
Election Strategy Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"In fact, in a move that doesn’t at all scream desperation, US president Joe Biden has joined TikTok in a bid to reach younger voters."
"Every single person involved who watches this video should a) figure out who their house representative and senator is, b) contact them, and c) tell them that they will vote for their direct opposition in any election regardless of how much they hate them if this comes to pass."
"Biden doesn't need Florida... all Joe Biden needs to do is to do as well as he did in 2020."
"This week the Republican front runner was battled at both the ballot box and in court while putting the Republican Party in uncharted territory leading up to election night."
"Make every election a referendum on Democrats. That's how you win elections."
"President Trump's most effective argument this election season will be the economy and the stock market."
"I think he's pretty well positioned for 2020."
"Trump today is in a better position to win 2024 than he ever was in 2016 or 2020."
"Every Democrat wants Donald Trump to win the Republican nomination because he's such a weak general election candidate." - Insight from a political strategist
"You cannot win an election with a recession."
"President Trump's reelection essentially hinges on three states: Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan."
"Every single dime that you give to the Biden Harris re-election campaign, we spend talking to voters."
"It's a disservice to your city or it's called a re-election."
"I think he's the best candidate... he could win easily."
"Trump DeSantis 2024. it's a dream ticket it's gonna unite the party."
"So now, to his winning strategy... That's a democratic ticket that will terrify the GOP."
"Voter fraud is a really ineffective and inefficient way to try to win an election."
"The assumption is that he doesn't want to embarrass himself by coming out here and supporting Biden."
"The reason the New York Times dedicated this much space to it is because this is part of a hard push by the left in advance of the 2020 election to silence right-wing views."
"Every incident like this is framed as part of this bigger narrative... it's like, 'vote for us or else.'"
"The Republicans need to run a future-looking candidate, not a backwards-looking candidate in 2024."
"The formula for winning these is the same formula everywhere right which is turn out your voters and try to get as many people in the middle as you can."
"Trump in his element... unless someone can match Trump on this sort of stuff, he has a very good shot at running away with the 2024 nomination."
"I think it is important for our nation to heal and to move forward... the failure to pre-select candidates in an orderly timetable hurt our election prospects."
"If President Trump can confine that if you can find that happy censor then he will win reelection if he cannot then there's a good shot that he won't."
"We elect Joe Biden and then Joe Biden has to take action."
"A Trump-DeSantis ticket would absolutely crush."
"Bernie Sanders is the one to beat Donald Trump so if you were actually serious about getting this grotesque bloated thing out of office and 2020 you got to get serious about supporting Bernie Sanders."
"Twitter is preparing their election strategy to manipulate information and control it. They say it's about stopping misinformation. I think it's about controlling the flow of it, what they deem to be right."
"It's time to unite as a party, circle the wagons around President Trump, and let's go win."
"I'm not going to play this game to collect a check unless I know I can really be something on the field that's worth paying for."
"Consequently, on average, the politicians that you will get are politicians whose primary duty is to get elected."
"Trump's path to legal victory involves freezing certification in multiple states to prevent Biden from reaching 270 electoral votes."
"I plan to run in 2024, then you're gonna have if even as we have this election to totally change the political dynamics you're going to be stuck in the same political dynamics that we've basically lived through over the past couple years."
"I think they just work the system better than the Republicans did."
"Maybe seven months before an election, putting money right in the pockets of the voters, maybe that's not a silly idea."
"If Donald Trump wins 15 of the black vote in 2024 it is game over Democrats."
"Elizabeth Warren staying in the race hurt Bernie Sanders, orchestrated pre-Super Tuesday turn."
"You're gonna steal an election, it's got to be much closer... it's very hard to steal a landslide when the landslide is already being broadcast on TV."
"Democrats need both to force a tie with vice president-elect Kamala Harris being the tiebreaker which means they will control the chamber."
"Getting people to the polls, getting them to the polls on election day or before election day, if there's early voting, is going to be key."
