
Historical Events Quotes

There are 1112 quotes

"Tell us the truth, what happened on January 6th; just tell us the truth. What was Saudi Arabia's role in 9/11? They lied to us; just tell us the truth."
"A panorama of horror which time can never erase from my memory."
"Operation Paperclip... Believers of this theory will point to historical documents and eyewitness accounts."
"January 6, 2021, will never be forgotten. An infamous day in American history... Mega Republicans descended upon the capital engaged in an insurrection."
"Americans are not going to soon forget what they saw happen in New York City."
"Every ancient culture virtually has a great flood story. Maybe because there was a great flood."
"What happened in the crusade? We were broken, the lines fell, the men faulted, and ultimately we had five thousand versus thirteen thousand."
"The fall of the Berlin Wall was an iconic moment, symbolizing German reunification."
"After the 2000 2001.com crash, tech companies plummeted. The NASDAQ fell by almost 80 percent between the years of 2000 and 2002."
"By the end of July 1665, nearly 300 Londoners a day were dying of plague."
"Scarcely a day or night passed but some dismal thing happened."
"Everyone knows when World War II ended, but it all began in Shanghai, 1937."
"During World War one... the people of Denmark thrived... by shifting to a starch-based diet."
"The death rate from diabetes and heart disease plummeted drastically when people had to eat starches, vegetables, and fruits."
"The Crocodile was good at getting people to surrender, with 5425 men surrendering in the actions between June and October 1944."
"At 4:17 am, we experience the worst disaster of the century since the 1939 Erzincan earthquake."
"The Queen's grandparents appeared there, so did her parents at the end of the war, Churchill was there on the Queen's wedding day, and after her coronation all the royal family were there."
"This misunderstanding of directions on the driver’s part not only led to the death of the Archduke and his wife, but the start of World War 1, which claimed nearly 10 million lives."
"Glory and plunder on their minds, the ensuing events were so important for Ramesses that he inscribed them on a massive scale for future generations to behold in pictures and in hieroglyphics."
"Hitler was obsessed with the symbolism of Stalingrad," explained one of the staff officers. "The cause of the Sixth Army's destruction at Stalingrad is obviously to be found in Hitler's refusal, doubtless mainly for reasons of prestige, to give up the city voluntarily."
"It is not Ukraine crisis when you have a foreign army at a 200,000 foreign army on your territory... September 1939 was not Polish crisis; it was Hitler's attack upon Poland."
"The sun stood still, and the moon stayed, so that they could complete the battle."
"It's really important to keep remembering the people who lived through the weapons of mass destruction craze and witnessed the American media manufacturing consent for war in Iraq."
"Doomsday, despite worldwide hysteria, turned out to be one of history's greatest flukes."
"The Balkans and... Rwanda... that was preventable by us and by others, and we didn't prevent it."
"What happened to Pompeii and its people is a stark reminder of the destructive power of volcanoes."
"We saw it after 9/11, we saw it in the blackout of 2003, we're seeing it tonight."
"What a privilege to have witnessed 2020. It's difficult to overstate the tipping point situations that are so multifaceted. I am walking away with a new sense of gratitude to the moment that I showed up in."
"The US launched the Apollo program in 1961 with the goal of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to Earth before the end of the decade."
"Teetering on the edge of annihilation, we can only hope that to the west, Richard the Lionheart and the Crusaders embark on a third crusade to save the Kingdom of Heaven."
"It seems that earthquakes and the resulting volcanic and gas eruptions neatly explain the first seven biblical plagues."
"The second world war and the German invasion of Poland was a result of carefully constructed lies. That is war by media."
"We are in totally uncharted territory. This stuff has never happened before."
"How many Americans even care about what really happened on 9/11 or what really happened in Florida?"
"The Bible and the Quran talk about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah as a lesson on the consequences of straying from moral paths."
"The hard-won freedom that followed with the fall of Decarabian was lost once again as slavery spread throughout the land."
"We will see the greatest financial event in human history."
"It turned things around immediately. The Beatles just lit America up."
"Fear kept a lot of guys in line, but when the RICO Act came out, the fear of the life was transferred to the government."
"More native Americans died at the hands of settlers in that span than vice versa."
"Parler, by its own fault, happened to be the most valuable repository of January sixth evidence."
"The reaction cost more than 6,000 American lives in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and more than 3 trillion in U.S. treasure."
