
Human Agency Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"The foundation of irreligious criticism is: Man makes religion, religion does not make man."
"History is not something that is out there; history is made by human beings."
"We are the plan. We as human beings are the plan. It's down to us."
"For the first time, the current wave of technological inventions really endangers human agency."
"We always ask where the future is going to take us, but the real question is where are we going to take the future."
"The future is not this thing that is out there that's set in stone; it should always talk about this question of human agency."
"We are not powerless in the face of these forces...we're human beings with free will, created by God to make these decisions."
"Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past."
"There is no deterministic force which mandates that the future will be better or that it will be worse; it depends on the decisions and actions that we take."
"Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings."
"People have found ways to express human agency."
"The law was made up by people. People can do anything they want."
"The notion of human agency. Not volunteerism, like not the idea that you can do whatever you want, but the notion of human agency."
"In Man of Steel, humanity plays an important part in their own salvation, contributing to the narrative in a unique way."
"God knows what's happening, but we have the free will to stop it."
"God often requires the cooperation of men for good to prevail."
"It's really important that we work to preserve human agency over the technologies that we're developing."
"Satan needs human beings to do his will. Without human beings giving him the authority, the devil can't do anything."
"I think it's really important that we reinforce that human beings have agency."
"How do we ensure that the future constitutes the sum of the will of humanity?"
"Human freedom really resides in designing our environment."
"Freedom is what God wants from human beings. That's what he gave us."
"If humans created this idea then humans can also work to dismantle it completely."
"What's at stake is fundamental... It's about our agency as human beings."
"History is not predetermined. It's a question of human will."
"God does great things but he does them through people."
"Human will. We have free will. History is not predetermined. I don't know."
"It's not what we normally think of as an act of God, this is a conscious political decision."
"We live in capitalism. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings."
"Policies are not these deities that are hovering there and can cause you to do things you don't want to do. Policies are just, they're nothing unless you have people to enforce them."
"Envision a world where we craft our own values, becoming the gods of our existence."
"Allah gave us a decision, a choice, we are delegates."
"We are at a time of testing and how it comes out is in our own hands."
"The world's not fair, but we lucky, well-equipped, well-functioning human beings can make it fair."
"No human agency could have prevented the theater catastrophe."
"How can we reconcile these seemingly contradictory forces, fate or higher power versus human agency?"
"God is still God but he chooses to use small human beings to display the power of his greatness."
"Even when God does something flat-out miraculous, it invites human participation."
"Humans are not presented as the helpless victims of blind forces of nature or the menials and servants of capricious gods."
"Pastoring is really hard... because people are way harder to work with than wood... they have this pesky thing called agency... and it's what makes human beings so staggering in their beauty."
"God always intended to work in the world through wise, obedient, trusting human beings. That is God's chosen modus operandi."
"People have been pointing out for years that the mechanistic viewpoint of how the world works ignores or denies human agency, values, creativity, and personal or individual evolution."
"The computers are just tools. They didn't create this picture. It's the people that created the picture."
"You can't come away from Keaton's films without a simultaneous sense of the importance of human action, of human agency."
"...also of the inadequacy of human agency, of how contingent every experience, every adventure, every personality is."
"The belief in human agency declined with Augustine, but resurged during the Renaissance and Industrial Revolution, leading to significant progress."
"The Industrial Revolution exemplifies human agency and led to unprecedented human progress in various aspects of life."
"We can create paradise or hell, it's just up to us." - Yuval Harari
"A kind of vision of life in which human agency matters."
"A vision of life in which human agency matters."
"God uses human instruments in bringing sinners back from the error of their ways."
"Humans claim control over their own destinies, individual and collective, but that claim falls in the face of attack by tiny organisms."
"The shape of capitalism, like everything else, is not a fact of nature but a product of human agency."
"Every living thing is going to die and as humans we can make it pleasant."
"Tarot is an inanimate object. It isn’t capable of being good or evil, but people are. And tarot readers are people."
"God stores his treasure in man. When we need change, God finds a person to do that for you."
"Since the belief has ceased that a god guides the fate of the world on a large scale, people themselves have to set goals that encompass the whole earth. Herein lies the tremendous task."
"The profound significance of human choice and the sublime responsibility of men."
"We are invited to participate in God's work; we have agency."
"God does work miracles, and He works them through us."
"History is therefore the product of human labor, choice, and will; nothing transcendental or divine can supersede that truth."
"Class struggle and competition were not the results of nature-driven necessity but consequences of man making his history in alien circumstances."
"...it indicated man's desire to make his own life, to work his will, to make mistakes."
"We humans are going to write the ending of the story of AI."
"The biblical drama is essentially about God creating a world that He wants to rule through human beings."
"The concept of human responsibility means that you have an ability to respond to God and that God's revelation is always sufficient to do exactly what God wants it to do."
"God's will here on Earth won't always happen due to sin and due to our Free Will."
"We affect God's life, we make a difference to God's life. It does matter how we think, it does matter how we act."
"Technology can't make people better... only people can make things better."
"God has sovereignly decreed He is pleased to allow for free creatures to make free actions."
"The algorithm isn't everything, Thomas. We make the algorithm."
"The universe, the cosmos, is immoral, but we as humans have the opportunity to say no, I don't like it that way, I can conceive of something better."
"What God does, he does through people."
"God's sovereignty is fully consistent with our freedom as responsible agents."
"We understand ourselves as human agents who are a part of the flow of history and the web of culture."
"The law can have great force, but it needs an assist from human beings who are prepared to act."
"We are products of our environment, but humans are also creators of our environment."
"It's not geography that creates justice, it's people that create justice."
"By developing this technology, we would be able to outwin AI because we would be doing the decision-making, not the machines."
"All human beings are responsible moral agents."
"It would seem that God intends us to use them as we make decisions about our life."
"If it was a problem that was caused by man, it can be solved by man."
"Human agency can and will dominate the direction of technology."
"Technology is meant to aid us, not for us to depend upon it."
"Humans are building the algorithms; humans are making decisions."
"Rather than seeing social change or lack of it as preordained and outside the realm of human action, the notion of a dialectical relationship suggests that change results from human agency."
"We are still people and we have agency and we get to make choices."
"Modern political theory... opens up a new space for human agency."
"A man-made problem has a man-made solution."
"Guns are just things; people are the ones who decide to use them."
"Fate is a mere illusion that together as humans they can defy."