"Vote early and leave the opponent without enough votes to cheat on Election Day." - Life of Brian
"Win by a big enough margin that they can't steal it."
"Let them know that if they let this go through in this form, if they continue to support it, regardless of who runs against them, a carrot could run against them, and you will vote for the carrot just to avoid them being elected to another term."
"If you're gonna beat Donald Trump as an incumbent, you're gonna have to bring it."
"A Trump nomination is a Biden win and a Kamala Harris presidency."
"Let me tell you how you win it you have the largest voter turnout in the history of America."
"It's highly likely that the president is considering delivering you second stimulus checks which would arrive in your bank account around October 8th."
"The president fully understands the impact of putting money in people's hands right before they go into election polling place."
"There's never been a better time to lose an election."
"If you're voting for this because you're really upset about what's happening... vote for me, not for them."
"Michigan, if we win Michigan, we win the whole ball game. We win everything, remember that."
"We're going to win the state, if we win Michigan, we win the election."
"Although I am no longer running for president, I will do everything in my power to defeat Donald."
"It was very formative for me to be bullied. I'm very thankful that I was bullied because it made me a better person."
"Republicans want this election to be about... cost of living, gas prices, things like that."
"I think Trump could do better in 2024 based off of what we're seeing with inflation with what's going on at the border potential Suburban reversion."
"Mockery is the best weapon of this election and you should use it more."
"Speaking of Trump, he's headed to Miami to campaign for his best buddy, Little Marco."
"We need to defeat the most dangerous president this country has ever had."
"We need to win the House... there's no point in having the discussion about what we're going to do if that happens."
"I think a lot of people saw how good the economy was in 2019 and they'll see Trump and they'll be like, 'I'm not going to tell my friends but you know I'm voting for Trump.'"
"Democrats will be responsible for their failures, and we will rise stronger in 2022."
"He's an incredibly smart... he has all that you need to be an incredibly winning candidate."
"People are saying to themselves, why are these our only alternatives? Biden has to give people a reason to vet for him, not just voting against Trump."
"Will Trump debate a Democrat in 2020? He's not so sure."
"We've got to be loud and proud about who we are and get the grumpies off and go win these goddamn midterms."
"Democrats are looking ahead to the 2024 election they actually have a in an incredibly smart strategy that they're trying to roll out."
"Defeat Donald Trump and we believe strongly on this campaign that Bernie Sanders is the best position candidate to defeat Donald Trump."
"Trump won because he said 'You matter and you're not forgotten anymore.'"
"Yeah, become president. What do you do? Run on your unrelenting support for 9/11 first responders?"
"Why did I get in the race in the first place? Number one objective was to push Biden out so we could actually beat Trump."
"Trump's popularity would make him a lock for the nomination. Everybody else just disappeared yesterday."
"Bernie right now in this moment with the current level of black support that he has he would be very easy to beat in the general election."
"2024 is our final battle, it's our final battle... we're going to turn this nation around, we're going to make America great again."
"There is an argument in favor of if you're that sort of a voter you hold that view that you would want this to have happen before the election so it'll clear his name."
"This is not a one-off this is now a blueprint this is now a playbook the secret history of the shadow campaign that saved the 2020 election."
"It doesn't matter what you convince voters of it doesn't matter if you convince them you're right or there's some good or something bad what matters is do you get the ballot"
"You can't win an election based upon hating the other candidate, you have to love something, you have to stand for something, okay?"
"A Trump-DeSantis ticket would be so interesting for Republicans."
"They're very worried about losing the Hispanic vote."
"Anybody who believes that Joe Biden is easy to beat... has not been watching politics lately."
"We're going to win this election by turning out folks in Philadelphia and southeastern Pennsylvania."
"India is a democracy so you will have parties with various ideologies and various political plans and programs so each of them may try to woo the voters with a different package."
"When you're picking a candidate, the three most important things are proposed policies, record, and strategy."