"The French could have just rolled over and died but they didn't, they kept fighting. This is epic."
"People died to get the Apollo program off the ground; space travel is fraught with risk."
"January 6th attack on the capital was the first Act of open Insurgency."
"President Roosevelt was on hand for the dedication of a new three and a half million dollar building to house the Fed."
"Seeing the three Spider-Man together was pretty cool."
"Something caused the extinction of the dinosaurs."
"What happened to the Dinosaurs... the Ice Age."
"I think that's a reasonable assessment look at stuck net Iranian nuclear centrifuges overloaded and exploded how did they do it many of you may not remember stuck."
"His reputation was enhanced following the Great Fire of London, which was noted as being a first major event that he clearly seemed to have predicted."
"The Nazis began by organizing boycotts of Jewish shops and businesses."
"The year 69 subsequently became a year of the Four Emperors."
"We did what we had to do and what we were trying to do was prevent the Germans from taking over the whole world."
"Without them, the world may never have heard the distress signals, and we'd likely still be trying to work out what happened to this day."
"This post-war Nazi connection to the JFK assassination is so important."
"The first victims Adolf Hitler and the Nazis rounded up for extermination were disabled children."
"The first major test for this fledgling state came just 2 years later."
"The height of popularity for the royal family: the wedding of Charles and Diana, William and Harry being born, and then it was Andrew and Fergie."
"The Black Tom Explosion... the first terrorist attack in America."
"Last night Tucker Carlson presented footage to the American people into the world showing that the January 6 select committee and Democrats were lying about what happened on January 6."
"The movement of hip-hop, peace, love, unity, having fun, it comes out of the civil rights movement, the continuation of that struggle to get free."
"Germany is doing the Anschluss, we want to fight them as soon as they demand."
"Every single news station in the country is now spouting fantastical news about the Boston Tea Party."
"Literally people died, uh, as a result of the acts that we saw at the Capitol."
"The rebirth of Israel coincided with heavenly signs, showing God's hand in their history."
"A lot of lives were taken that day, it was a very horrific and terrifying situation."
"If the crowds had had determined conscious leaders instead of windbags by noon that day, Berlin would have been in their hands."
"This is a moment that really is making history."
"What's the first thing the Taliban did when Joe Biden handed them Afghanistan? They took away people's guns. That's how it works."
"The assassinations of Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy have some very, very, very strikingly similar circumstances."
"We were together at Elbe, and we’ll be together again."
"The people of Arkansas waited until after the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter to act."
"Kristallnacht... presaged events from September 1939 onwards."
"At the heart of each of these momentous events were individual men and women."
"Christianity is true because an event occurred."
"Victory created the occasion for an intense nationalism."
"When your children died, for example a bombing in Birmingham when four little girls died, the national rallied and movement continued until we demanded change and it was made."
"The climatic chaos had not only smashed the Mareb Dam and shifted power to Medina, it also brought Muhammad's own family to prominence."
"The 1893 World's Colombian Exhibition in Chicago now serves as a marker within American history itself."
"The younger driest is the single most studied climatic event in human history."
"Roswell made the front page of many newspapers across the country."
"World War II was hilarious...said no one ever."
"I didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the world's been turning."
"Climate change, in this particular case, stimulated one of the most spectacular events in world history."
"Call your loved ones, let them know you love them."
"In our number one spot today, we have the Watergate scandal."
"In our number three spot today, we have the Pentagon papers."
"The prohibition poisoning: government agencies poisoning industrial alcohol with lethal chemicals."
"Starting off this list in our number 10 spot, we have the Teapot Dome scandal."
"The end result of all this manoeuvring was the Diplomatic Revolution of 1756."
"We all went on with our lives and don't think that the U.S. government is beyond this stuff."
"Aegon's conquest made me rethink everything. It took more than dragons, it took diplomacy to take Westeros."
"We were despicable to the Irish and it should not have happened."
"For the first time in 270 years, a former president stands trial for crimes and election interference."
"His death would spark a war of the world even more horrific than the war to end all wars that had rocketed 20 years earlier - the Second World War."
"A string of UFO sightings took place that would mark the beginning of a tremendous wave of encounters that shocked the world."
"The public are owed a public inquiry about not just May 29, 2020, but the months of riots from coast to coast."
"They will be part of this very important historical moments. The actions of the players will actually care and make the change, change the world face basically."
"The nuclear age really began with the bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the demonstration of how powerful these weapons could be, and how terrifying they could be."
