
Substance Abuse Quotes

There are 293 quotes

"Making amends is really important because a lot of times what causes us to use substances is we have all these crushing karmic debts which are weighing on us."
"It's the truth though honestly he cheated on her, he had substance abuse issues."
"Behind every substance addiction, there's an emotion that the person is doing their best to regulate."
"At the end of the day, it's a rather lengthy list of what substance abuse can do to your brain."
"Standing with Richard Pryor... He said, 'Be careful with this stuff. I don't remember 40 years of my life.'... 'I'm not sure it was me.'"
"We should stop promoting drug abuse, alcohol abuse, substance abuse in general, and thinking it's so fun and funny."
"Stop trying to drink it away, smoke it away, fuck it away."
"People have lost hope, and they are drinking, they're doing drugs, they're committing suicide."
"One of the most beautiful things that I ever did for myself was removing any sort of substance abuse from my life, especially with the emphasis on alcohol."
"When you turn to substances and vices, that means something inside of you is... you're not loving yourself. You know, I had to learn to love myself a lot more."
"Drugs are just band-aids... You have to have a purpose in life."
"There is a world of difference between having substance abuse problems and being a physical abuser."
"They're off getting high to the extent where they don't have to realize what they're doing."
"Drug addicts don't get over drugs... they just learn how to deal without doing drugs."
"Absolutely, I mean alcohol is a gateway drug you don't drink I rarely drink maybe once or twice within a month period of time."
"No question drugs and alcohol are not good for your brain."
"This young bright worthy young woman was so neglected by those that were supposed to support and protect her in the military that she got so wrapped up in drugs to try to ease her pain that it killed her."
"If we make this illegal we could see young people move on to much more harmful substances."
"Live boldly. Stop getting high, stop doing anything that blurs your vision or makes time go faster. You're gonna die before you know it."
"Heavy alcohol abuse throughout the film, but she's trying to do good by her daughter."
"Abusing any drugs or any substances is a dumpster."
"His battles with substance abuse and legal challenges never overshadowed his dedication to kindness and philanthropy."
"It's hard to be young and cool and hip in Los Angeles with money and time and [__] loads of exotic drugs at your disposal."
"I could put this pill on tinfoil and take two hits and be dead."
"Son, if I ever hear that you're smoking marijuana, it'll just kill me." - Woody Harrelson
"I don't know, I think it's like if you're just like you want to throw up every day of your life, if you're just so high out of your mind then it doesn't matter, you wake up and you're like, 'Ew, house is good, it's heroin time.'"
"Drinking your pain away is never an option. Drinking because you just want to get messed up is never an option." - Unnamed commenter
"Training your mind to slow down is healthier than substances."
"Alcoholism isn't the answer. It's just not funny."
"Ruining a successful, budding career with drugs and alcohol is basically a tale as old as time."
"I think there's increasing evidence that abstinence-based recovery is the most viable solution."
"The tragic irony of the song for which she is best known is that Amy did struggle much of her life with substance abuse and addiction."
"There are drugs. Just a lot of drugs. Nothing else."
"Substances are not a treatment, they're a short-term band-aid for underlying problems."
"I think weed works for some people but if you're like me it can just be another tool in your belt of ways to self-sabotage."
"Substance abuse is a disease and their recovery journey should never be used to shame someone."
"But the way it is being taken by kids when they've had a bit of alcohol in the mix..." - Nick Ferrari at breakfast
"Caffeine is 100% addictive. Is heroin addictive? Yes, okay, it is addictive. So both caffeine and heroin are addictive, are they the same? There it is, apples and oranges."
"He was so into steroids it isn't true and I guess it would have killed him in the end."
"If I'm using a substance to numb my emotional state, my brain's ability to control and regulate my emotional state becomes less necessary."
"More people die from alcohol than cocaine or a little heroin."
"Every time I had the worst night of my life, I was high or I was drunk or I was messed up."
"Alcohol abuse is not a funny situation, it is a very, very deadly disease."
"My favorite part was him talking about his issues with substance abuse."
"Substance abuse is growing at an alarming pace all across the country."
"Hard drug use only hurts you and kills your family from the inside out."
"You ain't fooling nobody, baby. You was on them drugs. It was free and you was loving it. Now you a victim."
"Life's drugs are bad. They're dangerous. They're evil. They ruin lives, they ruin minds, and they ruin families."
"After weeks of a methamphetamine-induced rampage, Charles Moses finally slowed down."
"Damon Presswood died of a likely meth overdose on April 5th, 2017, he was 48 years old."
"Support is available if you know someone struggling with substance abuse or drinking during pregnancy."
"If someone you know is seeking treatment for drug or alcohol abuse, there are resources available near you."
"Dan Harmon has publicly admitted to it, acknowledged his own substance abuse issues, and tried to become a better person."
