
Government Transparency Quotes

There are 189 quotes

"We the people deserve a government that just tells the people the truth again, not just when it's easy, but when it's hard, sometimes it's ugly. That's when we need it the most."
"Tell us the truth, what happened on January 6th; just tell us the truth. What was Saudi Arabia's role in 9/11? They lied to us; just tell us the truth."
"Governments don't want blockchain because despite the fact that governments keep telling you that they want transparency, they don't actually want transparency."
"The aliens put on a demonstration to the extent that the media could not ignore it, and the government couldn't cover it up."
"We used to call them public servants and we were private citizens because we were supposed to know everything about them and they were supposed to know nothing about us."
"The American people are being constantly lied to and misled by their government about issues that involve your taxpayer money and your national security."
"This is an issue of government transparency. We can't trust a government that does not trust its people."
"No official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know."
"The US Congress is holding public hearings into UAPs. That would have been unthinkable five years ago."
"His objective and his commitment is to bring transparency and truth back to government."
"When the president asked me to serve in this role, we talked about the importance of bringing truth and transparency back to the briefing room."
"We may never get to the bottom of this in our lifetimes, but... the most positive aspect of this is just to get greater transparency from the government and greater protections for whistleblowers."
"If government, in a democracy, is intended to be mandated by the consent of the governed, but we don't know what it is that they're doing, then that's not consent, or it's not informed consent. Consent that is not informed is not meaningful."
"Senator Schumer has introduced uh a rather extraordinary bit of information that would require all agencies and Department departments to release all in information they have on UFOs on UAP."
"There are a lot more people infected than the government reported... 100%."
"The movement of hip-hop, peace, love, unity, having fun, it comes out of the civil rights movement, the continuation of that struggle to get free."
"Transparency. That's called Good Government."
"The nation is craving transparency right now, and I think it's better for the FBI to rip the band-aid off and reveal whatever is embarrassing."
"I think the real impact of those Snowden Revelations was to show a series of Lies by the government." - Impact of Snowden Revelations.
"The only way we're going to start healing this country is if the government starts telling the truth."
"This event, this whole card has been put together at pretty breakneck speed."
"Government transparency is crucial in the approval of a liability-free product."
"My hope is that we gotta get some more transparency. That's really the hope for me. This is about government transparency."
"If governments are allowed to cover up mistakes like civilian casualties in Iraq that's not good for peace around the world either."
"We owe it to the citizens of this nation to make sure that our government is transparent and accountable."
"We need to know how it started and why China covered up the early news of the virus."
"Over 10,000 pages of UFO documents were released during the late 1970s."
"It's totally insane and I think it's really going to destroy confidence in the COVID vaccine for sure, probably the entire vaccine program and maybe in our government if they don't start being honest with us."
"Are we ever going to have a congressional hearing where credible people come up and say 'I am a pilot, this is what I saw'?"
"Our government has provided transparent, accountable, people-centric, and prompt trust-based administration."
"Everyone who needed access to the transcript for their official duties always had access to it."
"What a wonderful disclosure that was to really put their hands up and say, 'We don't know what this is.'"
"Transparency and accountability are fundamental for any government agency in a democracy."
"Senator Gillibrand of New York proposed this amendment and says it's time for transparency."
"The US government is realizing that they can't keep this a secret anymore."
"Plan on reality, not on what the government is saying."
"It's not merely a matter of government transparency, it's a paradigm shift that holds the power to reshape our world."
"Ordinary people using the Freedom of Information Act are the ones that often uncloak all kinds of interesting things about the government."
"What the American people need especially in a moment like this is straight answers and they need to believe that their government is using the tools that we have."
"It is confirmed, the federal government is lying to you, they are withholding evidence from January 6th defendants."
"Transparency. The American people have a right to know why their government makes decisions."
"The lack of transparency regarding UAPs is shocking."
"You think about the kind of intelligence that the White House was putting out publicly declassifying in the early days."
"It's the right of the people to monitor government to ensure it's being conducted in public."
"We're going to become an increasingly transparent government."
"Government: There's aliens. Me: Impressive. Very nice. Now let's see Jeffrey Epstein Client List."
"We don't need a government that lies to us sometimes. The truth may be hard, but we can handle it."
"Honestly you couldn't have said it better uh that's my concern too when I first heard that you know we were doing this 180 days to some sort of disclosure in some respect."
"The Clinton email system was one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency."
"Sightings of UFOs continue and the government continues to deny carrying out investigations into them."
"The evidence of UAP is overwhelming and has been affirmed by presidents, former heads of the CIA, the current NASA administrator, intelligence visuals, and trained military observers."
"Brands are leaving huge piles of money on the table by not responding to questions."
"Snowden's legacy is an important one, reminding us of the importance of protecting civil liberties and of the need for transparency and accountability in government."
"What an awful situation Teddy Roosevelt once said, 'Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government.'"
