
Personal Battle Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Self-love is not instant; it's a slow burn of a battle that you'll need to get used to over a very, very long time."
"The greatest battle that any man faces in their life is coming to terms and being right with themselves."
"Until you truly are at peace with yourself and are able to overcome the battles that weigh you down every single day, you'll never truly be free enough to succeed at its highest level."
"The warfare against self is the greatest battle that was ever fought."
"It was just like a mental battle constantly if that makes sense."
"Ultimately my battle is for the church my mother."
"It's not a vacation, it's that you've been fighting a war and losing all this time."
"He's struggling, he's trying to deal with his demons, it's not easy being an addict and being in recovery."
"The addiction is more powerful than anything that I could even describe."
"You're going to raise her up as a general in your army and when she becomes a general she's going to go to war with everything that went to war with her."
"Having control over your values is the other half of the battle."
"I always feared you would become that which you fought against. You walk the edge of that abyss every night."
"Declare all out war that you're going to get out of this rut."
"I just loved everything. The only way in this fight of lifting me of the obsession of ridding me of the desire of a drink or a drug was having that spiritual experience."
"He fought and stayed really positive. I won't touch on that too much, but folks should know that he was beating this, man."
"This battle that we're in, it's a spiritual battle."
"I am not telling you uh to lose your job I'm telling you that this is the war you have been chosen to fight that's what I'm telling you I'm telling you this is the fight that we're in."
"The fight of faith is not fighting the devil, you're fighting to believe."
"Samantha was determined to fight for her life."
"Addiction is a cruel mistress, and you did well for about four or five months and then it peaked up and grabbed you again."
"I have to concentrate on my goal and continue on my battle to success."
"I've been saying for years now, we are fighting a spiritual battle."
"You're taking the battle to the enemy's gate... I'm gonna fight this on a spiritual level."
"Addiction, anybody that fights addiction knows how hard that is."
"Every single piece of it has to be second to your willingness to fight for self-love."
"Our battle is against our own Consciousness."
"True spirituality to go with it to show you that if this is more than just a war against flesh but it is a spiritual war also."
"Do not be afraid to wage war on the demons that we carry and the hurts and pains that define us."
"For Quint, they are the embodiment of all his fears and hatreds, an enemy that he fights and conquers time and again."
"I mean every addict struggles with addiction for the rest of their lives."
"In the end, Deku's worst enemy may not be any villain at all; he may end up being his own worst enemy."
"There's a personal battle, it's a personal battle. I know that seems odd and almost paradoxical."
"This is my chance to get back at Rob before he did me. This fight is not about him. The biggest battle is always the one within."
"Luffy takes his fight against this evil monster more seriously than ever. This will make Blackbeard Luffy's best fight from a narrative perspective as it's Luffy's most personal battle."
"The real war is right here in my heart and in your heart."
"This ain't a rap battle. This is a lifelong battle with yourself. Goddamn!"
"Fighting is at its essence an internal battle that's all it is."
"I was married to ED, my eating disorder, and he abused me and used me and told me I was not good enough."
"You're still chasing that first high."
"You taught me how to fight again. I'm gonna go home and I'm gonna fight this thing."
"This is my fight now. I love you."
"With every ounce of strength, I fought back, unleashing a storm of courage and resilience."
"It's like I've been at war... you versus you."
"Before we can win the battle against the markets, we must first win the battle against ourselves."
"My faith made such a difference for me; it influenced everything that I did during that battle."
"It is emphatically our battle. No one else can fight it for us."
"There is a fight with your name on it. You were born to fight that battle."
"You have to win the battle that you can win, which is the battle with your own mind."
"This is my fight to finish. You got that?"
"I really, really struggle with loneliness."
"That spirit came after me, and the Lord allowed me to go into a two or three seasoned battle personally with that spirit."
"I've waged war against men from every corner of the world, yet the fight that shook me to my core wasn't on some far off battlefield, but right here at home."
"Create little strategies to beat yourself because this is an individual battle."
"The toughest fight I can possibly think of was always with myself."
"The Battle of life isn't outward; the Battle of life is inward. I am here to conquer myself."
"The most simple yet most significant battle that we can fight and thing that we can overcome is just looking at ourselves and saying, 'I love you'."
"This is our fight, my friends, love it, leave it, hate it, whatever the case may be."