
Union Quotes

There are 909 quotes

"Engagement, partnership, commitment, eternity, completion, union."
"You are about to come into union and alignment with what is truly going to make you happy."
"You're closer to union when you're in separation, which is ironic."
"You are brought together through the force of infinite love."
"The power of the striking workers derives from their union and resolve. If they're able to stand firm, they will win."
"You're coming more and more into energetic alignment so that you can be in sacred union."
"We are about the pursuit of a more perfect union... We're a lot further along than we were 250 years ago."
"Marriage, I feel like you know, legally, with all the certificates and sharing assets, but it's like the union of it and just love itself."
"The best way that we have to make the change that we want to see in our workplaces is to come together collectively in a union."
"I embrace You and unite myself to You; permit not that I should ever be separated from You."
"Sexuality is used as an image for the union of the soul with God."
"He does want this... there is a desire for union, a desire to work hard at this."
"Something big did happen in what has been called perhaps the biggest win for organized labor in a generation."
"There's nothing more galvanizing than a union win."
"The only way for you to be free from the bondage and the deception is for you to walk in union with our Father."
"This type of bargaining could be transformative in the United States where union membership has been on a steady decline."
"Only through their union can knowledge arise."
"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union." - Abraham Lincoln
"They're having these strong desires for deeper levels of union."
"We're very lucky to even have a union, and I'm very glad to be part of multiple unions that are fighting for our rights as creatives and performers."
"A cycle has ended for both of you and both of you are coming into Union."
"They mostly think about coming together with you. They think about what it would look like if the two of you were in union, able to sit down and really talk and connect."
"There is union here and this person wants to be with you for the long haul."
"You have awakened a new level of love within them... they want to create a union where both of you are reconciling your differences."
"Being part of the union really allows you to use your collective voice."
"It gives you strength, it gives you a voice."
"What they sense and feel that you guys will have in the future is definitely a very strong union."
"Marriage is that which unites men and women to one another and to any children that may proceed from their Union."
"We strive toward that more perfect union and to live up to our ideals because that is who we are."
"When Nina speaks she makes me want to stand up, shut off my machine, and hold up a sign that says union." - Channeling Nina to Norma Rae.
"No Union is more profound than marriage for it embodies the highest ideals of Love Fidelity Union sacrifice and family."
"You both feel the same way, yearning for each other and reaching out on a soul level. It's a balance of harmony and a desire for union on all levels."
"We stayed focused on our members and fought like hell to get everything that full-time and part-time UPS Teamsters deserve."
"When workers stand together, they have political power."
"Unions wanted the United States and its citizens to imagine freedom more broadly, arguing that without a more equal economic system, America was becoming less, not more, free."
"Can you see how I'm trying to save this union? Can you see that there is something worth fighting for here?"
"Destiny intervened to bring you together, destiny is intervening again in your union."
"It does not threaten the Union to have a strong central government."
"This is a message from spirit about a very special sacred relationship in union."
"Your hope is to have a happy union, settle down, you know, the ten of water there is ultimate happiness, abundance, material abundance as well as good health, emotional contentment, your wishes coming true."
"This person does want to come in a healthy union."
"They want to make it work, they want a successful union here, and they want a positive outcome."
"There is potential here for you and this person to be in union."
"We're going to start literally uniting these workers... I love what they're doing."
"A new beginning, unconditional love, a sacred love union that's taking place."
"The divine union, it's still there. It's always there."
"The earth festival of Beltane is a time of union, creation, and fertility."
"This is a union that really, to be proud of."
"They want to commit to you, this is a union card."
"There's a union there that can't be split, but nevertheless it is a totally awesome metallic Thomas."
"I'm seeing a soul connection, I'm seeing a union, I'm seeing celebration."
"They're wanting a twin flame union, reconciliation, oneness."
"There's a transformational period about to occur in this union."
"I want you so badly, there's these powerful desires for union."
"The four of wands: a reunion card, halfway to marriage or a union."
"This person wants union with you, they want higher level commitment with you."
"This sacred union is happening for you guys."
"The merger of these two people, it's gonna be phenomenal."
"Marriage is about forming a union where you're most vulnerable."
"The maypole symbolizes the union of earth and sky, the goddess and the god."
"There's a conjunction, there's a union, which is like confirmation for me."
"You're moving towards a union or balance, and it's going to be sooner than expected."
"Leaving no power on the table... in an era of vicious union busting."
"This union is made for you both to remember who you really are, which is love."
"You're going into Union and you're going to have a lot of abundance and richness in your life with this person."
"You made the right decision, and you're going into Union with your real person here."
"You're gonna be so happy in this union."
"You guys will have such different personalities, but the way that your union comes together, it's just so beautiful."
"They want union, they want marriage, they want this connection, they want this commitment."
"It's time for me to come together in this union."