"Long ago a great flood reshaped the entire region and cut off humans from the Gulf of a sis known later to the Hebrews as the land of Eden."
"Peaceful protest? Where have I seen this movie before?"
"But whatever happens, people are going to be talking about 2021 for a very long time."
"But all the fun and games came to a great end when the Hun showed up in 450 A.D."
"It's something that will inspire generations to come."
"Jesus' death isn't simply a point of Christian doctrine, it's a historical fact."
"We are watching in real time the unfolding of a disaster that our generation and future Generations will know by name."
"This is history in the making, I'm telling you."
"A mysterious disease devastated these coastal settlements."
"Don't think that this hank aaron thing was as random as it looks."
"Could it have been an African crowned eagle that grabbed 10-year-old Marlin Low in 1976?"
"Unit 731 conducted tests on human beings who were dehumanized."
"Catherine must have known that her time as Queen of England was limited when in February 1531 a clerical convocation affirmed Henry’s position as Supreme Head of the Church of England."
"Something utterly dramatic is afoot and how it comes out we do not know but it certainly makes sense to note everything because um this is history happening."
"Color revolutions were genuine bottom-up movements."
"Taking the beach at D-Day and establishing a front where something is finally pushing back on an ideology that's just been able to spread unchecked by any set of power or argument or reason or logic or anything."
"This is very interesting because there's been references to when giants' graves are disturbed, this magical weather happens."
"There's no getting around the amount of witnesses for the thing."
"Perhaps, the truth may be found buried in the Byzantine events of Doris Duke's final days, days which some believe may have ended in murder."
"Nothing was enough to save the sinking ship after 1900; the telegraph slowed to a halt."
"This may be a historical moment. The president of the United States sent out a video, a press conference from literal doctors."
"Destruction of the city of Mosul, a sad reminder of devastation."
"In a post-9/11 world, things aren't always what they appear to be."
"The Holocaust isn't about race. It's about inhumanity to man."
"One of the most famous is thought to be that of Frederick Fleet. Frederick was a British sailor serving as the lookout aboard the RMS Titanic and it was Frederick who actually spotted the deadly iceberg."
"I just want to remind people that WikiLeaks published the first documents leaked by Chelsea Manning on February 18th, 2010."
"Everyone assumed gas would be used in the conflict looming with Germany."
"According to Herodotus and most other sources, the great king was killed in battle with nomadic tribes, most likely Scythian horse nomads, along his empire's northeastern frontier."
"On January 6, 2021, the world bore witness to what can only be described as one of the dumbest days in American history."
"The Salem debacle eroded the public's faith in Puritanism and made prominent Puritan clergymen look foolish and capricious."
"The discovery of the holy lance boosted the Army's morale and inspired them to attack."
"One of the most devastating pandemics in British history was the Black Plague."
"It's thrilling because this actually happened."
"Commodus killed 100 lions in a day, a spectacle that wasn't well-received by the audience."
"George R.R. Martin said we'll learn everything about the Roberts rebellion—what caused it, why, how, and all the important stuff."
"The return of the Jews back to their land and the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, can a nation be born you know in a moment at once, yes a nation was born immediately."
"The trauma and the weight of January 6 has not left."
"No other head of state has used chemical weapons against his own people like this before Saddam Hussein."
"It happened in 2012 and it happened again in 2016."
"The war was coming to an end, but the dark truth about the riches hidden in the deep mine were just coming out into the light..."
"In the end, the emus won the great emu war of 1932."
"I think we might look back and say that the Monica Lewinsky scandal was the last real political scandal in history."
"It took two decades for this story to even begin to open."
"This invasion of Czechoslovakia is a brutal wakeup call for the West."
"The cultural revolution was a specific campaign by Mao."
"I just find it utterly amazing that so enormous shift happened with remarkably little protest."
"The cold war was over, but new rivalries will constantly pop up."
"Never in the history of newsreels have such vast plans been made for the coverage of the last great act of liberation."
"Britain was the first country to declare war on it, was in the war on the first day, and it was there on the last day of the major belligerence on both sides."
"The XYZ Affair: increasing tensions between the United States and France."
"Germany took a back seat after that, so this might have been the last time."
"Byron Rustin was the main planner for that famed 1963 March."
"Cholera broke out and the French actually ended up losing far more soldiers to cholera than they ever did in action."
"Nothing touches that, that was history right there."
