
National Future Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"We're in a 1776 moment. I think we are in a war for the future of our country."
"Without immigration, our city would not be growing at all...we're growing because one of the best ways to tell whether a country has a bright future or not...lies in growth that can only happen if we welcome immigration."
"The future of our nation is inextricably intertwined with the future of Judeo-Christian value system."
"This is about the future you want for your country. This is about the future you deserve."
"This great nation should not slip into obscurity and a new one rise in its place with nothing more than a whimper."
"I see a different America, an America with an unlimited future, an America that's about to take off."
"Britain's best days lie ahead. We need to reject the voices of decline."
"This is not about saving a party, it's about saving the future of the country."
"It's time to take them on. Our nation's future depends on it."
"The Youth of America really can make America great we just need to protect the country's democracy long enough until they have enough power to do it."
"The fate of Ethiopia is in the hands of Ethiopians."
"Young people rise up, take back your country for good."
"If we cannot defend our borders, America has no future."
"There is nothing beyond our capacity, there is no limit to America's future."
"This will determine what America is going to look like for a long, long time."
"This is a life-changing election, determining what America is going to look like for a long time."
"Empower the workers, liberate colonies, and redefine our nation's future."
"The future of this country, our rights, and future as a constitutional republic are at stake."
"We need a true north, and the swamp cannot be it; conservatives should not sit down, this is your last hope for the nation."
"I've never been more optimistic about America's future."
"South Korea is either about to have its best decade ever or one of its worst, and whichever way the economy goes can give us a lot of insight into what our own economic futures have in store for us."
"I don't think a lot of people care what race or what country people come from, but the way this community is going down right under our noses showed me how little I actually know about our country's future, and that troubled me."
"I've never been more optimistic about the future of this nation. There is no reason we can't own the 21st century. We just need to remember who we are."
"Is it possible that Ukraine will be rich one day?"
"You guys and girls are literally the future of America. You are the next leaders of America."
"America is at an inflection point, one of those moments that determine the shape of everything that's to come."
"I'm willing to lay it all down for my country and for the future of our country, which is what every American should do."
"It is no exaggeration to say that this current session could completely reshape this country and redirect our future for generations to come, and not in a good way."
"This history does not have to be our nation's future."
"Next year will be one of the greatest years of the history of our country. It's heading that way."
"The truth is that it is a thoroughly mistaken decision which is taking our country to a bad future."
"We are in a time of skepticism and hopelessness about the future of this country."
"What's at stake is the future of our country, our freedoms to live the American dream."
"I tremble for the future of my country. I cannot be an instrument to produce such a result."
"If we don't educate our children, all of them, then this is still going to be our country."
"The wakandan nation, the wakandan people, their future isn't determined by outside forces acting upon them."
"The end picture for the United States is pretty bright."
"What's at stake in this election frankly, is nothing less, I dare say, than the future of our country."
"Victory will be built upon Big Ideas, bold Ambitions, and daring dreams for America's future."
"This is a decisive moment in our country and in our future."
"Everybody who cares about the future of this nation should turn out and vote. It's vitally important, it's absolutely important."
"Let's recognize it's right that Scotland can determine its own future, then let's engage in having a meaningful debate about what the future is, and let's be honest about the challenges, about the opportunities that we face."
"It's an existential question of what kind of country we're going to have."
"In the end, it's the people of Burma who will decide where this country is going to and which way and how and when."
"Trump's gotta tread carefully because it's not just about him and what happened to him it's about where we go as a country moving forward."
"This leadership is taking us in a bad direction. We are going to end up in a situation where the United States essentially implodes."
"I honestly believe that America could be in an American Renaissance in the 21st century."
"The future of the country depends on our success on this."
"It almost seems unbelievable that Putin could be so reckless with his own nation’s future."
"Putin is dismantling the very authoritarian State he built in many ways and it does not bode well for Russia's prospects."
"He saw the future of this country and he saw the government of for and by the people, you know, would not perish from the earth."
"We're at an inflection point in this country... the decisions we're about to make can change literally change the trajectory of our nation for years and possibly decades to come."
"I think it's important to explain to the American people ... two very different Futures."
"I think the future of our country depends on whether people are able to use their freedoms to protect them."
"This one way or another, this is the end of Russia."
"Do we want the American experiment?... If we don't get it right this election, I don't think we have a country."
"I think we still can be a nation in our Ascent... maybe there's another 250 years still left."
"Let's grasp this opportunity to craft a new future for this great land Australia."
"The future of Nigeria hangs in a very conditional place."
"We must decide if we want a better Jamaica or we want to destroy Jamaica."
"The story matters because it's not just about two men... it's about the future of our Republic and the principles that we stand for."
"Be what you can be, learn what you must learn, do what you can do, and tomorrow your nation will be what you want it to be."
"He's the last hope for this country, last hope for our kids' future."