"Destiny, luck, chance, meant to be, something is fated, a union is coming in."
"Unconditional love, legendary Divine Union."
"This is union, this is a bond that no one else understands, it's sacred, it's special."
"Yoga means Union Union of mind and body and Union of self with the universe."
"It's a milestone or home sweet home, or blessing, a wedding, a union."
"This is a high level soulmate, with the Judgment card being here. This is a sacred union."
"This isolation is being turned upside down, leading to this beautiful merging union."
"What an amazing moment. In the same day, I get a wife and a brother."
"It's preparing them for a sense of Union, for a new start."
"This is alignment with somebody, this is coming into union with somebody who sees your worth."
"Propel you into Union with your highest self, with your spirit."
"I am making room for a blessed union."
"Let your heart be lost in His; He will soon accomplish His design in you if you do not place any obstacles in His way."
"Twin flame union isn't a place we get to, or something that we attain; it is a state of being we align with inwardly."
"I want peace and believe it can only be reached through Union and War, and I will ever conduct war with a view to perfect and early success."
"Not struggling but yielding. Not effort but union."
"The government under the Articles of Confederation didn't have the power to do, and so they're trying to remedy that, trying to form a more perfect union."
"Your emotional well-being is very important in order to come into Union with your future spouse."
"Anything that leads to the Union is called yoga."
"They want to end these cycles, completion, union, harmony."
"The activity has led you into the awareness of your union with Him."
"There is only one model for life that really works on this planet and that's Union."
"When you're in Union with God, when you're enjoying him or worshiping, or enjoying gardening or whatever, when we're feeling that realm of love and we're enjoying him, there is a capacity for us to ascend."
"It's now my very great pleasure to declare that you are husband and wife. Congratulations!"
"Now their marriage will be the intertwining of two life stories."
"We begin to embrace the Glorious Christ within as our new life and live in Union with him."
"Mountains are being moved to bring you two together."
"Marriage is beautiful, it's such a sacred beautiful union of two people with two completely separate upbringings."
"Love for them is a very sacred Union."
"You two coming together is such a beautiful union to really create because that's really what fire is also signifying to like the energy of creation."
"They are manifesting you, they are wanting a physical union."
"You're in a Divine Union with your destiny."
"Conjunction represents conscious and benevolent union, one that springs forth from awareness, acceptance, and devotion."
"Sakura helps him put it back together and the two begin a budding romance which ends with their marriage."
"Everyone is rejoicing in their union, and the enthusiastic clapping is heard all around them."
"The Christian mystics are our unique and peculiar figures leading an awakened and awakening life who are never satisfied with less than complete union with the divine."
"I know I am my twin flame, I know they're coming back, that's inner Union."
"The feminine's role is to attain inner Union, while the masculine's role is to achieve physical Union and ground the connection."
"Harmony and union await when you follow your heart."
"Beautiful Union is coming your way."
"You have closed that karmic cycle, you're stepping into Union that is literally for your soul."
"Being a union, have them check your contract and make sure that your contract is not outdated."
"It's beyond what other people normally experience, it's a perfect union kind of love."
"Spirit really wants you to align with this truth, align with the sexual Union here, aligned with the knowledge that this person is already with you in spirit, it's just about allowing this to happen in the physical as well for the two of you."
"There is love here in this connection. They want to be in Union with you."
"I think marriage is a sacred thing I think it's a beautiful thing it's a union of two people."
"Charity is the bond of perfection and perfect love of God means the complete Union of our will with God's."
"Even when we aren't together, I feel our union."
"Two of Cups talks about an offer of love, a partnership built on the union of forces."
"In the long term, healing and union are indicated."
"I guess just first things first, big congratulations to the Amazon union in Staten Island."
"Every marriage is no less an indissoluble union between one and one woman."
"Marriage is an indissoluble union in which people are in an unbreakable gluing together."
"It's about the union of Hearts, the lovers."
"Union with God is always the start of the practice."
"Separation prepares the individual for a more conscious Union down the line. It releases stagnant energy and allows the parts to see themselves as individuals."
"The goal of life is union with God. God is love."
"Something is being sparked in the universe when it comes to Union for you."
"You are manifesting this Divine Union."
"They want to make amends with you or even again, for some of you, I feel like you and this person are not in complete union, but others of you are in communication."
"The union of faith and inner work, oh I love that."
"This is true love and a divinely guided Union."
"Only in Love Can you arrive at Union and Union is what you're called to."
"Unlike the daily murmurs of the vast majority of humanity on Earth who with their vain repetitions hope to attract God's attention, prayer is the Ecstasy of a spiritual union."
"Yoga means union. It's a life-giving, loving, profound experience."
"This person wants to give you commitment. They want union with you, even though they are still dealing with a lot of their fear, of their own ego as well."
"They see you as their person, wanting union with you."
"Against All Odds, their union represented the triumph of optimism and pleasure over the obligations of blood and duty."