"Drug abuse is when you allow yourself to prioritize a drug over certain things that demand priority."
"Let's identify the problem and fix it, get them off the drugs in 90 days. Wouldn't that make more sense?"
"When you're on stimulants non-stop, it really fries your brain and builds up aggression and like intolerance."
"If you murder somebody because you're high as a kite on meth, you're the one that went and took the meth."
"What we do know is once you start doing drugs, your emotional development is arrested at that point. So you say we have a 17-year-old, we have an adolescent in a 41-year-old body."
"I don't think I did this but also I was just taking a lot of drugs."
"As many of you may know, Jeff has struggled with substance abuse."
"Not a real crocodile, a crocodile... the drug."
"His opinion is that Johnny Depp's behavior is consistent with a substance use disorder and with intimate partner violence."
"Rick James spent $7,000 a week on cocaine for five years straight."
"Drugs and alcohol are clearly a gateway to abuse."
"Alcohol withdrawal is serious and potentially deadly, as we see with Rusty's death."
"Almost everything we know about addiction is wrong."
"This is the gateway drug. It is. I mean, this is it. So be careful."
"He's all [__] up on that and the interview is split up into two he's on meth during the interview."
"Don't take too much ketamine, don't take too much Academy."
"Millions of people struggle with substance abuse but most of them don't get help because of the same stigma I faced."
"Drugs and alcohol are bad; they've never served us or my family well."
"He's ordering Molly's, man. Ignore him."
"Stay off substances... it's expensive both in time and money."
"I will never touch that crap again and I recommend to any of you, unless you have a death wish, to never under any circumstances try and trip off Dramamine."
"Alcohol is not evil, but people need to understand the power of drugs and to respect it. It can sneak up on you, trust me."
"That's why they called it crack, because they broke it down to a smaller form and started selling dollar pieces."
"It's never been for the sort of party effect. It's been for trying to numb the things inside that have—that can plague someone's who's experienced trauma."
"Using a substance to rob a woman of her right to make a choice is not only a crime, it's wrong, and I do not encourage it."
"Even though it hadn't been long since my last lot of pills, I felt like I needed a drink."
"They'll poison people to prevent them from getting high."
"So this guy who handed him the Xanax managed to sober himself up enough to like try to go on TV and Dr. Phil's people basically allegedly made sure there was a full bottle of vodka and um a [ __ ] gave him a Xanax."
"I started smoking weed at 8 years old. Oh, wow. That's early, bro."
"Elvis's death is a cautionary reminder that Fame and Fortune don't Shield you from the harsh realities of substance abuse."
"I just feel like I'm in the middle of some shit I ain't got time to be a bit of nothing I really can't get past the weed I really can't so it's like I'm done with all of our weed I'm done I'm bad with cowbell in my weed"
"Synthol is a grotesque mixture of oil, painkillers, and alcohol."
"It just goes to show you that you can do anything as long as you have enough willpower, courage, resilience, and meth."
"You should never ever need weed or alcohol to be funny, to be social, to be emotionally stable."
"...the truth is the orion took the fall he'd bring in all the steroids and drugs painkillers you're on constant pain in this business so people think you do it for the pure pleasure of getting high they're full of [ __ ]."
"It's not good if you're using alcohol as a means to escape."
"If you're using a drug to escape, it's just not good."
"Don't do drugs. If you want to be in the top 1%, the hopium drug is not good for you."
"These all these like successful suburban people are doing adderall all the time that's how they get through work that's how they become successful."
"Wasted a lot of money and time... doing drugs."
"the substance abuse is a relatively common issue among NFL players with some of them gaining notoriety for their extravagant partying habits."
"There's nothing more scary than finding out that your children are on drugs."
"Subsistence abuse is a relatively common issue among NFL players."
"Anybody who did a Quaalude had a cocktail."
"The lyrics suggest a Reliance on substances to cope with emotional pain and fill a void in his life."
"I don't really think that cocaine is a good idea, but it's a lot cheaper than Scientology and it's a lot easier to cure as an addiction than Scientology."
"So number one right there I think is the intentionality and its effect on the particular person because there's some people who handle substances wildly different than others."
"I went through absolutely everything: Xanax, different types of opiates, ecstasy, you name it, I was doing it."
"The higher you get, the less it helps."
"Meth sucks... it causes brain damage like it is not like you know doing a bit of MDMA once when you were 19."
"Definitely do not compensate with any other drugs."
"Taking a step back and immersing himself in family life allowed him to successfully overcome his struggles with substance abuse."
"Do you get high to get away from reality, to get away from your problems? I mean, my problems still be right there in my face, high as here. I just be hiding, trying to face them at least, looking them in the face."
"If you have access to a drug, you are more likely to try it and more likely to get addicted to it."
"The decisions you're making, you're making because of the dope, right?"