"There is a mass of evidence and more every day. Surely it's time the governments of the world disclose the truth. We have the right to know."
"The fact that I'm standing here taking questions, the fact that the president took questions from your colleagues just two hours ago demonstrates this White House's commitment to accessibility."
"One of the things that the American people I think are now sort of waking up to understand is that the Chinese government, the lines between the Chinese government, the Chinese Communist Party are blurred if not totally erased."
"Promote free information, ask the Chinese government to tell the truth."
"The Biden Administration has taken...to really determine what types of information the American public gets."
"The court found it dubious that a FOIA exception invoked by the government could be used to shield illegal business practices."
"The more localized it is, the more we can see what the government is doing and can object."
"The Pentagon Papers changed the entire way that the American public would view their own government for decades to come."
"The public has a right to have a certain level of transparency." - House Ways and Means Committee
"Judicial Watch is going to continue to insist and persist on government accountability."
"This whole idea that we have to hold things back from you because we think you're too dumb to handle it is a massive violation of trust by government authorities."
"We have a right to know that which is done to us and that which is done in our name by our governments."
"It's mighty convenient that not only did impeachment distract from all of this, it turned out the FBI had all this for over a year, knew there was potential money laundering, everything else, did nothing with it, tried to bury it."
"Assange believes large government institutions use secrecy to suppress the truth and he distrusts the mainstream media for playing along."
"Everything is backwards we should know everything about the government and they should know nothing about us."
"The government hasn't been entirely transparent... they have selectively used statistics to frighten people."
"They've done a hell of a job over the years...showing us the inner workings of what I suppose we could call the deep state."
"Governments are now much more open about the existence of UFOs."
"The aftermath of the Pentagon's disclosure was met with a tidal wave of reactions not just from the public and the scientific community but from the very echelons of governmental power."
"Serious concerns that someone in the FBI or DOJ colluded with news organizations."
"This is a win for transparency and accountability in our government."
"The Freedom of Information Act allows people to petition their government and ask for the background information as to why they came to a certain decision."
"If you want to be scared of what your government is doing, this is the time to be scared."
"Our United States government lied... there's a war underneath there and I'm talking dead serious."
"It'll make all those who've been skeptical about the veracity of the public statements from the government believe."
"What information were they privy to when they were telling the public?"
"No one's doing more in the way of uncovering and challenging government corruption than Judicial Watch."
"Congressman Burchett is fighting the good fight for UFO disclosure."
"Talk to your congressmen and senators and say, you know, who you are, what you listened to, and what can you do to get the 9/11 FBI files declassified and given to the 9/11 families?"
"What we need is a government that is honest with us about the risks."
"One of the big reasons you see stronger pushes for transparency in government is that it's harder to hide skullduggery."
"The Pentagon has just confirmed that the footage is real."
"The corona relief bill... directs the Director of National Intelligence... to disclose what they know about UFOs within 180 days."
"The press has ignored a ton... but Just the News filed a Freedom of Information Act to find out what that was all about."
"Putin's actually a lot more truthful in this instance at least I can verify and certify that the Russian government is lying."
"The declassified report came out... exactly what was in that leak... they acknowledge the four committees... include anti-gravity... that is extremely significant."
"Don't be mad at us because the government's hiding this stuff—we're telling you it exists, go find it."
"I don't expect my government to ever come clean on this... but I think we can get so jaded about that."
"If non-proliferation of unnecessarily risky research is a goal, it's critical for the US government to engender trust, both among American citizens and our allies abroad, through transparency."
"What is going on? Nobody has answers. The government is lying to us. Social media is lying to us."
"Previous presidents have alluded... that aliens may exist and the government may have top secret departments that study them, even with direct contact with aliens."
"The question of where Chinese taxpayers' money is going is destined to remain unanswered under CCP rule."
"At the end of the day, government transparency on this issue, what's the problem here?"
"The New York Times has recently come out with an article stating that the Senate committee has passed a report on transparency in ufology."
"It's just a matter of time now before we can actually know what the FBI knows and I do hope that they give us quite a bit of closure."
"The Warren Commission had been designed... not to get to the truth but to reassure the American public."
"I don't believe we are in a state of anarchy yet but the question must be how do we ensure a level of transparency with our government."
"Taiwan's response to the coronavirus has been diligent, open, and transparent."
"The town hall is a public office with public documents. Everything that's done in there is public information open to the public. You don't have to put in an FOI request."
"It would be nice to see the federal government forced to tell the truth about something."
"Everything will be declassified and much more than what you just mentioned." - POTUS
"It's all gonna be declassified, it's all gonna come out." - Speaker
"The United States government is in the business of lying to the American people. They shape perceptions and dominate what the American people think is real."
"Recent research has exposed the government's slimy scheme to use AI themselves and rapidly expanded algorithmic systems behind citizens' backs."
"Most of us don't want to live in a world where our government withholds critical factual information from social media entities."