"America's best days are ahead, and yes, we're on our way forward boldly."
"Abortion guarantees the collapse of America."
"Vladimir Putin thinks about his country's long-term future."
"The stakes for America's future couldn't be higher."
"The 2024 election isn't just another vote it's a pivotal moment for America."
"As we reflect on the story, let's not forget or lose sight of the bigger picture. The future of our party, our nation depends on our ability to root out corruption, to uphold the principles of our Republic."
"A golden future for the America we all know."
"We are very close to losing our country and we need to make sure that we have the right leadership."
"We are standing at the precipice of a turning point in our nation's history."
"We use this election for correct with future, yeah if not that Salon will always be like this name Freedom Fighter until we meet back again in another beautiful."
"Biden is worried about risks to his reputation... worried more about the future of the United States and indeed if Humanity."
"The answer to that question hangs the future of the country we love so much and the fate of the democracy."
"The prophetic timeline that I have for you and for this nation shall be secured by my glory."
"Our democracy is at stake. The future of our country is on the line."
"The present promise of a Nation can be measured by the current prospects of its young people."
"Period. Bottom line, these people are pure evil, Julian. As simple as that. And for them to endorse and support what took place on January 6 and give lip service, we can't ignore it."
"How you destroy a future of a country by letting invaders come in that don't believe don't want to assimilate and don't want to be part of your country."
"We're short of workers... the only way we're going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants."
"The end point is us leaving the European Union with a good deal that'll be good for people's jobs and good for our future as a country."
"The vote is basically about the Supreme Court and the failure or future of the Republic."
"What you make of your education will decide nothing less than the future of this country."
"This election is about your families, your values, and what kind of country you want to leave for your children."
"The future of America is at stake, the future of American democracy is at stake, because so many people have reached the conclusion that government doesn't address their needs." - Bernie Sanders
"The American people deserve the truth, and not only that, it's imperative for the future and survival of our Republic."
"It has to do with the future of this country."
"A lot of them started looking for salvation elsewhere. Nigerian state and the political class are not going to give up on Nigeria just like that."
"I look forward to a great future for America."
"Our country's best days are actually still ahead of us."
"I'm optimistic about the future of this nation despite governments."
"The future of the United States in the world economy depends more than on anything else on the quality and the quantity of young people coming out of our colleges and universities."
"Maybe excited about our future as a nation, knowing that motivated leaders like this are coming up through the ranks of the US Coast Guard."
"This is the kind of multi-trillion dollar jockeying that's going to be going on for the next few weeks and it's likely to shape the kind of country we are for the next few decades."
"Transparency and accountability is the only way forward to save the Republic."
"I'm positive about the future of Britain. I'm positive about the future of the conservative party."
"The truth is that people in our country should be given the chance to get Britain its future back, and that is why a general election cannot come soon enough."
"...we need all of you and all of us need to understand your country Australia lies in the palm of your hands right now and you can turn this around you can but it requires all of us to make that effort."
"It's about confronting a deep and persistent challenge in order to chart a new course for our future and for the future of our country."
"What do we need to do collectively as a people for the future of our country? Unite."
"This is nothing less than an epic struggle for the future of this country between dark and light, between the godly and the godless, between good and evil."
"We the people are still in the driver's seat; we get to decide whether our future will grow brighter or whether we'll settle for an America in decline."
"I hope you're feeling more reassured about America's chances in the future."
"If we make the right choices, America's future will be even better than our past and better than our present."
"The future of this or any nation is bound up in the dignity of its family life."
"It is the first step on the journey towards a better, brighter future for our country and citizens."
"The best long-term decision that we can make is about climate change because the long-term future of this country and of the people of this country depend on us."
"We can't wait right now; if we wait too long, the country is not going to be the country that you want."
"The British public deserve a proper say on the country's future."
"It is still day one for this country, and even in the face of today's humbling challenges, I have never been more optimistic about our future."
"Simple humble people giving a message for the great future of this wonderful nation."
"The future promise of any nation depends on the present prospects of their youth."
"You are our country's future, remember that."
"You're this country's future. You're young leaders. And whether we fall behind or race ahead as a nation is going to depend in large part on you."
"The future belongs to the nation that best educates its citizens -- and my fellow Americans, we have everything we need to be that nation."
"The future of the country rests to a large extent on the quality and the type of workforce that we have."
"I'm proud of the National Disability Insurance Scheme... it's the right system for the nation's future."
"Let's give change a chance, and together we can get Britain's future back."
"When you volunteer for the Boy Scouts, you are not only shaping young lives, you are shaping the future of America."
"It is critical to our Nation's future that we restore and preserve in their full vigor our Founding principles."
"I'm so excited about the future of our nation because these kids, they be really smart."
"Our future as a nation depends on keeping that spirit of curiosity and innovation alive in our time."
"This really isn't about us now, it's about our future for our children, for the country in general."