to prevent war."
"It's time for a peace summit between the war and factions."
"They fostered a greater relationship for freedom and for peace around the world."
"True pacification requires a withdrawal of tolerance before the deed."
"Over the decades, the Rockefeller Foundation has moved on, they no longer rely on war as a tool to make changes."
"Avoiding nuclear Armageddon is what talking is... the chances of a nuclear war increase significantly every day that passes."
"That's what brings peace to the Middle East: a clear and consistent message from the team of the president to de-escalate."
"Now we've got a chance to stop this war and save the world."
"Only diplomatic efforts can lead to lasting peace and justice."
"Constructive dialogue that can help save lives... calling for a ceasefire and ending the bombing and unrestricted military aid to Israel."
"The major events that Shanks has done throughout the story... trying to help Ace by telling Whitebeard to stop Ace from going after Blackbeard right... and stopping the Marineford War."
"Zelenski called on Russian soldiers to lay down their weapons."
"There are examples and examples and of course now we have the Chinese peace plan."
"It's not about a desire for war, it's about preventing war."
"We can do that. We have political power if we are willing to exercise it."
"Villa saw this turn of events as his opportunity to come to a peace settlement with the new regime."
"He truly is the reason that peace is being achieved."
"Most countries of the world have already signed what's commonly known as the 1967 Outer Space Treaty preserving space for peaceful purposes."
"The resolution adopted is really a meaningful step towards a final ceasefire."
"Someone's wanting to reconcile differences or make peace with something."
"People interested in actual peace or solutions will look at and try to understand where the other side is coming from."
"It is a willingness to have a responsibility and to try to build a path towards peace."
"Peace in the Middle East is something that we've always been striving for."
"Peacemaking can be difficult, but it's always worth it."
"It is necessary to constitute a group of countries willing to find a way to make peace."
"A critical move has come from the United States that will bring the end of the war."
"We must find some way to work to peace and to regain eternal peace for this world."
"Peace is a process, it's little tasks day in and day out."
"Let us give mature diplomacy a chance to achieve peace."
"The door to diplomacy should always be open and we should always look for opportunities to de-escalate."
"President Trump made additional progress on reaching peace in the Middle East."
"This way of life will not lead to peace. It will never lead to peace."
"Trump's peace plan has the propensity to change the complexion of the entire Middle East."
"We are working to finally end America's longest war and bring our troops back home."
"We are so close to ending this conflict and forging a lasting peace."
"I still see that video as a peace treaty... PK will see that this is a video trying nothing more than to help him and his content overall in the future."
"You're making peace agreements with some of the most dangerous people on the planet."
"One side would be willing to live at peace for the other the other side cannot coexist with you and that is the nature of what we're dealing with right now."
"Still, there are signs of progress on the front lines."
"Pina is crowned as Crown Princess of the Empire, vowing to bring peace between the Empire and Japan."
"For the Peace of the hidden leaf village and most of all for you Sasuke Uchiha."
"The days have been filled with bloodshed, but we are slowly bringing peace to the lands."
"Nagato: from a weak child to a warrior, eventually repenting and sacrificing his life for peace."
"The left is imploding; what drives me has always been bringing home Americans from never-ending counter-insurgency conflicts."
"To bring some understanding into this world."
"A world without nuclear weapons is a dream which has come to an end."
"Bring order out of chaos, bring peace where there is strife, bring calm where there is upset and anxiety."
"Real peace must be fought for fiercely and unrelentingly."
"I'm gonna pray for peace but prepare for war."
"You do not secure stability, peace, or any level of certainty in Ireland by acting in a unilateral fashion."
"Your bravery has helped bring peace and justice to the New Republic."
"To do all which may achieve and cherish a just and Lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations."
"I'm the only president in 72 years that didn't start a war."
"Making peace is harder than making war which is extremely true."
"To save succeeding generations from the scourge of war."
"If you are unwilling to consider that there is a peaceful resolution to all of this, then you are no better than the Democrats and I'm not going to defend you."
"Yoshiko's new goal was to broker peace between the two warring countries."
"We will do everything we can for peace and security for all."
"...father and son have to reconcile how to sign a peace treaty that is a practice everyday practice."
"They met regularly to start healing the wounds and moving towards peace."
"Her pacifism consists not in a simple, passive rejection of violence, but in an active striving to bring about substantive peace."
"It's something that we should all be striving for."
"We want to try every opportunity to find a peaceful settlement."
"We want to extend the peace circle."
"It is our responsibility to do all that we can to avoid the deadly consequences of war."
"The international community is very keen on finding a solution to Somalia."
"We must not relent in working for peace, a just peace in line with UN Charter and international law."
"Ever since the start, I think the reason I survive this might be because I try to stop the war rather than watching it from behind a monitor."
"We're not here to stand on ceremony but to develop real strategies to achieve safety, security and peace."
"The Treaty of Versailles was supposed to give meaning to the lives of the tens of millions of dead and wounded in the Great War. It didn't do that."
"It is a practical thing to avert an atomic war, it is a practical thing to recognize the fraternity of the peoples of the world."
"The Washington Naval Treaty was so vital because by limiting both sides to equal displacements... it meant that neither side would possess the level of firepower and numerical advantage necessary to kind of think about kicking off a war."
"We support the effort of Contadora to seek solutions of peace in Central America."
"We have to try and find the answers to war and corruption."
"Europe that's been devastated... really willing to have peace for the future and looking for possibilities how to be able to create peace and maintain peace."
"It's a war that's difficult to understand; up to now, all efforts to bring peace to Congo have failed."
"It's very hard for anyone of any political stripe to say that that is an aggressive maneuver when we're trying to broker more peace in the world."
"I'm trying to make peace, trying to give us peace and freedom from violence."
"Waging war is very costly, it costs resources, financial, blood, sweat, cost lives, but waging peace is even more challenging."
"The nations still send their delegates to New York and also to Geneva to work for peace."
"We've been consistent in calling for sustained humanitarian pauses or indeed a sustainable ceasefire."
"We urge the continuation of the ceasefire and the creation of confidence in which peace efforts can go forward."
"There's going to be a very concerted effort to bring back a feeling of peace and calmness."
"We reiterate our call for meaningful steps to be taken towards the immediate cessation of hostilities and for the parties to the conflict to engage constructively in good faith towards finding a political and diplomatic solution."