"The American public deserves more than they have seen in terms of transparency."
"Vegapunk, unintentionally responsible for much, may regretfully cry as he faces the consequences of his actions. Bonnie's circumstances are his fault."
"If the government came out and said what they're doing we wouldn't have conspiracy theories."
"The US government just made recordings available that depict UFO sightings with US Navy Pilots."
"We need the information from the Chinese government. How about this? How about the president picks up the phone and says you know what?"
"Our government is not being responsive to its citizens who want simply to know the facts."
"His crime was he disclosed massive documents showing criminal violations, unconstitutional criminal violations of federal statutes, and criminal acts by U.S. wars in the Middle East among other things."
"This transparency in how federal spending cycles back to the military-industrial complex raises questions about the motivations behind Congressional decisions."
"Why does it seem like quote classified just means the government did something bad and doesn't want us to see isn't that the kind of stuff that we need to know to vote appropriately?"
"When the FBI doesn't want to release materials for 65 years... they have something to hide."
"Litigation results in revelations about government misconduct that educates you about the way your government operates."
"A government program that provides taxpayer money to individuals based on race plainly violates the law plainly city of Evanston is unlawfully hiding records about its extremist reparations program."
"It's no wonder that many American and Russian citizens doubt the honesty of government officials."
"National Defense Authorization Act passed NDAA section 1546 is a provision that has been passed by the Senate proposing to accelerate the disclosure of all U.S government records related to UAP and non-human intelligence."
"Beware that there are forces within the Department of Defense who do not want any of this to come out."
"The government lying... is worse than us exposing the lies of the government."
"We don't know what they are. We can't find them. We asked as Senators, 'Can you show us the cockpit footage of this like we saw in the USS Nimitz?'"
"There's been a long history of disinformation from our government about this topic."
"If a silver lining can come from this parliamentary debacle, and that silver lining is that the Desan commission reports are released in their entirety and Canada Holocaust records are open to the public, then that would be a small victory for us."
"Nobody knows what the hell is going on; the government is being less than truthful."
"Gathering information about government officials in a form that can be readily disseminated to others serves as a cardinal First Amendment interest in protecting and promoting the free discussion of government affairs."
"Your silence is very powerful. It's extremely empowering and it speaks volumes to the narcissistic relationship post-relationship."
"Democracy requires transparency. The American people own any materials recovered by the government. The public can handle disclosure. The government cannot forever stifle the truth."
"We only learn about these things because we get whistleblowers."
"And in fact, the same voices that are telling you we want transparency, and we're going to require reports are getting very minimal reports."
"What is the huge implication that our government and other governments are worried about in telling the truth?"
"The public has a clear and powerful interest in understanding the unprecedented investigation into Trump's handling of classified records."
"The government objective beyond attempting to block us from gaining necessary information they are also engaged in a somewhat successful campaign to delay the disclosure of offending information."
"It's all part of the coronavirus relief deal... to disclose what they know about UFOs within 180 days."
"We are second to none in using the Freedom of Information Act to uncover what the government's been up to."
"Teleportation is too important to keep secret. I'm urging the United States government to declassify teleportation to allow people to teleport between major world cities."
"Corruption thrives in darkness, corruption thrives where the government is unaccountable to anybody."
"His disclosures contributed to the public's growing need for openness over what many perceived to be long-standing government secrets about extraterrestrial encounters."
"It revolutionized how people thought about their governments in many places around the world."
"Governments can't keep secrets with the internet and YouTube? That's nonsense."
"I think a lot of us would have been much more reassured if the government was more open about its thinking and the trade-offs."
"Assange faces one charge, an indictment with one count in the United States... that he conspired with Chelsea Manning to hide her identity so that she might freely communicate the truth about what the United States was doing in Iraq."
"The pandemic related to government corruption is in all of our federal agencies."
"Conspiracy theories flourish in the absence of good reporting and government transparency."
"This base is for special forces operations. In fact, we only found out about it recently after it was mentioned in documents obtained by The Intercept via the Freedom of Information Act."
"Judicial Watch is on the front lines, demanding accountability from the government."
"Wikileaks published documents from the US state department..."
"Thankfully, it has a relatively good record of declassifying material."
"The Department of Justice rug was embarrassing."
"Official disclosure began to happen in 2017...it's a slow drip."
"Transparency and accountability is the only way forward to save the Republic."
"Let's all say it all at once: What does NASA stand for? Never a straight answer." - Brent
"The Pentagon Papers... considered a Triumph for the First Amendment."
"Public services are dealing with money provided by the general public, these organizations have to provide higher levels of transparency and accountability in their financial dealings than most private sector organizations would."
"The Pentagon Papers... is going to highlight a lot of the lies."
"If you haven't heard and you are living under a rock, about a week and a half ago, the Pentagon actually declassified three different videos of unidentified aerial phenomena."
"We need a frank assessment of what the problems are and what is happening to fix them."