"It was so easy for them to get trained and to take down like some of the biggest buildings in america."
"It's very clear and evident that there's an abundance of information from bin Laden to the USS Cole attacks, etc., that we were attacked by bin Laden and his crew."
"His brutality and ruthlessness would in the end prove to be his undoing."
"Hitler and his nazi hierarchy were incandescent with rage at heydrich's assassination and ordered severe and brutal reprisals to be carried out as revenge for his death."
"Chernobyl: the equivalent of 9/11 for the USSR."
"We don't think we're overstating it to say that the Chernobyl disaster was, well, a disaster."
"New Yorkers always rise to the occasion. Always. They rose to the occasion after 9/11."
"When Triad members emerged from the woodwork to silence pro-Democracy protestors in 2019, it served as a grim reminder that shadowy societies willing to commit violence for the highest bidder remain prominent."
"They're real, they're history, they really happened."
"What followed was arguably the most extensive and intensive search and recovery operation in US history."
"We made it all the way through Cuban missile crisis."
"If you would have told me that we would have a virus the likes of which this world has not seen since 1917...and that we'd have a stock market that's not far below its all-time high, I would have told you that's got to be impossible."
"It's really nice and convenient to think of the 'let's roll' story."
"The Crusade was finally ready to depart by the summer of 1190."
"Crusader Kings 2: one of the most critically acclaimed strategy games of all time."
"The results of the second Mongol invasion of Hungary are an important reminder."
"We are witnessing history in action. Oh, I can't watch, and I can't turn away."
"I just want accountability I want I don't give a damn if it happened 30 58 10 JFK assassination we're finding out the CIA was involved I want people to be held accountable."
"I think people often forget that pride started as a riot."
"The vocabulary of genocide mingles with the cries of the wounded."
"Mariupol, once a city of ordinary lives, reduced to ashes and ruins by the horrors of war."
"It is factually inaccurate to say that it is Trump's fault for what's happening in Afghanistan."
"We survived a night that could have stopped the history of Ukraine, the history of Europe."
"The fact that the U.S. government stuck a bunch of guys in a rocket in 1969 and they made it to the moon."
"The flood stories that you get from Greece and from all over Iraq are the same story, they are committing the same event."
"Kennedy would never have been elected president if it hadn't been for that presidential debate."
"The Iraq war was not some mistake, it was a calamity."
"Hannibal's crossing of the Alps is simultaneously a monumental achievement of logistics and willpower while also being totally metal."
"He plunged Iraq and Iran into one of the bloodiest conflicts of the post-Second World War period."
"Saddam determined to use the closing stages of the war as a smokescreen for what amounted to a campaign of genocide."
"The purge of the Ba’ath Party and the manner in which Saddam seized power in the summer of 1979 set the tone for his period as ruler of Iraq."
"War can do that. War can do the opposite as we see in World War One."
"They're not going to try to hijack planes again and jam them into buildings and have another 9/11 like we did 20 years ago."
"Our Black Wall Street got burned down and bombed."
"Dating the oldest lava here reveals that the Siberian Traps first ripped the landscape apart 250 million years ago."
"It is the most dramatic situation in human history. The idea that there was a non-zero chance that hitting that button would destroy the entire world and then they still hit that button, I don't know how you can do that, that's insane."
"I think we're gonna see history made in a very short amount of time. We're going to be seeing this history and we're going to be living through textbook War."
"The Bush Administration lied about WMDs in Iraq, which was the blueprint for every regime change operation."
"The Iraq War was a criminal disaster that resulted in the deaths of thousands of Americans and millions of Iraqis."
"Amin quickly consolidated his control of Uganda in the weeks following the almost bloodless coup of January 1971."
"Between 1971 and 1979 an increasingly unhinged dictator and his followers were responsible for killing hundreds of thousands of Ugandans."
"Amin’s role in facilitating the Palestinian hijacking of the Air France flight in the summer of 1976 was just one of the increasingly incendiary activities he was engaging in on the international stage in the second half of the 1970s."
"There is no healing without acknowledgment. You want to know the truth about 2020? Let's talk about it." - Vivek Ramaswamy
"These were people who were good people and that's what bothers me the most is you didn't see a ton of evil or horrible or mean hearted people joining up with Jim Jones you saw good people."
"Despite the chaos of construction, Chicago was excited for the fair."
"Throughout the Second World War, the Queen Mother frequently adorned this brooch."