"The most common drug abused by far is alcohol and more people drown because they are drunk and doing stupid things than have ever been drowned by ketamine."
"Every time I went to rehab, it was for huffing duster cans."
"Substance abuse creates serious effects across our society. People die, families are devastated, and livelihoods are ruined."
"You've been crushing up the frosted or the blueberry and you've been snorting it with a straw."
"Sometimes when you're addicted to substances it starts to negatively affect those around you."
"Meth, crank, speed, whatever you want to [__] call it, it is absolutely the worst."
"Besides being a drug addict and getting so messed up all the time."
"It's weird, I was popping pills just to fit in."
"You see, that's why it was so important for him to come and see you, to be here. That's kind of the problem. It doesn't appear like he's currently on meth, you know?"
"Marty's story is like many of the others. It started with marijuana cigarettes. Several weeks later, after smoking reefers, Marty's brilliant brain hit on a clever way to open pop bottles."
"Gentleman, which brings me to my next Point: don't smoke crack."
"If you're using one substance to counteract the effect of another substance, that's not really a great way to do things."
"Some of y'all skinny [__] out here doing perks pills lean powder all that that's what the [__] your skin ass skin but it don't mean you healthy."
"I don't know what happened with her situation but she started using drugs my entire life my mom has always been physically verbally and any type of abusive that you can imagine"
"Substance abusers can decide to stop the consumption of alcohol or drugs and then they abstain for years at a time."
"The Trump White House was washed in speed and Xanax during it."
"Clearly he did something where she was like 'all right never mind actually the truth is I never bought into your [ __ ] and I don't need you. I'll go buy my own drugs. I'll get high by myself.'"
"A grim reality that substance abuse is often glamorized or overlooked, especially when it involves celebrities."
"Clapton's substance abuse went far deeper than one might imagine, costing him a reported $116,000 a week."
"This is truly the tragedy of so many rock and roll stories. So many deaths from substance abuse could have been avoided if a friend somewhere along the line had the courage and knowledge to step up and reach out a helping hand rather than turning their back."
"Drugs kill... Drugs kill whether they kill your spirit or they kill your soul."
"Doesn't always have to be drugs. It doesn't always have to be drugs. The dangerous thing about drugs is that while you're in that mind state, you're not yourself."
"She alleges that instead of giving her crack cocaine, they gave her a piece of plaster, and now she's upset because she's felt basically she's been robbed."
"By the time these guys get into college, they're on their own. They can order this stuff up, and the majority of them are dropping in their early 20s."
"It's hard when there's a substance that can just wash it away."
"The video evokes both sadness and fear, highlighting the potential dangers associated with substance abuse."
"They turn you in they can you know you do you abuse drugs and alcohol long enough it will change your brain it will rewire your personality into a permanent State unless you do something drastic to change it."
"...people only remember that one line, crack is wack. I make too much money to smoke crack."
"I just kept smoking weed and popping drugs."
"So with that money I bought mad cocaine and mad Xanax for eight hours sniffing Coke popping Xanax sniffing Coke popping Xanax the whole eight hours."
"If you still partying out there, you wanna do that dust and you wanna let that brain don't get loose inside of yourself."
"I started using the drugs and drinking."
"A bunch of [ __ ] honestly coke pigeons probably because this girl looked like she'd been just you know beacon around a bit you know huffing for a little bit of that dust"
"Nobody's high enough, that's why they eat oxycontins and they steal pills from their grandmother."
"I quit drinking but i did start doing a lot more drugs and it's it's been a lot of fun."
"If you're abusing alcohol and drugs and you're complaining about having mental health issues, you should take away alcohol and drugs first and then see if you've got mental health issues."
"Some of them contained minute traces of cocaine."
"He was killed by the deadly combination of alcohol, morphine, and chloral hydrate."
"But if you're going to pick the better of evils, it's crazy to me that things like marijuana are illegal, but alcohol, which is horribly deadly for your health, for your addiction, for driving, for other people, for the health of the community, is legal."
"A holy grail of f***ing Adderall."
"I didn't sleep for three days. I took ecstasy. I was at the Dial headquarters."
"You need something to keep you distracted to keep your mind occupied when you think about it they call cocaine Britain's open Secrets who do you think is consuming it"
"Alcohol and substances are almost like a mask... and it's cool to be able to feel that way without the need for any additional substances."
"The major reason people drink and take drugs: they have no mental peace."
"not a great big one but that's how it happens dude they freaking smoke it"
"People are depressed and they're taking Coke, but they're not making the depression any better, they're making it worse by taking Coke."
"I stopped drinking whiskey and I started taking a lot more acid."
"Crank is a great drug for the first hour - it's what you do with the other 72 that really becomes the issue."