"You're about to come into union with someone you're supposed to be with."
"Lincoln saw not only the union of the states but also the government and its constitution as indivisible."
"Eventually, what the spiritual awakening process does is it brings you into a state of union, of wholeness."
"It's not about you, it's just about our union."
"My paramount object in this war is to preserve the union it is not to save or destroy slavery."
"Achieving thought freedom, you would become what you see, there would be a union between you and it."
"The main aspect of the atonement, the main aspect of redemption is the intimate, personal, eternal union between the Lord Jesus Christ and the elect sinners."
"We are joined together in a union that began in the mind of God in eternity past."
"You guys have to protect your union and be grateful for it because if you don't and you guys move apart, you will have so much regrets and I don't want that for you guys."
"Sacred Union happens when we allow the Holy Spirit to work through us. This is the creative force of the godhead."
"There's also talking here about the union between feminine and masculine energies."
"This marriage will make the union between them official."
"You will come into union, this is going to come into right alignment."
"The union of Mayathros really is the first alliance."
"Union is definitely on the cards. It's something that you are working towards, getting into alignment, being able to be in relationship to unite with one another."
"There is a force for division and a force for Union and we need both of these they both play an important role."
"Union with Christ is the central privilege of the Christian faith."
"They're feeling this love towards you, they're feeling this Union energy, they're feeling connected to you."
"There is definitely a union that you are manifesting in."
"What's coming next for this connection is reconciliation and union, with balance and reciprocity."
"Death cannot separate you from God; it will unite you closer to Him."
"It's no secret that you have a person, this union or reunion of souls, it can't be denied."
"They celebrate their wedding filled with love."
"There's this movement inside the union to demand more from the employers and to discipline national union leaders who aren't ready to deliver who aren't ready to actually take people out on strike when they authorize strikes."
"You are now husband and wife. Together, many congratulations."
"This is about love, this is a union of Hearts, this is two people coming together in a relationship."
"When I enter into union with Christ, I enter union with the whole body of Christ, the past as well as the present, and will be united in the future."
"Sex is the most powerful physical union on earth and one of the strongest spiritual unions."
"I guess it was for a good cause in the long run because it's kind of standing up for like the costume design union."
"To be pro-union and pro-Europe these days feels quite depressing for those of us who don't buy Boris's optimism."
"Union Joe, that's what they call Joe Biden."
"The very act of getting out a political union and getting back the ability to decide these things in Westminster will begin to give you a kind of politics where you see more division of debate."
"Part of your sacred purpose could very well be to heal your ancestral line. You may also honestly be coming into a twin flame Union—perhaps this is something that you have been going through."
"Their union not only united two souls in love but also marked the beginning of a partnership destined to leave a mark on the fabric of American history."
"Their Union emblematic of an era marked by optimism and possibility."
"The goal of religion is not a perfect moral stance, it's union with God."
"You may see this union as a blessing."
"In many tantric systems, the practice of union is very important."
"Embrace the rage. It might help you simplify the way you come into union with those around you."
"Joy comes with connection and union with somebody else."
"To suffer in union with Christ is to cease from sin."
"The mass is the Eternal wedding Feast of the Lamb, the Eternal Union of you with your spouse Jesus."
"...doing so will help you move far more quickly through the spiritual life and into deeper union with the God of the universe."
"A great spiritual transformation is currently occurring both in your life and in our world. This is the union of Heaven and Earth, Spirit and matter, heart and mind unite in harmonious balance."
"A new relationship blossoms. Seek a union of mind and spirit."
"Please, save the Union, whatever it takes; we need a new national compromise."
"Life works through the blending and the union."
"I saved the Union at Little Round Top."
"Married: To join together for life in a partnership."
"This day, passengers Stretch Willowbe and Mary Smith were married."
"So now I think the notion I explain it in terms of the opening words of the constitution, we the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect union."
"But it was not until the year 1707, amidst a backdrop of evolving customs and sociopolitical structures, that Scotland and England were irrevocably bound together under the banner of the United Kingdom."
"Union with Christ is the key to receiving the benefits of the atonement. We are in Christ, and Christ is in us, making us one with Him."
"Your soulmate knows you, sees you, understands you long before you actually come together in a union."
"A marriage to a woman, you ask a woman with marriages, that you think she would go, 'It's a union between two in front of God.'"
"Surrender is the bridge to reaching that energetic union, that union with our twin in the 5D that then manifests physically."
"The functions of the spirit: it’s God conscious and its supreme privilege is union and communion with God."
"We were in two separate counties. God brought our paths to cross and he created the whole union."
"It's a sacred call to love, a sacred call to union, a sacred call to your heaven on earth."
"Union with your divine counterpart, reunion, coming together."
"You become one with Christ. You become God."
"It's as if the tiger and dragon in that moment are finally coming together."