"So, black people all across Georgia, David Perdue took a shot at a black-owned restaurant, thinking he was taking a shot at John Ossoff. So, guess what we should do? Take a shot and throw his ass out of Washington, D.C."
"Everybody knows who Donald Trump is. Let's show them who we are."
"Politics is not about right or wrong, politics is all about winning the next election."
"Bernie has the movement... that's how you win a general election."
"Now send some money to the man who could flip a red senate seat blue while no one was watching."
"The most important thing is to defeat Donald Trump, and I'll do whatever it takes to do that." - Michael Knowles
"I will kill the carbon tax, get pipelines built, and win the next election with a real environmental plan." - Mr. O'Toole
"There's never been a push like this for mail-in ballots."
"They're going to replace Joe Biden at the convention."
"She began working with the NLD to prepare for upcoming parliamentary elections in 2012."
"Republicans are going to win the White House, we're going to retake the house, we're going to keep the Senate."
"If Donald Trump builds the wall, no matter what, he'll be reelected."
"Put them on, put this mask on, they're going get away from me, you fetch!"
"Republicans are gaining with voters particularly women in the final weeks of the midterm elections."
"I think it's clear Republicans have seized the upper hand."
"Ignore all polls. You should be operating as if your candidate is five points down."
"This pathetic Gambit to rig the election has failed."
"He waited until Sunday the 21st I was off by 4 days...and he did it in such a ways to inflict maximum damage on Nikki Haley."
"When you are an incumbent, you want to make the race not a referendum but a choice."
"She's sequestered away with multiple layers of staff between her and anyone who has anything to do with her getting elected."
"The solution is to overwhelmingly elect Joe Biden."
"Whether you love me or hate me, you gotta vote for me."
"I'd rather speak truth at every step of the way and lose an election rather than play some political Snakes and Ladders..."
"Trump is emphasizing in his new 2024 campaign opposition to the Ukraine war... it's popular with everybody."
"Trump is the big guy in the field, polling way higher than anybody else."
"Republicans of a very clear pathway to an expanded majority here on this map."
"Democrats of a very clear pathway to an expanded majority here on this map."
"China doesn't tell you, China uses props. You gotta be careful with that."
"You can call him all the names in the world, and even if this results in Donald Trump losing in November, he is going to make ridiculous gains in a short amount of time."
"It'll be incumbent upon progressives activists to make it clear to the party that if you want to be reelected in 2022, if you want to hold your seat, it's going to be extremely important."
"Nearly three out of four said the ability to beat Joe Biden, electability is more important."
"For a lot of places, moving 1% or even 3 or 4 percent of the electorate is not going to matter, but maybe for Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, a few states like that, it could be important."
"He has so much popular support that it would compel perhaps even the Army Chief to ask Nawaz Sharif to go for early elections."
"I'm predicting a very policy-focused race this time."
"You're not going to convince anybody to vote for you just because somebody else's racist, sexist, or bigoted."
"Bashing Russia is a winning electoral ticket in 2018."
"Maybe inadvertently, we end up raising our standards for politicians because everybody is so focused on getting rid of the other guy that they're forced to abide by their own standards."
"President Donald Trump needs to be the open up America candidate, Joe Biden needs to be the lockdown candidate."
"If he wants to win the election, do you know what he could do? Actually deal with the pandemic."
"We need to focus on what people in each state care about and not just be so obsessed with the national and federal elections."
"We the India party hereby resolve to contest the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections together as far as possible."
"He will surely garner support and get more votes when there are elections."
"The key thing to do is to claim victory right out of the box on Election night."
"That's what it took in Massachusetts, those two camps put their differences from the primary aside and rallied behind Markey."
"By the time we're done, you will know how to jumpstart your campaign with easy steps you can take so that you can win an election and make a difference as an elected official."
"Timing is very important during elections because surprise events can shift enough opinions to change an election result."
"It's interesting that right now Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania are looking like a better bet for Biden."
"Parties that are divided do not win elections."