"Every kid that went on a bad journey, unhealthy journey, started not in the back of the school underneath a trailer, someone got this phone from Walgreens and showed it to me in their house."
"Sadly, people always want to take advantage of other people, especially when they are using substances, alcohol or drugs. You become like a target to get your things stolen or to be, um, as a word, talked into things you are not willing to do."
"I don't feel like I'm getting high anymore. I feel like I'm getting low."
"Each person who is dealing with a substance or alcohol use disorder should have autonomy."
"The withdrawal off of this stuff can not only be dangerous, or coming off of it, but it's very inhumane the way people come off of this stuff."
"I think anything that is a stimulant or depressant or any type of drug can create addiction."
"So many men are taking on hard drugs because they've got bodies, man, they've done stuff. It's not easy to deal with."
"...some people might quit much sooner and some people might take longer. I think that then leads us to think really in terms of individual differences and how important it is to think about the synchronization between the person and the substance."
"You try to suppress drugs, you try to suppress drug availability, and what happens is you're handing it over to criminal elements. So, better to deal with the 10% who really have problems with substances."
"Crack is only gonna talk when he got the crack, you gotta get to him with sickness."
"She's been six years without ketamine."
"They didn't have meth in the time of Jesus. They didn't have opioids. They weren't smoking crack cocaine, okay."
"The pressures of fame, constant touring, and the demands of the music industry created an environment where substance abuse became a coping mechanism for many artists, including The Temptations."
"There's no [ __ ] way in hell you outrun, outsmart, or outthink. You can't do [ __ ] with a beer on cocaine, yeah."
"Substance of abuse, both in the short term and the long term, can affect the brain in terms of mood, behavior, cognition, meaning attention, concentration, memory, ability to control your behavior, as well as your overall level of functioning."
"... knowing that about 40 up to 60 percent of intimate partner violence is done under the influence of alcohol and those substance use disorders."
"The reason I'm telling this story is because if I had drank that open beer that he had handed to me in his Jeep on the way to that meeting, no, I wouldn't have made it and would probably have ended up in the same stack of that Polaroids."
"It taught me some valuable lessons as well that life is to be respected and not to be abused and wasted as sometimes you see with people with drugs and alcohol and all sorts of other problems."
"This stuff is so much more dangerous than most the drugs of abuse we've seen previously."
"It's a total uh [__] you to your body."
"Brian Wilson suffered from mental health and substance abuse problems."
"When it comes to dealing with issues, men three to one are going to turn to a substance, whether it be alcohol or drugs, to be able to deal with issues."
"I was a big burnout in high school. I started drinking and doing drugs like 12, 13, and I went right into it."
"What could have been this woman's distressing behavior was likely due to mental health issues worsened by substance use."
"World War II is when methamphetamine saw its first wide-scale use and abuse."
"Dudes have strong addictions, saying that to say that when dudes want that, they want that dope."
"Smoking weed before school, smoking weed during school, smoking weed after school, drinking, and then mushrooms."
"I once had a doctor at the height of my substance abuse say to me after a physical, 'Whatever you're doing, keep doing it.'"
"I don't disagree but then like what's the difference between like a meth psychosis oh yeah I mean of course but also you have to remember like all these substances lower your vibration so that you're more susceptible to be inhabited by a spirit."
"You can't abuse it. It doesn't do anything if you microdose. It's actually proven to change the way your brain fires."
"...addiction is to love a substance that seems fun but it becomes less and less fun as you continue to need it more and more until you get to the point that you hate it but you can't live without it..."
"When you have these mixtures together, knowing that about 40 up to 60 percent of intimate partner violence is done under the influence of alcohol and/or substance use disorders, treating it gets it better, improves, I'm going to say it removes it but improves it."
"Just because you have a prescription doesn't mean you can't abuse it. No, I'm not suggesting you're abusing it, I'm just wondering why your testimony was in any way tied to street value when every single drug you referenced Mr. Depp had legally."
"You know, colloquially, passed out, and there's very few ways to get like that without pharmacological assistance, illegal or illegal."
"I was doing a lot of drugs and alcohol, just kind of living it up."
"Substance abuse, both in the short term and the long term, can affect the brain in terms of mood, behavior, cognition, memory, attention, concentration, and overall level of functioning."
"I'm tired of losing good people to the diseases of mental health and substances."
"I chose not to choose life. I chose something else. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?"
"Depp and Amber Heard's marriage quickly unraveled in a whirlwind of drug and alcohol abuse."
"Sir, I don't have to do that. Yes, you do. All right. Why? Because you're ingesting whip-its."
"Everybody in Hollywood is on gear. They're all on something."
"One of the most frequent comorbid problems that people with bipolar disorder have is abusing alcohol or other substances."
"You gotta do more and more, yeah, and then you're gonna have to [ __ ] end up shooting meth or something like that."
"Them drugs really have your brain gone."